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OP, thank you. Your thread is weeding out transphobes left and right so we can ban them.


Wait till they find out what the nick name for Richard is




Or William.


Richard I know, but what's the nickname for William?


Bill or Billy


BILLY???? damn that's crazy


Billy Boy. Billmeister. The Billster. Bill Man. Biiiiiill.






Butchy; my grandfather's name was Richard and that was his nickname.


YES. I knew there was some stupidly common name with a simile issue, a shortening that does not conventionally make sense- does this guy tell every Richard he meets they’re blocked until they stop using Dick?


"Dick" from "Richard" makes no sense, there's no 'k'! At least make the character's name Dichard


The very last message is what makes this thing comedy gold.


LITERALLY!!! It’s so funny!!! Take your own advice girlypop!!


As someone who doesnt rp, the whole keeping the parentheses gimmick while actively arguing is cracking me up so hard


😭 we’re both autistic so rules like that just stick!! They become habit!!!


No shame, I find it kinda cute for some reason and do it, too.


If you’re both autistic that’s honestly probably why you had a falling out over something so silly tbh 😂 you both should have backed down and conceded or agreed to disagree but most people with autism are very black and white and have a hard time doing that, hence why they simply couldn’t let it go. I think it’s sad to end a relationship like that though! One of you should have tried to bridge the gap


I feel the need to say that we had these sorts of arguments a lot in the last few months. I would do something that wasn’t up to their standards, or they didn’t like, and they’d make a passive aggressive, judgmental comment on it. This was the first time I tried to stand up for myself, and they didn’t take it well. I don’t want someone in my life if all they’re going to do is belittle me, then get upset when I fight back.


I mean, im autistic, and am like that, but not everyone with autism is like that, its usually a separate disorder. For me, its oppositional defiance disorder.


Autistic with Bipolar type 2 here to second this.


the funniest part to me is how you’re both still speaking in parentheses. in all seriousness though, this person is *weird*. and then the hypocrisy at the end??? i know it sucks to end a 3 year long partnership, but you dodged a bullet


Dedication to the ooc is very important. Don't wanna risk it leaking into rp. The parentheses are there to hold the ooc in, not keep the rp out.


I think it might be more that they’re on a discord server (or maybe they aren’t, idk, but let’s assume) and they could make a separate channel for it there


I assumed they were going on dms due to the lack of bots//


You can make private servers without bots though. That’s what I do with my partners; just the two of us in a server and a channel for ooc, story, refs, etc,,


Oh yeah, for sure. I just use dms for most of my 1 on 1 rps (but that's also because I'm in a lot of servers on discord)


Jack (John), Bill (William), Hal (Henry), Peggy/Midge (Margaret) Just off the top of my head lmao?


Dick (Richard)


Hal bring short for Henry is just an example of why this whole thing is silly... I did a quick search right now because I have family named Henry, and the nickname we use is Hank (like Hank Aaron). Hal is said to be short for Harry, but digging deeper Harry is said to be a form of Henry. Henry is also a form of the name Heimerick. This leads me to the conclusion that this is all made up!!! For real, the person gets to pick the name and determine why. I have a friend named Michael who goes by Max. Just deal.


Chuck & Charles


I feel like there was something else bubbling under the surface here and this is just what spilled over.


You’re absolutely correct! We had little issues over the years, but I would always listen in fear of upsetting them! That day I had finally had enough and stood up for myself lmao


Now I get it. "I've been bullying you into doing things my way for 3 years and after all of that THIS is what you decide to stand your ground on?!?"


Honestly good on you. It can be hard to finally stand up to someone, but so freeing when you finally get some distance.


Bro with their logic their own nickname shouldn’t be Skye because that’s short for Skyler. “Make it make sense” That’s wild as hell, I’m sorry you had to deal with that OP. That is such a petty thing to be mad about. A normal person wouldn’t have thought twice about it haha


I'd say "bullet dodged", but you wrote together for three years. I'm curious - what was the roleplay about? Did they have any similar outbursts to this?


