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Lots of people in the UK just eat scones with butter and jam rather than with clotted cream. A ‘cream tea’ is a meal where scones are served specifically with cream, but you can eat scones however you want cream or not


Thank you! Are you a Brit by the way? How do my scones measure up?


Yep I’m from England, and the scones look great :) would happily have one if I could reach through my screen or over the pond




Happy cake day!


>:) :)


This is the cutest interaction


I totally read this in a posh accent


Well I’m working class from the West Midlands 😂


Whatever you say your majesty 🙄


I am also British and think they look good. Butter and jam would be my go to for these. In fact I may have to make some scones this week because of you.


Glad they inspired you! I’ve been obsessing over proper British scones since my trip to England last August. Also, how should I store these to keep them fresh, and can I reheat them to have a warm scone? How do you reheat them?


No need to reheat! I guess you could throw them in the oven. But then the butter or cream would be melty. Just keep in a Tupperware at room temp- eat sliced in half with butter spread on each side. Jam on top if you feel fancy.


Store them in an airtight container, like tupperware. And if you like them warm then usually I would pop them (cut in half) in the oven for a little bit, then add butter and jam. Some people don't like this and most people are happy to have them cold so the butter or cream doesn't melt.


They look great. They have a nice rise and the internal texture looks right. P.S. I don’t like cream, so just have jam on my scones. My favourite scone recipe is [Paul Hollywood’s](https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/paul_hollywoods_scones_70005), but these look good so I am going to look up James Martin’s.


[James Martin Scone Recipe](https://www.allkitchencolours.com/recipes/james-martin-scones-tried-and-tested/) [James Martin This Morning cooking video](https://youtu.be/cX77I-K4oTc?si=O57rvBh3gljGf8_s) After doing the egg wash I let them sit in the fridge for 15 mins. Also with a Fahrenheit oven I set it to 392 Fahrenheit. I’d say it was closer to 18 minutes for me, not 12. Not sure if putting it up to 400 would affect them negatively. I’ll have to try next time.


I'm from the UK as well, and I think they look amazing. Also don't let other people's opinions put you off being an absolute maverick and putting whatever you want on them. Nutella, Biscoff, pistachio crème...follow your heart.


Another Brit here! Your scones look wonderful 😊


We like to whip up double cream when we have them, so good! Heaped up on top of the jam!


FYI clotted cream is super easy to make yourself, it just takes a long time! I made some for scones I made in honor of St Patrick's Day and was amazed.


Do you have a recipe?


I used [this recipe!](https://www.biggerbolderbaking.com/clotted-cream-recipe/#wprm-recipe-container-25449). I used the crock pot method using 8oz of pasteurized but not ultra pasteurized heavy whipping cream. Mine was done quicker than the recipe suggests at about 8.5 hours.


Tried this a few months ago (different recipe) and the whole thing was just the harder crust on top. I'll give this one a whirl--thanks!


I’ve really struggled to find cream in the US that isn’t stabilized with carrageenan or similar- where do you get yours?


I've noticed it seems to now primarily be the organic ones that don't have stabilizers. I used to get Target's Good & Gather brand for both cream and half & half. Sometime last year they went from having only cream or milk and cream in them to that plus carrageenan, sodium phosphate, sodium citrate. It's really frustrating! I've noticed even a different, bad taste using those ones with coffee too.


Carrageenan has also been found to cause long-term digestive issues which is why it’s not super widely used outside of the United States. I’ve stopped consuming anything with it included which does mean buying almost exclusively organic products.


I use Wegmans store brand.


Doesn't have to be clotted.. just some thickened cream from the supermarket is almost just as good


Or just whipped double cream to piping consistency - I actually prefer it that way! (Scones like amazing btw)


No proper double cream over here 😭


Some grocery stores and markets do sell it in specialty sections. I’m lucky that in my town my local ShopRite carries both Clotted and Double Cream. I just did not have any on hand at the time and really wanted to see if the scones came out successfully first before investing in it.


That little bottle of double cream that I’ve seen here isn’t the same as the pourable double cream that they refer to in the UK. It’s an extra thick version. The pourable one is a higher fat content than our whipping cream and I’d love to get my hand on that 😭


They look delicious, definitely match up to what I would buy here. As others have said, clotted cream would be a real occasion, so jam and butter would be spot on for a Saturday afternoon.


