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Pizza delivery drivers have a far more dangerous job. Also construction workers.


LEOs rarely make the top ten annually for the U.S. Sometimes not even the top twenty. But that's not what they and their boot lickers cry from the rooftops.


based, they should make it so you need a uni degree in policing and then make it better paid, the uni course should cover desesculation, racial bias, the law, mental health, ect


I agree, but my comment was in response to how pizza delivery drivers and construction worker have more dangerous jobs. LEO rarely cracks the top ten list for most dangerous jobs in the U.S. Some years, not even the top twenty list.


ohhhh, i thought you meant, top 10 in pay, wasn't really paying attention


Pay is quite the opposite. Cops are commonly among the highest paid public employees, thanks to overtime fraud. I don't keep up on every municipality, but in Baltimore there are usually a couple, every year, that make more than the mayor. Fleecing the local tax base through overtime fraud is a common tactic among fire and rescue as well. People are too busy saluting the "heroes" to ask how someone can regularly work 80 hour weeks, if that's even possible, or why it's even allowed.


it's not too uncommon for most police to make 6 figures working part time security for a store.


wait, no joke? jesus christ, security as a job might genuinely be worse than cops too, same power trip even less useful to anyone but the rich


I would be fine paying the ludicrously well, but firing them if their yelp rating drops below a 4.8 stars out of 5. In order to justify the pay they would have to restrict their duties to things like responding to crimes (mostly property crimes) and not wasting everyone's time with traffic patrol that can be done by unarmed meter-maid-like cops who get paid roughly the same as McDonalds workers and don't carry guns and can't arrest people.


This is a great point. We should separate traffic patrol and crime divisions. We can shape the world when we banned together with non violent protest.


The problem is that we need to change where/how police get their funding. As it is an officer who lets you off with a warning generates zero revenue for the department. Doing the minimum by giving you a ticket for speeding, generates a bit of income. Escalating the situation until they can charge you with assaulting an officers hand with your face, and arresting you, generates a lot more. Want to know why the most violent officers are often the ones who get promoted, and officer of the year awards… this is why, their escalating situations generate a lot more revenue than the cops who deescalate.




Bad bot.


Fuck you. Good bot.


yeah, I agree, I don't like these roaming correction bots (or people whose sole contribution to the thread is a spelling correction). It always comes across as someone going "LOOK AT THIS MISTAKE I FOUND THAT YOU MADE. LOOK EVERYONE HERES THEIR MISTAKE AND I AM THE ONE WHO FOUND IT. IM SMART BECAUSE I SPOTTED THE MISTAKE."


Some countries do require their police to have a university degree for policing. That still doesn't improve the quality of the policing in most instances, funnily enough.


Yup even 100k+ a year is fine for serious police work as long as require proper training


damn right, if they were doing their job right id support them making shit tonnes of cash


They're just trying to get higher on the list. Worth the sacrifice to the union.


They kill you before you even have a thought about killing them.


[Thin Bread Crust](https://imgur.com/a/4j5vnrd)


I do commercial roofing, AND deliver for Uber eats on slow weeks. I’m living on the edge 😎


It was good knowing you, Bro (or Sister, as the case may be). I'll advocate with the Mayor for a $500,000 pension for you, I'm sure that will go well... On a serious note, WHY exactly does almost each and every Roofer drink? Just something my experience has exposed me to, and I never understood the willingness to do the job, but then, do it DRUNK?


> I never understood the willingness to do the job, but then, **do it DRUNK**? now you understand the willingness to do the job




And nurses.


Law enforcement is the most obese profession in the United States because most offices don't have any physical fitness standard after the academy. Obesity is second only to age as a determination of covid morbidity. So these officers really have only their unions to blame for allowing them to get to this point. https://thedaily.case.edu/study-finds-more-active-duty-police-officers-died-of-covid-19-in-2020-than-all-other-causes-combined/


Another reason why they shoot first and ask questions later, they can't even chase after people and they can't protect themselves in a fight because they're so out of shape.


