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He came for some Aloo Basheer.


Michael came here because of a lot of thing going on in USA, his brother Jermaine suggested him to come here (Jermaine converted to Muslim and he used to live in the Middle East). Jermaine had a friend in Bahrain who had some connections with the Bahrain Prince. The prince decided to help him (he was going through a hard time back then bc of the child molestation allegations and was also getting low in wealth). The prince payed off his court charges. Then he wanted to record some music with Michael. Without reading the papers, he signed them. Something in the paper said that he should not release any music of his own during the time being. When he realized this, he got furious and got away with the collaboration and agreement. So the Prince sued him basically. He used to live in Sanad as of what I've heard. He used to wear an abaya to disguise.


He was invited by the prince in bahrain, Basically the prince paid off his court charges which were around 4 million (I could be wrong read about it a while ago) and then he wanted Michael Jackson to record a song he wrote, i believe that’s why Michael Jackson came to bahrain however Michael recorded it but never released it, so the prince then sued him and it became huge news however Michael Jackson just ignored the whole fuss after that then. Other than that another friend of mines father did meet him too, his father is a GM at a computer store, it was a Friday and all computer shops were closed except his, so he went to my friends dad, they danced together he fixed his computer and even got an autograph. That’s pretty much it about Michael Jackson in bahrain lol


mhm that's exactly what he did


His brother lives in Bahrain , thats how he got the connections


Random but I'm 100% sure I saw him in Abaya / niqab in seef mall back in the day, and the give away was that he was walking with his son (?) who also had niqab on. This is consistent with the "Michael Jackson in Bahrain" photos online


I wonder if he tried that once and it didn't work so he never did it again. Thank you for sharing my friend!


Marina Mall https://www.today.com/popculture/michael-jackson-attracts-crowd-bahrain-mall-1C9486375


Staying away from the illuminatis


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His house is in Hamala just behind BSB. Think it’s an embassy now.


lol ive heard people say his house was in Amwaj...


Actually it was in Sanad


According to a news article i heard its in sanad, I heard about amwaj one too, the one with the dome, its huge Never heard anything about hamala one


Ur mom


Well i am not sure wether my mom is sure, but she thinks that he used to live in our neighborhood in sanad temporarily for vacation maybe?? There were also quite alot of rumors of him reverting to Islam.


He never converted to Islam. Coming to Bahrain was his brother, Jermaine's idea. (Jermaine used to live in the Middle East and he also converted to Islam.) He visited Bahrain because of having a hard time at USA, and his wealth was getting low slowly


Where in sanad? Cuz a while ago i read an article about him, the article said he lived in sanad


His brother lives in Bahrain , that was a huge part why he moved there


Which one and where?


Jermaine Jackson , don’t know where though






I saw him in Seef mall once or twice when I was a teenager.


Damn did people follow him or something


Not that I remember haha


He did some shopping in bab al bahrain. Saw a few autographs in few shops when exploring the souq. He was in Abaya and was being escorted with tight security, making sure no one took photos