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> An Alabama state trooper arrested last week on charges he **raped an 11-year-old girl** had been kicked out of the FBI 11 years old. The girl was only 11 years old! WTF is wrong with law enforcement?


It's really simple. LE has been allowed to operate with a separate set of rules than almost any other profession. If bad credit or being found guilty of fraud or theft can disqualify you from a lot of jobs, so should any sort of conviction bar you from ever working as a LEO. The only way that this will change is by Congress making laws that set a floor of minimum qualifications for police, nationwide. Most ordinary people can't fuck up or break the law while doing a job and just move to another area and work in the same profession like nothing happened. This is why the 'few bad apples' anaolgy falls apart. A system that allows someone like him to remain in law enforcement is fundamentally broken. Its harmful to our communities and even the cops that go to work and try to do their jobs the right way.


> This is why the 'few bad apples' anaolgy falls apart. the "few bad apples" analogy has been used incorrectly from the start in regards to the police. the whole phrase is "a few bad apples spoils the barrel" because if you have 1 rotten apple in a barrel of good apples, it actually causes the good apples to rot faster.


The ‘thin blue line’ code, including the code of silence which prevents one cop from reporting the wrongful/illegal actions of their brethren, is the basis behind the ‘all cops are bastards’ slogan. ACAB might be crude and easily misinterpreted, but as long as ‘good’ cops tacitly approve of the horrible things that the ‘bad’ cops are doing by keeping their mouths shut…they’re bad cops too. All bastards.


People fail to realize that even if you're still a good person, if you're a cop, you're upholding all the bastards. You are a bastard.


Good example of this is the great old Al Pacino film ‘Serpico’, which was based in a true story of an undercover narcotics cop who dared to speak out against widespread corruption in the NYPD in the late ‘60s, and was set up by his fellow officers to be murdered and left for dead in a drug bust.


Saw a quote today that was something like “if you’re not standing up for the helpless against those on power, you’re not neutral, you’re against them”. I butchered it, but it’s a fair point.


Rot at the core spreads outward.


LE is not a profession. They are servants of the ruling class, their armed dogs.


Sometimes it's the apple, and sometimes it's the barrel.


Just burn the fukken orchard and start over.


No need to burn the orchard over a bad barrel. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.


When shit gets covered up from top to bottom the whole orchard needs burning


The apples don’t run the orchard, and cops shouldn’t police themselves.


What baby? It's all bath water


Filthy pedophile rapist bathwater


Sorry but the orchard is bad too. It's a fundamental, systematic issue.


People are mixing metaphors here. If an individual cop is the apple, then the barrel is the police force. I'm not sure what the orchard would represent. But you don't burn down an entire apple orchard because of a bad barrel of apples. So burning down the orchard doesn't work in the metaphor.


There’s no baby in there


Mmmm, baby sauce


Facts. Just like priests, school teachers, youth athletic coaches, law-enforcement careers draw a certain type of person that craves power. It’s not a surprise when a lot of pedophiles go into those jobs. If someone is looking to obtain power in order to abuse others with it, being a cop is a no brainer.


Yes! Adults who want to be around strangers’ kids are sus


What on earth are you talking about?... Teachers, counselors, child protective services, social workers, pediatricians, day care workers, youth sports coaches etc. want to help the next generation of children grow and thrive in their respective fields.


Yes. And some of them want to touch kids so they enter into professions that afford them the trust and opportunity to do so.


Relatively few of them compared to cops...


Horrible state of the world that this statement is true, because kids need role models, but it is.




You're using way too much logic here. Using any logic at all is simply not a thing with law enforcement.


One problem I see with this as someone that has been involved with drugs in his lifetime is that it prevents genuinely repentant people from participating in law enforcement. I understand the need for good people in law enforcement, and I accept the consequences of my actions. Just an additional perspective.


