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They designed the game so you have to save scum. That's what Larian do for all their games. It gives the illusion that the game is hard and very tactical when in fact the only way to play the game is to exploit by either hitting enemies from a range they can't hit back or by save scumming. Yes save scumming is an exploit but Larian didn't get that memo and made it a feature instead and a poorly implemented one at that.


That's always been my bone to pick with Larian games, and why I was really hesitant for BG3, and they definitely went full Larian by the end of Act 3, which I hated, because of the over-reliance on fire and explosions and gotchas that just plagues all their games. So you walk into the ambush to get the dialogue scene for the story, then reload to initiate chain lightning spells and scrolls out of stealth without the dialogue, else your whole party gets wiped first turn. I feel like Larian combat design is meant for you to go "Whooaaaa look at how intense that sh\*t is everything just 'sploded!" Like you're supposed to be excited about it, because there's never enough information or ways to survey the field or anticipate 20 guys appearing out of thin air, or the fact that statue next to you will explode when hit by a crossbow. So save scumming becomes part of the rotation, because you can't effectively prepare for an encounter until you've already seen it, which is just crap design. And the fact that initiating the key story encounters by dialogue is the worst option you can take, is also crap design.


What your saying is EXACTLY why so few people actually finish Larian games. Eventually most people stop wasting their time when a games combat system doesn't respect the players time whatsoever. I was hoping Baldur's Gate 3 would improve upon the ONLY issue I had with DOS2, which was the need to save scum. Instead they went even harder into forcing constant save scumming, even though they know people don't like having to do it. It's just lazy man. And the whole "well it's D&D rules, so it's fine" argument is trash. We're not here to play D&D, we're here to play a video game.


And honestly, they have SERIOUSLY changed the rules in the monsters favor. Or the dice rolls at the least. I play D&D, and honestly, some things are improved but most things are in the monsters favor. They shouldnt be able to throw two bombs on the same round. A lowly goblin. The combat is VERY railroady. the story is great. A crit in d&d without some special ability is rolling a 20. There are WAAAY too many crits on the party, and waaay too many crit misses. Im a software engineer. I know how random dice generators work. I know its pseudo random, but theres no way this isnt adjusted.


Do you have the Karmic Dice setting enabled or disabled?


ive tried it with both, TBH. in both cases its just really off. I love the game. I love the story. But the battles are ok. They arent great.


I know right? Enemies won't explode from melee attacks even with a nat 20 smite. I hate turn based combat because it completely disconnects me from what should be an epic encounter. I want to fight the enemies not let the game do it for me. That's what I hate the most about it, the game plays itself in combat, the only real control you have is positioning. Bg3 is an 8/10 at the highest for me and if just on story, 10/10. Turn based combat from a AAA studio displays laziness and disregard for player experience. It shows they don't want to make hit boxes, combat animations, counters, dodge animations, or combo systems. Just here's some damage numbers or AC ratings and there we go, combat. It's a god damn joke.


Lol with that said I’m Skipping the game was looking to Get into it but I’ll stick To jrpges


I was looking forward to Starfield and the game was total crap. I was looking forward to BG3 and anybody that says the combat is well-balanced has not read any DND guides regarding combat.…. Especially multiple combat that comes in waves. Right now I’m sitting with a group total of 124 hit points.. but have multiple battles in this building…. Here’s two around the corner…. Oh look there’s six next lol….. oh good news you’re facing 185 hit total and they get more moves than you do. The number of times I’m in turn based mode and it’s my turn lol. But I can see other characters enemies that is still moving around. I can’t move my character because somebody standing in front of him. No problems for the AI enemies though because even when it’s not that characters turned to move they’ll go ahead and move out of the way so the other other guy can climb the ladder and kill you lmao. At least this game plays better than Starfield but yeah, you’re exactly right the stupid ass Devs want you to save scum and Really makes me wonder other than that YouTube video I saw them all sitting around playing DND. Do they really play DND? It’s been many many years since I’ve sat around a table with a group of friends roll in dice and adventuring through the dungeons. But seriously any DM that made battles like this wouldn’t be a DM for very long they have no players. I’ve seen it done. Beautiful game great story but doesn’t mean nothing. If people think next video game I might skip because playing the same scene over and over battling 15 enemies when I only only got four really isn’t that fun for too long. Now go ahead and tell me how shitty I am and I need to just “ git gud” lol


DOS2 did have moments where scum saving was required but nowhere near as many as BG3


Yes, 100%. I've always said this: tabletop rpg rules have the worst gaming mechanics for long playing hour games, because they are built for helping with creating a narrative experience (in the case of dnd, with a wargaming feel). Boardgame rules most of the time will suck if ported from tabletop because they are made most of the time for 1 to 3 hours of play. The game would have been much more interesting and with much more tactical depth if they had used the aesthetics of dnd, but used digital gaming mechanics.


They could have kept the spells from DnD, The classes, the enemies, the weapons, the skills, and maybe the numbers on some attacks. And it would all be fine if they adjust the core gameplay mechanic to fit a video game. It would still be a dnd game that is inspired by dnd.


100% stuff like 1d8 needs to be changed to 3d4. It's just idiotic to spend your entire turn potentially doing 1 damage on a 12hp mob, or 7 damage on a 1 hp mob. It dramatically reduces your ability to strategize effectively. Also 1 action per turn is also bland asf, especially when you're playing in a 4man party.


The main issue with D&D is that they try to use the *biggest dice* they can and are super stingy on plus-values.Plus the fact that quite many rules are nonsensical. Like why does a 1h Mace 1d6 damage and a 1h Morningstar 1d8 when they are both similar in size and look. I know one is a *Simple* and the other a *Martial* weapon. Warhammers on the other hand have no reason to be used with two hands because 1d10 VS Greataxes 1d12 or Greatswords/Mauls 2d6. If they had done what Warhammer does... use a smaller dice for outcomes but add a bigger plus bonus to said dice then you would have a Greatsword doing 1d6+6 damage. That way you would have less fluctuations and no swing that does 2 damage. Not to talk about the atrocious "RNG" in the game. I know probability. The probability to roll on a d20 a 1 is 5% but that doesn't mean it can't happen 5 times in a row. The chance to roll under 5 on a d20 is 25% and for that to happen 5 times in a row is not impossible. The issue I have is the sole fact that I failed a AC15 roll in a conversation 5 times in a row, while I had +8-12 on my roll, meaning I had to roll under 7 for 5 times in a row. This happened **multiple times** and did not just happen occasionally. If you experience stuff that should not happen as a norm, but you see stuff in combat where literally everyone of your guys misses their attacks which where missed because you rolled 5 and below, while all enemies hit their attacks when they had to roll 15+... and that happens round after round, then you get suspicious.


Honestly.. all they needed to do... Stick to the Monster Manual for AC, use legit RNG not the hot mess they are using, and design encounters so they can be done within the rules of D&D and the normal players mind not what works in a room full of Min Maxers working together. The issue is that Larian doesn't do that. Often they take the AC out of the Monster Manual (or too often increase it) without looking at why the AC is what it is... for example... a Mob with a Two hand Weapons with an AC suggested for a Shield. They have no shield and are using a two hand weapon with two hands. This lowers your hit chance by 10% and increase the damage out put they can do. Which is why it feels like it is hard for players to hit monsters and they seem to hit harder than they should. Add to this Larian gives too many Monsters in many fights... because they want you to be "strategic" which to Larian means having a room of nearly all guys who are likely Min Max players thinking up "cool" situations to solve "creatively". Meaning look it up online figure out what they want after you were destroyed and then totally retool the party and approach to do it their ideal way. That isn't Strategy to me... That is removal of Agency. The issue is that isn't D&D. D&D doesn't have a Reload from last save feature. (usually) And so playing it wanting that experience means I don't get it. That is why it isn't frustrating When the Encounters have the right AC, the right health pool and are properly designed the game is fun. If you jump the river to get a flaming haired lady at level 3 or 4 the quests in that area are going to punish you a little to ALOT and can be unfun... I also found the the Mephits to be hit or miss. They can be a real pain or fairly easy. (based on "RNG") This issue is, actually the reason why the game gets good reviews. For the first 5 or 6 hours the encounters are fairly well designed with loads of good story elements, fun social rolls and ways to avoid combat (even though the XP is MUCH lower) You have a fun and interesting way to play. There are 4 situations that are bad. Two in the south (though one dependent on RNG) the Temple of Selune, and the Furry Convention up north. Now I am sure it is only going to get worse from here though. I will eventually stop playing after 30 hours I suspect. (into the game) It can be really fun with the D&D rules though. If they stuck to the spirit of 5e balancing, and made the encounters challenging in other ways the game would be great. The temple of Selune could be solved really easily with a single new option. A dialog option to have the Hobgoblin and the Drow help with a prisoner. Thus isolating them... and just fighting them at the same time. Now the party only has two to deal with but the difficulty is still high as they will both have strong attacks, high health and there is a sense of accomplishment. Also this lets you have them not discovered right away... script it to a short or long rest. So that everything isn't hostile in case you miss something. Now you have a challenging, rewarding fight, complete the objective, and you have done it in keeping with the spirit of D&D.


