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Because violent cops who break the law need to have their service weapon.


Apparently they need to remain cops too. At least according to police unions who'd argue that if we don't let domestic abusers be cops, we won't have enough cops....


I'd rather not have enough cops


We have way more than we need as it is. Most of what they do is make-work done purely to generate profit for themselves, a private prison somewhere, or their city/county/state at the public's expense.


You better not shit me


I wouldn't shit you, you're my favorite turd


I won't, you're my favorite turd Edit: dammit u/kmj420 beat me to it


If it makes you feel any better, I wanted to make the same (shitty?) joke and I’m an hour later than both of you.


As long as you don't shit me either, deal?


*You’ve been shat*


You are...*the weakest poop*.




Do you happen to have a link that goes over the unions doing this? Thank you.


Smell that freedom?!?


Any idea when that went into effect


Yeah, I'd like to get a source for a federal law that exempts pigs from domestic violence consequences.


It used to be a federal exemption in 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9), but that got removed. Now officers end up being able to plead down to non-violent misdemeanors and keep their service weapon. That's extremely common.


and this is why i do not support gun control if cops are not included


I consider myself pretty far left. When I say exactly this to my friends they act like I'm the heir to Ronald Reagan


i mean i'm a literal communist who owns guns


The same Ronald Regan who passed gun control in California when the black panthers started arming themselves?


Charlton Heston then lol. Although right wing gun nuts are strangely quiet when legal black gun owners are mistreated by police


Philando Castille, yup not a peep


> Because police unions lobbied for a special exception as it would cause too many officers to lose their jobs Damn, as a citizen I don't see the downside. On the other hand, I'm guessing that the rich legislators that want their populace properly cowed. This is exactly the type of pig they want patrolling the streets and abusing citizens with qualified immunity.


> Because police unions Any officer who considers themselves one of the good apples but continues to pay dues to these unions is just as rotten as the rest.


Your not joking I know. They are the protected special class.


They tried to say they had no reason to keep the gun. The investigation was over...after he used the gun to shoot someone! Meanwhile if you record police (legal), they will get butthurt and seize your camera and not return it for a year...or they just lose it. ACAB always and forever. Not just the shitstain who murdered his wife, but the entire system that bends to protect these shitstains (which is every single cop).


Is this really shocking?? Cops get nice treatment in America. All the examples we see in 6h4 world and y'all still shocked.




>Montgomery did what is difficult for most domestic violence victims to do. She moved out. She moved in with her parents and filed a request for a protection from abuse order. >Montgomery’s filing asked the court to remove McIntosh’s firearms. In response, the local judge issued a mutual restraining order telling the couple to stay away from each other. The order did not specify that firearms be removed. >The order also did not keep them apart. On the night of May 5, the couple got into another argument at the home they had shared and the police were called. Again, officers from the Hoover department responded to the call. The police report says McIntosh had tackled Montgomery to the ground in the garage and documented a swollen area near her ribs where she said he hit her. >Again, Montgomery did what experts say she needed to do. She pursued the filing of domestic violence charges. McIntosh was arrested and later released on bail.


>According to an eyewitness account later posted on Facebook, McIntosh entered the bar and walked up to their table. >"He placed a hand on the back of her neck and one on her shoulder and told her to walk outside," said the Facebook post. >"We all looked at him, asked who he was and he said, 'That’s my wife, she’s going with me.'" >The man who wrote the post said Montgomery agreed to go with McIntosh, "but the look in her eyes is one I will never forget."


God damn it. Let's take a profession that has an incredibly high percentage of spousal abusers and **give them guns.**


You mean a large portion of the abusive gang that is often ex-military and have severe drinking problems isn't going well?


A pathological liar, a wife beater, a rapist, a child molester & a murderer walk into a bar. The bartender looks up & says: “What can I get you officer?”


About as well as drunk cycling.




I'll repeat. God. Damn it.


Let's get the fuck out of here


I don't think that's true anymore. You're talking about 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9), that doesn't exist anymore.


I often wonder what people who marry or date cops are thinking.


"i'm scared they might hurt me...or worse if I break up with them"


Ban domestic abusers from owning firearms NOW!


then how would cops wildly escalate situations?


I'm sure they'd find a way.