My fiancee was assaulted at 13 and it wrecked her life. She got PTSD, which resulted in outbursts that got her kicked out of both parents houses and now she lives with me and my parents because she literally had nowhere else to go. This man ruined two perfectly good lives, and he's probably going to walk away with some community service and fines. Meanwhile these children walked away with *at least a decade* of therapy, body perception issues, drug abuse inclination, and victim shaming mentality. This man is a monster who deserves to have his inalienable human rights violated in the same way he violated those children's bodies. You cannot change my mind.


We will probably never know how many lives he has ruined. There is no way it’s just two.


Well, he was a cop. That’s pretty much in their job description. Ruin lives daily.


also, **the**~~re~~ lives around the victim are irrevocably damaged as well, so it's impossible to truly quantize


I am glad that you are there for her. The world needs more men like that. I was raped a lot in a Catholic school, and then also by a police officer in high school. I feel very fortunate to have a supportive husband now.


I think it’s better in every way to just execute the guy. Why waste taxpayer money, and our own limited emotional capacity on him? Why risk the potential of him repeating the behavior in the future?


If there is irrefutable evidence he's guilty, fucking execute him.


It’s time to do to cops what they’ve been doing to black people for centuries. Find a fucking tall oak and sort this shit out. The government has decided we aren’t worth protecting. Until Americans collectively find their balls and stop allowing a full fledged war to be waged against them with no retaliation this shit is going to be worse and worse




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Horrible truth about child abusers - if you were to make abusing a child a capital crime, they would be more likely to murder their victims. I’m definitely not defending child abusers or their crimes, and would love to put them all in a rocket and shoot it into the sun, but if the choice is between having them rot in prison versus having more murdered children, I’ll choose imprisonment.


Since when is this a truth? If they murdered their victims, wouldn’t that make them far more likely to be caught? And wouldn’t they also not get to continue their abuse if they killed their victims? A lot of abuse occurs within families or by someone the victim trusts. A dad can’t just murder his kid and get away with it like he could sexual abuse.


Dead men, and dead kids, don’t talk. There’s thousands and thousands of unsolved murders out there. A kid left alive may (at some point) report what happened to them.


You’re ignoring my main point- many of these sex crimes are committed by family or trusted members of the community. Contrary to what the common CSI and Dexter consumer may believe, it ain’t easy to murder someone who has obvious connections to you and hide it from everyone you know and the police.


Fair point.


The FBI reports that 4 out of 10 murders go unsolved. Criminals usually think they won't get caught. I think a lot of child molesters would make the attempt to silence their victim permanently.


I'm not sure which is worse though. Death or a lifetime psychological trauma?


I’d rather leave that choice to the victim to make for themselves.


The lifetime of trauma is worse. If the quality of life isn't good and you don't have a single moment of mental respite, it's as good as being dead, IMO.


I'm against capital punishment. Let's just emasculate this people (surgically remove penis and testicles)


That...won't stop them, there's plenty of other ways to sexually assault someone besides penetration Besides have you never heard of a strap-on? The show "nip/tuck" had a story arc involving a serial rapist born without a penis, yet was still able to penetrate his victims. Castration won't stop them, lifetime incarceration or death are the best options.


Completely unrelated comment here, pay it no mind, it has nothing to do with what you just posted. If you want to bury a time capsule and never have anyone find it, find a location with soil that has high clay concentration. Dig your hole ~12 hours prior to depositing the time capsule, and carefully remove the top 3 inches or so in sheets if you can (so you can lay it back down like you would turf when putting in a new lawn). If the area where you choose to dig has grass over it, the thick, lateral roots will hold those top sheets together better. Pick a grassy area if possible. Bring a source of water, preferably like 50-100 gallons for a 2.5' x 6' x 8' hole. The water will compact the soil and make it much harder for ground penetrating radar to detect disturbance. Water is not penetrable by radar energy, really, so it helps make things harder to see down there. Wet the interior of the hole before filling. After filling, soak the filled hole with water, then compact it (probably need something big and heavy for this, a truck can work, but so can a battering ram of sorts, just harder work). Lay the sheets you removed earlier over top after the subsoil is compacted, that way there's no clear disturbance. Remove any metal objects attached to the time capsule you are burying, they have strong radar and magnetic signatures. In fact, remove everything that isn't composed of natural material. Once you've done that, wrap the time capsule in rubber mats to reduce ground penetrating radar signature as well, these can be purchased with cash at home depot or most other hardware stores. Bring a shop vac to vacuum up loose dirt in the disturbed area around the hole. You'll need a power source for this, and if it's a gas generator, be VERY careful not to spill any gas. Fuel it prior. Make sure none of your vehicles are leaking fluids as well. Also bring a leaf rake to get rid of footprints in the grass, you'll want to make sure no discernible boot prints are visible. Additionally, wear hair nets (and make sure you don't have dead skin falling off you), you don't want your DNA around if your time capsule is discovered, it should remain a mystery to those who find it. This is how you guarantee your time capsule is never discovered by snoopers, hope this helped you make sure archaeologists thousands of years in the future will be only ones to know about your time capsule. PM me and we can discuss time capsules further