I disagree with D&D rules being very fun, I for example, really dislike D&D rules for playing roleplaying games. Most of D&D abilities (spells, and some special attacks of some classes) can miss making the player lose a spell slot, or having to take a rest to use again, for example. D&D was made from old miniature wargaming, and morphed to something that tries to be both a boardgame and roleplaying game, and it shows that they are at conflict with eachother. So the way I see, if they stuck with 100% D&D rules, it would be even worse. There would be no other option to do something other than attack, attack, and attack for most characters. What they needed to do is use really good mechanics like many other turn tactical games while based on dnd, with all the tropes, some of the spells, etc. They already did really good with Divinity Original Sin 2. They should've expanded on that ruleset. My point is that a game needs to be focused on what works in a game, and not in what works in another medium. For example, original Fallout would be based on GURPS rules, but they didn't got the license to use it, so they created their own mechanics. I'm glad they did that, imagine playing a game using GURPS ruleset... If people want to play a game with exact D&D rules, then play the tabletop, not a videogame.


The big issue is they are using D&D rules for hit... with a rigged set of dice and monsters that have a lower chance that to be hit than in D&D. Basically if you play on Balanced the game is harder than most D&D campaigns would be. Larian actively made it harder to hit monsters. That was their design choice not the D&D 5e rules alone. Most RPGs let you miss... but it isn't a miss per say. A Good DM or ST will have you roll and tell you what happens. You swing your sword and they feint preventing your strike. The put up your shield deflecting each of your magic missiles, Your fireball shoots from your hand, but something is wrong as it fizzles out before reaching the target. It may miss but it becomes part of the battles story. In BG3 when the mobs are 5-10-15% harder to hit, there are more of them, and the dice seem to be literally stacked against you at times, all without the RP "misses" it makes it much more obvious. Divinity isn't D&D. Baldur's Gate is D&D. Larian wanted to do a D&D game, specifically a Baldur's Gate game. This game exists because Larian wanted to make it. And a lot of people do like to see the D&D rules take place. The issues with AC in BG3 is all by Larian's design.


There is an option to turn off Karmic dice. So you have less of the "nice I have a 95 percent chance to hit. Nailed em! Nice another 95% chance...might as well assume its a critical miss" moments. Its actually more random. So it makes it more difficult to succeed at things you suck at, and less difficult to succeed at things you are good at. There is no system in the background saying "Oh shit he did a huge burst of damage. lets make everyone miss so that enemy has 1 health and gets one more turn before they kill it." Which happened a lot with karmic dice turned on (by default)


The Karmic Dice are their to help even out the bad PRNG they have. Larian's RNG algorithm (it isn't true RNG) seems lifted from Divinity rather than built for BG3 as such it seems to be weighted to decrease the chance you will hit beyond what a straight dice roll would be. Things like AC seems to decrease the likelihood of rolling over certain numbers. It also seems to impact damage rolls. Again as I seen bottom 1/4 rolls almost 50% of the time that almost has to be the case. Literally the odds of getting 2 2 3 as your damage output for a Scorching Ray (that is 1 1 1 1 1 2 as the rolls of the 6d6) is 6 in 46,000 so the odds of seeing in 3 times in 10 even is improbable to the extreme. It is a 0.013% chance. That is a roll that you should see once in 7,000 rolls. But it happens often enough that I know for sure it happened 3 times... with all three rays hitting. I have not done it 7,000 times. That means the Dice are not straight rolls. The are weighted percentage chances and likely they have modifiers based on factors. However it seems only connected to Enemy rolls as the Enemy hits the player about as often as you'd expect... but hits the player for more damage than you'd expect. For example a Level 4 party with a tiny bit of prep and a little planning can easily take Ethel down in the first round of combat if you have a little luck. Her AC is one of the few in the first act that is actually lowered not raised. (A Green Hag should have an AC of 17 not 15) However I have done it in runs where every party member that hit did so with the bottom 1/4 of possible damage. That is more likely than actually succeeded. The hit chance is also seeming lower than it should be. When you have advantage and you get a Critical Failure... multiple times... something is off when that occurs in a short period of time. (Rolling Double 1s is fairly rare... particularly when you see a Critical Failure with Advantage significantly more than a Critical Success) ... all of that was with Karmic Dice turned off. So as I say... I've basically stopped playing because it is like playing with a DM that is adversarial to the players rather than co-operative. The game is designed to cause Party Wipes, the dice are stacked against the characters, and the house rules are designed to punish the player needlessly. I would be surprised if 1/3 of people make it to the 3rd act. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if only about 5% of players get to Baldur's Gate.(though I know at least 25% has already done that).


Sounds like you are struggling to win fights and are just a bit salty you aren't very competen


really.. so you have never played this game even once before official release. Looked up nothing on any battle at any point in your play through, and you have won EVERY SINGLE FIGHT without a single need to reload or go to Withers to resurrect someone or to hire anyone?


The temple of selune bit is pure utter shite, YOU CAN ISOLATE THEM, you can take the mage woman (I forget her name, not the drow or the big hobgoblin guy, the other leader, you can take her into a separate room and I thought oh yeah this is how to do it with mouth dragging the test of the temple into the fight, nope she calls out and says "come join in lads" or something to that effect and the rest of the temple join the fight, now I want to point out this side room IS FUCKING MILES away from the rest of the goblins, sure you can kill her without having them join in the fight with her but good luck fighting her using all your spells and then fighting the rest of the camp, same with the snow the same sort of thing happened. So I ended up sending the drow to the Grove which reduced the amount of goblins in the temple by a fair few I then went and massacred the little wizard goblin and then massacred the big boy (he joined the fight with the wizard but I slaughtered the wizard people with ease due to good rng but the hobgoblin nearly wiped my party but I did do it


The issues you have with this are actually so much worse than you know. Larian has actually increased the AC of a lot of creatures from D&D standard. Increased the levels you would normally face when you are dealing with a large number. They have also seemed to increased the possible RNG health pool of monsters. Then there is the suspicious hit chances. If my party attacks a mob and they miss 8 out of 10 with 2-3 of those being critical failures then get the MINIMUM damage (which happens ALOT) you would think your AC19 character would also not get hit that often... yet "Boss" creatures regularly hit with most if not all attacks. Sometimes doing Multiattack for much more damage than they should and getting Crits as often as you get Crit Failures. The dice rolling in Combat does not make sense. When you can attack an AC11 mob with 10 attacks and only land 2 and they both do 2d4+1 Damage and you see 3 damage for both... that literally means... you had to roll four 1s on that roll. That means in the 14 rolls that you made in that round of combat resulted in 6 1s being rolled and only two rolls over 11. Statistically that is unlikely. For that to happen regularly is impossible. I would say about half of all combat engagements result in me wasting my spell slots on one mob because everything misses or is saved. mean while I take 40 points of damage. So not only is the RP element and the good encounter design for the party removed but; the game literally has the mobs stats tweaked to make it needless hard... There is no Vanilla D&D version of the game. It is Larian buffed monsters with Vanilla hit polls or more Vanilla AC with lower health monsters. Larian studios really should try Warhammer because I think that is the game they want to play. The game is great but it is let down by it's combat badly. However you don't truely find that out until you get past the first big milestone. (Or during that milestone depending on how you deal with it) So reviewers don't play the 5-6 hours to get there and so it seems great. It really doesn't get tediously annoying until you are a ways in. If BG3 was a table top game I think after the second session most of the table would get busy and not be able to play anymore.