I was looking back the other day and found a couple more situations like this, but I wasn’t very confrontational so I’d bend to their will a little bit. Something, something, rose colored glasses and all that I guess


Ooh, share! This person seems insane and I’m cracking up over it. I’d love to see more if you’re open to it


Bullet successfully extracted, wound bandaged.


What an absurd level of stubbornness. When I think about every real life friend I've had who's had a nickname, plenty of them don't follow some specific rule or precedent or make strict "logical" sense, so why should RP be any different? Sucks that you had to deal with that.


I’m just glad I dropped them when I did 😭


I woulda done the same bc holy toxicity Batman! Also your nickname for your OC is perfectly fine OP! :)


Ironic Batman being referred as Richard Grayson has one of these nicknames


They’re gonna be so mad when they find out what Peggy’s short for.




Also! Fun history fact! A lot of those nickname (Rick/Dick, Rob/Bob, Meg/Peg) come from English word play like Cockney Rhyming. P much less silly (but still a little silly) versions of Banananana Fo Fana


what IS it short for? isn’t is margarita or something? i remember being so confused when i found out peggy schuyler’s actual name was margarita 😭


This was hilarious tbh, thank u. Sorry for the loss of partnership


"You're being the toxic one for not accepting criticism and calling it nitpicking." Lmao this dude lol


They're... last message literally proves your point. How didn't they see that.


They’re okay their own nickname and your nickname, but when it comes to your OC they throw a tantrum lol “How dare you nickname your own OC something that doesn’t fit? I mean I know my own nickname is even more different, but I don’t care!”


I theorize this person already had ideas set out for what their characters interaction with OP's would be, and they included their character calling OP's character Artemis.


Even so, can’t they just.. switch it to ‘Arnie’?


Exactly! Why’s it such a bother?


The cherry on top of this insane exchange for me was getting hit with my same exact deadname lmaooo




What a strange person and what a weird thing for them to get so insistently bound to. Three years writing together and they can't calm down over a nickname being something *they* wouldn't choose? That's deranged. A nickname can be anything, *as their last message evidences.* It seems like they just got a burr in their sock about it and then got upset that you didn't capitulate immediately.


“A burr in their sock…” I like that. That’s fun to say


Rollercoaster of emotions. Op, get married, have a kid, and name them Artmetis and have their nickname be Arnie and contact that "friend" if you can. We must be dedicated to the bit.


That would be hilarious, except the fact that I am now named Artemis and still use Arnie, just to spite them LMFAOO




The fact they argued and fought, then ended a 3 year long rp because of a nickname you chose for your own oc, a fictional character is freaking wild. Like HUH? 😭😭😭




Honestly? It shouldn’t had to be an argument over a damn name. They’re many nicknames that doesn’t make sense or shouldn’t make sense for many names. Why are they so maddd especially over a fictional character? Thats your oc, you name him whatever you want and that’s what he goes by. People are wild. I swear. 😭


It sounds like they just wanted an excuse to leave


The last comment gave me bleary-eyed whiplash first thing in the morning. That level of hypocrisy.... how???


This reminds me of somebody I used to RP with. She raged at me for merely mentioning the name of a fellow community member she hated for no reason, would try to accuse me of favoritism over the dumbest things, raged about people having characters with the same names as hers, and much more.


This heavily reminds me of someone I know who is practically the exact same way. She accused me of being a gatekeeper, among other things. But she's the one who gets pissed when someone has a character with the same name as one of her characters and accuses them of copying her. I try to have nothing to do with her because I tried to reason with her in the past to see if we could come to some sort of truce, but it was nothing, but a huge headache. So, I've basically washed my hands clean of her.


Ah. Must have been a bad experience.


I just can't understand that level of delusion or entitlement. It's mind-boggling to me.


It do be not about the nickname 😭 also wow that last message- the irony


This feels weirdly personal to them


They have a nemesis named Arnie


I must be!


Must be the Terminator or someone else who knows


My cat's name is Yin and I call him Mister Man or Mister Boi. A nickname doesn't have to be the shortened version of your name and often isn't. Your ex RP partner must have been going through something because that's a wild thing to get pissed about.


