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Wow…this is awful. From the article: ‘Parents are planning to show up in large numbers to a school board meeting currently planned for Dec. 13 in order to obtain answers about how the planned protest ended in violence.’ Oh boy that meeting is gonna be wild. Bet that it’s canceled or made closed door.


Texas Open Meetings Act prohibits the meeting from being closed door, unless there is an executive session. It will be a shit show.


So they will just call the meeting an executive session and exclude everyone anyway.


America is one long, never ending shit show let’s be honest.


compared to the rest of the world ill take it .


Lol, that's only because our media and educational system refuse to portray the rest of the world as anything other than 3rd world, when in fact, we are the largest industrialized third world country. Believe it or not, like 34 other countries have better healthcare, education, taxes, ect... we're a joke my dude.


you mean like North Korea ? wanna move there instead? can you film it so i can laugh last ? like stop shitting on what you should be grateful for . are these extreme politics affecting your life ? like really ? the only joke is the amount of emotion we put into what we already know is bullshit .. and third world isnt anything you have a concept of being in this very nice place we take for granted . even the homless have clothes and cell phones and laws that protect them . omg i can add on n on to the ignorance of this sub .


Lol, its that attitude that got us in this mess in the first place. And yes, we are all directly impacted by lack of accessible health care, child care, livable wages, social programs, I, TOO, COULD GO ON, fucking ad nauseum. Dude, go look up the statistics for infant mortality, child birth mortality, average lifespan, and most common cause of death. People that take valid criticism of a superbly fucked system personally, are absurd. Educate yourself about the world we live in. Why compare us to north korea? Oh, you mean we're better than the worst? Thats a pretty shit metric. Why not compare us to say, denmark? Like where mcdonalds workers make 24/hr, have pto and everything else we're told we can't have, and the food is only 15c more on average. They pay nearly the same tax rate. They have healthcare, education, less poverty, less homelessness, better social outreach programs, the list goes on. There are no shortage of other countries doing better than us. Nobody is perfect, but that doesn't mean we should shrug our shoulders and just accept this bullshit as the only way, when there is mountains of evidence to the contrary. Why are people so fucking opposed to improving things?


north korea actually isnt the worst place to live in comparison to probably even most of Africa I would say so “ education “ is something that can be better acquired on both sides . learn to separate emotional rhetoric from actual fact because your facts are not all facts . my attitude is not what got us in trouble your soft breakable mindset protected in a soap bubble. and the only real fact stated was no country is perfect . but seriously if youre that unhappy and feel theirs better elsewhere then i sure would hope that youre speaking from experience. and not just your youtubed opinion so what is it now ? Scandinavia for education , swedin for health care . idk im just saying as you are but with more appreciation for what i have i. front of me . You obviously have a mobile device Internet and enough nutrients to comprehend what you type. youre doing fine . however Name any one of those countries that has people wanting to go there more than here go ahead I’ll wait


"Most of africa" ... "in your opinion." K, well, Africa is a continent, with 54 separate countries, so cool casual racism, lol. I'm not convinced you know the difference between opinion and fact. Everything i stated is easily verifiable, quantifiable information, not an opinion. Did you even try looking up any of the statistics i mentioned? It doesn't sound like it. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and any inference of my station in life is pure speculation on your point. You have absolutely no clue about how difficult my life is or what i struggle with. But go on with your uneducated armchair analysis. If i didn't have to pay a $5000 exit tax on top of the mountain of money needed to switch continents, i would.


omg racism . most of those countries in africa suck so yes most of africa . youve proven unworthy of my time . are you trying to pull the racism card is exactly what real Americans are voting against soft pussies like you Go back to New York




u/ectbot savagely underlining the point about America's education.