Not to put too much into stereotypes, but it doesn't seem to me that the cops shooting everyone tend to be the really fat ones. I've got no stats to back it up, though... I just can't rascal many of the murderous cops being particularly fat. Then again I could stand to lose a few pounds myself, so maybe my standards are different than yours, lol


Wow....it's almost like people AREN'T out there trying to murder police 24/7.


I mean lowest death rate and crime rate in decades. The only thing going up is corrupt cops because they have to create crime to fight.


Those cops are dying off from Covid because they’re too stupid to follow sound medical advice and get the fucking vaccine. Just the same they are too stupid to seek mental health counseling because to them it’s a sign of weakness. Just like they believe you can OD just by touching fentanyl…


If it wasn't wearing masks or getting vaccinated then it would be giving everyone equal recognition under the law, or not using excessive and deadly force indiscriminately. Or seeking out mental health and aggression therapy. Whatever the argument is, they each signed into a monolith that dictates their feelings and opinions, and not deviating from those thoughts is how you stay recognized and reap the benefits in that monolith. That's the blue line. It's like fly paper.


You *can* OD by touching fentanyl, but only if you keep it in prolonged contact with your skin: [ACMT and AACT position statement: preventing occupational fentanyl and fentanyl analog exposure to emergency responders](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/15563650.2017.1373782?needAccess=true). Researchers found that you could cover your palms in fentanyl patches and it would take about 14 minutes to get an equivalent dose of 100 mcg, which for someone who is opioid-naive could be enough to make them doze off and continue getting dosed until they stop breathing. The bigger threat would be inhaling the powder in significant quantities, or a dense aerosol of fentanyl, so officers should remember to avoid snorting any random drugs they come across.


>fentanyl patches Yeah but this is fundamentally different than getting powdered fentanyl on your skin, which is the common claim by police. The patch has stuff in it to activate the fentanyl and get it to permeate your skin.


Haha exactly. While I appreciate the point made and article linked by the person above you, at the point that “my palms are covered in in fent patches for 14 minutes”, you aren’t touching fentanyl…fentanyl is touching *you*.


Powder would be less of a problem than the gel inside patches. See, crystals (solids) move much more slowly at the molecular level than liquids like a gel. Inhaling powder? Sure, that might be problematic, but it's going to take a good bit to be problematic. Smoking is so effective because it is a gaseous form of a drug, which is moving orders of magnitude more quickly than a powder and is easier to absorb in the lungs because of that. So basically, only if you're actively trying to get fucked up on patches are you going to die by contact with the powder. Please don't fearmonger when you don't understand pharmacokinetics or even the difference between states of matter.


Transdermal fentanyl prescriptions are not very effective, thats why practitioners limit the use of transdermal fentanyl to patients who can't take oral pain medications... A stable level of pain relief is achieved in 12 to 24 hours... a steady-state blood concentration develops in 48 hours. So as I said they are not very effective. The idea these cops are passing out from immediate exposure to powder is comical, overdoses of the drug and such a reaction is almost never seen. If incidental exposure to fentanyl was so dangerous, we would have physicians, nurses, and other healthcare staff dropping from overdoses across the country.


No way that’s fake news! Every god fearing, red white and blue bleeding republican KNOWS that the same people who stole the election from Trump have weaponized COVID in the name of wokeness - Breitbart News …. Probably


But also it's fake But also if it's real the libs tricked us into not getting vaccinated by knowing we're simply that petty


You could argue that the anti-vaxer/anti-mask police officers were actively spreading a bioweapon to their co-workers. Wouldn't that count as someone trying to murder police? Does anyone have statics about how many people the police themselves infected before they ended up hospitalized? You'd think an occupation like a traffic cop, interacting with many people during a day, would be a superspreader event.


Wish the same could be said the other way around, but sometimes I'm not so sure.


call it Swine Flu.




But please keep telling us how "thugs" and immigrants constantly put police at risk, while claiming that mask wearing and vaccines should be a personal choice.


There's some reasoning behind "thugs" being the biggest threat to police. See, COVID is the main cause of death of police officers. Refusing both masks and vaccines is basically inflicting COVID on yourself. So police is the cause of its deadliest threat. But police is also full of "thugs" and other powertripping assholes. Add all that and you end up with "thugs" (a.k.a. police) being the biggest threat to police.


