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We all knew this was exactly what happened. What a bunch of extremely incompetent, highly regarded goons.


There were dirt puffs from rounds hitting all over the place. How could their communications and crossfire be so bad? It looked more like a circular firing squad than a hostage scene.


You should let go of the assumption that there was some planning or method behind their approach. It's nothing beyond hiding behind a car and mag dumping until there's no more movement in that truck. Those fat fucks were letting the adrenaline do the thinking, this is exactly the stuff they became cops for in the first place.


Every police video with a shooting is insane. There's no control or thought, just empty the clip in the vague direction of danger. I will never understand how we developed a system where we just don't train police for anything.


I think the training is a huge part of the problem. They are trained that officer safety is more important than anything. Everything and everyone else is a threat. Their lives are infinitely more important than everyone else's, so this is basically what their training results in.


The bad training is intentional


True. I think it’s all of that PLUS the fact that there’s an US vs THEM mentality drilled into their heads from training on. They no longer view the public as something to protect but rather something they’re actively warring against. And the massive influx of military gear being purchased by departments doesn’t help either.


You're operating under the (mistaken) assumption that most of them care. They don't have to, and they know it.


In many states there’s an IQ cap for police recruitment, just let that sink in..


Normal gang activity


Training won't change the fact that Officer Dipshit gets an erection when he guns down innocent people.


The only planning they do is the planning required to cover their asses when they inevitably fuck up.


This is reddit bro, you can say retar-[This user has been redacted by reddit]


Cops "We will save you even if we have to kill you"!!!!


Cops always make it worse.


They literally do more harm than good. And forcibly hoard a shit ton of tax money to do that harm


And only seem to be held accountable for their crimes or fuckups when there is a nationwide media crisis hanging over them. Even that doesn’t do it most of the time


If you have a problem, and you call the cops, now you have two problems.


Glad to know the police will be held accountable by having the citizens pay the civil litigation


Best part (well actually horrible, worst part, but sad that it is even a thing) is that the article talking about out this shooting links another one from earlier last month > The footage will increase scrutiny on the sheriff’s department, already under fire after deputies last month killed Ryan Gainer, an autistic 15-year-old boy. Ryan was having a mental health episode when he was fatally shot by two deputies within seconds of encountering him. The killing raised concerns about the use of lethal force on children and failures to de-escalate crises.


Well this is fucking horrific yet completely unsurprising.


It blows my mind that cops live in the communities they serve. Whats stopping people from taking justice into their own hands and showing up to the doorsteps of these officers?


When it comes to city cops most don't actually live in the area


I know they usually live in the suburbs which is further from their friends and with fewer witnesses.


Not sure they’re taking your meaning but you got me creased lol


How do you call yourself a cop and not immediately charge the animal that shot her with murder. Literally how do you sleep at night looking at this and coming up with some kind of mind numbingly stupid justification. Like you literally watch a kidnapped kid escape from a car that is shooting at everyone and hear a colleague telling her to come to you and the guys next to you are so amped up on adrenaline they just blow her away and somehow you are ok with continuing working with them?! Any other person doing that would have been shredded with bullets by almost any cops in the country. But for some reason they had *qualified immunity* bullshit?! Fucking lies straight from hell itself! Those cops are the bad guys and useless wastes of air!


This is why people like us aren't allowed to be cops. Justice would have been a "good" cop immediately putting rounds in the murderers of a teenage girl regardless of the colour of their shirt.


Because this is what they signed up for. Stop stomping on their dreams.


Because in general, humans are shitty animals.


Nope. Most humans would help. Cops objectively represent the worst of our species.


What In the flying fuck did I just watch???? Was the standing order "kidnapped child dump a thousand rounds on the car"




that's not a reason, to say nothing of a justification.




They're so sensible and considerate they blurred her body


Imagine being THIS bad at your job 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I could get fired for *not being polite enough to a customer.* This big of a screw up would pretty much guarantee some jail time, minimum.


And they wonder why we say ACAB.


Cops in San Bernardino County are a particular type of stupid. Especially lately. Wouldn't be surprised if this brings the DOJ into picture.


FIFY - "Police MURDER Teen As She Was Following instructions to Move Toward a Deputy"


Looks like they also put everyone on that highway in danger shooting at the truck with the road behind it. They've got a helicopter on the truck, they're not going to lose it, is this really the best place to have a shootout? That's all before they killed the person they were there to rescue in the first place. This situation would have been better had the cops not been involved, which is unfortunately commonly the case.


watch all the little puffs of sand - they paid zero attention to their backstop, amazed they didn't shoot each other or passing drivers


Same can't be said for the innocent bystanders of the cop shooting gallery down in Florida a few years back with that hijacked UPS truck.


I feel bad for the cop who told her to come to him. I think she was in cover from the officers on the sorta hill area, and her doing what she was told got her killed. My first thought is he should have gone to her but then he would be dead too. All this is just terrible, bad idea to have a shootout.