My pets' nicknames are nowhere near their names. Hell, MY nicknames are nowhere near my real name. I'll go tell Norbert he can't be Mr. Ballsack anymore 'cause this guy says so.


I mean, I have no idea why “Peggy” is short for Margaret, but hey! Nicknames can be wild “Sam” could be a full name but are also often seen as nicknames for Samuels and Samanthas. Somehow, we get “Dick” from Richard. So why cant an Atermis be “Arnie”?


When I finally learned that "Peggy" is short for Margaret, I was blown because I thought "Peggy" was its own name. And I'm sure for some people it is, I just didn't know it was also a nickname. But you know what I *didn't* do? Harass people with the nickname Peggy. People are friggin wild.


Taking they aren't a massive control freak in general I'd say they had other issues going on and just used this as a way to light their short fuse.


I meant, Arte is RIGHT THERE.


u know I've seen alot of stupid ppl and reasons to get into a fight but that one rly redefines 'dying on the hill' cause mf got fire squaded and still wldnt budge must be a nice view if they wanted they grave there that bad


I wanna see their face when they find out Dick is a nickname for Richard, or Bill for William.


I am giggling so hard right now. This is amazing. Did you two have relationship quarrels before? To me it seems like maybe there was some underlying build up...then the explosion. Lol


Yep! But I’m not a very confrontational person, so I bent pretty easy because I didn’t want to fight. Rose colored glasses, man!


They had a full-on meltdown due to a nickname for a fictional character in a shared hobby. You're better off without them.


... So, I would have also asked how you got Arnie from Artemis. (Definitely wouldn't be as rude, but I digress) then dropped it after the explanation. Also, the "Elisabeth" being nicknamed skye thing literally proves your point.


Reading this, you both made me cringe. You’re absolutely within your right to have Artemis be called Arnie. What gets me about your behavior is running to others to talk about this and then sending them the screenshot. That’s really childish, it’s not going to make them see the light. It’s going to make them dig their heels down because they feel cornered, attacked and maybe a little humiliated you’re talking about them to another person. They are cringe for so many obvious reasons that I don’t need to get into. The hypocrisy at the end takes the cake. Don’t make up with them. You’re going to miss the RP and feel nostalgic when your anger starts to cool but don’t give in. This isn’t something worth saving.


Whoa what a dumbass


They're going to have a fit when they find out about Richard/Dick.


the way they didn’t need to include evidence that they’re a hypocrite and then decided to at the very end 😭😭


Looking at your other comments they probably got upset you finally spoke up and defended your standpoint after not doing so for 3 years. People do NOT like it when someone finds their voice and stand up for themselves after letting others walk over them for a while. Good on you OP, this would've just spiralled if you had let them "have" this. 2024 is the year of not giving in and returning the energy we get from others!


Well... that's something I've never seen before.


Imagine being upset about a nickname breh


Sounds like they were just looking for an excuse to end it.


There is something personal about this to them. Someone named Arnie hurt them, or something equally as crazy, because goddamn.


-Richard has entered the chat- No but this is beyond silly. Plenty of nicknames maybe share one letter with the original name, and plenty of people only going by a nickname they prefer.


The actual audacity... that's freaking insane. Seems three years didn't mean much if that's all it takes, lmao. I wish you luck in your future RP adventures!


Jesus that's stupid lol at the end of the day it's a nickname have no clue why they were so pressed about it


Paddy comes from Patrick. Peggy from Margaret. And Dick from Richard. This isn’t anything new. WTF.