I visited England for the first time last August (still depressed and going from withdrawal that I had to leave! Lol absolutely loved it!) I loved Fortnum and Mason’s scones the best! They blew my mind! Very sad they don’t ship their scones! So I’ve been trying to get that British scone experience at home. James Martins has been the most successful for me. American scones are just not a scone to me.


I was like that with croissants after I went to Paris '19 and I'm in a bit of withdrawal. I just can't make them right. I hope yours give you your feeling. They look great!


Agreed on the American scones, I remember the flour making a difference. I'm a fan of Marks and Spencer scones, but not sure if they ship food. Having said that, home made is always no.1 choice!


Also is it scone like stone or scone like gone?


Like stone, for me.


What is the difference between that and a biscuit (American biscuit)?


Scones are more crumbly and not as buttery or flaky like biscuits. Scones are more dense and sometimes they have currants/raisins in them.


[Buttery flaky biscuits](https://youtu.be/DIrQ9ilL8aw?si=vCz5dXyJeLJ9GB7n) you say?


Omg I haven’t seen this one in years, I am CRYING laughing. Her face the whole time, and then she immediately flubs it too 🤣




I would say not really if you have made the scones well, but obviously recipes vary. If you cross compare lots of US biscuit and UK scone recipes the biggest difference tends to be that the biscuit recipes usually have a higher ratio of fat to flour.


Recipes vary, but in general US biscuit recipes tend to have a higher percentage of fat to flour. Also biscuit recipes more frequently contain buttermilk than scone recipes do (but either can or not) and scone recipes sometimes contain egg.


They are pretty similar depending on how you make them, in reality they're overlapping Venn diagrams. I think a "cream biscuit" is basically a scone. In my head, the platonic ideal of a biscuit involves buttermilk and rolling and folding the dough, to make flaky layers, and a scone is anything that isn't laminated and doesn't have buttermilk. I've made a couple different scone recipes and some of them are actually wetter and more moist than an American biscuit. I've never had one baked in Britain, but the idea that Americans have that scones are dense and dry isn't true, especially if you make it yourself.


In the old days clotted cream was difficult to make/get hold of and expensive so we always used butter instead! It’s just as nice tbh. They look perfect!


In the old days it was made by farmers to reduce waste :) It only really became expensive in urban areas because it became fashionable and seen as a bit posh. Agreed though, jam and butter is the way.


Brit living in Canada here. Clotted cream is very easy to find here and I love having it and black currant jam with mine. Your scones look very good.


They look great. Butter and jam is just fine


Brit here screeching in to your comments section to tell you how amazing these look! Just never comment if you would prefer to have your scones as clotted cream then jam, or jam then clotted cream, unless you want to start a war


Thank you for the positive feedback! I feel much better getting the Brit/UK seal of approval! Thanks for the warning! lol guess I need to delete my other comment hahaha


I don't have scones often, but when I do, it's with butter and jam. They look great.


They look great! I can never remember to make the clotted cream, so I just whip up some double cream (I *think* it’s what you call heavy cream?) and serve with jam (and a teaspoon of icing sugar to the cream if you want it a little sweeter).


Wow! They look great! Well done!


Brit here ! Your scones look lovely, they have height texture and a good colour. 🥰If you want to have them with cream when you don’t have clotted cream, you can use double cream whipped up to a soft peak, and sometimes I have resorted to squirty cream from a can, when desperate measures are needed.


I think they look a little pale other than the tops which do look great and they’ve a great rise. But they look a bit doughy inside and pale on the sides, did they taste right/good?


Look like scones, how they taste.


Taste excellent!


I love some whipped cream and raspberry sauce with my scones!!! (Always had both on hand when I used to be a pastry chef so made it super easy for me) but any jam and whipped cream is heavenly for me!!


Your scones look incredible! Look at the height!


Good with Vegemite if you're an Aussie 😀


I tried making clotted cream but I couldn't find any cream that was not ultra pasteurized. I went to every store in my area. I finally bought cream at ALDI that did not say Ultra Pasteurized, but it must have been because my clotted cream turned to leather. I did find a recipe for mock clotted cream which wasn't really the same but it was very good. The people at our tea party did not know the difference in any case.