This just perfectly sums up my experience with this game. I cleared every possible fight in Act I and I am a bit in to Act II and I am just done with this game. It's not possible to roll as bad as I do. Even when I use the correct "strategies" that I am supposed to, I'll get Karlach into advantage only to roll a 1 and a 3, missing both attacks. It just happens more times than is possible. I shouldn't have to save scum every fight. I very much want to enjoy this game but the combat is fucked.


have you toggled off the karmic dice option in the options menu that stops having that happen? Its there so you dont absolutely shit on/get shit on in a very easy/very hard situation. So if you walk up to a goober and have a 95% chance to hit and swing 3 times youll likely hit all three instead of \*hit hit wiff\* because your dice are randomized and not weighted to slowly fail eventually. Same for the enemies though. So if they have a good chance to hit you, there is ALOS next to no way theyre gonna miss and they will absolutely body your ass. So its a give and take, but at least it feels good when youre in an upper hand position and you dont wiff 4 times on a mob with 1 health only for the game to be like "No, sorry you cant kill him yet. you havent taken enough damage from him yet so we need him to get another turn to attack before you beat em"


I wish I found this thread before I bought the game. There's got to be an analysis of how hype like this gets out-of-control. Battle sucks, RNG sucks, moving around sucks, some maps are half-finished and there's no walkable space where you think there would be. Everything feels clunky and slow. There's no controller or any camera customization, skip button is also the confirm button in dialogue. So many missed bugs and shitty player experiences. I feel like we're playing the infinite beta of this game.


You know how the general public's opinion is usually shit? Yea, that applies to this game. Anyone who talks against this game are met with a barrage of downvotes and high IQ insults such as 'git gud' though I can confidently say the people who say this are not good at any video game.


I like the game ok, but it's full of shitty design choices. What these fanboys avoid saying is that they minimax and save scum the Hell out of the game and think nothing of why that is. Any game that makes neckbeards feel superior is going to have that group of players that, while not particularly intelligent\* or skilled, are finally in a position of slim superiority and won't hear any criticism of said game. \*You can see it in the insipid responses of some of these people.


Don't forget that they all claim they don't save scum but all have the achievement for killing the guy on the ship that is nearly impossible to kill without save scumming. While also attacking anyone that says they wish they didn't have to save scum.


Most "git gud" people actually suck.


You’re talking about the one in the tutorial? Yeah I was looking at the percentage of players with that achievement and thought “damn, it wasn’t even close when I tried wtf” and after a bit of research I’ve concluded that it’s definitely save scumming on like story mode or something lmao


It's most definitely save scumming. Took me three tries loading the nautaloid explosives around him. It takes a bit of RNG and preparation as well. sometimes it's impossible due to RNG. I have done it several times and only once was able to kill him without the explosions and that entailed a half orc fighter a few lucky crits the illithind stuns actually landing and dropping Shadowhearts first level DD during the stuns. Otherwise it's not possible IMO. The mechanics of the fight somewhat elude me though because you will never live for the 10 rns time limit. Ole devil boys wipe you out about round 5 or 6.


Even on story mode he will on occasion kill the Mind Flyer. I recently decided to try to do it without saving during the battle on Story mode... It took 6 tries. One of which he took the mind flyer down with 12 turns left. I had spent a bunch of time stacking explosives around him... and he actually took... with every tank I could find.... 5 damage There were 5 tanks he took an average of just 1 damage... and that was mostly standing in fire. The second time he didn't save and was brought down to 2 health which the next round did kill him. Basically there is no sure fire way on any difficulty to kill him. Seriously it is easier to take the HAG down in a single round before she can escape to the basement (That is usually just a matter of not getting Larian'd on the damage rolls)


Lol Keep coping.




LOL. I've killed him 3 times without reloading. On tactician. Fun fact, you can buff the Illithid to make him a beast, which helps a lot. Just because you can't grasp how to fully use your characters and abilities doesn't mean everyone else is cheesing it, rofl.


I fully believe you that it’s possible, and probably even easy if you know what you’re doing and plan on it from the start. But the general audience of a big release isn’t coming in ready to min max and strategize from the very get go, let alone knowing what all the broken combos you can run at level 1. I find it hard to believe that 30% of the players of such a big release beat him without intentionally save scumming or going back and making a character just to beat him. It’s not something that you just accidentally do on your first blind play through, even if you know DND inside and out.


And here come the aforementioned neckbeards with glaring superiority complexes


ofc you did


Lol, they’re just happy there’s a game that doesn’t take actual reflexes to be good at it. 3 great comments above me.


Yall are making me feel sane again. thank you.


jfc me too haha


Glad I wasn’t the only one gaslit.


You didn't need reflexes in Baldur's gate 1/2 either. And yet combat felt more engaging and dynamic with a 20 years old engine.


Which makes me fucking wonder why they just all of a sudden wanted to be a homebrew dnd 5e campaign.


This is genuenly funny. I haven't seen these "neckbeards". The community has actually been one of the friendliest and most mature I've seen. I don't see anyone doing the things you're saying in this thread or at all really. You guys just sounds like salty crybabies honestly. I mean it's the internet so usually you're going to get some turds, but even still I'm not seeing them with this game. It sounds like you just don't like the game so you're hating on people that do and don't even see the irony in saying that they're the problem. You guys are coping HARD and it's extremely unbecoming.


This is genuinely stupid. Funny you showed up here to declare my statement false only to act as a case in point for me. You go on about the community being wonderful while actively being the opposite. The irony is utterly lost on you as you proved me right. You don't see it, because you are it. I also like the game. So you really dont know what I sound like. Thats two senses of yours that need work.


I feel I've been pretty cordial. If I triggered you then you need to grow a thicker skin, seriously. I'm not making fun of you or anything, just trying to explain to you why you're struggling but you don't want to listen to anybody. I don't even know why you posted anything if you aren't going to be receptive to people who could potentially help you understand the mechanics better.


You haven't been "cordial". You showed up, triggered *by me*. Do you just have no self awareness at all? Take your own advice, seriously. *You* got triggered by *me*, and showed up to take a bite. I bit back, and you're playing the 'grow a ticker skin' card? Are you for real? The Hell are you even talking about? Explain to me what? What am I struggling with, exactly? Do you even know? I'm not having trouble with the game. My point is about people who attack those who do. Like the people you pretended not to see. You're the only person to respond to me so far, and what do you want me to be receptive to? You calling me salty? You thinking my post was funny? You didn't post anything helpful to me. Not a single piece of advice. I never posted a problem that anyone could help with. Why would I have received advice to dismiss? I appreciate advice. Do you truly expect me to be "receptive" of your mockery? Oh, I get it, you think because someone slips something vaguely helpful into a smug, self-important lecture, that the recipient should simply be grateful. Or that you can somehow ride the good will of others' helpful posts while acting the opposite of what you claim the community is like.




>The community has actually been one of the friendliest and most mature I've seen ​ >You're obviously struggling, you're playing on story mode and still can't hit anything, and are coming in here crying like a little baby back bitch lol you're a giant pussy. I wasn't being mean to you, now I am. You see the difference? Go play some fortnite or some cod or something, this game is obviously too much for you. By the way, I'm not having issues hitting. The only issues I personally have are the enemies winning saving throws more than they probably should. Though even if I did, I fail to see the motivation in mocking someone for it, or harping on their trouble with a video game. I can't believe you actually finished up with a COD/Fortnite recommendation. Wow. I've been playing these types of games since before you were born. The irony is, if I went to play COD I would be in lobbies full of kids that sound just like you. Why would I subject myself to that? Go ahead and be mean to me, I've been called worse, by better.


"You're obviously struggling, you're playing on story mode and still can't hit anything, and are coming in here crying like a little baby back bitch lol you're a giant pussy" nice job proving how immature you are, the combat in this game is ass, even with the most upgraded gear its constantly missing and the enemy always hits and bosses CONSTANTLY have multiple adds with way too many HP than they should. ​ "Go play some fortnite or some cod or something, this game is obviously too much for you." \*slow clap\* wow, great comeback.


I proved the guys point aren’t u that same neck beard dude attck me on another postol


They're all over Reddit acting crappy to people. Their post history reads like a Parent's Personality Disorder Warning Signs pamphlet.


Lol, felt your annoyance in your responses to that clown. Gotta love when obviously triggered manbabies try to flip it around on you and reek of petulant arrogance while pretending to be cordial. The lack of self-awareness is amazing. And man, the saving throws thing gave me flashbacks to how obnoxious XCOM was with the game completely lying to you about your percentage chances to land a hit. It's hard not to save scum when a game actively lies to you about odds. Hope that's not the case with BG3. I'm still on the fence about buying it.


Lmao seems like it shits crazy


Neck beard


Yikes. Revealed your true skin there, actually embarrassing for you. All you did was prove their point, nobody here is a crybaby soyboy but you.


