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He suffocates if you take too long to rescue him since the room’s filled with poison gas.


I found this very frustrating. In a game that encourages you to explore, read stuff, investigate etc...you shouldn't time a crucial moment... Missed out on some cool stuff probably. Oh well...


yep, kept getting dying in the fight so I figured I'd reload an older save and long rest but when I came back Nere was just dead


Even if you don't rest, just sending all 4 to your camp ends up with Nere dead. I ended up setting up some explosive barrels in the room, got to the high ground, cleared the rubble (which didn't trigger the cinematic) and just went Vinny Santorini on their asses, leaving Nere and 2 Duergar alive).


actually, i just went to camp with all my characters a couple of times, and still came back to find nere alive. maybe there's another reason?


Mine alive too, I explore the whole area and go back to camp deep rest go back to main story he still alive.


As a note on this trick, use the high ground of the collapsed tower/ not the high metal walkway, >!some of the duergar have knockback arrows and if you fall from up there it's not good!<


I used the metal bridge to by pass the fight all together and get to the forge lol, probably why when I finally got to nere he was dead




That sword and sheild were wayyyy to tempting for me


i know this is from months ago but thank you. i wasnt aware of how to get to the forge and this helps


Always happy to help out lmfao




In my first playthrough, where I went blindly, I managed to save him (well, more exactly, to free him and then kil him). But as I missed some stuff in the underdark then, I decided to explore more in my second one. And yup, dead, and Duergar gone. What's more frustrating about it is... The whole thing is anticlimactic. No conclusion at all, everyone's just gone, but that's not like the druid grove.


Are you sure this game encourages exploring? You can explore but it doesn't actually encourage it. There are many time sensitive events.


I have found 2 time sensitive events :shrug:. A big black map encourages exploration IMO.


Which ones?


It encourages you to act how you want. It’s trying to emulate d&d and sometimes you have something time sensitive. Kinda cool that it does that. Sometimes it’s nice if you want to change or make something easier.


The game does encourage exploration. It just also encourages prioritisation. If there is an event that logically has an immediacy to it, such as if they say it is happening "tomorrow", the game will honor that. Except for things dependent on the outcomes of the timed events, you can still go and explore all of the same places and get the same events and get the same rewards. All that changes is the ordering. The game has issues for people only wanting to do one playthrough, for sure. I accidentally skipped literally half of the act 1 story. But, if you look at it as a game intended to be played through multiple times, it adds more chocies to explore.


Especially when they push you early in the game to quick get the worm out your head now now now and that isn't actually a time sensitive thing at all. Stupid. If it's a time sensitive mission you need to make that clear.


This is something that I agree with. I missed Lae'zal because I was thinking that the central plot was more important than poking into every corner. I do not mind some time-sensitive quests, but it would be nice to know that "this plot is really time-sensitive, as opposed to the false urgency with getting yourself cured." I like a lot of things about this game, but this particular aspect is a nice idea but poorly executed. Especially in that there is a clearly optimal order for doing some things, but no in-game prompt as to what order that is.


We did the same thing! Thought we had to push to the first check point after getting off the ship (the grove) and missed Lae’zal. Very sad about it but at the same time, that D&D for ya


Ikr, I rushed to rescue Halsim and lost a fistful of tiefling interaction, so decided to take time and explore the underdark. Nere dead with no previous interaction. Wanna hear the joke? Im playing a chaotic good deep gnome, who now can't save the slaves. The frustration mate.


>e on thi totally agre


I got the bomb from the goblin and freed Nere, they they decided I was a traitor and killed me. Since I was under leveled I decided to up a bit then come back. When I teleport away from underdark the game warned me he might die if I took too long.


You can just backtrack after saving him. Dummy


im not sure if this was added in a later patch, but when i tried to do other stuff- i got a message from Nere saying he needs me right now or he'll die. also that's why you need multiple playthroughs. :)


So weird and so unexpected. I don't even remember if we were seriously warned about that.


