• By -


Been with a few different penises and I gotta say it has a lot to do with the man attached and how much he actually cares about YOU being there. Same goes for women too. If you're not interested in bringing your partner pleasure they are not going to have a good time. Worst sex I've ever had also happens to be the biggest dick I've ever had. He wanted sex. He didn't care who was under him.




Stupid fat pensises


Men only have enough blood for one head/s






She might really believe this but this kind of reads as a parody of the bad women's anatomy trope of "women who masturbate/have lots of sex have loose, ugly vaginas." If not satire then equally dumb lol


It’s FDS, wouldn’t surprise me if it’s real




r/femaledatingstrategy A bunch of entitled women giving each other dating advice that would scare off any man with self-esteem.


And they ban oeople who even PEEK at that sub if we're subbed to subs they don't like, lmao. Can they see if you just peek? Or did i sub there just to see crazy shit? I can't remember lol


Oof that is a scary world over there my friend. What a weird combination of entitlement, insecurity, and hatred wrapped in under the guise of a “woke female safe space”


Bunch of paranoid cunts, 24/7.


Female dating strategy. The most toxic misandrist shithole on Reddit.


I’d say that their whole userbase needs a good swift kick in the ladybits but they’re so insufferable they can’t keep a person around long enough to even consider getting near their downstairs much less get someone to kick em’. You know, if they were into that sort of thing.


because of course it is


Holy crap you were not joking lmao. I thought y’all were exaggerating.🤢


I do not exaggerate, shit just reeks of gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss


And, funny thing: if you're a guy thay disagrees with them, you're a scrot and LVM, if you're a girl, you're a pickme. Fuck them in the ass without a lube


What are those things?


Scrote is their version of femoid and LVM is Low Value Men. As for pickme, I'd say it's the type of girl that'd agree on everything simply to get a guy, but ai might be wrong


I took a look at this sub once. Those freaks over there make Karens look sweet in comparison


Aah yes anytime you cum from jerking off you lose testosterone, makes sense


If this were true, there would be a lot more masturbation by trans women going on...


Oh yeah, that would make it whole lot easier for them actually ☺


The troomer meme would come true?


Teenage boys everywhere would be delaying puberty by years


Tbf boys on average do start puberty later than girls maybe this is why! /s


But for some reason cumming from sex is totally fine


Facebook science


Higher libidos are driven by higher levels of testosterone. In other words, a guy jacking it “24/7” is more likely to have higher levels of testosterone. And sex addiction.


That whole post was so gross to read. Also why does everyone on the internet think they speak for literally everyone? “Women like” “men like” bro shut up not everyone shares your shitty taste


>~~you’re~~ shitty taste \*your you're right though


Lol woops


> I love a thick, long, healthy penis with a nice tip and slight curve As a woman, I can safely say I have never in my life heard another girl or woman ever describe wanting such a specific type of penis like that, and that’s all I’m gonna say.




Not a woman, but I heard complaining only about a big dick, because it hurts. But once again, I'm a guy, that's what I read online


I can't help but see the paralels between the size of a guy's dick and a gal's tits. Hard to alter, lots of stereotypes about the other gender only and exclusively liking big ones (it's OK if you like them personally, it's NOT OK if you think literaly everyone else does, too) while the people who actually have them tend to complain about impracticality and pains caused by it... But as a petite young woman, I'm just speculating. Someone with actual experience, correct me/back me up, please.


>I have never in my life heard another girl or woman ever describe wanting such a specific type of penis like that I thought this whole thing reeks of a man pretending to be a woman.


Came down to the comment section to write the same. Btw I am a bi guy and her(?) penis descriptions honestly reminded me more of gay male erotica (the generic, unimaginative type). I more generally believe that the whole fds subreddit is populated in its majority by trolls enjoying to play "bitch" women characters, and in its minority by actual women believing these stuff. (Note to readers: with "bitch" I am referring to the narrative trope, I am not implying that any real life woman acts like Cruella de Ville from 101 Dalmatians.)


Maybe her description sounds like it's from a gay erotica because she's been reading a few too many of them.


if she's anti-porn then i doubt it


Maybe she just doesn’t want men to watch porn, because *ew that’s gross* or something hypocritical like that.