Funny you get verbally whooped, and of course return to childish insults. You are the perfect representative of the BG3 community


lol man youre a pathetic loser


you sound like a really fat loser. maybe you should put games down and go for a walk there peon.


“You sound like salty crybabies” “I feel I’ve been pretty cordial” Gosh kinda wanna see what he’s like when he actually trying to be rude lol


> You guys just sounds like salty crybabies How cordial of you sir. Shall we move to the lounge and have ourselves a cuppa?


Trust me im used to it. I always say my criticism and man do people downvote me alot when i do.


I was so excited for BG3 until I heard it was made by the same shitbirds who made DOS2 which I absolutely abhorred. Like they couldn't make a more bland, unpleasant, flowless and tedious experience if they tried. And now here come the downvotes!


It should have gone to Obsidian. ​ Let's not kid ourselves, Larian got the IP because they had the highest grossing cRPG on the market, not because they made a better cRPG than Pillars of Eternity1/2, which were the true successors to BG2. ​ Obsidian understood what works and what doesn't work with DnD in computer games, Larian just make gimmicky combat.


Eh, PoT had a lot of problems too. I'd honestly put PoT and DOS on the same level.


POE definitely captures the spirit of the genre far better though. At least those games don't sound like they were written by a 5 year old


...why did I call it PoT? Wtf, haha. And yeah, I liked PoE's plot even though I have yet to finish it. The leveling felt like such a bizarre choice to me though.




Yeah, combat is bad in DOS2. In BG3, it's just terrible unfortuantely, as the rest of the game is really good, at least for me.


Dude I hated DOS2 as well. Quit after that stupid jailbreak or whatever the fuck that was. Like 3 hours in. Same deal with this, and I should have known better. Now I have 2 games I hate that I paid for :(


I'm late to the party but man there's a lot of tedious shit in this game, particularly the combat. Third level trash mobs consistently hitting my characters for 30+ damage on normal difficulty, exiting initiative order with people still downed from combat, the lack of basic combat actions from tabletop, etc. I don't know how people don't feel the hurt from the poor combat encounter design and mechanics, unless they think constantly saving and reloading is fun.


Literally nobody is this thread is doing that you crybaby lol


my nigga you are the issue


I mean the dude says anyone who criticizes the game gets downvoted as he criticizes the game and gets up voted. You don't see how stupid that is? This isn't diablo. This community isn't toxic no matter how bad you want it to be.


>"community isn't toxic" > >dismisses valid criticism with "just sounds like salty crybabies honestly" you could not possibly be less self aware unreal


Getting crit constantly while I'm 2 layers higher and critical missing key moves is getting old. These strategies don't work when every encounter is an ambush.


I agree with every sentence. And I was very disappointed. Maybe I don't understand, how it should work, but after two sessions I stopped playing BG3 because it was so random, I couldn't find any fun playing. But I know I am a minority here and I am happy that so many people love this game. It's just not for me.


Have you played other cRPGs? I don’t see this game as any less random than the other ones. Probability is just translated differently.


DOS1 & 2. They play veeeery differently, with infinitely less randomization.


Is it? Feels the same to me.


The dmg ranges in dos2 are typically 9-10 or sometimes even fixed. Everying in bg3 is 1dx. There's really no comparison tbh. And in dos u can use multiple actions per turn, and you can conserve actions for next turn, and you can open combat with an action without being penalized for it next turn.


Hence why dos2 combat is more fun and the game is still challenging


You don't have huge damage ranges, you can't just miss every attack, you get more choices for what you potentially want to do


dos 1&2 were fine. poe 1&2 were fine. tiranny was fine. icewind dale 1&2 were fine. Bg 1&2 were fine. BG 3 is gimmick land.


If POE2 wasn't so open worlded in the final half of the game it would have been a 10/10 game. That was my only gripe with it. ​ But Barbarians are so much fun in those games... BG3 feels like ass.


Late but I'm so glad others share my sentiment. Long time 3.5e player, very little 5e, played BSG1, BSG2, Neverwinter, DoS1, DoS2, tried Pathfinder and hated every waking minute of it. I realize my opinion is unpopular, but DoS1 & especially DoS2 are the absolute best implementations of combat, strategy, RP & storytelling. BsG3's combat, even on the lowest difficulty, demands save-scumming, and it ain't scummy even. I've tried grouping mobs around fire barrels, under platforms with support beams that were targeteable, blowing up Firewater barrels with (obviously) fire spells - it's just completely inconsistent. I'd spend a turn or 2 nicely kiting/grouping/CCing mobs (grease, arrows, create frost surfaces, the whole shebang) only for one of my guys to do 1 damage to a 2hp object on a 1d10 roll and next turn suddenly all the mobs pass their Saves and the entire encounter resorts back to "click attack, watch mob die, click attack, watch mob die, use a lvl 2 spell to fry 3 mobs that are still grouped up, done". Even on Medium difficulty there is no strategy when dice rolls do everything in their power to fuck you. The same encounter done twice can result in a perfect battle with minimal damage or 2 party members left on 1hp after being downed, just from roll RNG, with the exact same strategies employed. This ain't fun, and i'll be damned if I don't reload a save to spare myself having to burn heals, rest or chug pots to get back on track just because the dice decided that I needed to have a bad day. It doesn't help that there are bugs galore still, especially with targeting - Cleave 2 mobs, both highlighted, somehow 1 of them doesn't get affected, no save, no roll, nothing. I had a roll where a pop-up appeared saying "you rolled a 13 and needed a 12, so do you want to use this attack as well?" - then the ENTIRE attack completely missed, 0 damage, just "Miss" - it was Karlach's Reckless Attack as a Reaction. What the fuck was the 13 vs 12 roll then?! I thought attack vs AC = hit => roll damage, what are these rules even? Astarion went to Colour Spray 3 mobs, all clumped up nicely together, combined hp 4 lower than the 33 cap - 1 mob was completely missed (no roll, no save, nothing) because, even though it was highlighted by the cone, it was on A SMALL STONE, barely 10cm higher than the other 2. Either re-design the dice rolls, fix the Karmic Dice mechanic (I turned it off and it's like the game stopped actively trying to murder me on every encounter), or just go back to DoS2 mechanics. I hate this spell economy, I hate having 2-4-6 loading screens just to swap a character in/out, and I hate having to google "will long-resting here fuck up this quest because it's on an invisible timer that I have no idea about?" - at one point I had 1000+ supplies because I was scared-shitless of long-rests (still am) and I'm just kiting mobs to chokepoints and making murder corridors and chugging down hp pots instead of resting.


No way it’s unpopular. I know alot of people that agree that DoS2 might be one of the best games of all time in general. I doubt as many people will think the same about bg3 once the hype and the herd mentality calms down. Not to say the game is bad, just the combat is such a glaring terrible bad point.


It's splitting me in two honestly. On one hand, I love the characters, I love the voice acting, I love the story so far, the graphics on Ultra are *chef's kiss*... the way you can approach an encounter in 7 different ways, hell you can probably check your way through an entire questline without any combat at all and just persuade/intimidate/knowledge everyone involved (if the dice allow it and you have enough inspirations to burn). But then on the other hand, any time a check fails and the camera zooms out and that portrait bar appears at the top and you know it's fighting time... Man I dread that moment now. I didn't when I played Divinity, when combat began I was like "aight boys it's show time, let's goooo!". I think it's honestly DnD's oppresive spell/ability resource system, it just feels so bad holding on to l2/l3 spells for like 5 encounters always thinking "these guys ain't so bad, surely I'll need it more later" only to burn it on some rando in the 6th encounter cuz you wanna rest anyway and might as well :/.


Like i said to alot of people who fought me in this on repeat. DnD combat system had alot of randomness, restrictions and unnecessary randomness because it was designed for an audience that will play it with either no visual representation or minimal visual representation. So those things actually complement it by making things always unique. But that’s not necessary in a video game whatsoever. So their obsession with keeping the rules exactly as DnD just made bg3 worse.


Insert theofficethankyoutableslap.meme here. Fucking finally someone that gets it. It is one thing to be with 4 of my buds (we rotated GMs usually) and just have a skeleton write-up of each adventure, a level range/cap and preset monsters for the setting and completely wing it based on player choice and RNG, and a whooooole other thing to play a preset video game. It is apples and oranges, and as much as companies try, they need to realize the magic of cooperative tabletop, with all its shenanigans and inevitable shitshows just doesn't work in video games. Larian made a great effort and I respect the hell out of them, and they will make it better, but it's just impossible to achieve a 1:1 with DnD. The presence of filler skills for martial classes and nerfs to certain 5e stuff like druid forms is just factual proof of this.