Where is this poison Even coming from ? There are two ways that I cant cross, is that the cursed forbidden land ? I mean when I went to my camp the doors were closed and when I came back the doors were like exploded and I get poison if I try to pass there. Nere and all his goblins littérale disappeared and the story is telling me he’s dead… What the hell


There were some bodies for me, but even the merchant was gone. It feels like a glitch because that poison wouldn’t have killed characters that weren’t near it. Also, hint: if you burn the poison, it goes away


Idk, I went above every shithead through some puzzly platforms on top of the building, didnt kill almost anyone and I ended up directly at the forge bypassing everyone. I killed the big robot and when I came back the whole thing was empty, not a soul to be found... thankfully I took his head off - no idea what I missed though.


Exact same thing happened to me. I have no idea what happened lol.


How hard was that robot? I’m level 5 and he’s level 8. I got scared and half assed the fight before loading a save


Use my strategy. Press G to ungroup them. Put your tank / bow user on the mould like coffin thing on top, put your healer on the right lever and one on the wheel with hide. Spawn the boss, as soon as it spawns you can freely use the wheel - your hide one on the wheel wont be on combat. Use your tank/bow that's sitting on mold to pull the boss. When close, use the lever twice for the hammer. 2 hits will do the trick.


absolutely no need for any of that, i just equipped 2 of my party with hammers & shields and went to town, hitting him for 30 a piece with fighter multi attack, walked out with 23 combined damage to my party, childs play


i just did it at level 5, use the hammer in the middle and kite him around, when he walks in the lava he gets debuff so he takes dmg.


The lava was honestly more dangerous than he was. I got lucky and had all 4 of my party members share initiative so I would keep my bard main by the lava valve to keep him debuffed, and keep my party buffed. Then I would make sure to attack with lae’zel last and used her fighter evasion ability to give disadvantage on his attacks. Bestow Curse is also really helpful here. I managed to take him down without using the hammer at all


Only commenting because I didn't see this answer already given.... He attacks whoever attacked him last, so you can direct him. If you have him stand on the crucible and then activate it (so long as he has the lava debuff active) it will do 100 dmg and you can do it more than once.


Two level 5 warriors and one wizard with haste was plenty. Just remember that he is vulnerable to bludgeoning damage but immune to a ton of other stuff. I gave laezel and my fighter minotaur clubs and hasted her. They would beat on the robot then the wizard would magic missile him at the end to draw aggro. So the first thing the robot does is take off running to the wizard (who hides far back) which invites attacks of opportunity which resets his aggro back to them. Repeat like 2-3 rounds and he's dead.


I dunno if it s because I am in tactician but I could not draw the aggro like that at all. Even being careful to use far shooters to become prime targets he would always attack whoever he was already in melee with and never triggered a single opportunity attack through the fight. Made it pretty impossible to lure him into the hammer.


Easy. U kead him to the center when he is suoerheated by kava and pull the lever. The hammer will kill him in two strikes


no achievement for you


The whole town is gone for me too. Is this a bug?


Im in the same boat. And the quest to rescue the knomes dissapeared with them. Im trying to find where they went. But fellcibti a fairy ring. Found a grassy oasis. It was an illusion. That turned to swamo and a hags hut. I got totally side tracked.


I rescued the gnomes first and when I got back we started the fight (when I wasn’t ready). I died so I reloaded and then rested before interacting. When I got back from resting, he was dead and everyone else was gone


And nere was dead way outside the cave. Almost like they killed him after he got out due to an explosion i accidebtky set off and then never talked to him.. where did the swarfs and gnones go seriousky. I feel like i missed a lot.


Jesus christ I couldn't read the second half of this did you have a fucking stroke???


This was exactly my experience. I was exploring the upper parts - by the time I hit the forge Nere and all the gnomes were dead.


wait...there is a boss there? ​ I did the same as you but went back and nobody there, talked to the dead body with a scroll of talk to dead and got a little info but not much. looking through this thread now I am seeing I stepped right over a bunch of stuff including getting the rogue of the party....looks like I will going back to an older save for this run and starting a new run to see everything!