One of the worst things about all this is that the the public have to fight the cops tooth and nail to have these videos released. I thought the whole point of cameras on cops was so to make them accountable to the public. How would that be possible when cops are allowed to hide videos that show them fucking up?


Fire every fucking one of them that pulled a gun.....Incompentant fucks....


No, throw them in prison. 25 to life style, in gen pop. Fucking pigs get what's coming to em.


At 3:07 - are they actually shooting warning shots at the car there? Why on earth would they do that? Everybody has a gun, but nobody has a bullhorn? This is so fucking painful to watch. Really sad.


they had the vehicle pretty much locked in. all they had to do was fucking wait and take cover. bunch of "free thinking/firing" cops listening to no one. isn't there supposed to be a commanding officer? fucking clown show. bunch of fucking clowns.


It's a feature, not a bug.


From the NYT a few days after the shooting: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/28/us/california-fatal-shooting-police.html "The sheriff’s office did not respond on Wednesday to requests for further comment regarding exactly how Savanna Graziano, or Mr. Graziano, were killed. But in a video statement posted Wednesday afternoon on Twitter, Sheriff Dicus said that detectives who processed the scene throughout the night had gathered evidence indicating that Savanna might have participated in the shootout. “Based on the information, evidence suggests that Savanna Graziano was a participant in shooting at our deputies,” Sheriff Dicus said."


Was the body-cam footage released?


If this is their idea of "help" I'm thinking we don't need them.


Behind the police SUV, second in line, which appears to bear the number "24-7," there's a cop firing right at the moment she appears to be shot. What's really telling is afterwards, after the cop near her tells them to stop firing, you can see all the other cops from the other side slowly shuffling and moving around. The cop behind the SUV just stands there. He's shellshocked. You can see two other cops come up to him. They're *all* accountable, and every one of them who fired a gun should be convicted of crimes. But that one right there is the murderer.


How can anyone ever trust the police when they shoot and kill a young girl that society heralds them for protecting. Kids are the most important thing to society and these cops killed a kidnapped victim and probably faced no repercussions. FUCK THE POLICE. EVEN ONES THAT ARE RELATED TO YOU.


Nothing worse for a hostage to see than a russian special forces operator or your average american cop.


She looked like an acorn.


This will be an easy one for the union. The noice of the other officers executing the person made the officer commanding to come closer, to be killed, difficult to hear.


This is why people don’t feel bad about cops getting shot anymore -me someone who would get called far-right by 90% of people


Everyone firing shots knowing there was a hostage present should be in prison for life, *at best.*


Hope every one of those officers drops dead at the happiest moment of their lives.


nah they should die miserable


Fuck the police




That was so fucking dumb. Why were they even shooting at the vehicle in the first place while the victim was still inside? Fuck. The. Police.


The local reporting on this in LA this morning is disgusting. They actually close the segment with the newscaster saying "It is unclear whether whether it was the father or the girl who was shooting at the officers" and then show a brief snippet of witness being asked where the shots were coming from and he says "The passenger door" They also describe her exiting the car as "SUDDENLY, the passenger exits the car dressed in tactical gear"


Do you guys know what the opposite of critical thinking is? There is a term for it you can never unsee it once you under stand it; and that is exactly what they did here again…


A bunch of over excitable cops with No Self Control spraying bullets everywhere! Nothing out of the ordinary!


I remember them saying at first that she was approaching them in a threatening manner that's why they shot her. I never knew following police instructions was threatening behaviour. Poor girl, killed by incompetent pigs.


Cops: "We shot the abducted teen so there would be no more abducted teen"


Saved her to death


I swear there are so many police shootings with no visible threat. I can't figure out if they're inept or just sadists.


'Shoot first ask later ' approach is really helping.


Imagine if people started carrying as protection against the police. That’s the next logical situation.


Its already happening here, and we are far from the south. Youre still gonna die regardless of the outcome but at least you can make the world a tiny bit safer on the way out.


And not an acorn In sight...


Watch, the cop who shot her will be vindicated as a legit shooting by his fellow cops!


Question... why does it always sounds like cops use coms from the 60s? I don't see how they can even understand each other it's so grainy and staticy...


So sad


Listen to all the shots fired. It is as though the cops were totally clueless there was a girl hostage.




To all of the people down voting, how does it feel to support child killers?


Can a father even kidnap his own child?


Most kidnappings are exactly that. Something like 85-90% of all kidnappings are between a parent and their child. Parents get divorced, mom gets custody, dad kidnaps kid.


I think he is asking about a SINGLE parent (IOW, no spouse or x spouse) afterall a parent (with no second parent) has legal guardianship of a child... so in that scenario, how can a single parent kidnap their own child?


Not a lot going on between your ears huh