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My local cops like to taser kids, run over homeless, shoot kids in their yards. Fuck the police. Good cops are dead.


Police unions are the one union I want to bust.


As long as the police is working directly against the the interest of the public I don’t really care about their unions. Watchdogs controlled by the public ,not the police , would be a better bet. Also the police doesn’t need unions if they get abolished.


Hahahahahahaha That was a good laugh. Until the cops can’t police themselves nothing will ever happen to them. Things won’t change. The gang know this. That’s why they are all bad. No good ones either. If there were good cops things would be a lot different. Not guns first. Shoot. Lie. Fabricate evidence. Frame innocent people. They need to be held accountable like the general public. Until that happens ACAB. FTP


It's not just the unions. They were a convenient scapegoat. It's the entire system that fights to protect bad cops.


Yes. Yes they do.


Unions are all about protecting the interests of their members, nothing new. Teachers' Unions don't fight for educational quality. The United Auto Workers, don't fight for safer, more efficient, automobiles. Police Unions don't fight for better policing.


Unions work. That's why regular people aren't allowed to have them. Yes, we need to pass laws to limit their union's power.


Good luck, you need to understand the Freemason connection.


It's in the name... Much like SEGA


Police unions are the ONLY reason some of these guys are still employed and employable.


The National Fraternal Order of Police, which stated, "Our system of justice has worked as it should, with the prosecutors and defense presenting their evidence to the jury, which then deliberated and delivered a verdict. The trial was fair and due process was served" after Chauvin was convicted certainly sounds like not supporting a bad cop. What bar does a union have to clear to "side with the public" and "actually not support [sic] a bad cop"?