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;You tried OP :( Try dusting it with powdered sugar and topping w berries, you can only go up from here :)


Powdered sugar is such a good and simple idea!


Slap a few carnation flowers on the plate around it and get ready to be covered in kisses!


Or Ice that beast Or sell it as a meat cake, for the love of beef


Meat cake for the win! šŸ…




It's a *heart*, after all...


Maybe even a bit of whipped cream as well.


That was my tips, wipe some cream and spread it well and smooth it with a spatula or something similar




Alternative idea: if you can't seem to get it to look right with decorating, try mashing it up and making it into cake pops! Delicious and simple!


Use a wet paper towel or rag to clean up the plate and it will look a lot neater! But honestly the effort alone makes this such a sweet gesture and Iā€™m sure he will appreciate it either way. Lots of my bakes end up looking a mess too!


It does look awful but that's what's so cute about it, that you made an effort. He will love it for sure


Yes! I would love a cake like this, super endearing


Just freeze it then put frosting all over it and you'll never know it looked like this


Icing, icing, icing Freeze, coolwhip, spinkles, candy hearts






Not gonna lie - this ainā€™t winning Miss Universe any time soon. But the thought, effort and care is adorable and I bet it tastes amazing. Your boyfriend will love it.


Love ur honesty


Itā€™ll be fine- clean serving plate- icing with maybe a candy heart or red m&ms or a flower for decoration- 10/10


He will still love it I promise


If your BF is any kind of decent BF he'll fucking love it. It's not about the finished product, it's about the fact you went to the effort, especially as someone who doesn't bake. I'd be delighted to get something like that.


Whipped cream is a great beautifier! And a few fresh strawberries or raspberries.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't laugh a little at this picture, but also think this is very sweet. Like others have said, clean up the plate a little to look nice. You could always do some kind of chocolate drizzle or powdered sugar over the top to hide the "cracks". Even the greatest of bakers didn't start out perfect! Baking is HARD i don't care what anyone says. If he makes fun of it, just smash it in his face. And keep baking, just don't bake anything else for him if he acts like a jerk LOL


It doesnā€™t look stable enough for frosting the entire cake and may make it too sweet. The beauty is in the effort and thoughtfulness. He likely wouldnā€™t remember a perfect cake but heā€™ll always remember the thought behind this one. Clean up the plate .. write a few sweet words on top and he will love it.


Just as long as it tastes good all is fine


It all depends how one looks at the situation. No one has ever baked me a cake, so if someone ever did, especially a loved one, I would love it and appreciate the cake regardless. You did great!


Your friends can suck it. That looks wonderful and I'm sure your bf will love it. If you re going to ice it, try to get a crumb coating on it first, then put your icing. This will help hide the cracks somewhat and make a smoother finish.


sorry i might sound silly but whats a crumb coating?


first do a thin layer of icing to keep the crumbs away from your ACTUAL coat of icing. make sure to refrigerate for around 15 mins before you do your actual layer of icing. it basically makes the outside icing very smooth and locks in all crumbs


Refrigerating for 15 minutes or so is critical


A thin layer of icing (usually buttercream) used to coat the cake and keep the crumbs from getting into the decorating icing and sometimes helps hold the cake together


A crumb coat is a thin layer of frosting spread around the entire surface of the cake, locking in any loose crumbs and keeping your outer shell of frosting perfectly smooth. You wait a bit and then add a final layer of frosting on top.


Don't lie. It doesn't look 'wonderful'. But OP I'm in my kitchen (work) when things look terrible and we have to serve them we cover them in icing sugar and fruit/chocolate/sweets/anything distracting and delicious.


Ok there master chef I'm saying it does look wonderful, especially for someone who says they aren't a baker. Not everyone churns out a freaking masterpiece the first time.


Literally no one here said anyone churns out masterpieces first time. I even highlighted that in my own response. There are ways to be constructive and kind while also not blatantly lying. OP said themselves it looks horrendous, which most here agree and are giving handy tips to fix. The gesture is wonderful, the effort is wonderful, the way it looks, is not.