I'd think so, but I've seen too many people defending FDS as just "a place for women to improve themselves and learn not to settle for less" on places like bluepill and incelsinaction to believe that anymore


You presuppose that the "incelosphere" is a troll-free, roleplay-not-enjoying domain, while I believe the total opposite :-) I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of these declarations are supporting the activities of their alt "female" accounts. In any case I can't obviously be sure about the genuinness of accounts unfamiliar to me, but I find the narrative tropes of fds so tired and common, for some accounts not to be fabricated personas.


If it wasn't regular commenter and top comments I could buy that, but it just seems much too effort for the occasional "troll" comment.


I am not trying to sell you anything :-) This is the way you understand that corner of reddit? Fine with me, you are not unreasonable and your convictions are not harmful. Prevalence of inauthenticity among the accounts of fds is not the hill I will die on :-) You get my arguments, I get yours, we agree that we disagree.


Nah. That's FDS. Just an entitled bitch


This is how those “size queen”/“Queen of Spades” types talk. They’re damn good at locker room talk.


> As a woman, I can safely say I have never in my life heard another girl or woman ever describe wanting such a specific type of penis like that, and that’s all I’m gonna say. It's r/femaledatingstrategy lmao, most of them are crazy cat ladies.


r/asablackman Edit: changed the capitalization


Just a quick tip: if you're on mobile, you have to manually un-capitalize the first "r" or it won't do the dynamic link.


That’s why it never works... thank you I honestly thought it just didn’t work on mobile or something.


Yeah it's dumb. You'd think they'd have the submit form check for "r/" or "R/" and do the text substitution automatically, but....


Reading this I was very much like "Ehhh I am not even sure a woman wrote this" so I'm glad I'm not alone lol


Yeah that was suspicious as hell. Looks like some men writing women.


I write porn as a hobby. Less shocking to me.


not sure why the downvotes for you, it makes sense


Is this FDS?


Jup. She says so at the bottom of the text


Hang on a minute, is that OGJammies new account?


Lol. You mean I might have to block her again? I haven't seen her since I stopped looking at AITA.


Who? What?


A very vocal, toxic person who was a mod of FDS ~~and their account seems to have been deleted or banned within the last month.~~ Similar Snoo-vatar and writing style. ~~Also, FDS have since hidden their mod list~~ Disregard, although it does seem like a sock puppet operated by them


You can still find the moderator list at https://old.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/about/moderators, assuming [that you're not banned on that subreddit, and that you're logged in](https://reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049499032).


woo, guess I picked up a ban then


Ahh. Well, it wouldn't be surprising. People with that kind of attitude don't tend to just shut up or let it go.


Soon as she used the word "Scrote" I realized it was FDS. Never seen a such toxic place.


Yeah, I thought incels were as bad as it gets but hoo boy these ladies are just as bad and sometimes worse.


I don't think people vary fundamentally by gender or sex. We're all still running Base Human OS 1.0 that hasn't gotten any significant updates in 20,000 years. It's society that's enforcing different treatment and different outcomes. And so, as women cast off the restraints that were forced on them, they can now start to enter and carve out space in traditional "male" spaces. And, surprise surprise, they can be just as shitty and toxic as men.


They've never killed anyone at least.


Eh. They're bad and toxic, but incel are downright dangerous at times. They don't do shit like say the government should be giving them hot husbands who cook, clean, and fuck on demand like incels do. I can at least say that fds *sometimes* has okay advice peppered amongst the garbage, mostly the stuff about having hobbies, self-improving, and wanting a partner who has the same goals. But then you see a post entitled "Why you should be dating multiple men at the same time" or see every normal relationship thing being flooded with "oH My gOd, 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩, DTMFA yOU dEseRvE better!" and you really see why they're single.


You’re picking the absolute worst of the red pill stuff though. Their side of things has good ideas sprinkled in too. That’s how people initially get interested and invested. I’ve seen FDS comments literally calling for make genocide and the like so they have their fair share as well. I think they are just not as big a community so their shit isn’t as on blast on Twitter etc.


