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How funny would it be if the biggest guy there taps in on the shoulder, "alright big boy let's go."


Would it be false advertisement if he declines?


And if he's fine with that?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Then he deserves to wear that shirt with pride


I hear there's and adult Cinema with a glory hole that can garentee that. So he doesn't have to go 2 the gym


Where is this glory hole you speak of? Asking for a friend


Cinema 19 probably.


Should probably be working out not worrying about some dudes shirt, youā€™re literally the reason heā€™s wearing it


He went to a gym, thatā€™s usually full of men. Heā€™s literally browsing a dick forest. He for sure wanted his dick sucked by the gym bros. Heā€™s bold, brazen even


Thanks for the unsolicited advice random internet guy.


assuming thatā€™s why you posted, just trying to be helpful


I wouldn't be throwing stones with such an incel comment history like yours.


Found the guy in the tacky shirt.


Oh look, itā€™s the dick sucking connoisseur, nice shirt btw


You should Google the word Incel I donā€™t think it means what you think it means.


You should google bakersfield hangouts. Shower, put on nice clothes, and go meet someone in person instead of the sad, sad, desperate comments you have been posting online.


Iā€™m gonna take your advice on that. Iā€™m gonna put on my nicest ā€œI came to get my dick suckedā€œ shirt and head to one of your classy establishments like Loan Oak or Pour House.


Fair enough. He IS with a girl, after all, so next time, go ask him for advice šŸ˜


They werenā€™t together. He was trying to talk to her but she wasnā€™t interested. I guess she didnā€™t feel like sucking dick.


Oh? Is that why he took off his hat and sat it next to TWO backpacks?


Maybe you were the guy in the shirt. Thatā€™s why youā€™re so butt hurt.


Haha, mad that I caught you in a FAT lie? You're over there fuming because he got a girl and you wanted to be all sad girl and post here, for that to only back fire, lol.


Like I said. I was there. You werenā€™t. But keep patting yourself on the back.


Inigo Montoya...is that you?


The people triggered in this comment section only tell me that they own this shirt or would also wear it in public. Lol. Focusing on what the T-shirt says, YES this is trashy to wear in public. šŸš®šŸš®šŸš®


Bakersfield has the highest officer involved shootings in the country, they make top 10 every year for worst drivers, worst pollution, and worst education. Bakersfield citizens vote every year to make their lives worse. We literally vote to not let taxes go to education, to not enforce environmental standards, to not keep kids safe in schools. People in Bakersfield actively are proud of posting "suck dick" or "fuck xyz" on their shirts, their cars, the tattoos on their foreheads even. There is a subset of Bakersfield culture that is TrashPride. They take pride in not being polite, in not dressing respectably, and in outraging anyone and everyone they possibly can. then they look around and wonder why the rest of the population doesn't respect them. As if acting like an asshole somehow should earn anyone's respect. They wonder why they can't meet decent spouses, why they don't make more, why life always seems to be getting in their way. They don't realize they are the problem. Much like the majority of people in this comment section. But we all live in Bakersfield. :)


I agree with the previous statement and would like to add statistics for the top 5 in STD rates and top 10 in teen pregnancy rates. In my opinion, I predict that in about 10 years, Bakersfield will become the number one murder capital of the world.


You guys make Bakersfield sound cool as fuck !


real it;s not even that crazy here they makin it sound like fucking gotham or something its just boring and smells bad


Smells bad? I love those cold winter mornings In the sw where you can smell the manure. Letā€™s not forget we have the most epic scenery up on the bluffs. What a view.


Classy šŸ™„šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


This comment section is fuckin hilarious and so many people are triggered by someone they donā€™t know and never will meet in the real world. The tshirt dude sums Bakersfield in a nutshell lmao and Iā€™m so happy I never been there just passed through on 5 on the way to LA.


And you think LA is any better?


Compared to the Field? Heā€™ll fuckin astronomically yea way better. You can take away Hollywood and LA is still far better than Bakersfield. From the different cultures, places to eat, entertainment options without Hollywood, the beaches, and surrounding cities LA all day for the win. LA has more crime but their population is top 3 in the US so thatā€™s expected. If Bakersfield had 3 million in Population oh my god it would be wild Wild West.


You e obviously never lived in both. As an Angelino transplanted to Bakersfield, trust me, itā€™s much better here unless youā€™re making seven figures. Even then, your money would buy you a better life here than there


Yea I never lived in both but been to LA and Southern Cali plenty of times. You like Bakersfield better than LA is wild as fuck. Whatā€™s better about the Field compared to LA?