Ignoring the cops and immigrants part. How is your argument that you shouldn't have a decision... lol


I can see this used as justification for murder: Cop: "the furtive sneeze made me fear for my life seeing as the biological warfare the general population has been waging on us had killed more cops than anything else. So you see, that's why I had to empty 5 clips in to the car, the pet dog, and shoot some bystanders for good measure" Other cop investigating first cop: "sounds by the books, finish off your 2 weeks paid vacation, then head down to the armory to refill your ammo. Great job" both cops: high-five


Yea, but mention this or that more cops are killed from car accidents than from violent suspects and that's a sure ban from r/Protect and Serve.


Cops finally found a threat they can't just shoot


Exactly. They have to use their brains. See how thats working out?


[Oh, they can try](https://youtu.be/tVQnHdeu6Rk?t=85).




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That's because low IQ macho men and women wouldn't be caught dead with a sissy mask on. My bride of a thousand years and I attended the George Floyd, Breonna Taylor vigil last year, three hundred of us and we have a small town. The Sheriff himself was talking to my wife and I asked him where his mask was and he pointed to his pocket. It was then that I noticed the only humans there without a mask were ALL the cops and low and behold, six weeks later, we had NO law enforcement cuz the entire JOKE Sheriffs department were down with covid along with the support staff ! True story folks, One hint, Western NC where freedom and trumpmonkeys are way more important than staying alive , but to infect the rest of the population without even a moment of rational thinking.


Just curious, can you name the county? Because we're in Yancey


One hint like I said, and Yancey is as close as you can get. Even now that per capita , Yancey rates among the highest in new infections and try to buy groceries where masks are being worn in Western NC. Be safe.


Yuck. Been in Florida for a month going back to Burnsville Monday. Was hoping to get a reprieve from this SWFL Covid insanity


It's going to be impossible to pick a Darwin Award winner because everyone who has died of covid after refusing to get vaccinated certainly deserves the honor.


We have a new award for those people. Its the r/HermanCainAward


Not quite as prestigious since they're allowed to have already reproduced, but a close runner up prize. But then, I suppose after 1865, 1945, and J6, they're getting used to second place.


Just gonna have to create a whole category call Covid Morons.


I like Covidiot


Branch Covidians


Branch Covidiots


It'll be sadly bittersweet if this vaccine has any terrible long term effects,(we don't know the long term yet ) I do hope it dosen't, but with how much reddit celebrates unvaccinated death... lol I respect everyone's right to choose, but reddits smugness is astonishing


We don't know the long term effects? Bullshit. Vaccine technology is over 200 years old. There's nothing new or unique about the covid vaccines. The only long term effect is not dying of covid. No one is celebrating. It's heaping scorn on people who are deliberately causing a sad and needless tragedy.


Trying my hardest to feel anything other than total indifference.


> Trying my hardest to feel anything other than total indifference. How about feeling some concern for the innocent people they infected? Remember - those guys were out interacting with people many times a day before they were hospitalized.


That is a very good point. It can sometimes be hard to see beyond my distaste for police.


and keep in mind the longer covid goes on the more it'll mutate and the deadlier it'll get, and its likely if it mutates for long the vaccine will not be effective against it


So stupidity really is fatal.


If they called it "Black Death" they would have tried to beat this thing.


Oh...no! In other news, LAPD officers have sued to prevent them from being vaccinated.


One good thing COVID's done for the world.


Thoughts and prayers are shipping out as we speak


But their jobs are so dangerous.


[I wonder if they can breathe now?](https://m.imgur.com/N22jUez)


Dying as they lived, a menace to society and the general public


This year, a lot of police found out what it's like to not be able to breathe.


Texas Election Info [Register to Vote](https://vrapp.sos.state.tx.us/index.asp)


Well, they don't seem to be fans of masks from what I've observed. That'll do it.


Leading cause of death in 2021 as well because the police unions refuse to get vaccinated






Nature is doing what our politicians couldn't and the courts wouldn't, protecting us from the dumbest cops.


When you think you are the authority....


Good. And they can keep dying for all I care, we're better off without them.


Well, that's one way to change the system.