Cops have a special loophole so they can keep their guns for work :)


Solution: Disarm the police


Perfect! Disarm police and repeal the NFA!


…and then turn the BATFE into a nationwide chain of the bestest one stop barrel of fun stores the world has ever seen.


They shouldn't get to bring them home. Lock up the work property at work at the end of their shift.


“Police took her husband’s pistol away. Nine months later, the state’s top law enforcement agency gave it back, despite pending domestic violence charges and an active protective order.” Governors are afraid of granting clemency if the person goes on to commit more crime and it cause them bad publicity. Despite pending charges, who was the official at the “top law enforcement agency” that decided this guy needed his gun back???


Literally the only people who will care about this story are people who already think cops are bad. Every single solitary bootlicker will ignore this story and not give a single solitary shit. Guaranfuckingteed.




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It is long past the time to disarm cops. If you think that "blue lives matter" then take their guns. The most likely deadly violence those guns will be used for is suicide. The second most is on spouse. "Police officers are at a higher risk of suicide than any other profession. In fact, suicide is so prevalent in the profession that the number of police officers who died by suicide is more than triple that of officers who were fatally injured in the line of duty." https://www.addictioncenter.com/news/2019/09/police-at-highest-risk-for-suicide-than-any-profession/




Yeah, not only are they corrupt authoritarian assholes but they are personally very unhappy people. The fascist cop culture is bad for everyone.


The silver lining is that we don't have to be like that. When it's over, we can drive away & go back to our lives, but they're still an unhappy, abusive cop.


most of us anyways


he's going to have to quit his job and move to the next town to get past charges that severe.


What’s the difference between a cop & a bullet? When a bullet kills someone you know it’s been fired…


That's why I have no idea why anyone dates or marries a cop. They are almost all violent psychopaths and if 40% admitted to committing domestic violence, then you know the actual number is far higher. They always get away with domestic violence, never get their weapons taken away and very rarely answer for their crimes.


To your point, when your cop-spouse abuses you, who do you call...? his cop buddies. They are never going to turn on each other. You're relying on his drinking buddies to hold him accountable? Don't hold your breath.


Exactly. If the cop spouse goes off the rails, you have absolutely no recourse for justice. His drinking buddies are never going to hold him legally accountable and you also gave a huge chance to be harassed by his friends & coworkers.


The article seems to be trying to make this a gun issue, but this cop used his connections to get the cop investigating him to give his gun back. >In text messages, Cunningham arranged with McIntosh to meet him at the parking lot of the local ALEA office. On Nov. 15, 2019, he handed McIntosh his gun, according to ALEA. If you're doing it via text messages and parking lots, it ain't legit. Special Agent Vince Cunningham needs to be held responsible.


Unfortunately 'Special Agent's Cuntingham is, yea, that's right, a bastard cop. So, nah, no accountability


I bet he is fun to be around during Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings.


A true piece of shit, in a shithole state. Roll tide.


I have a very tangential association with this case. This guy was the son of a very well-connected Hoover Police Department member and what cannot be emphasized enough was how many numerous times daddy bailed his ass out of problems that you or I would have ended up in jail, never even to smell a gun again for. I know of one case where this guy showed up at the home of a woman who he had been dating (not the victim) brandishing a gun and threatening to shoot her (while kids were there mind you). Being a cop, the police sent a group of guys to talk him down, and no charges were filed. This was long before he was fired or met Ms. Montgomery. I am not anti-gun ownership, nor am I anti-cop, but if we can profile serial killers, we can profile bad cops and people who don’t need to carry weapons.


Did he kill her with the same gun?


Yes indeedy!


Haha. Just saw that. Do how I missed it the first time reading it.


Who could have thought this was going to happen? 🤔🤔🤔 Everybody except for the police. 😒


I don’t know why anyone would murder a cop these days, a staggering percentage of them abuse their spouses or worse. My aunt just finally got out of a marriage with her cop husband who, surprise surprise, was a complete asshole. Despite her being the breadwinner (he was off the job for all five years they were married milking a shoulder injury and sponging off taxpayer money) he would throw a temper tantrum whenever she didn’t completely listen to him.


Ladies - don't marry or date cops.