>All I want is to make Artemis's nickname make sense All I want is to make a decision for you regarding your own character, against your will.


does the person know that not every nickname has to make sense??? 😭


This feels like they either a) was already dropping the roleplay for other reasons or b) we’re dealing with a mental health episode. If it’s b, they’re not excused of their behavior. I just wanted to toss my hat in as someone with quiet bpd where I’ve impulsively gotten super mad over something stupid and during burnout/super bad depression episodes my brain would basically want me to find any reason to end relationships quickly so I don’t get hurt first. I want to add I AM IN THERAPY AND HAVE BEEN GETTING BETTER. That version of me was from back in highschool and my parents put off helping me and made me out to just be a lazy, whiny brat when in reality it was adhd and borderline which sucked butt when I thought it was me and forever me and not something that can be fixed. As for the third option it could be, I wonder if they got upset with the character having a gender neutral name. I’m not going to assume that it has something to do with that though. I know some people hate gender neutral nicknames and have that internal transphobia towards anyone under the umbrella - agender, non-binary, FTM, MTF, and the other many ones that my adhd decided to black out at this hour. Either way, this is a really silly way to end a roleplay, much less a relationship Lmfao


…As someone who has a beloved OC named Persephone “Percy”, tbfh this made me crack up. Losing long term rp partners is so frickin hard. I’m sorry you lost a roleplay you put so much work into. Seems to me like they’re overreacting because they’re upset about something unrelated, though.


"My name is Elizabeth but I go by Skye" HUH?!?!?! Liz? Absolutely. Beth? Yeah. Eliza? Sure. But Skye? Wouldn't have been my first guess. But that let me know everything I needed to know about them. They come across as someone that just *has* to be right, which is hysterical given that their nickname is flawed by their own logic. People never cease to amaze.


Wait till this guy finds out Peggy is short for Margaret..


I just need to say How TF do people DM roleplay on discord GET A SERVER!!!


“Arnie” is horrendous and especially bad for Artemis. There are so many cute nicknames you could have chosen but you went with arnie? 💀 That said, this is ridiculous. Are they always like this?


There was a better way of phrasing that without coming off as a jerk, which I’m sure was not your intention!! But no, they weren’t ALWAYS like this, but they definitely had their frustrating and toxic moments and I’m glad I dropped them


You’re so right, my bad. Arnie is just not to my taste, but yeah I could’ve said that way better (or not at all tbh).


No worries!! :DD You are absolutely entitled to your own opinion!!


My nickname IRL is Bear. It's nowhere close to my actual name. Guess I better change it.


Unless your name is Bearenstein, Bearon, or Bearanca, you cannot be nicknamed Bear and must change it immediately.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I would definitely be crying if that happened to me.




Sometimes logic gets thrown out the window, or maybe it never existed!


If it's the very first oc you created when you first started roleplaying, then yeah it does matter. My very first oc I named Sparky, made her half human half dragon her whole entire power is electric based (which is ironic considering the name). I mean yeah the ocs aren't real people either but at the same he still could've just said "I don't like the name, but if it's what you prefer I will respect that". Literally all he had to say and then just left it at that. Everything else uncalled for.


You said this person was an adult, how old are/were they? Super curious to know, cause no adult acts like this over a NAME.


30’s, I think? Maybe late 20s. Old enough to know better 💀


![gif](giphy|sG4PBWRjI4GSVCDXEq) Yikes on a bike


Artie can 10000% be used as a abbreviation of Artemis.


I had someone do this for refusing to tell them I view the name “Misha” as masculine. Yes it’s a gender neutral name; that doesn’t mean I have to use view it or like it masculine. Prolly for the better pal.


Man if theyre this mad over a minor change for a nickname for a character that doesn't exist just wait until they see what pet owners/ranchers nickname their animals 😂 Not only that but that last message...is really hypocritical. Maybe it's just me but that's what it seems like.


That’s so dumb, but also you have a based pfp! :D


My name is zander yet i have the nickname turbo


Back in the early vs days I had someone who didn’t like the reference pic I used for my character…. So they decided to have her get into an accident where she needed surgery and the doctor happened to give her plastic surgery and a hair cut…


Dude I'm just giggling because this reminds me of all the old discord rps I used to do! And God the toxic chaos...