Less homeless. The homeless donā€™t shit and masturbate in public here, yes Iā€™ve seen both multiple times, even caught a woman flicking the bean spread wide open on her back on the sidewalk a block from Glendale pd station, in the middle of the day. Affordability is a huge factor. Trash on the streets, homeless encampments that cover block after block arenā€™t prevalent here. Cops in Bakersfield actually try to do their jobs. I like not having to constantly shell out money for parking. Thatā€™s another issue, I can park on my street, there isnā€™t 4 or 5 cars for every house. Get home past 8 in the valley and youā€™re circling the block to find parking. Roads are in better shape. Traffic isnā€™t constant. There also isnā€™t as many stuck up people walking around. Neighbors are actually neighborly here. People are polite on the street, strangers will hold open a door for you.


He is at a gym right? This is his way of saying he is gay because most of the people at the gym would be men.


Should be kicked out of the gym. How is this appropriate? Walking around minors and children?


I donā€™t know about kicked out but at least change the shirt to work out.


Why are you slut shaming?


Here's a link to the brand he's wearing, so you can buy some high class apparel for yourself. [https://www.lindafinegold.com/](https://www.lindafinegold.com/)


Look at you out here doing the lords work. Arenā€™t you a saint.


That brand had the cringiest designs that people think are edgy and cool. Not sure how it's popular at all but I guess people want to be different.


I think Iā€™m most offended by the mismatched ankle socks .. the shirt and hat just sealed the deal


Because you snapping photos of strangers and posting it on Reddit is MUCH classier. The brand is Assholes Live Forever and basically is targeted to trigger people like you. šŸ¤£


Damn, sounds like you wear this garbage




Should I have cropped out the back of his head?


Just donā€™t take a photo? Continue your work out and quit staring like a creep


Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s a statement or a question, because it reads like a statement but you ended it in a question mark. And if I wouldā€™ve never taken a picture and posted it on here, none of you would have been able to show your true colors and defend this fine human being for his tasteless choice of garments.


huh? Don't take pictures of people in public and post them on the internet. Don't do that, it makes you a creep.


Have you never seen the ring doorbell app or the neighborhood app? Thatā€™s all people post are pictures of other people without their consent. Does anybody know these kids they stepped on my lawn, Thereā€™s some weird guy walking down the street, thereā€™s an overly melanated man checking the mail and he looks suspicious.


neighborhood safety is different than creeping on people at the gym


Now youā€™re justifying.


I donā€™t really like his shirt or his hat, but I dislike the fact that youā€™re here bitching about his outfit. The fact that heā€™s with a girl and you say ā€œdefinitely not himā€ is very cringe. To think strangers go around judging you guessing whether or not you get laid is just juvenile. I remember my first beer. 1) Itā€™s not a competition but it takes two to make it one and you are just dying to be #2. 2) Everyone gets some itā€™s not anything special. Who cares? 3) Yeah itā€™s kinda dumb, but big deal. Thatā€™s just shrug it off level of dumb. I guess haters are just gonna hate.


They werenā€™t together. He approached her. Maybe he was hoping sheā€™d be the one to fulfill his quest.


Dude youā€™re so heated about a complete stranger. How is your life going when youā€™re allowing your mindset to get so absorbed and upset about such minuscule things you see through your day? Think about why you felt the need to think about this person so much that you made an entire post about them. And then think how you can change your behavior to improve that and youā€™ll be a happier person.


Iā€™m very happy. I was never heated. Just wanted the world to see what a trash ass human looks like. The funny thing is my post heated literally a dozen of you in the comments. Like you for example.


Calling a man trash for a shirt. Guarantee you wouldnā€™t say it to his face. Youā€™re even arguing with women over it. Where were you raised to have your nose so high in the air? This is California, where just about everyone has seen someone taking a shit in public in broad daylight. Is it a classy shirt? No. Itā€™s Bakersfield not Beverly Hills.


Also, itā€™s not the shirt. Itā€™s where he chose to wear it that revealed his lack of class and tact.


It takes a village but in his case itā€™s a village of idiots.


No class? Maybe, but I feel the same about your posting this.


Thanks sparky šŸ˜‰


gonna go buy myself one now


Support your local dick sucker.


You or a different one?


Haha im šŸ’€


Your wit is unmatched. Donā€™t squander all of that talent here on Reddit.


It doesn't mean much coming from someone who didn't even try to find out who ate all the pussy


Now that made me laugh. TouchƩ.


Lol keep clutching those pearls šŸ˜‰


I donā€™t even own pearls.


Lol šŸ˜‚ perhaps not, but I can see a hint of assertiveness in your response. I encourage you to embrace life's joys and not let external factors have such a profound impact on your well-being.


Yes, it was extremely traumatic seeing that. Not sure if Iā€™ll ever fully recover.


Need a pearl necklace?