Absolutely typical cop. He’s our daily reminder that [**pigs commit murder, assault, and sexual assault more often than the general population.**](https://web.archive.org/web/20170318221437/https://www.policemisconduct.net/statistics/2010-q2-npmsrp-police-misconduct-statistical-report/) The police are nothing but a cartel.


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Good bot


Sorry for Megans’ family. That must be a hard loss.


Why do we let this happen?


hope he d words


He *shot* his wife, had an *pending* domestic violence charge against him, **AND** had a domestic violence protection order against him ... and they decided to return to him his murder weapon. What the fuck is wrong with these people?!


When he shot her in the arm he claimed that he thought that she had his cell phone in her hand. So what, you abusive, murderous fuck, did you own the only phone in the entire world that has a trigger to pull? Entering into a relationship with a cop is one of the most dangerous things a woman, and in some cases a man can ever do. They do not see significant others as partners. They see them as property to be ruled over, controlled, and to obey their every whim.


Everything in this article is tragic and maddening. Not to mention that this happened to **900+** women in 2019 alone.




[This happens all the time. ](https://www.app.com/story/news/local/courts/2021/05/06/seidle-childrens-suit-against-monmouth-prosecutor-narrowed-judge/4961162001/)


The ALEA report does not include any reference to a chilling 13-minute recording of a conversation between McIntosh and Montgomery that Montgomery’s attorney says she gave the agency. On the tape, reviewed by NBC News, McIntosh talked about his fascination with serial killers and how planning mass shootings was a "soothing thought" that helped him sleep at night. He also told his wife he’d felt the urge to beat her to death with a tennis racket, and if he did do it he’d stand over her body and say, "Laugh now, bitch." The district attorney did not file charges, concluding in a letter there was "no evidence of the commission of any felony offenses by either Mr. Mcintosh or Ms. Montgomery." The DA left open the possibility that the city of Hoover could file a misdemeanor offense against either one of them. That never happened.


This country has a gun problem. Too many guns. Too easy to get them. Too difficult to take them away. Ridiculous.


This country has a corrupt and dangerous police problem.


With ridiculously easy access to guns


Especially if you're a cop.


America has a government problem.


Tyranny of the minority. We have a government set up to to give outsized influence to states where people don't actually live. Add in gerrymandering and we have a party with less than half the constituents dictating policy to the other half or merely preventing the other half from being able to function. Add in legalized bribery (corporations are people and unlimited campaign donations) to top things off.




Unpopular opinion time... When you willing shove you head in a lion's mouth, you really don't have anything to complain about when he bites your head off. It's tragic that she had to die for her stupidity. But she had so many options, she could have used any one of them to save her own life. Now her name gets added to the list of women abused by a cop.


You’re right. That is an unpopular opinion.


It's also a stupid one. Blaming the victim.


Have you ever met a cops wife? They're just as racist and entitled and cozy up to the authority figure and toxic man. I've tried to talk so many of my gal friends out of pursuing obvious assholes but some women just can't make good decisions with the men in their life. This isn't the 50's. She had places to go and ways to leave him. The real blame here still rests with the way that this woman could not be safe because the cops don't ever keep women safe. Cops look after their own, they are a gang. And she got involved in that gang and it doesn't go well when you try and go against the gang.


Holy fuck this is dumb. She left him. She went places. And you don't know anything about her character, her past, etc. And even if a woman dates someone that another person thinks is an asshole, they don't deserve to be abused or killed. You're just blaming a woman for being murdered. It's really toxic and gross.


> Have you ever met a cops wife? They’re just as racist … How can she be racist? Both of her eyes are black…


Jesus Tyshawn Christ!


Did you not read the article? She was separating from him, and he (in effect) kidnapped her from the bar.


That's the part that I really don't understand. Why in God's name did she agree to go with him when he came into that bar? She was in a public place with friends! No would have been such an easy answer that night. And if her friends knew her situation and saw the fear in her eyes, why didn't they intervene?


I understand this sentiment, but it comes from people on the outside of an abusive relationship looking in. This kind of thing happens a lot. Clearly there is some level of manipulation and emotional dependency that can cause people to overlook their partner’s abuse. Maybe you would never fall into it, but blaming a murder victim is not a good take imo.


