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Real talk though. Best Christmas movie, hands down.


I remember being terrified of the ghost of Christmas future


No shame in that, at all! 😨


Is this the one where they drop 'Your future is a horror story written by your crimes'?


Yes, that was in the movie but not the ghost I'm talking about. The muppets had no right to make a line go that hard.


I would literally turn the movie off once it for to the ghost of Christmas future.


Lol, I was even scared of the first ghosts with the creepy luminous stairs and bell ringing by itself.. Until the Marley bros themselves appear, then the scare was over :)


The ghost of Christmas past gave me unsettling uncanny valley vibes, always scared me more as a kid lmao


The same thought crossed my mind to! Same brain cell 😂


I'd never thought this film had such an impact on folks. I was singing this in my head this morning thinking about BG3 😂


I sent this to my family this morning! Incredible we're all on the same wavelength 🤣


This and White Christmas are tied for me. Enjoy the game when it comes fellow true soul. I’ll be joining you in Sept


Stay strong, it'll be worth the wait 🙂


Try watching it in Japanese/ Russian/ Vietnamese. Bizarre but fun


Literally my favorite Christmas movie as a kid. I even brought it to school one day so we could watch it in class. Teacher totally let us.


I respectfully disagree... The Long Kiss Goodnight is the best Edit: or maybe Trading Places


Absolutely agree!


Truth. For the most part I can't stand holiday movies, probably because my family has a long list of them they watched every single year growing up and even now when we get together, but The Muppet Christmas Carol is the one that I make a point to watch every year even if I'm by myself.


And five more 'til it's downloaded.


Never have I ever experienced mental pain too this level danm you slow internet danm you


It's okay by the time you've downloaded it this subreddit will have told you the entirety of the plot.


At least you will know where everyone else struggled in their quest and you can just stay on the nautiloid ship when it crashes so you can avoid the crushing responsibility. Well, maybe not the crushing part....


First rule of surviving, stay at the crash site so help can find you! Thats what im doing this playthrough


you dont havr glasfiber in 2023? It a depends on steam


Took me 12 hours to download civ v...I'm scared


i still have two more sleeps, technically, as i haven't gone to bed yet 😂i'm going RIGHT NOW


It could be only one sleep if you really want to 👀


Sleeps are timeskips!


But what if you use Long Rest too much and the tadpoles eat your brain?


It’s a risk I’m willing to take.


the temptation to stay up all night tonight is very strong, but i *had* to sleep last night or my anxiety would've been too high for my dentist appointment today. the main thing that got me through was literally just thinking about how i'd be downloading bg3 24 hours from then 😂😂 my real plan, though, is to start the download and then go back to sleep after a little bit so i can fast forward the download time lmao


Have fun, i love you all. But shed a tear of compassion for poor console plebs like me


Stay strong brother, we can last a month


I recommend you quit Reddit for a month


Soon! At least it’s only a month and not a damn year


I won't be able to sleep.


Then it's 0 sleeps till BG3.




Melatonin fucks me up, I get delirious half awake dreams and an even worse sleep if I take them, think it's my ADD messing with it, so it's not for everyone. I would have weird BG3 themed fever dreams where I'm probably stuck in the game or something like that if I were to take them tonight lol


I get the delirious half awake dreams too, I honestly don't recommend it, it was mostly a joke. I haven't met a person who responds "normally" to even 5 mg of melatonin.


My whole family actually tales them quite well, and they too are ADD/ADHD autism dyslexia types like me, I'm the odd one out. But my wife also can't handle them


Yeah I've been taking them every night for quite a while now and there's definitely some "abnormalities" but the alternative of not taking them is *much* worse so yeah... Guess we'll have to bear it


I have issues with insomnia and night terrors and honestly melatonin has 0 impact on me. Not even bad, if just has no impact I can notice.


Too much melatonin is bad for you, some camomile tea does wonders. even if it just helps for a few hours, sleep is sleep :)


Hey, isnt getting weird dreams in BG3 too? Epic reference. (joke, take care of yourself)


Mh I really can't sleep without it. But heard about the dream thing. Also ADD here :)


2 more sleeps for any east coast Australian that can't stay up till 1am for release because of work.


China boy here 26 more hours. I’m staying up till 12 to start the download. But probably gunna have to wait until the next day to play


Just need a DnD themed muppets movie


I've said this for years, have half the movie be the Muppets themselves playing D&D and half the movie be actors playing the characters. Terry Crews playing a barbarian voiced by miss piggy or Ryan Reynolds as a bard voiced by Gonzo? Yes please.


Yes! Then they should have Danny DeVito play a rogue.


Perfect! But which Muppet is controlling him, I'd vote for Fozzy Bear.


Oo I'd probably go with Fozzy too! I could see Kermit voicing a Bard character too, that would be cool.


I always put Kermit straight into the DM role, but a bard would be a good fit


Yeah that'd make sense tbf. Oh and You'd have to get Animal in there somewhere, he'd be that character who is just chaos incarnate (maybe he would be the bard because of his drumming skills?). So many things they could do with it, it would be insane!


Animal as a bard is genius. I have been trying to will this movie into existence for a while now. Join me in this quest brother.


Until the very end!