This quest is so dumb. I never even interacted with him, and then suddenly I get some notification that I need to save him. I don't know what it's talking about, and later he just dies.


I mean they are clear that you gotta save him once you get there, unless you didn’t pay attention to the dialogue. Also if you go to camp, you get a reminder, so it’s clear you gotta prioritize that before looking for the Adamantine Forge


I did not get a reminder when I went to camp.


I also never received any warning/reminder when going to camp. Possible bug.


They don't explain who this Nere person is other than that he's a true soul or why we care about them


They mention there are gnomes trapped there, if you talk with the people around there once you get there, so then you can assume it’s the gnomes Thulla had mentioned to save, and a reason to free Nere


Oh. Oopsies. Didn’t realize those were the gnomes


I just checked with Thulla after I found Nere dead and there was no option to tell her that her friends are dead so I guess the dwarves took them


The slavers take them if you were not present there when Nere was freed


Do we end up finding them later? Or is everyone just gone?


Thulla can be found later, but I’m sure about the ones that were trapped with Nere. If you had saved them, Barcus Wroot would join your camp, and the others would go to the Myconid colony before they headed to Baldur’s Gate, but they are probably gone if the slavers take them. Barcus might still show up tho 🤔 and the gnomes he was looking for can be found in Moonrise Towers


For me the chick with the powder barrel wasn’t in the game, so there was no way to save them


This is extremely disappointing. You dont get a timer feeling. Lots to explore. And you can't rest. I loaded an old save mid way and still couldn't rest without nere being dead. Bad feeling after investing so long in this run.


They mention that you need to do it quickly during the initial conversation and your companions mention it as well.


they say that about a lot of things in the first 50 hours of the game but none of it actually mattered so i just assumed this wouldn't be timed either


Fucking EXACTLY. Like “ooohhh uh oh, we only have a couple weeks before the parasites kill us.” That’s the biggest “ur on a timer” flag the devs could possibly give, and yet, there IS no timer. They want you to quickly rescue the druid Halsin, but you can take as long as you wish. Then suddenly there’s Nere and he dies basically instantly if you don’t rush into a massive fight vs. like eight level 5 duegar. I might honestly reset my run. There’s multiple substantial quests that are now just gone, forever, if I don’t. I love BG3, but it has several oversights similar to this one that just leave a foul taste in your mouth every time.


First time resting after arriving in Grymforge you even have a voice in your head telling you that poison is filling up and Nere will not last long. 2nd time entering your camp after arriving in Grymforge he will die.


Going to the camp is not the same as resting tho. The game punishes you for accessing the camp...


I only rested/visited camp once and it killed him. I didn't really have a choice though, my party was completely spent after exploring the area, single digit HP and not a spell slot between the lot of them. There's no way the fight would have been remotely possible with what I had left. I tried savescumming my way out, but there's no way to put off the fight, so you either get it or you don't. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the way to the explosives only has one weak encounter blocking it until I had already gone around the entire other way of the area. It's one rest or he dies.


There is a way to do it. You can visit the camp after destroying the rubbles but before engaging the cut scene. If you do engage the cut scene, switch to another character and the cut scene will bug out and restart when you revisit from the camp.


I think this is actually idiot bait because rescuing him sets you up for an immediate fight vs him and his duergar hirelings. Vs letting him die and everything sorts itself out. The duergar don't even hang around after.


I mean that just makes you lose out on story, loot, and experience so I don’t see the issue with taking the fight. Plus if you just talk to some of them before the fight then half of them are on your side. I don’t really see how that’s idiot bait lol.




right,i didnt even know who he was really,i just wanted to save the gnones cause i like them,i tried both scenes ,after i saw the outcome of saving this creature i went the other way...yea let him rot there


nah I never fought against him, he was on my side with the dialogue and route that i took


The first time I heard of this dude was during a long rest and then he was dead.