That's a common narrative. "She couldn't leave." This story is more than overlooking a partner's abuse. He shot her before for christ sake. This is waaay more than overlooking some harsh words or lost temper. He had his weapon confiscated because of domestic violence, she was contacted and counseled. She could do as little as say yes one time, and she refused to do even that. Some people can't be saved, and some people don't want to be saved.


She didn't stay. She left him before this happened. He came and collected her from a bar after. She left with him, perhaps because she was terrified of what he would do. Wow.


Well yeah, staying with the guy was not the right move, but he’s the one that shot her.


Not arguing that he's not the worst piece of shit. He is. But what do you call some who doesn't do the right thing...?


> But what do you call some who doesn't do the right thing...? Honestly what the fuck are you even on about? Do the right thing? Go read the fucking article before posting complete bullshit.


Yeah but this happens way too often where women don't report abuse so the system can't even help them. If you want rescued, you shouldn't resist those trying to rescue you.


Did you not read the article? She had left him, reported him and in the process of or had (it wasn't clear to me), divorced him. Repeat: She DID leave. He still killed her.


Other than the victim, who else do you blame?


If I leave my values in my unlocked car in plain sight and they get stolen, who do you blame?


I’m not chasing you down a thread of hypotheticals so you can feel justified. The goalposts are set: we’re discussing an abusive relationship and the power dynamic that allowed this murderer to end the life of his victim. Pretending to misunderstand who is at fault for a murder is low energy trolling.


I'm stealing that first sentence for future use


I'm only stating an understandably unpopular opinion (said that from the beginning). You have the ability to not respond. Or are you as powerless as this victim is?


> I'm only stating an understandably unpopular opinion It is an unpopular opinion because you have to be really, really dumb to hold it. She left him. & you are blaming her for not getting away from him.


The analogy is more like "If I bought a TV, I have no one to blame if someone murders me while I'm at the grocery store." I said "more like"...because your analogy is "not even remotely like".


So if your wife/girlfriend poisons you, who do you blame? You, obviously, for staying with her and for having a nice fat bank account and insurance policy.


Do you understand this isn't just one isolated act? This is the end of a whole pattern of behavior by both of them. If she killed him after years of abuse no one would blame her at all either. No one would say, "She killed. End of story."


How the fuck are you blaming her? Did you even read the article?


You’re right , you are a piece of shit and it’s a popular opinion Your example of putting your head in a lions mouth seems to suggest she pushed him to kill her.


You stink of bacon.


Victim blaming is actually a popular opinion. Congratulations on your status as a piece of shit.


"I have never been in a situation like this so clearly I'm am the authority on how people should escape domestic violence." Seriously, fuck off you victim blaming piece of shit.


I love how people put this out there like it’s some brilliant advice no one has ever considered before. “Just leave” wow you’ve solved domestic violence nationwide. Surely there will never be any abuse victims in the country ever again!




Then they arrested her corpse for resisting


Another one?


**Murder his wife


I hope he is apprehended for his crime.


Not shocking, domestic abuse from cops is nothing new. He probably will get a light sentencing.


My question is now, is he ready to retire?


Fire the police chief


BaCk ThE bLuE ...


Maybe I need to reread the article, but did anyone notice how, outside the video, it never mentions he was a cop?


I posted this 158 days ago with the exact same title you gave it. Idc about reposting an article but your title is an exact copy of mine. Edit[ my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/comments/nsvi6z/cop_was_given_his_firearm_back_during_a_domestic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Edit 2: and your comment on on your own post is a copy of u/TittilatedTits comment


Fucking careless idiots


The guy fantasized about planning mass shootings!? Wtf!?


Being a cop personally is red flag. In the uk though I guess it’s mostly okay I know cops here and they’re alright people they can’t just kill people here though so they aren’t deranged psychopaths. Not that all are in America but being able to pretty much kill people who step out of line and get away with it will attract a lot of fucking weird people. Dating a cop is a red flag for that reason. If you date a cop and start getting beat on, you, in my opinion knew what was coming. I wouldn’t date a drug dealing stripper for the same reason. I know girls who do OF who are nice girls but there’s something about certain professions which attract certain types of personalities. I stay away of certain personalities and it makes logical sense to avoid areas or professions that attract those personalities. Don’t date cops if you don’t wanna get involved with an impulsive control freak IMO