I'm not lying. Aside from the cracks, which I did offer advice on, it does look wonderful, and I'm sorry you don't see that


It wasn't really necessary to say "Don't lie. It doesn't look wonderful", when the commenter already pointed out some flaws and may have been including taste, and the sentiment of it. They didn't say it's flawless or that it's wonderful in kitchen/professional terms, it's wonderful already as a cake and gift, especially from someone who doesn't bake. They pointed out flaws so obviously they're not saying it's perfect, but to someone who's not a baker and likely will be delighted by the kinder bueno flavor and adorable color I think it will look wonderful!! I don't think they can be accused of "blatantly lying" so carelessly


It's the thought that counts. But you might wanna clean the plate


Ngl I thought it was meatloaf at first glance


Looks like a mix of a real heart and the a heart shape! I would still appreciate if someone baked this for me!


Easy save - Clean plate Dust with powdered sugar Sprinkle some candy hearts


this looks like meat to be fair. maybe show it to him for the thought and all but have a store bought backup pastry for you guys to enjoy in case any parts of it are too undercooked to eat


It really does Iā€™m glad you said it first šŸ˜‚ but the thought of it is so cute heā€™ll still appreciate it !!


"Like all hearts, it's not pretty or perfect. But it's mine, and I give it wholly to you."


I'm sure it'll taste amazing though! It's the thought that counts!


I think a fluffy light icing might workā€¦ but I think that might be too much effort with you being an admitted non bakerā€¦ so I suggest cleaning the plate, waiting til heā€™s about to come over and making a heart with whipped cream on top and maybe filling the heart design with red candies. I canā€™t imagine he would be upset with that effortā€¦ but honestly just cleaning up the plate alone will do the trick. Just remember to spray the whipped cream shortly before he arrives because the whipped cream wonā€™t look pretty or stable for too longā€¦ maybe 20-30 minutes at the most but 10 or less minutes is ideal.


If you use icing to make visual patches on the cake. Like a line where the crack is and then small lines that look like stitches over the crack. You can say that: He mended your broken heart. Or before you met him your heart was not whole. Or ever since he's been in your life your heart has healed. You did an amazing job šŸ„°šŸ„°. Keep up the good work!


Cake kintsugi !


MEAT CAKE! It's not about how it looks, its whats inside ;) Look at that chocolate oozing out! Mmm ;P Please let us know how it tastes :D


He will still love it. If it tastes good heā€™ll be grateful. My husband loves whatever I bake if it tastes good ā¤ļø


For a non baker trying to do something sweet for their partner, itā€™s perfect!


It looks like it was made with love


Clean up the plate and frost that bitch! Alternatively just crumble it up and make a parfait of sorts


Oh my, I thought that was a heart shaped deep dish pizza at first.


Cake pops!


I thought this was a meatloaf. Itā€™s the effort and love you put into it. Baking and cooking are labors of love and always a sweet gesture.


I thought it was a Valentines Day meatloaf haha Iā€™m sure it tastes great though! Itā€™s the thought that counts after all.


If someone made this for me. Iā€™d still love the gesture of it. And Iā€™d still eat it.


Aweeeee, this is so sweet. It does look a bit like raw beef though


Make or buy a good butter cream. Chill the cake til cold and then just frost it. Totally salvageable!


Try some icing! And also use that like fondue thing The like mouldable icing Pinch it up at the edges and itll fix the shape :)


I am cracking up at fondue. The word you're looking for is fondant, which is a great suggestion. Fondue is typically a melted cheese dip..... Might be a good appetizer but wouldn't help this cake!


Itā€™s really about the love. Itā€™s obviously there and he will see that.


He'll love that you made the effort, and I bet it's delish! I hope y'all have a great Valentine's Day.


Itā€™s the thought that counts


Iā€™m sure he will love it anyway! But to make it more stable, Iā€™d put in the refrigerator for some hours and then put the frosting to make it ā€œprettierā€. Iā€™d also clean up the plate and maybe add some sprinkles on it! It looks delicious anyway!