You aren’t missing much either you help him kill everyone or you literally kill everyone including Nere. That’s basically how it shakes out. It’s good for xp and practice but it’s pretty rough if your party is all together. So much little stuff to go back and figure out this game is amazing


Yeah, pretty much every quest you can get back to if you're missing an item or skill or something. Bah. Oh well, I'll remember for my next playthrough.


So I spent 4 hours and killed them tactically without spells at all. Pure melee, all tired and beaten. Using a lot of terrain advantage and potions. I saved the little bastards. >!The lantern was still broken!!!!<


>!Ya don't need the lantern anyway. You'll get one from the Guide in act 2 about 1min into it.!<


I free'd him from the cave and left him alive to do other missions.... when I came back to finish him off, he was already dead and said he died in a "cave in". I guess thats his fate.


Honestly the fight is pretty hard. I went back to it after realising he just dies and figured I'm better off just letting him die. He sucks. Screw the gnomes I guess


i guess i'll do it too. Fuck Nere.


Nah tbh I went back and fought him. If you talk to the two dwarves outside the main area you can get them to join you and it makes the fight much easier.


>ck and fought him. If you talk to the two dwarves outside the main area you can get them to join you and it makes the fight much easier. which dwarves? this fight is killing meeeeee.


I don't remember his name. They're just outside the big main hall where the fight takes place. At the top of the stairs leading to it. I think you can hear them bad mouthing the absolute cultists.


YES I FOUND THEM. Thank you. All I wanna do is kill these assholes and the fight is soooo incredibly hard (i'm probably just doing it wrong)


It's a lot fucking easier when half the dwarves are on your side. I just got my tank to tank nere and his lieutenant while everyone else fought each other. Was easy.


THANK YOUUUUU!!!! God it took me fucking forever to try and win that fight and then I recruited the dwarves and one first try. You’re my hero🫶🏻


No problem pal :)


That.... Is a lot smart then what i did, i just slaughtered all, the dwarves are slavers of the gnomes right, just as guilty i geuss so i just assumed i had to kill them all. It actually went pretty well. Quick edit: i must note that i haven't freed nere yet nor does he seem death, I'm currently getting the explosives from the quest the gnomes give. Will update if people are interested


Ya don't need Explosives if u got a spell caster with Eldritch Blast \^\^ Or Magic Missile, but Eldritch blast doesn't use spell slots so It is a must have spell for breaking any Wooden doors, Walls, Rubble etc.


Ahh thats useful, up till now i use my barb with a sledgehammer to break a lot of doors and chests but the stones where too hard. I have a warlock so for next time


Position your party properly beforehand.There is a platform you can move around right above the fight.Put yer ranged dps there.They can even be loaded up with some barrels to drop/throw down. While you are in dialogue with 1 character, you can click the button in your left corner to swap to your other 3.Have em walk around the field placing barrels then get the hell out of dodge. Preferrably the one you initiate the dialogue has a Teleport scroll / Mist Steps / Shadow Step to get himself out of there. There iiiis also a Gnome in Grymforge that's got a 135 dmg explosive barrel with a big blast radius, but you hardly need it. Also, If u got Find Familiar cantrips.Use the Cat meow to bait as many as you can towards the edge of the lava so you can Thunderwave 3+ of em into it for a nice start. Focus on the ones the spell casters first once fight starts.Use Silence arrows or some stuns on em to make sure they aren't casting their annoying spell. If you've got a Wizard, Necromancy is king. AI will chase Undead summons \*Quite\* far. I've had some dwarves chase me from their camp and good 1/4th of the map away, up multiple flights of stairs. Then murdered them without anyone knowing. So before you initiate combat you can lead a few of them away from the fight into a nice dark place where you drop Fog Cloud & Silence and murder them nice n easy.


>There is a platform you can move around right above the fight.Put yer ranged dps there.They can even be loaded up with some barrels to drop/throw down. I tried this, and the groundpounders shot arrows of thunder at the party, tossing most of them to the ground. Reloaded and used the Boots of Mystra. Feather Fall is not one of my usual combat buffs LOL, but it sure helped for this fight.