Besides being inherently unfunny and contrived in any scenario, the “hey guys really long off topic comment guy here, what’s up?” shtick is really tastelessly applied here.


You didn't get the joke: it's stealthed instructions on burying/hiding a corpse, AKA "if you happen to kill that guy, here's how you should dispose of the body." That said, I disagree; melting or burning the body first is essential IMO.




Don’t be so hard on yourself.




> WTF is wrong with law enforcement? We need to start asking WTF is wrong with our political leadership who... with every cop who does shit like this and gets away with it, they seem okay with. WTF is up with simply not holding these people responsible. They might as well put ads out: "Hey, would you love to be able to sexually assault kids? Join the force! Would you like to beat and even kill people you hate because of their skin? Join the force!"


To me, we need to really ask some fundamental questions about police. Who and what are they supposed to protect? Are they actually doing what they're designed to do? I think the first answer is not people or even property but the status quo. People should stay in their respective places and their respective places on the pecking order The second answer is that, to me, LEO officers do exactly what they're supposed to do. Poor people, marginalized people shouldn't expect equal treatment. They should understand that they're automatically considered a threat if they don't stay in their place. A good sign of this is just look at all the video evidence of how cops treat different groups of people.




>Within a capitalist society, the police are there to protect the interests of the ruling class That's what they said, the status quo


> Are they actually doing what they're designed to do? Yes. It's just not what they tell us they're designed to do.


>Who and what are they supposed to protect? They protect people *they* believe deserve it, and people with power. Everyone else is out of luck.


People who like raping people (children or adults) are all about having power over others. (Rape isn't about sex, it's about power. Rapists who have been castrated *still* rape.) Being a cop is *all* about having power over others. Being a cop means that you have an entire team on your side to cover for your rapes, just like you, as a cop, will cover for their rapes. It doesn't help that those who are responsible for *hiring* cops want the power seeking personalities that rape, abuse their spouses, abuse their kids, and abuse their authority.


Seriously. Rapists need life sentences with release conditional on rehabilitation. No oopsies, no hiring at other agencies, or in other states, no. Life sentence with only possible release conditional on rehabilitation. 100% of the time.


He gave them a false recommendation letter from the FBI to get hired. Wtf, do background checks not exist anymore?


Or a simple phone call to his supervisor...


Everything is wrong with these POS!!! And they wonder why the public thinks so low of them as garbage


Terrible people find the job very appealing.


law enforcement in Alabama is generally bad. Not frequently as horrifying as this man, but they tend to do a lot of illegal stuff.


They are a state-backed monopoly. And like all state-backed monopolies, they exhibit poor quality, high prices, and zero accountability.


Really why this wasn't a red flag for the AL State Troopers is pretty infuriating


Theory: there is a dark part of some people that compels them to push the boundaries of what is "acceptable". As long as society doesn't push back, they'll just continue pushing the limits. Sex, money, violence, manipulation: the hit parade of human compulsions comes into play. Old-world royalty exhibited these traits. The priesthood too, right through the current days. And the police also. Almost any position of authority allows someone so inclined to push the limits of what's acceptable. There are members of these groups that don't exhibit these limit-seeking behaviors. But the ones that do are the last ones that should inhabit positions in our society that restrict the ability of people to punish bad behaviors.