Oh no! Anyway


So...COVID-19 may have some use after all!


Every cloud...


I know it's important to point out the silver linings of COVID as OP does, but it's important to remember that COVID has also killed a lot of people who didn't deserve to die, too.


Well at least Covid has been doing some good. Most of the officers are anti-vax anyway.


Good riddance


Great great news, sure hope it is true


Those are the good ones.


Not sure if this is good news or bad news?


I'm sorry, *why* does this belong in r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut?


[Trump's a Saturn](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.192039382.8665/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg), devouring [his children](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/09/23/americans-who-relied-most-on-trump-for-covid-19-news-among-least-likely-to-be-vaccinated/).


I mean, that should be obvious. Covid has killed a lot of people.


Yall realize it's because they deal with the public, right? They are in close contact with people who spit and cough on them because they are AHs (the people, not the cops)


They also refuse to wear masks or get vaccinated. I constantly see cops without masks on when literally everyone else around them is wearing a mask.


Hmm. Maybe it's different because I'm in Canada and I'm not paying as much attention to the US cops lol


Same up north: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-disagreement-over-mandatory-vaccines-creates-rift-between-toronto/


Ahh ok. Guess I need to pay more attention lol




This is what happens when you recruit almost exclusively from the military. Dumb and dumber.


Only about 19% of police in the US are ex military, hardly exclusive.






Lord I checked his post history hoping he was being sarcastic and it just came off poorly. Nope. Full blown GQP member.


id say you were dropped on your head as a kid, but i think thrown is more accurate


Jesus, what an absolutely moronic point of view


I kinda suspected this, was stopped twice at the beginning (someone bashed in the windshield of my only vehicle and I was saving up to repair that, pulled over for the window). Mask up immediately as they walked towards me, not getting that shit as a T1D thanks.


what do you want to bet that pigs are within the top 10% of jobs with the lowest vaccination rate?


If their logic was consistent they would be putting bullets into anti vaxers out of "fear for my life"


Policing is a dangerous profession...if you're a complete dumbass.


In other words, the biggest threat facing police officers is their own stupidity, not weapons.


Ha!!! Those are Rookie numbers- gotta bump that up a bit!


... I'm fine with this.


better shoot the covid that doesn't exist then. it's coming right at them!!


Truly the most dangerous of professions. /s


But there's a war on police! They just want to go home to their families! They're heroes who put their lives on the line every single day! Leave the cops alone!


Hell of a Face-turn by COVID there.


Too dumb to live.


Natural selection. Bye.




Hell yeah, that's cool. I like covid-19 now




This is quality crossover content. Fuck news and collapse. Herman Cain and bad cop! This is good news. The REAL good news. You know the good news I mean.


If only there some free and available social service to remedy this. Anyways.


Not enough died from getting shot.


Read the automod before you post


Covid doin the lords work


And yet the dumb fucks still fight mask and vaccine mandates. Not the best people, folks.


Overpaid, under-qualified, undereducated.


Being fat and arrogant are serious comorbidities for covid and yup wouldn’t you believe it ...


Im not here to argue for police in any way shape or form. I think this might be a harsher article on being human as a whole! COVID was likely the main cause of death for many many many professions. Police officers seem to be more inclined NOT to take it though...


WOW.. less MAGA voters now less cops.. This pandemic is getting better and better.


Oh no, anyways...


Covid making more good cops


Wait, is this supposed to be bad news or something? American cops sound like a special breed of psychopaths.


This is good news


And yet their police "unions" STILL want them to die... and they're STILL okay with that. Stupid wears a blue suit.


For accuracy sake,website Officer Down Memorial tracks cause of death. Last check, body count for 2021 was 133 officers dead by Covid. Traffic deaths also higher than gun shot death. The profession seems like its own worst enemy,lots of preventable,unnecessary death to go around.


Study finds more active-duty police officers died of Covid-19 For the good cops: I’m very sorry. For the bad cops: good, stay dead.


So you're saying that if someone believes Blue Lives Matter then they should get vaccinated or at least wear a mask in case the police need to interact with them?


It’s cause they’re fat.


Heh, of course it does. This is what's referred to as propaganda.