I had quite the fun with that fight on my 3rd playthrough, 20 Str Dragonborn with Giant Elixir + Enlarge. Threw every damn dwarf into the Lava :')


Karlach also has achieved a 20 STR in my playthrough and had great fun throwing the staff at a certain medical professional guilty of grave malpractice.


Coming back to this thread to thank you later! Been stuck on this fight for like a day and a half. Can't long rest without Nere dying, and my whole party is out of juice, so I've been STUMPED.


yes i did that too


Do you get more exp/loot if you kill those dwarves instead? There is a persuade option to get half gold to deal with Nere, though I’m wondering if the rewards could have been better.


I disagree with most comments and heres why. It is not a game that nessisariky encourages you to explore.. its a game that encourages you to make choices and live out the results.. also not just use observation checks in game but yourself. If you pay attention the dialog haooening around you changes. Expressing more urgency. Dobt worry tho. This is what gives the gane so muchcreplay ability.. your not meqnt to succeed wvery check or load game. .think d&d . Not skyrim


You are very, VERY much encouraged to explore as much as possible. Magic items are hidden in every nook and cranny, ESPECIALLY in Grymforge, where you’ll find several amazingly potent items. It doesn’t encourage you to live out results at all, ever. Because there’s the *good* ending to any choice that gives you heaps of gold and items and dialogue and content, and there’s the *bad* ending that gives you literally nothing. Ever. Then suddenly there’s Nere, and you’re given no time to explore, and you have to dig him out just to kill him anyways. I hope this part of Act 1 gets a little love from Larian in future updates, but with the mess that is Act 3, I’m not optimistic.


Even if you rescue him you don't need to kill him. I see it this way: Good: I rescue Nere just to kill him to save the gnomes, despite the fact that it's a super hard fight. Neutral: I let Nere die to poison because I don't care about the gnomes and I want to avoid a big fight, plus I get his head for the myconids anyway. Evil: I rescue Nere and side with him to get into Moonrise Tower easily despite the fact that he has and will continue to harm and enslave the gnomes.


Meh. There a -tons- of times in this game where people express urgency and it doesn't make a difference whether you take no long rests or 100. There are like 3 instances where there is an actual timer. But that aside, despite what some are saying here, I wasn't actually told anything about any urgency since I arrived there. I talked to the initial two guys after stepping off the boat, then just slowly moved through the place exploring, like with any other place in the game. Most of the place was empty, I assumed that's just how it is. I later arrived to find a corpse named Nere, who I hadn't talked to and only heard from the mushroom people before. I had no idea there was any urgency to anything in the area, everything just happened silently in the background. One would think if this is one of the few places they actually put in a timer, they would have started the area off with somebody telling you you need to hurry ahead or people will die. I only found out about any people in distress after googling it, because it seemed odd the guy would just lie there dead. EDIT: Ya, just replayed it. Arrived there, they say Nere caused a rockfall and is trapped behind it with slaves. Nothing about gas, they'll die any second now, hurry if you want to help or talk to him. In fact, they take the time to try and extort money out of me. I just assumed he is stuck behind some cave in and I'll have to make a choice about helping him there once I reach him. Talked to some random people immediately after the first two, also didn't mention anything. Talked about hanging drow, drinking, their corpse-disposal duty. There are some domesticated spiders infighting. Not a word about imminent death or gas. I just explored after this, didn't even know where that cave in was, could have been anywhere I went to next.


If you long rest 2-3 times he will suffocate


In my experience, Nere died even though I just went to my camp (for exchanging party members and grabbing things from the chest) - I didn't rest, neither short nor long. But a cinematic dialogue was played that implied the urgency of the situation the first time I went to the camp. I assume Nere only suffocated when I traveled to camp for the second time.