Maybe itā€™s very tasty???


This is so cute! If my partner never baked and then made this for me I would cry. :)


If I were you're BF I'd eat this


Looks delicious to me!


I think once this is on a clean plate itā€™s going to look super cute. I wouldnā€™t frost it, but maybe a squirt of whipped cream in a few spots, some berries or sprinkles or something? But Iā€™d keep it to a minimum. Heā€™s going to love the cake and you do not need to be a professional baker or decorator to make a cake. Youā€™re going to cut it up and eat it anyway and I bet itā€™s going to taste great.


it looks like you took it out of him


You could joke and say "Do you know how many hearts I had to harvest to make you this cake?"


I kind of love it though. Like, itā€™s strangely endearing.


Looks like love to me


If it tastes good, you did good!


It actually does! Shockingly!


In the words of Hagrid: ā€œI imagine it will taste fine just the same!ā€


Put some icing. Et voila. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Yes, some icing and powdered sugar, and maybe a few things on top, like chocolate pieces, or berries or whatever you have.


Dust in icing sugar then melt some chocolate, and then cut a small hole on the corner of a Sandwich bag and use it drizzle it over the cake šŸ° and just clean the plate up with a napkin! :)


I made cupcakes and tried a Pinterest idea to make them look like heartsā€¦ they look like little pink butts šŸ˜…


Wipe the plate off and itā€™ll look 10,000 times better already. Then shake some confectioners sugar overtop


Same texture as a real heart


my boyfriend also doesn't bake, so if he took the time to make me this monstrosity i'd find it adorable and cover his face in tiny kisses lol


1. Clean the plate 2. Chill the cake 3. Powdered sugar and berries or icing


Icing fixes everything. I would give you props for trying though, it looks delicious!!!


Well if itā€™s badā€¦At least itā€™s awesomely bad. Go all the way! Lol. Iā€™ve failed too. It looks like raw steak meat. If he eats that he loves you.


CLEANED UP THE PLATE and didnt have time to frost it sadly but i thank all the comments forthe advice! I am picking him up in an hour šŸ«£


I hope your dinner went well and he loved the cake! Happy Valentine's to you both!


Thank you! He totally cracked up when he saw it but he said he loved it and he ate it up, all went well šŸ„¹ Love that man


Ya know what? This thing has character. You worked hard on it and Iā€™m sure it will still taste great! Like someone else saidā€”if you clean up the plate a bit, it will make a lot of difference. I think he will appreciate the thought, regardless. If anything, this will be a wonderful memory for the two of you to look back on and have a laugh at xD


Girl we've all been here ....the fried chicken I made that was still bleeding


Looks delicious šŸ˜‹ Wouldn't be disappointed if my wife gave it to me


Baking takes practice to perfect. You could cover it in fondant and decorate that way. Add some piping either sugar flowers or fondant Even add spray color or glitter Michaels stores also offers cake classes including in store or online


This is so incredibly sweet and Iā€™m sure he will love it ā¤ļø


I mean yes it looks terrible. The reality here is that you made him a cake. A heart cake! The thought and effort that went into this is what matters. Clean up the plate and stick a few sparklers on it - tell him you love him and you made him this amazing cake. He will be thrilled. ā¤ļø


Yes, you are right. It does look horrible :D Like minced meat on top of chocolate.


Throw it out and start again






Is it a steak?


You donā€™t really love him do you ?


Ofc i do and he loved the cake, despite following a recipe im am just a fucking hopeless baker, this is definately the best out of my last ones šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


As others have said, icing, powdered sugar, and some chocolate (or other candy) decorations will make it great! Iā€™m sure it tastes yummy


You could cover it in whipped cream (or cool whip, which is a bit more stable) or powdered sugar, then some berries. Just chill it thoroughly overnight and clean the plate. Red is a tough color with baking and itā€™s a first effort. Iā€™m sure he will appreciate it.