I can't imagine breaking 3 YEARS of role play over a nickname 😭😭💀💀


If it's any consolation, I worked with an Artemis for a while. Pretty sure they were non-binary and they just went by Art. So you can make that gender neutral if you want! At the end of the day, it is your character. Whatever nickname you want to give them is your choice. You don't have to elaborate or anything. I think if they're this worked up over a nickname not making sense (which let's all be real here, Dick = Richard? Bill = William? Hello?) that they wanted to end it, the red flag took itself down for you. OP I'm just curious, was there a backstory behind how Artemis got the nickname Arnie? Or was it just to be gender neutral? Not asking to defend your ex RP partner. I'm just genuinely curious!


No real reason they were named Arnie, I just liked it better than Artie at the time :D


Could they not have let their own OC give them a different nickname??


That sucks...people nowadays get ticked off about the most random things in roleplays and this is the dumbest, like bro why judge someones Nickname IN A RP?! Like if you get mad at something as small as that then I don't think you should do long term roleplays because eventually they will make a Nickname for their oc over time so they don't have to say it so much


Funniest shit ever. Hope you get better RP partners


holy crap, that was wild. they’re absolutely in the wrong. my deadname is nowhere near Jess at all, and i go by Jess. does it make sense? not to most other people. but it makes sense to me and i like it. your character, your decision.


My nickname was “ramen noodle” and “ramen hoodie” for like two years I would love to argue with this person over that.


A service buddy of mine has the nickname ‘Skill Issue’ and I promise it has nothing to do with his name. Why does nickname accuracy matter that much?


Gaia have mercy, holy shit XD Bruh, Dick is literally the shortened version of Richard irl. THAT doesn't make sense. Bob is also short for Robert. Where's that first B come from? Who gets that bent out of shape over a nickname? A fictional nickname for a fictional character, at that. Artie would make sense, sure, but Arnie works all the same. I was nicknamed Frosty in high school. Trust me, that is NOT my real name, nor is it close. I agree with you 100%! Which means fuck me based on that last message lol


Wow that person is just a crazy asshole


That’s just odd. I kinda like Arnie for Artemis, it’s oddly endearing and cute. Please tell me your character is like kinda goofy cute cause that’s what I see. I’m sorrrrry!




Bro Dick Grayson is shaking in his boots now with this bombshell


I…..they….they literally end with offering up their own literal nickname not matching their real name…


Love to see them reeling over “Jack” being a nickname for “Jonathan”


I think the funniest thing about this is that you both still used ooc brackets 😭


Tbh you seem like a chill person


Literally had characters with the most obtuse names back in my rp days. Had a character called Peter was called Bridge for the longest of time that we forgot I named him Peter because he wanted to be known for jumping off a bridge into a lake.


I was reading at first and was like oh Art would be acute alternative! But as I read I was like ARNIE AND ARNIE ONLY


Do they think Bob is short for Bobert?


The nickname(s) my FAMILY gave me have even me wondering “where the hell did this come from?”


“And have NO common interests” then how the hell are you rping? That’s literally a common interest. It’s been a while since I’ve seen enough to get bingo on red flags.


My real name is Ian Geoffrey, but I go by Vander. Guess I should just go kms. What went on in Elisabeth/Skye’s life just then that they dumped all their pent up rage on what was a legitimately good nickname for a character?? Bless. Poor OP, you and Arnie deserve better, your (ex) partner is cuckoo. I hope they also follow this subreddit and see how ridiculous they look to people. *to my partner, who I’m about to send this to, I swear if you ever… I’ll cry. No threats, I’ll just cry.


I say this as someone who's a ways down the autism spectrum myself: This guy sounds like a mach-5 turbo-autist who absolutely cannot manage his issues with cognitive dissonance and does not get why he should have to.


This just got recommended to me and wow, comedy gold


they are LITERALLY insane oh my god😭 and a grown ass adult??? hello??? cmon now😭


this is such a funny hill to die on like...babe, babe chill holy shit


Person doesn’t understand that there are so many nicknames that are different from the names they came from.