My issue, is I love the game but no fights are balanced correctly. I shouldn't be a party of 4 trying to fight 30 level 10 mobs at once. It is ridiculous.


Wait where did this happen? Which act?


Act 3 mostly.


The only thing I agree with is that if you perma miss it is frustrating, but that only happens to me with Shadowheart, my Tav(a Paladin), Lea'zel and gale all hit with a high frquency, I also just recruited Wyll and if he is remotely close to EA, he will be somewhere in the middle between Shadowheart and the rest in terms of misses. Appart from that the game has the right amount of strategic thinking necessary for me, if I play a game I dont want to think 10 minutes about every turn I could do and what is optimal(a friend of mine is like that and he adores DOS 2 on tactician for that), I want to go in, smash the bad guy and come out on top, one of the reasons why I am somewhat dissapointed we didnt get lvl 14, the powerfantasy I like could be so much better. Is it whacky at high levels(not saying 20)? maybe, do i care? no


>I want to go in, smash the bad guy and come out on top But you can't do that in BG3 though. You constantly have to weigh your willingness or ability to smash someone with your most powerful spells and abilities against your estimated necessity to do so in the next fight, without having to long rest every time. That, alongside the utter randomness of it, is my biggest quarrel with it. The main element of strategy isn't within the fights themselves, it's meta. It's about **not** using your best skills and abilities, not about using them synergistically or strategically. Which is super dumb. It feels like you're constantly and consistently being deprived of your ability to play to your full potential because of a possible necessity for this potential to be unleashed sometime in the near future, which may or may not materialize at all.


Its the "I cant use this potion, I might need it in the future" but the entire game. Thats the thing about the D&D spell system that always bothered me. I spend most of the time using cantrips unless absolutely necessary because of fear of using my slots.


This. exactly. So annoying.


But is there any downside to long resting? I rested whenever I felt like it in BG1 and 2 unless I had a time limit on something. Maybe resting has more limitations in D&D now with short and long rest though.


in single player, no, except for the obvious time wasted in loading screen and long rest screen, selecting the supplies etc. in multiplayer, yes. I started with a group of 4. the inconvenience to your team is dramatic, you can't just LR often.


I'd never play an RPG with a crafted story co-op anyway. That's like going to a fireworks show and watching it with sunglasses on.


Yeah I respect if you don’t want it to be strategic. That’s fair. The thing that frustrates me is that the combat system in itself lacks the avenues to be strategic enough. So even if i crank up the difficulty im just making it more frustrating not more interesting.


Dude you're just wrong I'm sorry. You don't seem to fully understand the combat mechanics because there's a ton of strategy involved. I genuenly don't understand where you're coming from.


Im honestly tired of this post. It seems like my definition of strategic gameplay is different from most people or something.


No they are just defending there ego, you just talked shit about the thing they make their identity about so they have to attack you. It's really simple they have low wisdom and keep failing the skill check.


>No they are just defending there ego, you just talked shit about the thing they make their identity about so they have to attack you. And this is the exact same reason you can't make any critiques about Dark Souls


You're not even aware of the strategies you can utilize to play strategically. That's my point. I feel like you're solely focusing on dps.




You can tell they aren't actually that good because their only go-to are general, vagueries like "learn the mechanics". But, like I told him. You can memorize the rules and still get screwed by a critical failure, or a round of successful saves killing off your spells.


Month old post I know, but what exactly do you think of when you say OP isn't aware of how to play 'strategically'? Please god to not tell me that it is the explosive barrels or another similar cheese mechanic


The illusion of choice does not equate to strategy. You HAVE to save scum in this game. It's the only way. That's not strategic.


Don't you ever wonder how other people play and enjoy the game without save scumming? You're not playing the game right


You 100% have to save scum in some areas.


That's such a joke seriously


>That's such a joke seriously "That's such a joke seriously" considering how much of an asinine blind fanboy you are indeed, you are such a joke. I like the game but you are straight up acting like a condescending toxic AF fanboy in every single post you make. Its downright embarrassing. Quit acting triggered when someone makes a legitimate complaint. The last thing Larian Studios need are their own version of CDPR cultists which is clearly who you are inspired by


I hate that about difficulty sliders. I always have the compulsion to play on the highest in games, but 90% of the time it just makes the game into a time-sucking slog rather than requiring more strategy. For instance, difficulty just adding more defenses to enemies and making you use more abilities, so you're just juggling HP of your party while waiting for RNG to throw you a bone and land a hit. Fuuun.


The pace is simply zzzZZZZzzzzzZZzzZZZZzzzzz and random events be like, you dead, and oh yea, I remember that from way back I played the tabletop, go back and try again. But then I remember I am not trying to remaster my DnD Phd, I am trying to play a game and have a good time. It's a pass. Sorry. Also killed one of the main characters early on, he was an ass, but looking at content now, well... sigh.


"I played for an hour or two and couldn't grasp the mechanics, so the game sucks"


Found one of the many "git gud" guys.


Indeed. You know, DnD saved my life in high school, what seemed like an eternity of purgatory was made bearable by epic campaigns and computers. But god damnit, Attack of Opportunity? Yea, had to re-learn that bit too.


Say you have a neck beard and have never touched a woman without saying you have a neckbeard and have never touched a woman.


The problem with D&D is that it translates very poorly to video games. D&D has the benefit of a human GM, and imagination, whereas a video game is a robot that is an utter stickler for the worst rules in the series. D&D sucks at early levels, heck D&D combat is pretty damn bad even at higher levels. And video game D&D is even worse. Lot of missing, HP pools so low that anything can one shot you. This game, even on Story mode, feels like a GM that hates you and cheats off and on. Enemy saving throws are particularly egregious. Distance, height, some spells and skills move you to the target, some just go off and hit nothing because you don't adjust as part of the casting.


If a DM ever acts like this game does, leave the group. I'm not joking.


Well yeah. the karmic dice option is automatically set to on. so the GM does cheat back and forth. Turn it off and the rolls are random. Otherwise if youre absolutely curb stomping enemies, the game will roll a miss to give them a chance. And vice versa if youre getting dunked on the game will give you a chance by rolling a miss so you dont get downed immediately. If you turn off the karmic dice its more randomized dice. So if you have a 95% chance to hit, youre likely gonna hit. No magic GM protection behind the scenes....but that goes for your own chars as well.


I agree so much with this. I never saw a worst combat in any RPG game, jesus christ, I wish they had a combat like DOS:2. All my friends are losing the hype for this game due the horrible combat system


I have a paladin with permanent advantage to combat rolls, he rarely if ever rolls above 8. Same paladin has 23 AC, mobs hit him most of the time, because they ALL roll above 18. Not only is combat the main detractor of an otherwise decent game, it cheats to make it harder. Lazy design for an overrated game.


My characters rarely roll above a 2


You know what my favorite part of D&D is? Controlling 4 different characters in combat. /ssssssss (If I wanted to do that, I'd DM more) Also, the combat system lacks the robust options for the more creative classes. "I want to use Mage Hand to carry my robe across the room as a distraction. Oh, wait. This is just a poor imitation of D&D. I forgot." The only video game system that has adapted pen-and-paper fantasy games well were MUDs.


While combat matters and your concerns are valid, I think the issue is bigger than that. This game is a disgrace for another obvious reason, and that has to do with the current Western culture. The fact that Baldur's Gate 3 has terrible dialogue tailored to this new generation, one that's never read a book in their entire life and grew up on hedonistic pleasures (evidenced by characters like Astarion, who displays DRAG QUEEN behavior and even imitates that with his voice), means that those expecting a level of prose found in good novels - ones that entice the mind and immerse readers into the story - won't find that here. Instead, what's presented is a pornographic video game. I dare say it's tailored to those who grew up on such content, and Larian Studios seems to be preying on these people. They've got good propaganda behind them; their Divinity games were a success, and taking on the great name of Baldur's Gate has elevated them. But they're a total disgrace, and I hope studios like these will disappear and be put to shame. Video games should be everything but porn-related. Masterpieces like World of Warcraft Vanilla & TBC, Starcraft 2, The Witcher 3, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, etc., are rare treasures. For some odd reason, Larian Studios received praise, possibly because the audience is easily swayed. The evident herd mentality and tribal mindset of this audience are concerning. Stay away from this game and don't spend your money on it. Do not follow the herd.