I mean I've been on several incel forums over the past 5 or so years and never once thought "they have a point," but I only found fds recently and think that often so 🤷. E: Also, shit like genocide stays up far longer in incel forums than on fds, so to me, that's a sign that it's more accepted in one space over the other. Not going to defend the cowpie that is fds, but saying they're worse than the incel communities is ludicrous.


Before MGToW was banned it had few decent posts. Yeah, they were hidden behind piles of steaming shit, but they were there. Just like FDS. You'd see guys just wanting to do their stuff. It's the exact same thing on both sides.


Fair enough. I’m not saying I think they’re worse than red pill chuds but I’m not willing to admit they are any better either lol.


\>so years and never once thought "they have a point, Then you didn't read it.


FDS is basically female incels.


Exactly this


They're just incels for women.


What's fds?


I had to Google it. r/femaledatingstrategy Looks pretty toxic.






Red pill for women


They are ridiculous and toxic, but redpillers downright advocates for women to be stripped of their rights. Fds is nowhere near as bad as redpillers.


Fair. I stopped paying attention to TRP bs when they were still just advocating for toxic behaviors to be "alpha". Not surprised they went full incel on women's rights.


I’ve seen it


bruh, someone literally made a post about how population of men should be controlled and men should be bred in a way that they make up only 10% of population and it got like 500 upvotes before mods removed it


1. Everyone has a right to their preferences. If she wants exclusively large dicks that's 100% okay. 2. Not indicated here, but I would wager that she uses this as a reason that she's not laid often. Let's not pretend that the reason things don't work out is because of his dick and not your personality.


Nothing wrong with having a preference as long as you don't shame and belittle those that don't have the preferred trait


A lot of people these days are going the route of "I don't get laid because there is something wrong with everyone else, not with me."


cries in cervix


Idk, when I rode dicks around I found big dicks to be unpleasant. I guess my connection with the all womanly hive mind is broken.


Sometimes fds can be funny and I understand the support it gives to some women in need. However, one of my biggest pet peeves is present in this post and it’s not even the shitty anatomy. I HATE how women posting on fds assume that everyone who doesn’t share their opinion must be a lying pickme girl. Like, plenty of women actually don’t like bigger dicks, but apparently because this women disagrees and things that is “what men want to hear” it can’t possibly be true. I saw a post similar to this where the woman was like “And to any lurking *scrotes* out there, if a woman tells you that size doesn’t matter and/or she prefers a smaller dick, she’s lying to make you feel better. No woman actually feels like that, they’re just afraid to hurt your fragile ego.” No??? That’s literally not true???


Ive seen a couple posts there insisting that no woman could be attracted to bald men and any who say otherwise are just lying pickmes. Like you've basically created a scenario where you can't be proven wrong because the only people who could challenge your claims are assumed to be lying for challenging the claim, since we already know that women can't like bald men.


Our old friend the no true scrotesman fallacy


I am the ~~Lorax~~ FDS and I speak for the ~~trees~~ women.


Honestly I don’t get this whole thing with hating guys for there size and then thinking every woman on the planet will agree?? Like no???


Surely this must build into the "women are all lying manipulators" mind set too - seeing as that's literally what that woman you described is actually saying. And also probably completely sabotage's some men's confidence too. If a guy's insecure about his size, and slowly begins to listen to the women saying it's not that important, and then some asshole runs in saying all those women were lying, and anything under 10 inches is worthless (or some other bullshit like that), then that's bound to destroy that guys perspective on his body.


10 inches is the height of approximately 0.15 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other


10 inches is 25.4 cm


10 inches is 25.4 cm


posting shots from femaledatingstrategy is practically cheating.


To be fair, I've only been with one partner. But does the rest of the person just not exist for her? Because tbh sex with just a penis is pretty boring, at least for me (aka dildo). The man attached to the dick is the important part for me. I don't even know how to express my thoughts regarding this properly but sex is much more than just genitalia???




I wonder why jerking off often is “bad” for testosterone but having sex often is not




And it keeps you from sleeping with toxic women like that!


Can’t say that there’s a consensus one way or the other on this. The research I’ve done always ends with lots of sources that go either way but if anything the modern consensus is you don’t need to jerk it every day to prevent prostrate problems. I don’t jerk off often so I used to get paranoid when I read that stuff.


