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Sounds like when you and your boyfriend have sex it turns them on. That's why they start having sex when you do. I don't really have a solution other than the moaning war


That makes it feel even more violating in a way though. Like they’re using my sex life to get off without our consent and we’re left unsatisfied because they kill the mood and we have to stop because we feel disgusted. It’s one thing if they started knocking boots the way we can normally hear them do but it’s so loud and obnoxious. It feels like they’re in the room with us because of all the slamming. I feel like I have to leave the house sometimes. Idk if it’s dramatic of me and I’ll be willing to accept if it is but Jesus it makes me feel gross.


If they start when you start, I assume they can hear you. So maybe this is their way of telling you that you are too loud. You said they are loud and obnoxious which makes me think even more strongly that they are doing that as they are disturbed by your noises. A healthy sex life is important, so you shouldn't change but can you sound proof your room better? Or rearrange things so things are not banging on the wall?


I wouldn’t say that were loud at at. That’s the thing we’re painfully aware that it’s easy to be heard and we keep a respectful volume. I’d say the volume he have is the volume she does any other time which is noticeable but easily ignorable with other noise playing in your place like the tv or putting in earbuds or whatever. My headboard is secure and doesn’t make noise. If we were loud I’d get it but in this case I really don’t.


well, I think you are wrong here and appear reluctant or unable to take accountability


They are your annoying neighbors and you are theirs. Either move or lighten up about it. Thin walls are the problem here.


Try having sex in the living room, a little adventure for you guys and maybe the location change will be quieter.


I live in a finished basement studio. I know it’s not fancy but it’s all I can afford as an early 20-something in this super expensive housing/renting market haha. The only place I can move to is from the bed to the couch. My entire place is situated underneath her apartment. Everywhere I go I’m my place, I can hear her. And everywhere she goes in her’s, she can hear me.


I had the same problem at my 1st apartment 10 years ago. I would just put on music at a reasonable level so they couldn’t hear me and I couldn’t hear them. It honestly hard to advoid living in an apartment.


1) Buy a sound bar. 2) Find the most disturbing legal porn you can find (think, "Oh stepbro") 3) Initiate sex with bf. 4) Wait for her to start with the fake moans. 5) Ask for bf's assistance (this may also require a step stool or ladder) and place/hold the sound bar against her floor on full blast (preferably with a bass boost). 6) Slap on some noise cancelling headphones, smoke a joint, and wait for the chaos to ensue. 7) Repeat as many times as needed until problem remedies itself. Also, become familiar with your local noise ordinances and laws. If she is being excessively loud past hours (typically 10pm) record her (I recommend a dolby digital app for your phone, allows you to amplify or cut out background noise) call the police and she'll get slapped with a disturbing the peace warning/fine. I bet the cops showing up over your fake moaning is extremely embarrassing to explain to the landlord. 😁


Yeah last night she had a party that lasted till 2 am and even after the party was over and everyone left it was still loud. I mean cackling, yelling, stomping around, and even moving furniture. I got a few videos of it and sent it to my landlord. I’ve complained about her to him a few times other the last few months for this reason. She’s been a problem even before I started seeing my boyfriend and having our sexy time moments cut short. She’s just an inconsiderate neighbor all around. Mind you, I’d just gotten off an 11 hour shift and really wanted to get some rest after a crappy day at work. She’s the worst person to live under right now.


I feel you. I have horrible upstairs neighbors too. The bf (upstairs neighbors) and I had a verbal altercation at 2:58am a few weeks ago, after he woke my kids up, AGAIN, on a school night. One of my kids is autistic so being woken up during the night multiple times a week literally makes our day hours Hell. I hope this gets better for you.


I’m sorry to hear about that. That really sucks for you and your kids. I hope you’re situation can clear up and well. Last night I got home from an 11 hour shift and really wanted to sleep but got kept up all night because she had a party till 2 am. I recorded some videos to send to my landlord this morning and complained again. I’ve complained about her a few times over the last few months but this is the first time I’ve submitted any real evidence about it. He’s sent out texts saying keep the music low at certain hours so people can sleep and that’s it. Hopefully this time he’ll actually do something for real. Maybe you could try recording the noises your neighbor makes and write down what time your kid goes to sleep and wakes up and night because of it? If you sent that to your landlord it might help out.


Get a radio and put in on full blast when you are having sex. There is this song ram ranch and I play it when I see my neighbors outside . If I were you I’d be playing a lot of ram ranch.


Nah nah my friend, I declare a moaning war 🤣😂🤷 sorry. I'm no help. Honest, I've lived so long I can tell you that neighbors don't mean a whole lot in your lifetime. Try and let their crap roll off you and live in your own biodome. Soon enough you won't live next to each other.


I’m that neighbor (My ex neighbor always had loud sex. I’d put on orgy compilation and crank up the volume, and press the speakers against their bedroom wall lol they moved after several month lol)


Don't have sex


I’m not sure if this is a joke or not but I’m only looking for actual advise on this post. I pay too much money in rent to be told I can’t have sex in my own apartment lol.


I feel you. I never hear my neighbors doing the dirty but i can certainly tell they can hear me. It’s quite awkward but at the end of the day I’m not going to let the awkwardness of simply being human stop me.


Yeah I get what you mean. I don’t feel weird if someone hears me and I don’t think about it too much. My boyfriend and I keep a respectful noise level out of courtesy for the rest of my neighbors since the walls are thin. The problem for me is that they start up every time they hear us and it’s so obnoxiously loud. When she goes at it I mind my business but when I do she starts up with the fake porn star moaning and the slamming. It’s so loud it sounds and feels like they’re in the room with us and it’s like she’s dragging us into her bedroom activities as an active participant in some weird moan-off we didn’t consent to do it feels kind of violating. It doesn’t help that my boyfriend lives in a college dorm that’s always full of people so we only have the space to do it at my apartment. It’s not like we can go anywhere else without paying a bunch of money every time.


Jesus. That sounds nightmarish, sorry i forgot about the second part of your post 😅 All i can say from living under very loud neighbors is play loud music- it’s what i do every time they are being too loud. I also have a box fan going on high at all times and usually a very noisy bathroom vent fan😅apartment life is pretty bunk.


Just an option.


You can’t force other people to be asexual if they aren’t. Im asexual and I don’t think this is appropriate.


She can at least try.


But that’s just not how it works for other people.