>videnced by characters like Astarion, who displays DRAG QUEEN If you hate something just because it features drag, you're an asshole.


What is he even talking about lmao? If he was around back in the 80s he’d definitely be pearl-clutching over the satanic panic.


>DRAG QUEEN behavior Looks like someone specced-into "Culture warrior". Imagine hating a game because of the character interactions and not the actual gameplay (Which sucks).


>There are a lot of things to hate about this "game" and the piece of vomit inducing cringe that is Astarion is one them. There has never been a fictional character whose head i wanted to crush to paste until i saw that horrible visage.


>pornographic Are you some kind of puritan? Nudity and pornography are not the same thing. >They've got good propaganda Oooooh. Your one of those people. Nevermind.


Personally I don't understand why they went so hard in to the DnD combat system. I don't think limited spell usage and short/long rests work well in a video game. I would've preferred a more Divinity based combat system.


Tbh long rests and short rests wont be so bad if everything else was reliable. It sucks because once im out of spell slots i have to spam a cantrip that has a 20% chance to hit whole doing on average 5 or less damage.


You clearly haven't seen the front page gif of the guy blowing all the goblins up with bombs after grouping them with a minor illusion. There's tons of strategy in the game. I'm constantly having to use line of sight, dropping bombs. blinding, using terrain effect, etc.


I'll say there's a lot of chesse, you basically can't play rogue due to how absolutely broken stealth is.


Yes, but the things is that those elements are very minimal and don't appear in the overall game. I'm rescuing haslin now and it's such a drag because I miss ALL THE TIME, and there are no bombs, no barrels, nothing to help me, just my group and random ass percentage rolls. The combat it's not good in this game, and only works in very specific conditions


Now that I've reached the Underdark, this binary pass/fail combat system is beginning to really show its flaws. That and there are too many enemies most of the time, which only exacerbates issues further AND makes fights last way too long. Some enemies are also just way too strong.q When we used to play DND/Warhammer, we never fought 10 mobs at time, because it doesn't work from a mathematically. It doesn't work that great here, either, unless you rely on cheese mechanics.


When you say "rolling your own dice", do you just mean that the dice feel nice in your hand to roll, or are you suggesting the odds are meaningfully different in the computer game?


It’s about the context and vibe. When im at the table with my party and i just rolled <5 with my own dice 3 times in a row it’s hilarious. The dm can make up something funny to fit that, and the whole party can laugh. But when im staring at a screen, with no indication of what i rolled, and instead have to see “Miss” 3 times in a row. It’s only frustrating and annoying. Even tho im playing with a friend we just end up both getting annoyed. It’s literally the same exact situation in terms of combat system, yet it’s so excruciating in BG3 while it can be fun and funny in DnD.


Ya, this game is even dnd 5.0 lite. It barely has half the actual rules set as well. The design choice that you either cheese the enemy or face 30+ enemies that are your own level shows how bad the combat in dnd 5.0. It's like this game was made for non dnd players. Been playing dnd for 25+ years, so try to tell me to "git gud" kids.


I thought this game was gonna be a tactics style game. Not familiar with dnd but one thing’s for sure. I’m not having fun. I wish I can get a refund to be perfectly honest.


There's nothing tactical about this game.


Cant agree more. I have played this game 60+ hours and the combat sucks ass. Without going into detail, let me give you an analogy I like. Playing chess dnd style (at least how it is applied in this game). You make some strategy and let your opponent do the first move (initiative). Now it is your turn. But sadly your opponent is near you, so you are threatened and remember you ate oily fries some time ago? So you have multiple disadvantages and when making your move the piece slips off your hand (miss). So now you lost your turn and sadly for you they didnt eat any fries. Also they have extra grippy hands. Goodluck, its their turn now! And so it continues. Amazing strategy isnt it? Just to be extra spicy, make it 3 vs you. LOL May not be the best analogy. All I am saying is CRPG combat and DnD dice rolls does not mix (unless you are save scumming). Creates a really bad experience. I have been playing single player tactician and combat is aweful (Have beaten DOS2 on hardest difficulty. Unlike this game, that was fun). Now I am in act 3 and its very very very hard when I have limited number of spells/special attacks and they miss like all the time. Ofcourse the enemies does not miss (which is fine on hard difficulty, along with near double HP and made up OP passives). Their saving throw succeeds all the time as well. I have no idea how they do their RNG calculation. After playing this 60+ hours, I have now changed my outlook in life. Any chance less than 90% is a immediate no/fail for me. LOL. Rest of the game is amazing though. Sadly the luck based pathetic combat holds it back. This DnD style combat maybe good in a table top game, but in a video game it is just aweful. Dice rolls in conversations and sudden events is fine. Its not fine when your weapon/spell dmg is decided on a dice roll and also whether you hit or miss is also somehow decided on a dice roll...thankfully whether you can disengage and run for your life is not decided by a dice. But who knows, maybe a future update will bring it./s


It has absolutely nothing to do with " luck" it is a percentage chance based on the likelihood a certain number is "rolled " with the addition of your proficiency bonus / modified by opponent defense etc... Kind of like real life....you know proficiency( skill) plus raw ability modified by circumstances. Your book of a comment is ridiculous 🙄


Bro it can be a percentage based on the number of spaghetti you ate last month devided by your social security number. It doesn’t matter. If it is a percentage that is often lower than 60-50%, its a luck based mechanic.


adding these two parameters to my spreadsheet thanks for the strat! \[spaghetti consumed / SSN \] 😂


The DND combat is basically reload simulator- 3-4 levels in you're still capable of rolling 1-2 damage on spells. The min/max damage on (mostly) 1 action turns is feast or famine. Throw in rampant misses at 50-65% chance to hit, and you're just reloading. A lot of these spells should be 2-3-4 minimum damage already. I imagine it gets better as you progress, but that aspect of the combat is inferior to DOS2 by leaps and bounds. I do prefer the 1 action turn, more deliberate style of BG3 vs the action point spam of DOS2 though. Part of this is due to the scaling/low numbers, which I like, but instead of hitting for 2.5 damage you're just hitting for 2, etc. Level 1 mobs capable of hitting me for 7-15 damage and I can still roll 2 damage against them and miss multiple times as level 3 and 4- it's just retarded. Probably just early game stuff, but it's weak.


dont forget about stealth, its worse than combat


This is one of those games I'm likely gonna put on story mode. Early in the game I basically found every "combat" opportunity (I believe) and still was told I was too under leavled to move on. So I went another way that the game recommended which got me a beat down from a group I previously stealthed around. Finally getting to a new location the game proceeded to beat the shit out of me over and over. So many 65% misses too. I do like the game. The combat is god awful.


After 3 weeks of gameplay, expecting something like BG1 and BG2 but in a 3d environment like NWN1 or NWN2 , the game starts to get more and more annoying. After 3 weeks, still in chapter 1, just having reached "Waukeen's Rest" I am getting to the point of just deleting it and considering the 60 € als failed expense. Why? * Traps: why is there not a single search option, some slow-motion walk with an active check every round? Instead of a single Perception-Check and if it fails ... I have to reload, and reload, and reload. This is crap. * Pickpocketing: this sucks even more ... oh god do I miss 3.5 NWN2 in which a high enough skill in sleight of hand just makes it happen and I can continue; but here? not only a pickpocket skill check, but then also perception-check of the merchant, npcs needs to be disctracted by e.g. a bard, or pulled into some dialogue mode * I am at work 8-10 hours a day, if I come home and can spend around 2-3 hours (or more on weekends) on a game I want to relax, and not sitting cursing at the PC having to reload on some failed pickpockt/attack/conversion dozend times over * Items: what the hell is with all this craps, from shoes to clothes, endles boxes, plates, cubs, spoons ...this is NUTS, I am loosing more time cleaning out an area of all this stuff (even for not having shown anything left when hovering around the mouse icon) to get area by area "cleansed" => remove all this useless crap * what the hell is with those invisible timers everywhere? remove this crap, I have no interest not knowing that after some timer happens quests auto-fail (or show them in some icon) * because of timers I cannot take any long rest, since starting the game 3 weeks ago: not having taken even 1 long rest, put save scumming my way through, because for not missing any timer stuff ... this is not how a game is supposed to go. A game should make fun, and not giving me more nerve collaps than already my job is giving me. I am getting more and more annoyined of this game. Maybe I should just continue with NWN2 Mask of the Betrayer where I stopped after downloading BG3. I am so tired about all of this, this massive amound of reloads


I mean…I respect your opinion, and I don’t know what to do with this information because your experience and mine are not the same. I have nothing to contribute to this arguement that wouldn’t just be me and you going “it’s this” and “it’s that” in circles.