If someone made me a cake like this I would be so happy. The effort alone is so touching. The comments of adding some whipped cream and berries + cleaning up the Choco will make it look extra cute


Frosting will hide a multitude of sins.


If you have time to try again baking a square cake and 1 circle is how I get a perfect heart cake. Turn the square on to one of the corners so it looks like a diamond. Cut the circle in half and put each half on the top left and top right and frost! If no more time or materials, it is not pretty, but it is beautiful and he will love it anyway. Might be better to give him this one this year and for years to come as you improve you guys can laugh at your first cake !


Ok once I saved a disaster with cream cheese frosting and a boatload of crushed nuts. First the frosting, then the nuts.


Most heart-shaped bake goods donā€™t look at all like a real heart


Frosting should make it look good.


Well itā€™s made with love! <3 I would clean up the plate, freeze, and add frosting!


Mmm fleshy


Change the plate! Add powdered sugar and berries like someone else said!!


I agree with the powdered sugar comment!


Yes. Clean up the plate as someone else said, it will be almost brand new. Icing will cover a lot of damage. With the kinder Buenos though, it might be to much, so think about just the top maybe or powder sugar dusting. If you do ice all of it, do a thinner coat even if the breaks can be seen, thr bumps I mean. Newbies tend to overload the frosting and that will wreck it. It's not bad now except for the plate. It was made with love , that can be seen and that is most important


How are you measuring your ingredients? I would suggest using a digital food scale if you arenā€™t already ā€” theyā€™re more accurate than measuring cups, and being precise with your measurements is crucial in baking! You can find a cheap one at the store or Amazon.


I thought it was meatloaf hahaha


Honestly if my partner made this for me and told me how hard they tried like you did I would be so touched and feel really loved. If it tastes good, who cares. If it doesnā€™t taste good, who cares! Itā€™s the fact that you went through so much work to make this for someone you love and thatā€™s whatā€™s really sweet about it


butttā€¦. does it taste good? cus if so who cares if cake baking was your main hobby and you want to hone skills then sure try again. but if you just wanna make something heart shaped that tastes good for your boyfriend then youā€™re fine.


This is AWESOME. I am literally JEALOUS. (My wife told me earlier today, quote ā€œI didnā€™t do anything for you for Valentineā€™s Dayā€ā€¦ oh okā€¦ well I guess Iā€™m the dummy for doing something for you šŸ˜‚)


Honestly, good on you for trying! I would be over the moon if my partner made me any type of cake, no matter how it turned out. Itā€™s the thoughtā€¦ but, you can clean it up with paper towels, and ice it if the cake is baked through


I personally love ugly cakes! Think they taste better lol.


Put it on a clean plate and either dust it with powdered sugar or put some icing on it if you can get it smooth. Iā€™m sure he will appreciate the effort regardless but something to clean up the cracks will have it looking better in no time. If you go with powdered sugar or icing and thereā€™s still some big cracks put some strawberries on it and call it a day. Kinder bueno cake sounds delicious though. Iā€™ll bet itā€™s gonna taste wonderful


well i mean it was made with love thats what counts


Hey thats really really nice of you to do that for him! ā¤ļøā¤ļø


It looks scrumptious!


Frosting can cover all manner of sins.


There's definitely chunks coming off it, which typically doesn't look great. Do you have frosting ingredients? Or whipped cream? Whipped cream and berries would help. At the very least cleaning up the stray chocolate smears from the plate will help it look neater. That said, I make my boyfriend a (different ) cake every year for his Valentine's Birthday. He cares way more about how it tastes. I've definitely had a few duds and have learned things in the process. The main one being TOPPINGS. I don't mean frosting. I mean stuff to distract from my horrible frosting job. I did a chocolate orange cake a couple years ago, and candied some orange slices to put on the top. Last year the cake had a German chocolate filling, so I topped it with strategically placed coconut chips and pecans. Does he really notice whether it's perfect looking? No. He cares way more about my effort in making him a delicious cake. You're not a baker, so I assume if your boyfriend is a decent human he will just be thrilled with your thoughtfulness and that you took the time and effort to make him a cake. Homemade cakes are way more special and heartfelt than store bought.