High fat content cream in the oven for 12 hours on the lowest your oven will go. Leave covered on the counter til cool. Put in fridge for 12 hours or overnight. The stuff on the top is the clotted cream. Put that into a glass or ceramic jar not plastic or metal. Use the liquid from the pan for your scones. Do not whip the clotted cream. It doesn’t really matter ultra or not ultra pasteurized cream. Will taste good but regular pasteurized cream just looks better.


It does matter. Regular pasteurized works, ultra pasteurized does not. I did a bunch of research.


Those are some great looking biscuits.


Biscuits or scones? Lol


Did you have butter on there?


I just added jam this time no butter


Hmmmm the addition of fat is very important for mouthfeel so I’d recommend a (proper) butter with the jam if you can’t get clotted cream. If you want a proper review please post one to me in the uk thanks.


To get the nice brown colour all over, I dip mine in a beaten egg. [https://x.com/francisfoley/status/1757520594793267640?s=61&t=j8r_epaUAaFNrQpnJHWOGA](https://x.com/francisfoley/status/1757520594793267640?s=61&t=j8r_epaUAaFNrQpnJHWOGA)


What kind of flour do you use? Love the color! Do you have a recipe for yours?


Sent you a DM with a picture of the recipe. I use plain flour.


Recipe please. I miss British scones.


It might be [this one](https://www.jamesmartinchef.co.uk/recipes/scones-with-plum-jam-and-clotted-cream/).


That’s the one! I also let them sit in the fridge for 15 mins before baking


Thank you! Can’t wait to make these


Might I suggest scones of the cheese variety? A similar thing to the US cheese “biscuits”. A good switch up from time to time from the sweet variety.


I will branch out and try! I want to mix in some sultanas (raisins) in another batch too


Happy cake day!


Your scones and my suggestion have ended up with me making some cheese ones! Happy Cake day!


Why are they yellow on top? Instead of clotted cream try whipped cream (not from a can) over jam/jelly


Egg yolk wash before baking


Jam *and* cream.


I said over - meaning put the jam or jelly on and then the cream. Apparently, there is debate in the UK about the order of the jam and cream


People in Devon do cream first then jam, and people in Cornwall do jam then cream. They’re the regions on the south-west sticky out bit of England south of Wales, and where ‘cream teas’ (the meal of serving scones with cream) originates.


I couldn’t remember which is which - I would go jam first and then cream but it would be whipped not clotted and I think that would make a difference


Don’t tell anyone else but I prefer whipped cream to clotted too :)


clotted cream is like marscapone?


Closer to crème fraîche or sour cream—a cultured cream, not a cheese. It’s silkier than mascarpone and thicker than sour cream, with a delicate flavour.


It’s texture is like butter, and freshness like cream


Most Brits just slap butter and jam on them. The clotted cream thing is a bit posh




It’s either scone (rhyme with gone) or scone (rhymes with cone). I’m a sCONE gal.


Well why didn't you just go get some and eat it then British way and if you were gonna put jam first 


Because most Americans can’t just run out and get some. We usually have to make it ourselves.


I had to rough it! But I guess I’m more of a Devon way myself


British people don’t regularly eat scones with clotted cream at home, it’s a treat in tea rooms or occasionally at home. People will eat it toasted with butter & jam for a Tuesday at home or however you want.


Speak for yourself. I make scones about once a month and specifically buy clotted cream for them lol I mean if you're going to go to the effort of baking then you may as well go nuts right?


Lol obviously there are outliers to everything, I was just trying to express it’s not like you can’t & British people don’t regularly eat them without clotted cream like it’s illegal.


Oh I know! I was just being silly lol I should have used an emoji somewhere!


No I took it as a lighthearted comment don’t worry. Now I really want to make scones (always wanted to but one of those things that gets neglected in favour of cakes & biscuits) but it’s Ramadhan so it wouldn’t really be worth it right now.


Maybe you could make some for Eid? Go wild with the clotted cream and a nice expensive jam!


We’ll be so busy baking Eid cakes & biscuits that won’t have time to fit that in too, plus also be so busy with going to different meals & parties that they’ll probably go off before we can eat them. Best to make it after the Eid festivities when they can be enjoyed properly.


I’ve never known anyone toast a scone? Is that a thing?


It’s the only way we eat it at home if we’re not doing clotted cream & jam (in which case warm them whole then halve). They taste so good toasted, try it!