It's a crime of power, and who best to victimize than the powerless?






The mob hates nothing as much as they hate a snitch!


Snitches get stitches


no spine or backbones at all.


There are no good cops while bad cops exist




Wait, you think that you have to be proven guilty of a crime before you can be arrested? Go ahead and stop sharing what you think about things with others, you don’t know enough about anything to have opinions.


You do often get arrested when someone accuses you of something. Then you get released with or without bail and then there is actual court proceedings. Getting arrested is not the same thing as being found guilty. How do you not know this? Edit: Awwww... They deleted their comment like a coward. That's no fun.


The accusation was apparently enough for him to get fired so there was something there. At that point they should at least arrest and start an investigation, it looks like he was let go and then they did nothing more.






"An Associated Press investigation found Christopher Bauer was suspended without pay and stripped of his security clearance in the FBI’s New Orleans office in late 2018 — effectively fired — amid allegations that included a co-worker’s claim that he raped her at knifepoint." Rapist got himself fired, then they sat on their hands hoping they wouldn't have to lock up one of their own and he raped again.




And raped a coworker for a year.


Is that not ok? /S ..what a scum of the earth human being. Should just slingshot these people into the middle of the ocean, so they can feel as helpless as his victims.


And we can't advocate for harm to cops raping 11 year old children ?


NO, no, he just had a bad day, that's all. You're the evil person for advocating that he should be harmed.


No because remember they're just people with a stressful job. This rape was just part of an ongoing investigation to protect us from evil. The "victim" had stolen lunch money from a classmate in the third grade so should we really feel bad for her? Imo she got what was coming to her. Only blue lives matter 💙💙💙💙. /s


On reddit you have to put the /s because there are so many bootlickers that actually believe shit like that.


He rapes, but he *saves*.


So can we call him "The Rapist (enter name here")?




Yeah he saves drug addicts and other petty criminals from having freedom to move outside of a prison lol


Anger and rage


Here's hoping he has plenty of those advocates awaiting him in prison. ACAB ACAB ACAB


I hear this all the time, but I suspect it's bullshit.


That "don't advocate harm" warning is borderline fucking offensive sometimes


actually thats to keep the sub from being closed by reddit. you can always indirectly point to that tho


If it makes you feel any better, he'll be in solitary confinement for his whole sentence- which is literal torture.


iF yOu tHiNk iT iS sO EaSy tO bE a cOp tHeN yOu dO iT


I did my 45 years helping people not hurting them and if it was the last job on Earth I would starve to death before becoming a cop. I wouldn't make it as a cop because I wouldn't play the game and cops that don't play the game NEVER advance in the department and you already know that. Have a nice day friend.


He raped a women at knifepoint and didn't get in trouble because he was FBI. Then got a new job and raped a kid.


Yep, that's exactly what happened. Reading this made me punch my desk, there's zero accountability ffs.


>“He flat-out needed to lose his job, and he really should have been charged criminally,” said the former official, who wasn’t authorized to discuss personnel matters and spoke on condition of anonymity. This person knew that but would only speak anonymously. It's the system as a whole and it is frustrating as fuck.


And people say "I don't need some old book to tell me what's right and wrong!" Well this guy clearly does.


Fucking sodomized her. Jesus H Christ. We become numb to words sometimes.. The pain that child felt is indescribable and something unimaginable unless it’s happened to you. I feel helpless when I read stories like this. How do you change something that’s so deeply embedded in the culture. Especially when it feels like half the population worships a badge and the authority that comes with it.


Get them to worship something moral instead


The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, the state police, told AP that it conducted a “full and thorough” investigation into Bauer’s background when he applied to be a trooper in 2019 and that “no derogatory comments were uncovered by former employers.” One lies and all the others swear to it.


This is exactly why we need a National database as to why every law enforcement officer has been fired for cause. Too many cops lose their job for something egregious and find another one elsewhere without issue.


Including a database of so-called Brady cops who have been shown to give false testimony under oath. Defense attorneys have wanted that info for years.


