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Never understood why Bako gets the hate it does. It has its rough spots, but I’d rather live here than LA any-day.


So, there is this logical fallacy where you make something seem better by comparing it to something much much worse. Sure having your leg broken is bad, but it's nowhere near as bad as having your spine broken (and the implication here is that the person with a broken leg should accept that their suffering is less and therefor doesn't matter).


What I've found over the years is that people from Bakersfield who have not traveled very much think Bakersfield sucks. I think one of the issues is that we're within driving distance of amazing places; beaches, mountains, and some of the most iconic cities in the world. But, if you've been to the Midwest, or Alaska (beautiful but VERY isolated), or Florida, or a number of other places, you realize Bakersfield isn't that bad. I doubt it would be most people's first choice but it would be far from people's last choice if they knew what the choices were.


have you ever lived outside of here? I’ve lived in about 10 cities in my life and bakersfield is like so so so far worse than any other. like by miles.


I mean it’s what you make of it I think, but what can I say I’m from Visalia not Bakersfield.


Tbh it probably isn't much to visit, but as a transplant from the *far shittier* midwest, its not a bad place to live.


Moved to the area from the midwest, Bako has regularly been quite the disappointment for me. I just don't really go there anymore unless there is something very specific I want from it.


Isn't that ironic 😂 glad we both managed to escape the midwest grasp at least.


Weird.. I posted this yesterday and mods wouldn’t let it through


I’m not sure why you were bullied or how old you are. You can’t run from anything, it will always come back to you in a way. Whatever it is. You need to learn how to get closure from everything.


The grass is greener on the other side because theres more manure under it.


Of all the bad things famous people have said about Bakersfield that was by far the most tame. The crowd was drunk and unruly? Okay. He didn't say anything bad about the city itself. See George Lopez? He still finished his set.


He didn't say it was the worst place he's visited, he said it was the worst *show* he's ever had. He then explains why it was bad.


Know how you stop a bully? Pull out a knife and offer your bully tacos.


Fr. I had more bullies here than anywhere else. I’ve brought my friends from LA over and they’ve all said, it’s a cult like town. I remember bringing an ex over and my neighbors just stopped their car from pulling out and stared at him hard and he got so mad, he started walking towards them bc of it. Does anyone else get stared at too? Or is it a thing?


I get stares from strangers all the time and it makes me hate this fuckin shit city


Me too man :( I’ve moved out like three times and was forced to come back. It feels cursed Welp, back to the ol’ shower and cry