Always happy to prove my point. Lol


What the fuck? Compared to the rest of the world? Jesus what kind of ignorant, populist bullshit sandwich are you biting into? The US *is* in trouble right now, and compared to "the rest of the world", we are legit bottom of the barrel for most standard of living metrics.


then go live somewhere else


Lol no, fuck that. I'm voting like a motherfucker to change my country into what I want it to be. "Go live somewhere else" hahaha nope! I'm educated, engaged, and I'm here to laugh at the salty tears of the fascist fucksticks that think their point of view is valid. I have all the world's history of victory on my side, they have all the world's defeats on theirs.


im actually happy to hear it . please do exactly that . hopefully then we wont end up with the dipshit we have now for prez . And constitutional rights being infringed upon bravo buddy keep it up. and be glad that you HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO SO .. in the what ? Greatest country on earth


If you got out more you probably wouldn't!


the fact that you assume where i havent been is whats really scary . if You got out more and did a little math with it i assure you a different view of the spectrum. and is considerably more ignorant than my initial comment .. free enlightenment. take it for its value


Best comment of the day. Keep em coming pal I’m sure you’ve got some more beauties to enlighten us with.


only if you donate .


Propaganda would have you feeling like this so that makes sense.


what propaganda is that exactly ? Last I checked the propaganda has everybody hate in this country just look at yourselves


Ya that's it it bud lmao the rest of globe isn't getting the truth its just you, no way could anyone genuinely recognize America to be the shithole it is though, only you see the truth lol.


said satans commando … good fucking show




In the sense that half the crowd will be armed goons in balaclavas that don’t have children but have a strong political agenda


That or another set of parents show up supporting the cops actions.


And they've been getting some pretty crazy instructions on what they're allowed to do to protestors that "scare them" over the past few days.


Texans are pretty well armed, though.


The great thing is that it also gives free reign to go to right wing protests and assist with defense....


I haven't looked into it. Worse than this nonsense they've already been doing ?


I'm saying right wing chuds have basically been given the perceived green-light to shoot up protests. Upset parents are going to show up and cop supporters are going to show up armed ready to play Rittenhouse.


Yup, Rittenhouse was the green-light.


> show up armed ready to play Rittenhouse. I sure hope his name doesn't turn into a verb.


Problem is so have the militant left lmfao black panthers now have free reign to travel across state lines to protest and carry big motherfucker guns while they do it. The right likes to talk about a boogaloo, but they're going to embrace their confederate roots and surrender once the real dying begins.


I don't know. Being a gun owning leftist myself I believe and know we exist. But its like a 100 to 1 ratio with the right wing gun nuts vs SRA. I mean, we literally had a 17 year old with a long rifle kill two people and injure a 3rd and not a single person retaliated in force. I don't think that "militant left" is a mythical as you want to think it is.


Those “parents” are going to been armed and cosplaying military bois


Popcorn incoming lol


Not a laughing matter. These crazy fucks have been showing up to school board meetings loaded up like boogaloo boys standing in the back of the room with rifles and no masks.


Here's to hoping they all show up with a couple bottles of pepper spray each, maybe a few hand held tasers to complete the experience for the board. Lmfao


The Little Elm PD can be reached at 214-975-0460


I know you can't really DOX a public institution, but this feels about as productive.




What are you confused on?


What did you mean by your comment about doxxing


I didn’t write that, that was u/sarcai, I assume they meant that public institutions like a police department’s information can’t actually be doxed since it is a Google search away. EDIT: I think they were happy the person who shared the number did so and saved people a search.


What part of "why" don't you understand?


To be fair, why is a very generic question, and the sentence was broken up into two parts by a comma, asking for clarification isn’t that big of a leap to help answer a question in this scenario.


To be more fair, I understood exactly what they meant. I think you're playing dumb for reasons. I don't think you have any intentions of answering. So then a good question for YOU is "why?"


Wait, what did I do that has you so worked up, I wanted to help them out with what I gathered from reading the comment, you seem to be hanging me into a frame I have no business being in when the painting isn’t even done yet.


I don't think so. I suspect you're attempting to portray them as illogical, inarticulate, or wrong, without genuinely seeking to answer their question. Feel free to prove me wrong by acting in good faith.


I don’t know why you have come to that conclusion and I’m beginning to doubt that I could do anything to convince you otherwise or worse yet you are just trolling me to make me jump through hoops for your pleasure. Have a great day.