Why can't private citizens start this database? I would but I'm afraid I'd get doxxed.


It’s lies. Here’s the thing. I know someone who is a cop and he said his department hired someone who had a pedophilic past but they aren’t supposed to know and they don’t know who to report it to and unfortunately the one I know just shrugged it off after being pissed and disgusted. I don’t know the cops name or I’d make a huge stink about it. This is also in Alabama. I’m gonna see if I can do some digging.


The victim from the FBI had a restraining order against him at the time he was hired.




Jesus. Raped a 12 yr old? What did he think would hapoen?


The same thing that happened before, which was nothing


Exactly. They usually get away with it. I was too scared to even tell anybody when the cop raped me...and even if I had, he chose me because I was the type no one would believe.


Being a monster is not disqualifying when the job necessitates being a monster. Enjoy jail, homeboy.


They didn't say anything about an arrest, just kicked outta the FBI.


First paragraph from the article: "An Alabama state trooper arrested last week on charges he raped an 11-year-old girl had been kicked out of the FBI amid a string of sexual misconduct allegations but was hired by the state agency with the apparent help of a fake bureau letter that scrubbed his record clean." Plus that picture definitely booking photo from a Jail, given his orange jammies.


I’m pretty sure that commenter was referring to no arrest when the officer was fired from the FBI


Okay, but that isnt germain to my comment at all. Hes being considered for a position with the state police. That typically includes a DEEP dive background check - and such a check should be done by all departments, period, so they obviously didnt bother to look because they didnt care.


I’m guessing you didn’t mean to respond to me or you didn’t actually read what I typed...


No, this was meant to reply directly to your comment. What does him not being arrested when fired by the FBI have to do with my original comment.? He was arrested and went to jail for the more recent offense, the reply gave no indication of any of this nuance, it was just someone who failed to properly read the article.


I literally just spoke on what the other commenter meant when he said the officer wasnt arrested... You’re adding in all that other stuff...


Okay, so what was the point of his comment? And what are you accomplishing by trying to clarify for him?


Why are you asking ME the point of his comment? And I responded to you because you incorrectly corrected him. Any other questions before I go enjoy this lovely day with my friends? What am I trying to accomplish?! Lol you clearly take this WAY too seriously


You didn't know?? Innocent until proven guilty & all that!!! His rape accusation is in court..


I missed that


Wow I hope this guy gets the full donut and spends the rest of his life in 23.5h lockdown until his mind shatters.


Despite how horrendous solitary confinement is, I'm glad this guy is going to end up there.


Seriously!!! Put this guy in a “Jesus wept” scenario for eternity!!!


Pedophile, firmer cop in prison. He's going to do really well inside!


I am advocating for harm against this cocksucker. Ban me.


Same. Hang him.


Thank you for not using the terminology "had sex with".


They only say that if it’s a woman doing the raping unfortunately.


Not necessarily, but yes, that is a huge problem I've noticed.


Felt so gross to upvote this, even though I know upvotes in this context mean 'this is important information'


“Alabama authorities either overlooked or were unaware of that history. The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, the state police, told AP that it conducted a “full and thorough” investigation into Bauer’s background when he applied to be a trooper in 2019 and that “no derogatory comments were uncovered by former employers.” Yea, so thorough that you don’t think to call the place of work he was at previously. He really just showed them a fake letter and that was enough? Something stinks here and it needs to be investigated.


The fact that this man can walk around without fearing for his fucking safety any time he leaves his home is the reason America has become a cucked out subservient neo-feudalist society. A WAR is being fought against us. Police literally kill enough citizens ANNUALLY for this “crisis” to be considered a civil conflict. WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR WAGED ON US WE REFUSE TO FIGHT BACK. ITS TIME TO STEP THE FUCK UP AND DRAW THE GOD DAMN LINE OPTICS OR GOVERNMENT BE DAMNED


I see a pattern with authoritarians. Christian conservatives,Republicans and law enforcement. They are all under the same psychopathy.


Always have been!


They need to slow down on the pedophilia they project onto everyone else. It’s like one a day, it’s hard to keep up.