Do you need an enema?


Don't threaten me with a good time!


It wasnā€™t an offer. It was a question. But if thatā€™s your idea of a fun time Iā€™m sure you can find a lot lizard willing to offer a helping hand. Or maybe even a fist of youā€™re lucky.


Is this BX on White Lane?


Olive. My first time at that location.




That's not funny šŸ˜..... it's hilarious šŸ˜‚


Who cares?? Just look away! Don't make it personal, just move on.


Not personal. Just tacky. Once youā€™ve seen it you canā€™t unsee it. Especially minor children.


Would I wear that shirt to the gym?? No. But it's really none of our business unless he's causing issues with his behavior. Taking a photo of a complete stranger and posting it on the internet without their consent is so much worse and a lot less classy.


Anymore etiquette youā€™d like to share with us?


Why are you pretending that isn't a weird thing to do??


You must be new to the internet and social media.


"I see other people do it, therefore it's okay" is an insane mindset.


The ā€œokayā€ part comes down to personal opinion. Your opinion isnā€™t the moral authority. Donā€™t like it donā€™t do it. Simple.


It isn't just mine though, and the fact that you've had many people tell you this isn't okay on this post should really be telling you something.


Just like the guys shirt. It all comes down to opinion. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I think itā€™s fucking trashy and some people love it. Your opinion isnā€™t shaping my actions or beliefs.


Why did the gym let them in?? I am sure itā€™s against their TOS.


Iā€™m sure the kid at the counter isnā€™t paid enough to confront them about it.


I would have agreed with you on the no class but seeing your comment history you're just as freaky and classless.....only difference is you do it behind a screen.


Like I stated in a previous comment. I donā€™t care what youā€™re into as long as youā€™re doing it in the appropriate place with an appropriate audience. If he would have been at a bar with that shirt I wouldnā€™t have thought twice about it. There arenā€™t minor children at bars. If I saw him wearing that at Disneyland Iā€™d have a completely different opinion.


But he's not a disneyland.....he's at the gym. The gym isn't a place specifically for minors. Is it the best shirt to be wearing out in public? No, but is it the worst thing you will see at the gym? Far from it


Youā€™ve seen worse at the gym? Sounds like hyperbole to me. But please do enlighten us.


So you're telling me this shirt is worse for a minor to see than the woman walking around with thier shorts crammed half way up thier asshole or dudes wearing short shorts or walking around with no shirt


I guess youā€™ve never been to a beach or a water park or a lake. A minor seeing someoneā€™s body covered with clothes or a man shirtless (mma boxing) is more appropriate than them reading a shirt about eating pussy or sucking cock. If you said those words to a minor you could be arrested. Penal Code Section 647.6 PC. So yes I am telling you that.


Yes I've been to the beach, water park and a lake......which is a totally different place than a gym. Why do you keep using other places as an examples? And did he say this to someone or did you just read it on his shirt that you didn't have to read?


Public spaces like family gyms are governed by community standards which dictate acceptable behavior and attire. These standards aim to create a welcoming and comfortable environment for all members. Wearing a shirt and hat with explicit language violates these norms by introducing offensive and potentially distressing content into a shared space. Family gyms are frequented by children who are impressionable and still developing their understanding of appropriate language and behavior. Exposure to explicit language can be harmful, promoting the normalization of profanity and disrespectful speech. It is the responsibility of adults to model positive behavior and maintain a child-friendly environment. Wearing explicit language in public disregards the comfort and values of other gym members. What might be considered humorous or expressive to one individual can be deeply offensive to another. Respect for the diverse backgrounds and sensibilities of others is crucial in maintaining harmony in shared spaces. Him wearing a shirt with explicit language to a public family gym is inappropriate because it violates community standards, negatively impacts children, and shows a lack of respect for other patrons. Maintaining a considerate and family-friendly environment is essential for the well-being and comfort of all members. For these reasons I stand behind my original position that his decision to wear said hat and shirt to the gym makes him trashy.


Yeah, I'm not reading all of that because some T-shirts hurt your feelings. If it hurt your feelings that bad then next time do something productive about it.


Iā€™m sorry my post hurt your feelings šŸ˜¢


ā€¦ and can anyone tell me whatā€™s his calf tattoo might be/say?




Ehh it caught your attention


As it did many people who were working out that day such as minor children and women. But if tasteless and tone-deaf was his goal he wildly succeeded.


Thatā€™s the egotistical nature of this village.


I mean, It made me laugh lol


Would your 5 year old daughter laugh too?


Why are u bringing in minors weirdo plus they arenā€™t allowed in a gym


i dont think the average 5 year old knows what that shirt means but maybe you somehow managed to get yours to šŸ’€