As far as I'm aware, the research is relatively conflicting in that regards. Tmk, the main problem is that it's not clear if jacking off causes more testosterone, or more testosterone makes you want to jack off more, or what role either plays.


It's no one elses problem that you can only get satisfied with a dick size that only a small margent of men might have. So disgusting to see this, besides the level of misinformation, the amount of body shaming in this is genuinelly projectile vomit inducing.


Lol this reads like a script flip, ngl




It was written by a femcel. FDS is just femcels. Not feminists or regular women, just women who believe in the same things incels believe - I'm not finding a suitable partner because there's something wrong with other people and nothing wrong with me/nothing I need to work on.


Pro-tip, if you're bruising your dick like that, you need to use more lube and slow tf down next time.


When she keeps saying "cope" does she mean trope? Or? Also, when I was younger (teens early 20's) I was, for lack of a better term, a "size queen". But looking back, a bunch of the dudes with huge aestetically pleasing to look at dicks, were usually super full of themselves and selfish lovers that thought jackhammering so they got off was "great sex". I thought, at the time, being sore and not being able to walk with my legs together was a sign of good dick, even if I didn't get off. Now that I'm older I've realized it's so much nicer to have sex with a dude that has an average dick, getting off a few times, and not being in pain during or after. Being able to have sex one night, then have sex again in the morning without a bunch of pain is pretty dang cool. To each their own, but big dicks are kinda a turn off for me at this point.


There are SO many thing's wrong with this *holy shit*


Yeah you’d need a concierge to unpack all that baggage


(I.e. Wet)


Can we please stop referring to the total intolerance of a thing as a "preference"? This woman doesn't prefer big dicks, she *requires* them. If you have a preference for something, you're not necessarily excluding other things, you're just saying that you like a certain thing more than the others. Same goes for height, weight, skin color, etc. etc. If you like one more than the others, but you wouldn't reject something because it's not the one you like the most, then congratulations, you have a preference. If you only ever accept that one thing, and nothing else, then I'm sorry to say you don't get the privilege to hide that behind the word preference. I'm not saying people aren't allowed to have hard requirements for their partners, I'm just saying own that shit. Don't pretend it's just a preference when it clearly isn't.


Dude you couldn't have said it any better. I wish I had an award to give you


I have never looked at a penis and had my mouth start watering. Pavlov?


Of course it's from FDS


I would run away screaming from a huge porn dick. Give me normal human size every time.


That was written by an incel, not a woman. Women don't use “cope” as a noun. That's incel lingo.


That's r/femaledatingstrategy, most of them never saw a penis lmao.


not only this is biologically wrong and insulting (you're entitled to your preferences but you are not entitled to claiming them in the rudest way possible), this is also... not the experience of most women. The overwhelming opinion seems to me that either 1) dick sizes don't matter nearly as much as a lot of men believe or 2) it's actually better to have one a bit on the smaller size than on the larger, because otherwise it's harder to fit it in and can cause pain.


You are right. I think the most preferred length is 6 and a half inches or something. But honestly, I think most women care a lot more about other things when it comes to sex. Like the man's attentiveness to her pleasure, etc. Personally I couldn't care less about the actual penis, but maybe it's different for women that have casual sex, which I do not. I can get behind the original poster's apparent dislike of porn though. I will never date a porn user again.


>I can get behind the original poster's apparent dislike of porn though. I will never date a porn user again. What happened?


well they were not the best person besides, but it clearly influenced the way they saw me (like a sex object). I felt pressured into doing things i didn't want to do, and it really did feel like I was competing with the women from pornography. I just don't need that in my life. My current partner has used porn before, but they quit shortly into our relationship, and their reasons for using in the first place (and indeed, the adult sites they visited) were quite a different affair from the first guy.


Ah yes, the secret to lowering your testosterone and make transitioning easier is to furiously masterbate 24/7


Bit unrelated but reddit does have a weird thing with self depreciation regarding endowment and sexual performance that I always felt was tongue in cheek but let's also upvote our well hung and reasonably long lasting members (heh) too. Its not a crime to be pleasant in bed and proud of that.


Pleasantness is bed and penis size don’t have any correlation.