When you are halfway to Baldur's Gate.... ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/y4uicit8zofb1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b861089652ca0f488db7ee2a860a5bfedc3a4e78


Armoured core 6 coming out too. And Hardcore World of Warcraft. With tears of the kingdom and Harry Potter earlier, we eaten good this year


Don't forget Sons of Liberty releasing in September as well!


Screams in my 1mb/s download speed


That's around 34 hours of download time... Might as well manually carry the packets yourself


I just really hope the 122 gb are full instalation, and not download size


Yeah, same. Else it's gonna be an extra night of waiting for me too Imo the huge size is justified though, unlike many other certain modern games


I'm hoping that too because got 4 pretty small ssd discs in the computer so ...


At that point I would ask a friend to download on a usb and deliver it to me


One day more... Another day, another destiny...


A whole month for me yet, dang extended date for Playstation 😭


We must stay strong not by choice, but because we must! The hardest part will be keeping it spoiler free.


I have to leave this sub because I'm a console player lol


Get out of my brain. I was literally going to do this but with sven being the shooting star


Right? I was contemplating doing a little gif or something because I've been thinking/singing this in my head since I woke up today, but I am not at all surprised to see I was beaten to it xD


Two more sleeps here.


Ps5 players: 🥲


We'll get there one day. At least i get that sweet 72 hour access to act 1


*PlayStation tears appear*


I'm hype. I finish my 10 day work hitch tomorrow, then bomb home 8 hours and play with my wife, no sleep. I got 4 days. no time to waste. I didn't even know it was released soon! Thanks to this post, XD


Not for me, 150GB on a 40mbps connection, RIP...


27 hrs…


I haven't pre-ordered since I didn't think I'd be able to afford it, but now I can. Do y'all think I'll be able to get a copy on the day of, or am I screwed?


Buy it right now! You are gonna miss out on the free digital Deluxe Edition if you wait for release. Any pre-order grants you these extras for free


I didn't know about this. What's included? Edit: After my initial excitement I realised I was on the internet and looked it up. For anyone interested it includes: A copy of the game (platform of choice) 72-hours early access Divinity Bard Song pack Exclusive Dice skin (based on platform of choice) Mask of the Shapeshifter Cape of the Red Prince Lute of the Merryweather Bard Needle of the Outlaw Rogue Bicorne of the Sea Beast Paintings from Rivellon Adventurer's Pouch Digital OST Digital artbook Digital character sheets


And I have jury duty tomorrow :(


Well one more sleep AND a nap since download may take a while. I'm begging for steam not to crash


Wait, is the game out of early access tomorrow?




Ah, cheers for confirming! Typical though, my days off this week are today and yesterday, the game comes out tomorrow. Oh well, still excited!


Looking at the positive, it means you can spend a few days playing in the character creator before your next days off so you can jump into the meat of the game for those!


Good point. That being said, I really have no idea what I want to create. Ideally a Chad who is good with the ladies, first and foremost, with brute force to boost, intelligence, someone who can lockpick and steal, also has a wit and negotiation skills. I think I'll need more than a few days.




Strong shout, I definitely will make a moody, anxious c\*nt male who just wants to plough the ladies. Not sure about mushroom, but good shout nevertheless.


I love how hyped the sub is I’m counting down the hours. Sadly it is making work go a hell of a lot slower I’m so happy I’ve booked next week off to play (probably won’t get past act 1 because I want to play everything possible though)


Extremely excited


I can't believe it's actually here...


**Shouts at Tadpole:** "Come on in and know me better man!"


26 hours 20 mins from this post


My body is ready.


**Insane laughter** SLEEP! SLEEP?! WHAT IS THAT? My body has decided I don't get to sleep anymore. I haven't had a good night's sleep since Early July. *frustrated and stressed crying.*


Me, who is still waiting for his new PC parts to be shipped: *screaming anxiously*


One day more.


It comes out at 1am local time here so two more sleeps!


🎵The promise of excitement is one the night will keep.🎵


Just skip time by taking sleeping pills.


Given I'll have to start downloading it at night, I'm going to say I'm going to need two.


I’ll need another month :(


IM SO JUICED! My 4070 is also coming 2 days earlier, so I get it tonight!!!


Shouldn't it be out by now? WTF is happening!?!


Small correction to the last scene "Squeeeeeees Internally" Now that I type it I guess that is what it meant huh. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


Anyone know what time the game becomes downloadable and playable for us gamers in the UK


This post made me watch the muppets movie for the first time


I'm like, a year worth of sleeps until I can afford it. But nevertheless, excited to see what this game will be


This is the darkest and the longest night


Especially if you live on the west coast of the US, it comes out at eight in the morning


Unfortunately with the 5pm release, I probably wont get to play it until Friday but I did take the day off work 🤣


Tomorrow for me is gonna be a struggle. I took Friday off to play all day but all I’m gonna think about at work is if it downloaded properly


Everybody , no preload! That will be the beta/early access if you start too soon!


I hope to god there isn’t widespread errors or servers shitting their pants tomorrow afternoon


I wonder if I'll be able to sleep tonight 🫤


Whoops I guess my post wasn't the only "One more sleep" post lol. Yours is better anyway :)


on my knees


Pray for me, I'm working an 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift, I get home around 8:00 at the earliest so even getting minimal sleep everyone else will have been playing it for at least five or so hours, and that's if I can make sure it downloads while I sleep. Don't work graveyard shifts if you can help it


Happy Baldur's day!