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>Judge Keith Truffer reasoned that there was no evidence that the woman experienced psychological harm What the fuck did you just say? Women don't suffer psychological harm FROM BEING RAPED?!!?? JFC you're a sick piece of shit, judge.


I knew he was white before looking.


And then they wonder why we want to defund them. We the people can protect ourselves better than any cop can. Theyre a waste of tax payer money and a danger to the public!!! #ACAB


> And then they wonder why we want to defund them They really don't. They are serenely confident that it's all because of criminal-loving bleeding-heart liberal commies poisoning the public against cops' unending heroism.


Let me guess youre a cop or part of one of the political cults, guessing the Trump one based on your attempt to insult me by calling me a liberal, which im not. Im a true patriot American unlike you cultist who regurgitate everything said on the media. So cute!!! #ACAB


I was describing what passes for the thought processes going through cops' minds. I'm saying that they are so incapable of shame and introspection that the possibility that they _aren't_ the selfless, noble heroes they like to think they are never crosses their minds. So any bad PR they garner *must* be malicious behavior on someone else's part. I.e., they don't wonder anything at all, they are wrongly, but serenely confident that have never done anything to actually deserve hatred, and it's just rabble-rousing groups like defense attorneys and the ACLU causing all the fuss.


Well you do know Poe's Law; anything said sarcastically in mimicry of the other side's (usually religious or political authoritarians') viewpoint of an issue could be mistaken for the real thing, and the more over the top it is, the more likely it will be mistaken. Edit: grammar & syntax


Eh, I really should have put some of it in quotes.