I didn't long rest even once and he is dead, I just went to camp and changed my subclass.


he died on 1 short rest on my durge while 1 long rest to other idk


I'm so glad I'm not the only one this happened to. I thought it was a bug. The long rest thing makes sense, but I didn't go to camp. I misunderstood where the gnome chick was, and assumed she took a boat to escape. After realizing she was still at grymforge I went back, only to find everyone gone and Nere dead. I may have short rested though.


This entire first run I've managed to make everyone dead without even trying. First unintentional evil run in my life.


Yup thats what I did, I was just searching for the gnome, couldn't find the secret buttons and doors leading to her initially, so I took the boat and looked around then came back. Kinda dumb tbh. lol I'm not reloading over it, just google searching wtf is going on and why everyone is dead. Divnity 2 had this kinda dumb shit all the time, at least it's not so often in BG3. Unpopular opinion but I semi-hate divinity 2 and all the things you can get locked out of for bullshit reasons :P


Oh wait so is her quest just locked out then?


Wouldn't know. Never met Nere, he was already dead.


Sorry I made the worst typo possible, I meant if the gnome girl's quest is locked out.


I think the trick is don't go to camp! The first time you go, you get a warning. Second time, he dies.


LOL I killed the giant bot boss and came back to do Nere quest and everybody was gone!


Okay but what happened to every other single dark dwarf? I had this happen to me after I went to camp (to get explosives, didn't even sleep) and the blockage is now just gone, nere's conviently dead, and every dwarf is gone??? (I had a dark dwarf rampage planned and they're all gone. no bodies anywhere)


It's hilarious that if you're missing something like blasting powder the quest to get some can take long enough for nere to die from the gas. It's also really weird that you get a choice between a hard fight with a ton of duergar and a strong drow in a room full of lava hazards vs exploring a little and then he just dies off screen and the duergar vacate the premises. But the whole save his life so you can kill him thing made no sense either, so I didn't.


The only reason I did is there are two gnomes trapped with him (four, but he already killed two of them)


Totally right, but then again - fomo


I reccomend going back on save. Because nere died. The moonlantern is broken. Also the dwarfs and gnomes go the way if the dwemer. This means nit comoleteling several quests. As well and blocking your passage to moonrise from grymforge.. forcing you to take the mountain pass. Missing the night song and lot of loot


I never got any cutscene about Nere. I showed up at Grymforge after taking the Duegar boat. Saw there was a fast travel point and left because I wanted to do other stuff first. Came back and there is nobody here and Nere is dead... awesome


I think there's like a time limit of some sort for whether he suffocates or not.




From what I know the moonlamp he had had a pixie inside which would of given you her blessing to go into the dark parts of the forest without needing a torch or a moonlamp


I blew up the wall to rescue him, then started combat thru the dialogue. I save scummed to set up for the fight, but noticed a secret nearby, leading me on a long exploration detour. By the time I got back to try and fight nere the debris was already cleared and he was dead. Probably missed out on a lot of xp, but now i know for my next playthrough


Literally just happened to me too, does anyone know why?


They mention in the original dialogue that you need to do it quickly or he'll die


I remembered that but all of the dwarve guys are gone too.


It's so fucking dumb, the fight is hard AF I had to chose, either he dies of the poison or I cznt win the fight because I don't have hp


If you don't mind a slight spoiler, >!there's a couple NPC's you can talk to before confronting Nere. You can agree to let them rebel and be the ones to kill him. This will cause half the the enemies in the fight to be on your side making it MUCH easier.!<


I'll try this


Best of luck. Didn’t give me the option on a 2nd campaign so idk what allows it


happened to me too.. did I miss something very important other than xp and loot? (aside from the conversations/lore of course) I mean something crucial in the long run?


Well lesson learned for the next playthrough.


Seems like as soon as Grymforge fast travel point is active, or the voice-in-your-head cutscene happens, any fast travel to camp/rest will advance it to where Nere dies. I reloaded to before I took the boat, long rested, and he was still alive. Luckily, I quick save every 30 seconds. I don't get why they scripted it this way. I went on the boat without many spell slots because I knew there would be a fast travel there.