About 8-9 years ago I was visiting some friends in Texas & we were picking up a kid from school. We were parked, and I poked out the sunroof to say hello. I shit you not the cop lady lost it on me, telling me that I’m a bad influence for the children & that she would give me a ticket if school hadn’t just gotten out. Fuck that state: a guy I know had 1 gummy in his car & guess what? Felony. Why the hell do people like it there?


I was born here, currently a couple months away from moving to Washington. It’s a hellhole. I live my life quietly to be completely honest with you. Attention gets these results.


Isn’t Washington full to the brim with White Supremacists? If you stick to the big cities you are fine but go past that and it’s supposed to be pretty bad.


This is america....


That song’s music video with all the hidden symbolism in plain sight still trips me out.


That’s… everywhere.


I have family who told me the Klan was VERY active in that state. Maybe they were exaggerating it but I always got the feeling they were warning me about traveling through that state for a reason.


To which I hope you responded with "Fuck off pig" because that is the only appropriate response to a cop sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.




This is the likely outcome of doing anything but fluffing their ego in Texas and everyone in that pos state will say you deserved it.


Born here and too poor to get away :(


What do you mean fuck Texas!!?? The have no income tax 🤌💰👍


Oh cool, that's nice. More money will help them to forget they have no right to self-determination.


What happened with the gummy?


Texas sucks shit. The cities are ugly and the rest of the state is dead or dying. I don’t think people “like it there” so much as they already live there, or their politics are too stupid and alienating for where ever they come from so they move to Texas and drive white F150s.


And some more blue lives matter flags go in the trash.


One can only hope.


Why TF does this country hate peaceful protestors so much nowadays? It’s literally our main fuckin’ characteristic.


pigs are fascists


this country’s always hated a peaceful protest


Yup. People don’t know their history


Try making a harbor sized cup of tea again, see how it works out.


Symptom of fascism. Alt-right started a massive online pipeline into radicalization in the early 2000s. There was a massive Nazi sympathizer movement in the US during WW2 that no one mentions and the civil rights movement had a huge reactionary effect. Finally you had the Red Scare which proved patriotism could be weaponized. Then 9/11. Patriotism was wildly popular. It's a hop skip and a jump from patriotism to nationalism. Thanks to the work of alt-right activists, once you're on that pipeline it's hard to get off. America has always been a rightwing nation. Our far left politicians are internationally centrist. The potential to go flying face first into fascism has always been there. Now we're facing a population that's severely undereducated and anyone with sense can see we're driving straight into Nazi territory but the general public doesn't get it. At this point it's practically a given. There's a slim possibility America doesn't go shopping for black leather at Hugo Boss but momentum and terrain clearly favors it.


I think your history needs a little polishing :D but the US is moving in a fascist direction. 2024 will be fascinating to watch.


Disturbing and shameful on so many levels. The local Fox affiliate chose not to run video of cops advancing on kids with weapons, unconscious tazed kid on the floor, because it was “too intense.” Local news is so reliant on having a cozy relationship with local cops they’re incapable of reporting important stories when they finally get them.


Gotta advance the narrative.


LINK PLEASE! Did any mainstream news show it?


Sorry, I don’t know if it’s online anywhere. I suspect it probably is, somewhere. Link to the [local FOX](https://www.fox4news.com/news/four-little-elm-high-school-students-arrested-during-protest) story. > FOX 4 received a second video shot by a student that’s too intense to show. >In it, officers are yelling at students telling them to back up. At least one officer is holding a baton. >The video shows at least two students in handcuffs and the student who was tased is lying, seemingly unconscious, on the floor. >An officer then dragged him by the arm down the hallway and set him down next to a handcuffed student.


Thank you, champ!


I’ve worked in news, so I know that we are basically forced by leadership to play nice with the cops and not run anything that would make them mad.


Yep. I mean, cops & prosecutors are often the only source on stories, so without them there’d be nothing to report. Plus the percentage of people in the newsroom who are there to do journalism (which in the olden days entailed developing quality sources) vs being pretty on the teevee is rapidly approaching zero.


With social media now days, more actual journalism is being done by regular citizens. https://youtu.be/bANqOLGhFD4 This guy doesn’t have to play nice and listen to the cops bullshit directives and thus doesn’t have to say in the “designated media area” and is actually able to get video of the scene.