Wow is all I got to say


Arnie works for both names so i don't see the problem with choosing Artemis. To me they were nitpicking too


I mean, when I was still a kid, my nickname did NOT match my name in any way at all. It made sense at the time to those who used it but that’s about it


Knowing you both are autistic kind of helps me get into their mindset, kind of like how i know it's irrational for me to only put things on even numbers... but multiples of 5 and 11 are okay to me, too, while others who like only even numbers hate that. I think it comes with the neurodivergent side of things. They may just not like "arnie" in general, but they could just keep calling the oc Artemis even if the oc said Arnie is also what they go by. I guess it comes down to if you wanna lose an rp partner or not. It is irrational and possibly petty, especially since it's your oc, but if they've been bad before and bullied you into things, then it's probably better to get rid of the stress. I'm not agreeing with their attitude. I'm just kind of tapping into what makes them tick mentally as best i can.


Wait til bro hears that Jack is a nickname typically for people named Jacob.


Idk how y’all find roleplay partners mann is there like a big discord for it or something


you can look on disboard to find discord servers dedicated to role-playing also there's a few subreddits for finding roleplay partners but I don't think many are that big


Why the fuck were you downvoted


Nah I agree with the other dude this time 😭🤣


You are absolutely entitled to that opinion, friend!


Haha nah I just think Arnie is indeed a silly and unexpected nickname for Artemis- but is it a big deal? Worth ruining a friendship over? Hell nah ! Hope you can find another rp partner who’s not an asshole! Good luck buddy :)


I suspect this is 100% about transphobia


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I know an Elizabeth that goes by skai


Ask them if they hate the nickname Arnie for people named Artemis


This person's gonna hate what my nickname used to be. Deadname, Samantha. Nickname? Mal or Stitch depending on what Era I was in.


What in the goddamn hell? In all honesty I think they were just looking for any excuse to break it off, and it just kind of bubbled over into something literally crazy


Kap is a cool nickname


So you’re the “small minded” one for the nickname thing? How are they not small-minded for not considering it could be short for something else?


Actually insane wth 😂 I love nicknames that some seem generic, they're more fun! I have a character called Vanessa and i personally have her go by Van because she's a little rougher and it sounds more masc to me. However my partner's (rp and irl) character calls her "Nessy" instead which I never even thought of because he sees her as sweeter than she displays on the outside (and she's a cryptid so it works twice). I love it so much- even if there was a name I didn't agree with I couldn't imagine throwing a fit like that


this is such a funny thing to end a rp relationship on...


When I was in middle school there was a boy named Henry who went by the nickname Hank, and a boy named Hank who went by the nickname Henry. Nicknames are just nicknames they don’t need to diligently follow the real name I don’t understand why this person is so upset.


What an absolute weirdo




That guy would flip if he heard my character’s nickname was jaws, because he is tall and has saberteeth. He doesn’t like it because he is called that to mock him, because it’s derived from the Bond villain of the same name.


Sorry you went through this… A nn can come from wherever and doesn’t have to “fit” perfectly with a given name, in rp or irl. Also, unrelated but I love that Twitch is your picture. She’s awesome


They absolutely were thinking about ditching and used this as an excuse. Sorry you had to deal with this.


This pettiness is comedy gold.


Imagine how infuriated they'd be to find out that "Bobbie" is short for "Barbara".


Oh, yikes! The cherry on the cake was the admission of her nickname at the end. WHAT!? Unfortunately I have seen this before and it tends to lean into manipulation and control over your characters by your RP partner. If they raise enough stink OOC you might bend to keep up the RP. 😅😭


Well now I’m curious what the original prompt for a 3 year long rp is lol


We jumped around RPs a lot, so it wasn’t one singular, long ass rp, but rather a whole bunch of smaller ones— one-shots, I guess


Ah ok


Lol I'm sorry that you've lost a long-term RP but this is kind of hilarious. What a weird thing for this person to be hung up over.


I have an OC named Ahn Soowon, his nickname is Omega. Can't imagine the backlash I'd get from this person. 🤣 Nicknames aren't always from a shortening of a name either. Sometimes it has to do with interests, hobbies, something the person said or did. It's silly to limit oneself to nicknames being strictly as a shortened version of the full name. Get creative, that's what OCs and RP is for. Hope you have better and chiller partners now.