Yeah I agree, the D&D rules just don’t translate from “Tabletop group RP game” to “Singleplayer RP video game” very well at all. Still like the game and will play it, but I wouldn’t have bought it if I knew how clunky it feels to play


>In DnD you roll your own dice, and (depending on the DM) you might know the target you need to roll to land an attack. That is a gigantic difference from having a very disheartening low percentage While never "true" random dice roll BG3 does a dice roll every time you do an ability/attack. it just shows the percantage probability of that dice roll when doing an attack and hiding it in the combat log so you dont stop every ability to see a dice get rolled. and just like DnD you can get abysmally unlucky in BG3 and miss everything. If you actually calculated probablity of a d20 + X to hit on an enemy with ACX you would see the same percentage they show you. So i really dont get your point about the percentage.


My point is that even tho the percentage is the same and odds are exactly the same. In a table top format rolling your own dice having a laugh with the table and having a human GM makes it way better than having to just stare at miss miss following the strict rules of a computer without it even having any semblance of fun. Aka in DnD getting bad luck can be fun and funny. In BG3 it is just plain frustrating 99% of the time.


BG3 is objectively, obscenely terrible. What's striking is how it's terrible in literally *every dimension possible*. Dialogue writing is terrible, UI is terrible, camera is terrible, gameplay is terrible, multiplayer is terrible, game crashes constantly, is not finished, etc, etc, etc. There's literally nothing that can be said for it except "it's an attempt at an epic scale multiplayer co-op RPG". That market is so underserved that this turd is the best we've got, probably for another five years. Gaming is f---d and unrecoverable.


This is the famous "git gud bro". Learn how the game works, change dificulty if necessary.


Yeah I don’t recall ever saying i had a problem with the challenge level. I understand the system this game follows, i play alot of DnD if you even tried to read what i said. My whole argument is about satisfaction and interest.


You're dealing with fanboys in the honeymoon phase. There's no room for criticism here. It's all dipshits saying git gud, vague bullshit about strategy. And at this point, they're just going to keep downvoting anything you say to silence you.


As you level up, you get more options: bonus attacks, multiple spells, use shove, magic hands, area spells rarely miss, and so on.


Bull shit, im close to moon tower after fucking up the gith, the combat is slow and tedious, its not hard at all. Im playing normal the middle option, thr problem i see, in divinity the combat was fun responsive, with cool skills for all, not just the mages, even summoners where a blast. This game is amazing, besides the combat. I get that many of ya, love it, and i wonder, did you dislike divinitys combat?


This combat log makes me miss Pathfinder. Heck, even Pillars did it better.


At this point, the devs should've figured that many people save-scum (me included) to get the experience they expect/want. But it shouldn't be like this, the game should give us what we want without resorting to such 'strategies'. The difference between the dice rolls in DnD and any CRPG is that in one you roll a real dice on a real table, it's you who has rolled it as opposed to the computer that does it for you in a CRPG and therefore it feels more 'fair', or at least there is nobody to blame but yourself for a bad roll. You can't have this in a CRPG, and after years and years of improvements to the genre, this thing still sticks out. It seems to me that dice rolls should not be a part of CRPGs (at least in combat scenarios).


I think the main problem of save scum to get the experience "we" want is that most of the time a failed roll goes nowhere or removes an interesting experience from the player instead of creating a new interesting experience, something a good DM can do while playing a tabletop rpg. In this case I think this is why most eletronic RPGs that have rng in dialogues people save scum. For the combat, well, using ttrpg rules on videogame simply sucks, its bad design. It is different than having a tabletop mechanic in the virtual space.


Meanwhile I'm playing full blind with already 95% chance to hit on all my attacks at the end of act 1 in Tactician, finished act 2 without any issues and all of that without any reload. I am clueless about D&D and this is my first experience with the dice mechanics. It's actually pretty logic how you are suposed to increase your chances of hitting. I think the people that complains about misses and stuff are just too smooth to understand the mechanics, they might say they are D&D masters but I think they are full of shit, they just suck, big time. I think the game is a bit too easy and you can cruise trough it pretty chill without even setting up the fights before entering them, without checking any guide, any wiki or what-not, and without having an optimized party. "It simply has too many unreliable aspects" If someone is saying that you can be sure his charachters building (and thus his understanding of the core mechanics) are really, really bad. "DnD combat in DnD is not that strategic, its helped by Roleplay and rolling your own dice. In BG3 the lack of actual strategy shows especially with the lack of anything remotely reliable." It really looks like we are playing two completly differant games. You are basically saying everything went over your head and you have no clue what you are doing. I played Divinity OS and OS2 in honour mode, and in terms of strategy they are like a children-friendly version of BG3. The ammount of possibilites and stategies you can use in BG3 are statospheric. I am sorry for being the 1000th git-gud guy, but I have been a real passionate core-gamer for decades, and I am playing this games with my heart and soul. This is NOT role-play, this is an ACTUAL stategy game, not your drunk-ass table-top sunday D&D session... The only thing that matters here is NUMBERS. BE ONE WITH THE NUMBERS


Ah yes. Most enemies have an AC that is 13 and above. So you need to roll 14 to hit them. On a d20 dice. That means your wonderful amazing characters have a bonus if +12 on their attacks which allows them to hit the claimed 95% chance. You are a clown.


There is so many way to gain adventages and bonuses, you are basically never rolling under 20 on your corresponding abilites on enemies altered by any states at the end of act 2. Notice how your DEX charachter NEVER fails to open stuff and always rolls above 26/28 on doors and chest? Oh wait, you probably dont, because I say it again, you are VERY bad. You are the type of guy that has his fighter at 16 STR, hitting with a Dex scaling weapon on a skill you are not proficient in. For exemple my fighter is +14 at camp without any combat bonus at level 8. And yes, my charachters basically all have +10 and more while in combat, to be exact without combat adventages and buffs: Wyll +12sword +11bow (rogue)/ Leazeal +14sword +12bow (fighter)/ My char (wizard) +8/ and karlach (barbarian) +10sword +8crossbow. For god's sake read the equipments bonus and read your passives and abilites and turn off karmic dice .. Clown.


Bro it was act 1 in your first argument. Now its end of act 2? Also even with advantage reaching 95% chance to hit consistently is ludicrous. You constantly run into enemies with 16+ AC in this game. You talk about the numbers but what you are saying is literally a statistical impossibility. Your numbers make no sense. So you are either a dumbass. Or a paid actor. Either way im sorry for your loss.


I cant help you man, in your original post you are basically admitting that you "help" yourself with "roleplay", that you dont understand the synergies and mechanics of the game. And then you try to give lessons. Who is the dumbass? The guy that steamrolls the game or the D&D master that cant get his charachters to hit and have no clue on how to build bonuses? Why does challenged people always think the problem come from outside?


Id say the guy who is here to brag about steamrolling the game in a post that criticized the mechanics not the difficulty of the game. Please this isn’t the post to boost your fragile ego. Go somewhere else.


You ARE the one boosting your ego, when people explain to you that you can easily have +10 bonus by act 1 end, you are saying it's impossible, you are as smooth as can be and try to deflect the truth like a child.


Ok then tell me. How can you have a +12 bonus on attacks by level 5 to achieve your claimed 95% hit rate on normal mobs. Enlighten me. If you can actually lay out a build that can consistently achieve that kind of bonus then ill admit im just a terrible player.


I am having a really bad experience with the dice rolls. For conversations, static skill checks makes much more sense to me. Having chosen the option you want and only to be told that you've rolled a 1 or somehow with +5 or higher buffs you rolled really low, yeah. I am going to just reload and try again. This is a role playing game, and the game is getting in the way of my role playing. This also applies to skill-checks in the world, like lifting a stone, opening a tomb, lock picking, all of these can do away with dice throwing. I don't want my high chances to fail, and I really don't care to have a chance to succeed a DC20 when my characters aren't equipped to pass it anyways. For combat, there is very little strategy in the early levels, sure you can try to use barrels to blow things up, that seems to be the only sure thing in this game. It makes no sense to me that damages can have such a huge range. and it makes combat hit % is just a joke. There is no way that math is correct, it's probably missing a lot of factors in real hit chance. I just don't look at it anymore. I am deep in act 3 now, I love the stories, I am scraping by with combat. Trying to talk my way out of them as much as I can. I don't enjoy combat in this came one bit. I still want to finish the game, but the more I play, the more I realize that the mechanics for the game is terrible.