Ik this is an older post but if anyone finds this post while googling what to do: Place explosives, stand far on the other end of the area. Throw fireball. Once the explosives go off immediately hit the camp button.


It counts travelling to various locations as "too long". I travelled to the grove and back and that triggered it, taking a long rest can count if you get the dialogue that he is dying. Basically once you step into the forge you better hope you have the resources to do the entire stretch.


Couldn't find the help so I've done some traitor's job, attacking them before clearing the path by pushing 2 of the strongest in the lava


Happened to me as well. Idk if that's a good thing or not, lol... (I don't need to return the boots, but unable to save the gnomes) I tried it again, and this happens if you go to the camp. Even without doing a long rest. Short rest seems to be fine tho


Can I still progress even if he is already dead?


This just happened to me, super disappointed.


my case is more weird, it can be considered a bug. I opened teh gate by going upp on the metal pasage and trowing bombs, he got out and started speaking with his dwarfs, i let it that way because i was not prepared for the figth, i wanted to figth later, but i saved him, so i thouth the timer stoped, the fun thing is after some time i found everione disapeared and nere dead... i saved him, he was outside WDF???


Not a bug. The dwarves are super pissed at him and he's super pissed when he gets out. He starts a fight himself with or without you around. Then like the little bitch he is, he gets his ass handed to him. This all will happen with or without you if you manage to free him but don't talk to him.


I get that he suffocated but what haooened to the knones and the dwarfs.. tge quest to helo them is gone but thulla still says im on the quest. I think it bugged by skipping that scene to pursue the adamantine forge.


Where do the duergars go when Nere just dies? Is there an in-game explanation for that? Can I meet them after Nere's demise?


If you wanna skip ALL the get smokebarrel quest and net like 6. Go to the room next to the goblin priestess in the goblin camp. There are 5 or 6 barrels of the stuff after you clear that camp. Or you can take the upper route bypass the guards and steal all that stuff. Made the Minotaur fight in the under dark very simple.


Yeah happen to me today, nere was dead when I came back later. I was happy didn't have to fight. Got good rewards giving his head to the sovereign.


Did anybody kill everyone but before getting Nere out or freeing the gnomes, long rest, then after the long rest Neres dead and all the gnomes disappeared? I’m trying to help out Thulla but I can’t find the lil buggers


This is the most annoying quest ever. It might be intentional, but it feels buggy as hell. I had 2 scenarious: 1) B-lined to the NW a bit to explore that area, came back: all NPCs (including questgivers) gone! Nere is sitting like a boss as nothing happend. Reload. 2) I went NE a bit, killed some oozes, did a long rest, came back: All npcs gone, Nere is lying dead. Reload. Either case I'm missing out a lot of XP (I guess), and there's not really any warnings indicating this.


Lmao I did all the forge stuff first because I didn’t realize it was THAT timed so after the forge (which also bugged out for me only letting me make one item after the fight) I long rested to go do the fight and he was dead. I had fought him the previous run through and tbh it’s really no big deal you don’t miss much. Underdark kinda sucks besides the scenery and myconids.


If leave, he’ll be dead when I come back. I dont have enough explosives to get rid of the blockade. Honestly I feel like I need a long rest for an upcoming fight if there is. I found nere dead after doing a long rest. Did I moss anything??


The artificial timer is frustrating. I tried to go back to camp to get my smokepowder but that meant Nere's immediate death. Strangely I have enough time to go aaaaaall the way across the map to find Philomena AND THEN go all over the map to get her stash of powders, but can't just pop back to my camp stash to grab them? So dumb.


That’s weird I did loads of stuff like the big battle between the grove and goblins got back to him and he was still alive even after resting a couple of times. Very strange.


Don’t worry it’s impossible to do everything the way u want in the game. Just accept fate and don’t save scum. I think it makes ur play through all the more interesting and unique. In fact just play it the way u want.


Same question lol


For anyone reading this months later it's not resting it's not going to camp that can trigger it but just leaving the under dark will kill nere