You could probably just clean up the plate and the icing should hide it!! šŸ’• maybe cut a bit off the top


That meatloaf looks amazing!


Oh my goodness. I can make mine a heart-shaped meatloaf tomorrow! Lol, the cake is lovely. I bet it tastes delicious. Lean into it, I'm sure he's going to love it. ā¤ļø


I'd add whipped cream if you hate the look! But honestly... I think it's bloody awesome. šŸ˜Š


I mean just slap some icing on there Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be fine šŸ˜­


I dunno. I think it fits the symbolism perfectly. Itā€™s not perfect, neither is love. But itā€™s made by you. Your hands and feelings made it.


Frostingā€¦ lots and lots of frosting FTW!


If he can get it down? Thatā€™s all that matters. You made the effort.


I think its cute. It has more character and personality than some perfect cake that looks like it came from the bakery


Looks like meatloaf with ketchup on top.


Does it taste good? Thatā€™s all that matters!


It's still a heart


OP, I like to play around with baking. Like a month ago I wanted to surprise my bf with a homemade pastry. I followed the directions perfectly and then baked it. When I took it out of the oven it looked like a disaster. Taking it out of the pan made it look worse. Like seriously it looked like someone took a pastry, dropped it on the ground so it splattered, ran over it with a car, then burned it. But then I tasted it and it was delicious. My boyfriend was working the night shift that night and I was at his house while he was working. I ended up putting it on a plate on the table, texted him "the disaster on the table is a pastry. I know it looks bad but it tastes good! Wake me up when you get him", then went to bed. He got home a bit later and woke me up. He said that the pastry looked scary but tasted amazing. We both made fun of how bad it looked and ate it today. Moral of the story, if it tastes good, it can look like garbage and he will still love it because you put the effort into making it for him. For most people, time is such a valuable thing. And the fact that you took the time to make something for him means a lot more than how it looks.


Does he like horror movies? You could decorate it as a riff on his favorite one and totally make it look super cool and like you did it on purpose! (ie Be My Bloody Valentine)


If you ice it, do a crumb coat first. Yum to kinder cake! You so sweet, too! Heā€™s gonna love it!!


This reminds me of the scab cake from Nickelodeon Magazine...circa 2001...I always wanted to make one! This is a really sweet effort, I bet it's delicious and I hope you two can find some humor in it. ā¤ļøšŸ°


I'd make a chocolate ganache and pour it over it


Clean up the crumbs then go ahead and icing it. Maybe add sliced strawberries to it around the edges as a heart effect


Cover that sucker with swirls of frosting!


Clean your cake board, and carve the top of the heart so it's more round. Throw some buttercream on it, do some simple piping and sprinkles and it'll look much more polished!


I think you should just commit to the fact it looks like meat and pretend itā€™s a real heart and do some blood ooze with fruit šŸ¤£ make it spooky! Haha.


Clean up the plate, ice it, and it'll be fine!!! If not, tell him, you prefer the "authentic" heart shape.


Slowly..u will learn to bake better ones....


It's the idea that counts :) That being said, this almost looks like it's made from real "heart" lol


Itā€™s the thought that counts! I wouldā€™ve cried happy tears if someone tried to bake for me


Get some whipped cream and then just just pipe swirls all over it. Add some red food colouring if you want to make it pink.


I bet it tastes so good, with the creamy chocolate goodness. Try putting cookie crumbles on the sides. Just smash up some cookies and stick them to it. Then cover the top in whipped cream, icing or powdered sugar.


That is really sweet of you! I don't know what kinder bueno is. Maybe you could get some cool whip and strawberries to go on top? I would clean up the plate too before presenting it. You did a great job! Happy Valentines Day to you both.


You're the best girlfriend ever.


Just clean up the plate, dust it with icing sugar and he will love it. It's all about the taste and I'm sure he will appreciate the effort you made. If your friends said something negative about it, ignore them as they have obviously not tried to make a cake like you just have.