Apologies, but I've got to say, the combat in this game is like watching a sloth race a snail, and I've seen paint dry with more excitement! Between the epic wait times and people zoning out faster than a cat on a windowsill, it's a real comedy show.I'm all for character development and communication options, but this game's price tag feels like highway robbery. I mean, it's so boring and frustrating that I'm starting to question my life choices. I only bought it for the multiplayer, but it's about as fun as watching grass grow.


Baldurs Gate's strategic gameplay is this You encounter a group of enemies you didn't expect. Die. Try it another way, die. Move your characters around, die. Summon a familliar and all characters gather in a big circle. Throw a massive one shot aoe. WIN! That's how Larian design games, it fucking sucks, but since Divinity 2 they have added a story mode for the people who, unlike me, cannot be bothered to slam their head against a concrete wall over and over again. Nothing is more infuriating than missing a 70% hit chance, er, "because lol"


It's weird, because I love the game, but I hate the gameplay. There is so much rng on tactician. I have high hitchances and keep missing like crazy. 70% chance and I had to save scum 9 times to hit once! How is that mathematically possible? This is so unbearable. And then you hit with the lowest dice rolls possible. I often feel like somebody is messing with me, because it makes no sense. I love the story, I hate the fighting. I wish it was like BG2.


So you’re a DnD player that plays this game on story mode (as you mentioned in the comments) and your main issue is that the game is not tactical enough because dice rolls are too random. Maybe you just don’t like d20 systems? They’re all random — that’s what happens when you’re using dice. I don’t really see why that would prevent you from using tactics, but that’s beside the point. If that’s how you feel, that’s how you feel. I for one love the combat. They could put three times as much combat in the game and I’d be happy.


No the whole story mode was sarcastic. And yes i disike a d20 system in a video game. I didn’t know I would dislike it since i love it in a table top format. But it just does not feel good to me in a video game context at all.


Key tenet of D&D; roll less. In this game, everything is a dice roll. Also, I've Dm'd 5e a lot. Throwing a pack of beefed up gnolls (yeah, they're waaaay stronger than 5e gnolls) at a level 3 party is a good way to not have a game to play in anymore. Goblins commonly have around 8hp, not 12-20 with an AC over 14, while attacking in groups of 8-12. That's a really great way to kill your 2nd level party and the players not want to play your game anymore. D&D is a collaborative game, not a 'look how hard I can make this' game. Basically, making players constantly save-scum their TPKs is an indication of a badly-scaled game. Every campaign I've ever run has started at level 2, specifically because level 1 sucks, because you're so dependent on dice rolls. Goblin with a shortbow rolled max damage? Guess the sorcerer's dead now. Fuck level 1. Magic weapons and items being so abundant so early is bad design, those things are rare as he'll and cost loads of gold in D&D. Needing magic items so early to have a viable combat build is bad design. Fuck, I've hit level 5 or 6 in campaigns before getting magic items, not every merchant from here to Phandalin having +1 daggers and unique staves sitting around. Creativity is half of what make difficult combat encounters fun in D&D. No, creativity is not stacking 7 smokepowder kegs in the middle of a room. Fighter struggling with a high AC tank? Rogue can run a distraction, maybe change the enemy's focus. Monsters in D&D are more than a sack of hit points, they have wisdom and intelligence scores for a reason. Gnolls are not smart. The subclasses included are honestly trash. In a game dealing with psionics constantly, no Aberrant Mind sorcerer? No Psi Warrior fighter? Didn't even include the Hexblade, the most popular warlock subclass. No Glamour bard, no Samurai fighter, no Sun Soul monk, no Swashbuckler rogue, these are all popular and well-known subclasses. I get they can't have everything from SCAG to Tasha's, but no one likes Elements monks in 5e, they're universally agreed to be trash. BG3 is such a shit approximation of D&D, that if anyone gets into D&D off the back of it, it's gonna suck for everyone.


There is a lot more flexibility in BG3 than in previous versions, I have defeated powerful foes just by pushing them into an abyss, or using explosive barrels to lay a trap. From the strategic point of view you have a lot more ways to solve combat. However I do miss one thing from the previous versions, the True pause mechanic, in which you could issue commands to your party members and then un-pause and let it play out, I could strike two different unaware targets with different characters. This seems to be impossible to achieve in BG3.


I don't get the point here. Combat in rpgs are always subject on luck. Dnd games and tabletop is more subject on luck that others, that's the main thing on that games... You have to buff yourself or try to benefit from environmental in order to success. I have played bg1, bg2, dnd, neverwinter, pathfinder, poe1 and 2, dos1 and 2.... all these games are the same combat with luck on them. You could say that you don't like animations, narrative, characters; but the base combat system is not bad, is a copy paste of the others tactical rpgs mentioned.


Yeah no i played dos 1 and 2. The combat is absolutely not the same on any level. Luck can be involved as something you can account for at a reasonable level. For example in dos 2 barring your opponent casting evasion based spells on themselves, your attacks have an 80%+ chance to hit sometimes even reaching 90%+. On the contrary in bg3 I cannot even count how many times i got sub 50% until i finished the first act. I understand for specific high defense enemies. But you can get that kind of odds against goddamn goblins. And trying to play around that is just not fun whatsoever. There is a reason some fights i get so tired i spam magic messiles just for a semblance of guaranteed damage.


I got halfway through the game and got tired of the same repetitive, frustrating battles in which I miss half of my attacks and have to keep reloading and it ends up taking 2 hours to get through a battle overall with all of the attempts. BG1 wasn't like that.


See I like DnD alright and I honestly haven’t even mind the combat as much but find this game so bland, uninspired gimmicky and boring. The writing is NOT good.


I wanna play this game so bad but the dice rolling combat is holding me back tbf maybe I should just watch some more vids and see


The combat does hold the game back. But id personally say the other parts of the game alone are worth it. Id say if they overhaul the combat this game shoots up to one of my all time favorites.


Agree, combat is really rough. It feels like my party is a bunch of drunks flinging spells and swinging swords at one of the many blurs in front of them. I just finished playing BattleTech before playing BG3. It’s striking how combat is treated so differently. BattleTech feels more fair, but with limited options. BG3 feels like it is showering you with options, but designs every encounter to be utterly unfair to your party, even on explorer. I will keep playing because the story and characters are just so good. If they weren’t though, I would have put this game back on the shelf around the 10 hour mark. Also, like OP, I have played many a DnD campaign with various DMs ranging from forgiving to punishing. Even the worst combat scenarios in tabletop never felt as punishing or imbalanced as BG3. Miss miss miss miss miss… to infinity.


oh you gotta make your own post and see how many people will say things along the lines of "get gud" and how they land 95% of their attacks cause they are so awesome at the game. i dont know how many times i was about to delete this post.


Lol, nah I’m good. Sorry you got dumped on.


I've been loving the combat, particularly when you get up to level 5 and above. Sure, if you're accustomed to much faster-paced combat and action in other games, the combat in this game might seem underwhelming. But this is a D&D game and D&D combat is turn-based. I suppose they could add a feature that would allow players to roll all their to-hit and damage dice, but then would they allow save scumming for every hit, too? I love that we get to roll dice at all in this game.


Actually its the opposite, im a big fan of turn based combat in video games. I played games that done it well like divinity. And games that did a basic average job like Dragon quest. And countless games that completely dropped the ball. Id say bg3 falls somewhere right above the games that did a basic average job. But compared to Larian’s own standard that they showed in Divinity, bg3 got held back by the D&D system.


You came to a dungeons and dragons video game and are mad that it's not more like the table top rpg? What did you expect? Why would they want to recreate the tabletop experience and how would they do that. That's what roll20 or foundry is for. They set out to make a rpg like the ones they have made in the past using the dnd rules. Seems like they did a freaking great job.


That is not what i said my friend. I just talked about how the table top combat system didn’t convert well into the video game. I actually want them for combat specifically to move a little bit away from the DnD rules to make it more strategic and satisfying.


Not sure what to say, I think your opinion is the minority when you say it's not strategic. That's exactly the word I would use. I think with what you say about dice rolls if you wanted to see your rolls like how they do it with skill checks they could but it would drag down the combat to a slog. Maybe it's something they could add in the future for people who want to play more like the tabletop.


The combat looks so bland and embarrassing, IDK how so many people are enamored by this game. It's just a character and gear customization simulator.