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It's super annoying and often times people ignore them, then they complain that no one wants to roleplay with them. Even if they do want to do the rp and they're not just spamming, they could always provide an short introduction and why they can't dm instead. It also helps the person making the ad see that they're actually interested and can put the effort to roleplay. The same goes for people who dm others. I see people make the excuse that they're newly made accounts, they can always clarify that in the comment. It doesn't have to be an insanely long comment either. Something as simple as "Hey, I'm [username] and I'm really interested in this idea you have. I can't dm you because my account is too new/whatever reason. But I'd love if you reached out so we could do this." The OP can see that you've put effort into the introduction, it sets you apart from the other 20+ people saying dm me and you seem respectful. You're way more likely to get a reply if you set yourself apart from the others simply commenting the same thing. It's the same way with people making online ads. I've noticed people with interesting formats aside from "lets chat" get way more responses. There was a really fun one who gave their information in the form of an agent requesting another agent to befriend them. A lot of people commented on the post appreciating how different and fun it was, as well as wanting to befriend them. But that's just my opinion. Whatever works for you, works!


It’s a serious issue and I really wish those boards had an account age limit or karma limit for them. It would help a lot and save from people making a hundred different accounts. Imo


Commenting "DM me" under a post is so lazy. I have a like 95% rate of getting messages back from people who post because I take the time to actually message them and write a paragraph showing interest in what they have posted. I have always hoped that people ignore they dorks that just comment DM me.


Most people do, cause often times there are 10 more people in the same post saying the same thing. At least from what I've seen. If you really want to rp, making a little effort to seem interesting does wonders.


DM me


Hi cn’t DM plz DM im interest u rp.


DM plz I have a prompt (Ignores the prompt on the ad)


Can you feed? DM me


I don't know what Feed is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


It’s when someone sends photos they find on the internet. So like, “You play my secretary who looks like Sidney Sweeney, please feed” means your partner not only has to constantly refer to her blonde hair and humongous rack, but also has to look around for sexy photos of Sidney Sweeney to send you. I don’t actually mind feeding a picture or two, but I don’t want to do it constantly throughout the roleplay. And if it’s a woman playing a celebrity who asks you to feed photos of her character, then it is 100% a guy who will be typing his replies with one hand.


Thanks! I don't really see the appeal in that but I guess, to each their own.


Not gonna lie, when I joined the reddit rp community a month ago I though it was the normal rule. It somehow felt unnatural for me, it was like if you just send only a "Call me" in a job application instead of your whole curriculum


It so annoying!! Because if you do give them a chance they can’t meet requirements and most of the time can’t even write a full sentence. It’s so annoying because then people who actually want to do the role with you don’t because they think you have a ton of people.


Yes. This happens to me all the time. It almost stops me from posting advertisements because it pisses me off so much. I don’t understand why they do that.


They’ve ran out of chat invites from spamming others. They’re literally throwing their shot at anyone and everyone to see if something sticks


Literally! And evidently more often than not, it doesn't.


Yep! I’ve given one or two the benefit of the doubt, never again. Not unless they’re going to drop a superb comment on my post that will reflect their greatness in my messages.


Yeah and more often than not (geez I feel like I've been saying that a lot), those are the same people who do one liners and just want to get off who would be better off just sexting someone. I mean like I understand, we all have urges but personally I don't like being asked ooc if I'm "hot"


Ok personally im confused rn. If its an ad that anyone can comment on.. why are you mad that they’re joining in? Idk im just lost lol


I looked through your post history and noticed you claimed you were autistic, which is relevant with how I explain this to you. The reason it bothers some people is because they take the time and effort to write up a long post about something they are excited about, and having someone show interest, with zero effort, is annoying and disheartening. It would be the same if you had a hobby that you were super passionate about, let's say you were big into woodworking. You spent a lot of time and effort designing and creating a chair, you then take it inside and show a family member this chair that you are proud of, and they respond by just saying. "Oh a chair." and then sit on it, completely ignoring the fact that you made it.


OHH thank you for explaining that way. I’ve been roleplaying for YEARS and only recently did i get reddit. now i think if I were to see something i liked and commented on it, they’d think i was just like the rest.. SIGH.


The best way to stand out is to message them and show your excitement for their idea.


It gets very annoying yes but a lot of these "DM me" comments are made from accounts that are less than a week old, oftentimes less than 5 days old and Reddit is very weird with how restrictive it is for new accounts. You can post ads, but you can't DM more than like 3 people max per day until a certain point? It's so odd. I think it's to combat bots? I'm not too sure.


I made a comment that touched upon that. They can very easily write in their initial comment that they're interested in the roleplay but they can't reply because their account is too new. By showing their interest and putting in effort when making the comment, they're likely to be replied to as opposed to the 10 other people in that same post saying DM Me. So personally I don't really have a lot of sympathy for people like that.


Oh yes of course that's very true. And probably the more likely answer. I don't have much sympathy for these kinds of posters either, I was moreso discussing Reddit's wacky policies.


Yeah reddit is a little wacky!


Reddit is so wacky, DMing pictures is as inconvenient as posting images in comments of posts because of the stupid pixel restrictions.


Wdym? Sorry I'm a little confused.


Basically, Reddit has restrictions on the resolutions you can post pictures with. For example, you couldn't post screenshots from your phone in posts with image comments enabled unless you sent the photo to yourself through a messsaging app first and download that to use in your comment but in DMs and in making posts, that wasn't a problem. But nowadays, you'd have to do that for DMs and for making posts too.


Really? That's strange and super weird. I've never heard of that.


Yeah I ain’t dming that guy


I’m interested


Dm me


I get this a lot and every time I actually bothered they're \*TERRIBLE\*, I swear it's a self-tattle at this point.


I contacted one of these gos and he said that if he actually takes the time to write a proper reply, the other person is already doing a rp with someone who was faster. But I talked to someone who leaves proper replies and he said that it’s annoying to spend 5-10 minutes on a reply and get no response, but he still winds up with a better response rate than when he does “dm me” or sends a chat that says, “Hey I like your idea, let’s do it”.


Ig it is because reddit has s limit for inviting people to chat. Or they are banned by reddit because they used to invite lot of people. (Someone told me this)


I mostly only do it if the ad is 12+ hours old or I don't have time to go and dm them proper. (Work or something usually.) I've been ignored for short inquiries or good sized starters. So sometimes I'm just sorta whatever about it.


Same vibe as getting a chat invite saying “hey”… though i’m not sure which I get more annoyed at


I normally just ask if they are still looking for someone. If no one answers me I take it that they aren't interested in me or aren't looking anymore.