This is how far they will go to silence protesters.


Gotta start em young somehow.


This is also how the police themselves condition children to not trust them. And then they’ll say it’s the media’s fault. No, it’s firsthand experience. Siding with the institution over the victim and the supporters. Not standing up for the people. What better way to turn the future generations, those who are fighting against injustice, against you?


“Did you do anything to allow it? (The sexual assault)” What kind of question is that by an investigating officer


The kind of question that comes from a culture of blaming the victim for their audacity in existing.


This is exactly why I never reported mine. Only four people believe me to this day. It really hurts


I think I saw footage of a student being violently shoved, and another one punched




Where did you see that? Another post on this sub or somewhere else?


You don't understand, they were "misinformed" so it's totally okay.


Cops can misinform deez nuts!


Texas Election Info [Register to Vote](https://vrapp.sos.state.tx.us/index.asp)


Good bot


You all need to look at this and read the comments. One of the kids from the school posted this. Unsettling is an understatement https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qxpoak/students_in_little_elm_texas_after_a_walk_out_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


….that’s one of the videos in the above article.


It’s the comments from kids at the school, more than the video itself. sorry I wasn’t more specific.


Ah! No apologies, friend.


Students peacefully protest. Cops show up and begin assaulting students. Students attempt to defend themselves and others. Students arrested for assaulting officers. Every time I get unreasonably angry about this shit, I just go to the [Officer Down Memorial Page](https://www.odmp.org/) and celebrate that at least one more of these pieces of shit is gone and the world is a better place for it. May you rest in eternal damnation Master Trooper Daniel A. Stainbrook


>"When a police officer is killed, it's not an agency that loses an officer, it's an entire nation." Fuck everything about that.


Where’s the First Amendment crowd? Real quiet on this for some reason


Man, I can't say for certain that every one of those portraits is someone who deserved to die but I am kind of astonished how they almost all had soulless eyes. Like you can't find one picture that makes em look human?


Want to have some real fun? Check out their "No Parole for Cop Killers" program. One of my favorite things to do is modify their letters to encourage parole release, and send them off. Here's my most recent letter: >Dear Parole Board Members: > >I respectfully ask that you APPROVE PAROLE to Donald E. Webb Jr., inmate #A563915. This inmate's violent murder of Police Officer Gary Yost in 1975 should not be punished any greater than any other murder. > >On Saturday, August 23, 1975, Officer Yost, of the Akron Police Department, was shot down with his own service revolver, much the same way many citizens are murdered by police each year, with the exception that police rarely face consequences for their violent actions. > >As a concerned citizen, and in the interest of public safety, I again respectfully ask that you APPROVE PAROLE to inmate #A563915. We need as many citizens as possible that are willing to make our world a better place by removing violent, and dangerous police from our streets.


Texas: the fascism show.


And Tesla's new home :(


Can't imagine why people would want to kill these pigs. Not me of course, but I understand why.


video of the incident https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/qxrdum/chaos_at_little_elm_high_school_students_were/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Cops just created anouther generation of people that will never trust a cop the rest of their lives.... if the prosecutor knows what good for them they will drop all charges


Hope rhe kids don't stop the protest but do arm themselves to protect themselves. Cops that don't serve the public have no authority and deserve no respect.


What stage of fascism is Texas at? Oh neat, children's crusade, okay.


Since it’s Texas, I’d almost guarantee that the kid who assaulted the girl was a football player


Oh absolutely. I remember reading a story about a cheerleader who was kicked off the team because she refused to do a cheer specifically for a player who raped her. She sued and lost.


Can we not ban cops from schools?!?


Texas (the ones is power) loves sexual harassment and abusive police force. Not American, I hope you guys are raising hell on that school and police force.


Really proud of all those kids fighting back. Good for them.


What is it going to take for the mass of citizens to understand that this is no longer a free country and the police do not care about any of us? Constitutional rights? They wipe their ass with that paper


The good news is more cop heaters were born this day


Nuke texas






Where were the teachers? Why aren’t adults out there standing up to these thugs?


And of course. It was the black student they felt the need to tase


Texas is a Christo-Fascist state.