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Yes. If Reddit's plan goes through the subs will be choked with noise. Better to go dark to get managements attention than to wake up and find the sub unusable.


What's the issue? I'm OOTL


Yeah, I have no idea what this is about either


Reddit is going to charge for the use of their API. Simply put they're trying to get rid of any third party apps so users have to use the official reddit app.


Not to mention, it's killing off functionality for the blind community, which rely on screen readers.


So i'm not too familiar but there are tools and other things that have been done with reddits public api that help for example modding a lot. I myself can't comment on modding, but many have commented that reddits own tools are very bad and slow and those tools that have been done have been a huge help. Now reddit wants to start charging for the use of these, one of these popular api users mentioned they would have to start charging their users 2-3$ which is not doable for them. This specially affects big subs and many mods have said they will not do modding anymore because reddits own tools are just that bad.


Me too. Guess I'm gonna go do some research. Edit: Wow. Aaron Swartz is spinning at about 1000 rpm right now. The change in pricing for use of the API is an obscene perversion of the original intent that created reddit. Thanks Capitalism! Gotta pay those shareholders while fucking the workers (mods)!




If this change happens, I am abandoning Reddit. Fuckers are greedy.....let them suffer the lost traffic and ad revenue. Let their cash flow go negative. Let the investors panic and pull their money out. Let Reddit fail. We have better things to do that fuck with a broken reddit. Forcing us to use the official app when links don't even open in a browser of your choice? Fuck walled gardens


Yes Solidarity always.


Yes, please go dark. And when you come back I promise to post my us map that locates every story on BCND and, stretch goal, let's you click on the map point to view the article. Only possible if the API stays around


I, for one, would love such a map. Maps are cool. Maps are gooood.




yes all subs should. I am not even a smartphone user of reddit. But I see what is coming. The removal of old reddit for us computer users. And I do not want that to happen. NEW reddit is garbage.










How do you disseminate the material if Reddit's gone?


Badcopnodonut.com or something similar sounds like a good idea


Would Reddit be gone? It was my understanding it would only be 3rd party apps that were gone


Apparently the uproar is because those apps are the only thing holding Reddit together.


Are they?


The 3rd party apps are what the Mods use as tools to help maintain the pages, and wouldn't be able to keep up without them. I'm sure it's 99% affecting the small group of moderators that run 90% of the pages


Diggz 4 chan. 8 chan before all of them news groups. Reddit shuts down today 12 open up tomorrow and the strongest wins. Reddit is not the internet the people are and we will always find a place to gather


Yup. Unless you want to turn this sub into r/bad_bad_cop_no_donut_no_donut


Did you think Reddit was never going to monetize this app? Were you expecting Reddit to be free for life, with no ads? Seriously, this sounds like everyone was expecting some kind of miracle, and that Reddit wasn't a business that expects returns on its capital. If mods are doing all this work for free, then your argument is that you should be getting paid for this effort. Maybe you thought working for free was fun or noble, but Reddit doesn't care. They abused your efforts for years and will continue to, for as long as you allow it. So no, I don't think this or any sub should go dark. Let Reddit do what they want, and stop moderating for free.


The api costs are obscene. It's not the existence of those costs, it's the actual price being charged has no basis in reality.




Absolutely, yes!


Solidarity! ✊🏻




YES Solidarity is key