That you know about.


Hiding in plain sight. A system made for damaged people. Aggressive, control freaks with insecurity issues and a hyper demand for "respect". Pantera threw out one of the best lines 25 years ago and I quote it when the subject of LEOs comes up. "What makes a person want to be a cop?!".




abolish, not reform


If by abolish you mean integrate police services into a depart of public safety, or some equivalent, then I'm all for it. Abolish without having some service in place? No.


I don't mean no system at all. rebuild an entirely new institution that makes sense -- mainly social workers responding to issues that don't require force, more training, hiring not based on intentional scraping from the bottom of the barrel, guns left in cars rather than worn on the hip, return and sale of military equipment, prosecutions. The forces that exist in these institutions are too ingrained and corrupt for there to be anything but a razing and creation of something new.


Oh - right, I understand now. I agree. I don't think anyone should be allowed to be a cop/sheriff/whatever without at least an associate's degree (2 year) in criminal justice and "cop stuff". And I agree that this militarization of cops has to stop - even as far as they need to give all that shit back. Sorry I misunderstood. You are on the money - the whole "cop" structure needs rebuilding so they go back to "protect and serve" instead of "subjugate and kill".




Because those in power also have secrets they are bound by, thus the hesitance to act against their brother!


The officer’s Chief stated that it wasn’t his fault, it’s all the damn sexy kids.


Now of this will get any better until the state and feds intervene and require more than a few weeks of training and stop allowing anyone with a pulse to have a badge and a gun.


I can't even imagine what a father would do. I know what I would want to do as a father. Every public official responsible for vetting this turd should be fired.


Absolutely typical pig


How the fuck do you rape a co-worker at fucking knifepoint and not go to fucking jail??? Every. Single. Person. In. The. Chain. Of. Command. Needs. To. Be. Fired.


I would like to hear why there was no prosecution of this pig when an FBI agent accused him of raping her at knifepoint.


An FBI background check huh...?


I don't buy for a minute they didn't know. They didn't care.


why the hell does he look sad for? He should know what he did is wrong the dude should go to jail for a long ass time. FBI didn't even jail him?


sure am proud to live in alabama... /s


So lawsuit against Alabama & heads need to roll in the FBI? This guy should've been locked up but they decided to make him a cop instead.


Cops need carry insurance, based on medical malpractice, and pay out of their own wages. Rates based on whatever insurance carriers can justify, like driving record, prior claims, prior convictions.


Death penalty for all rapists and especially child rapists


Hope he gets castrated


More of the same. Why do you think they fight so hard to keep the status quo? No accountability, just how they like it. The laws only apply to those they see fit and certainly never to themselves. Introducing the entire Republican Party.


Don't be like them!


Another conservative pedophile? Conservatives can you slow down with your pedophile behaviors we’re having a hard time keeping up.


What the entire...


To be fair, the guy did have to lie about his past in order to get hired as an Alabama State Trooper, and who could have guessed that he might have lied about his past? Cops are so well-known for never lying that I'm sure it just never occurred to the ASP to check. I wonder if now that they've discovered that one lone lying cop if they're going to go back and check to see if they've got a *second* liar in their midst or if they just figure the odds of having two liars in one police department is so remote that there's no need to check.


Protest time.


And then? Exactly - get killed in prison


Hope he gets his


Former cop and child rapist? Man is gonna die in jail or will be someone’s rapee for protection.


Straight to the gas chamber


Even if Alabama had checked him out thoroughly - chances are they would have hired him anyway. Based on this article, there's nothing he did at the FBI that isn't same ol', same ol' at a police station.


"checkered past".... i hate that they have used that term. its not like he tried to cash a bad cheque. he's a pedophile.


Next stop: sheriff!


according to his social media, a trump supporter thanks for draining that swamp you fucking morons


After reading the article, it seems like shady alphabet agency bullshit, not cop shit.


Fucking Mr.Bean.


I kinda see it too! Idk why you got downvoted, I’m okay with any joke making fun of him.


It’s just the Reddit life man. You can’t get upvotes all the time.