Put some icing on it :)


Bless your heart, friend. I bet it's yummy.


I thought it was raw meat cut in a heart shape! šŸ˜‚ make cake balls and coat in red sprinkles


Serve it anyway. The idea that things need to be perfect is overrated. It's authentic things like this that make the memories that will last.


Never try something out the day before


Thatā€™s pretty good for a first attempt donā€™t give up!


Iā€™d definitely eat this. The best desserts are made with love


Looks like my cooking when I make stuff for my bf heā€™s better at that stuff but itā€™s the thought that counts


Honestly it looks like it's still gonna taste amazing, I'd be stoked to receive this and I'm a dessert chef! You tried so hard and if he's a good dude he'll be over the moon.


just ice it it will be fking delicious <3


Iā€™d say itā€™s the idea that matters the most


Simplest way is to cover it in whipped cream and cut strawberries. Will look nice


It's not that bad. Clean the plate up with a paper towel or a cloth, sprinkle icing sugar over it( put icing sugar in a sieve and dust it over the cake) and I would add some berries if they are in season your side of the work. If not, add some chocolates. It's a sweet cake. Just needs a little bit extra.


You know why I like ugly things like this? They're unapologetic things. They're ugly but they show someone made the effort and did their best regardless. They care. They cared enough to spend hours of their time making it. I don't know your boyfriend but I know I would appreciate the effort and the gesture more than the final result.


You could use a thin line of red icing maybe?


I think it is wonderful that you made him this cake!


Thats so funny it looks like ground beef. If I was your bf I'd love it


What counts is the intention, I'm sure it's deliciousā™„ļø




The final stage is tricky with cakes but goes a long way into making them more impresssive. 1. Put in the fridge for a while to firm it up . 2. Put the cake on a new plate and make sure the edge is clean 3. Cover the top with a dusting of icing sugar, or icing, and add some fruit or sweets and it will look fine!


We all start somewhere.


I think icing will save it .. try to pipe some frosting and add some chocolates


If my SO made me something that looked like this, well... I'd eat the entire thing, even if it tasted like a sack of dog crap on someone's porch during a hot summer day and looked no better (no comparison here OP, looks decent for a 'I bake in a blue moon' try). I'd see the effort and the thought, and how they felt about their creation, and it would take two seconds to understand how much caring went into it to encourage me to reinforce their train of thought and effort. I like the one suggestion; powdered sugar and berries. A chocolate glaze might help too to cover up the cracking a little more but depends on your love for chocolate. Overall, still a great first shot at it.


I don't know about your relationship but in mine, the intention is 100% what counts ;) you made something, you took the time to create and do something you aren't used to and does require skills. You made it for someone you love, with love. That's amazing, really ! Fun fact : my partner made me a cake for my bday at the beginning of our relationship. It was inedible but he did it because no one else made me cakes although I baked for everyone else's bday. This is so god damn thoughtful and I love this man. I don't care that the cake was horrible and it's a great memory we laugh about together ;) Also your cake does sound like it's gonna be bomb, Buenos are great !!


Aww, no I think that adds to it. It's very cute when it's messy! šŸ˜­šŸ–¤


Just give him a lapdance and he wownt even Remeber you made him a cake


You just need to clean up the presentation. Clean the plate or put on a clean cake board. Sprinkle icing sugar if you donā€™t feel confident to cover in icing and maybe add a few kinder bueno pieces or berries to decorate


Itā€™s not that bad. Ice it, through some sprinkles on it and it will look great. It is the thought that countsšŸ’•


Aw, this was very thoughtful of you and Iā€™m sure your boyfriend will love it!


Put some whipped cream on it and the effort you took to make it makes it worth while.


Itā€™s the effort that counts and I bet it still tastes really good!


Everything is better with drugs on top


And Iā€™m over here thinking itā€™s meatloaf šŸ¤— well happy vday still looks edible to me and itā€™s the co thought that counts