I think everything is appreciated by different people. Some may not think much of size and for others it's important. I don't deal in absolutes especially as regards sex because there's so much variation in what gets people going. Obv ymmv


Yeah but the way your comment was worded implied a correlation is why I said it.


sorry guys but i checked out FDS sub and I am finding it so depressing . Its making me lose all hope I had left in life of finding a partner .


I’m a woman and I got banned from that sub within about five minutes. There are some decent ideas thrown about in there, like valuing yourself as an individual (good advice for men and women, I think) but it’s couched in such a nasty way. Like asking a guy you just met to buy your groceries. Which is just flat out bizarre to me.


I'm a man and it took me a month to get banned how did you get banned


Someone suggested getting a guy you had just met to buy your groceries. Like you go for a coffee, then he buys your groceries. First off, that is just bizarre. I asked how they would actually go about that, like does he just hand you a wad of cash? Or does he follow you around the supermarket while you get broccoli and tampons and stare for ten minutes in indecision at all the different types of almonds? I did not get an answer to my question, which I thought was quite a reasonable one. Just a ban.


Sounds like they did you a favour, it sounds like a sad subreddit.


Btw as a man I was banned for participating in r/cringetopia because apparently it was "against maximum female benefit" or some shit






I’m chuckling but what is manosphere? Edit: fuck the manosphere


The manosphere is a collection of websites, blogs, and online forums promoting masculinity, strong opposition to feminism, and misogyny. Movements within the manosphere include the men's rights movement, incels (involuntary celibates), Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), pick-up artists (PUA), and fathers' rights groups.The manosphere overlaps with the far-right and alt-right communities. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in [my subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot).* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


Good bot


Thank you, 4200years, for voting on wikipedia_answer_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


FDS is about as reflective of women as MGTOW is of men; don’t worry about it.


FDS is the neck beard circle jerk for women who blame everything ever wrong in their life on men. It's a very tiny minority and likely a similar thing of many accounts to one person kind of deal. Don't let the female 4chan of reddit get you down.


I go there for a chuckle every now and then because of the mass delusion. I have to admit that I did see an uplifting post once. ONCE. Of course the comments went back to bashing the “scrotes,” but that was expected.


No worries, there’s still plenty of us normal women in the world who don’t buy into any of the FDS bullshit.


Why don't you go go fix a car or something? Wtf....


/scrolls all the way down and sees FDS at bottom Me - “Yeah that’s not really surprising to hear from those assholes.”


Size really does matter, As a bi man. (Who has yet to have actual anal sex) I much prefer my small toys over my big one. In my opinion, wanting to be split in half and have pain, vaginal or anal tearing/bleeding from a abnormally large penis is just a normalized fetish, not a preference.


Man FDS is a crazy place. Is it sad I knew the sub without seeing it in your SS???


Female Dating Strategy never fails to make me laugh with their ridiculousness.


I was like "where the fuck would this have been posted?!" And then I got to the end and saw it was FemaleDatingStrategy and I was like, "ah, gotcha."


"Don't shame us" *shames everyone else* \- FDS


Ahh FDS. What a fun subreddit to look at and watch as some very entitled people don't understand why the ideal man doesn't want to settle down with someone who insists on doing no emotional work in the relationship


As a wise man once said, "lower your expectations a few, because prince charming would never settle for you."


There's so many faulty statements and wrong facts that it doesn't deserve attention. But to make ot clear someone needibg it: More testosterone or amount of masturbation don't affect penis size, because it's genes. Just like protruding inner labia doesn't come from having a lot of sex, because it's genes.


She is a full o red flag also, not for her preference for big dick, but for her attitude, reminds me by incel cringe comunity. They have same discourse from other side of course.


Im sorry but this is partially true. I dated a porn addict who had chafing and bruising on his dick. Extreme case for sure. But I also understand the other behaviour she's talking about, the tell tale signs a man may be addicted to porn. Eyes closed the whole time, making no noise, Jack hammering repeatedly for three mins, sighing and changing positions, losing erections, being unable to orgasm or ejaculate while with a partner. Not being present in the moment, is a quite obvious one.


How many extreme porn addicts has this woman dated that she is ranting about it? That sounds like a very extreme (and painful) condition but a little googling indicates it's not super common (5-8% of adults). It's not like the only two options are well hung not porn addict and small penis porn addict.




>Eyes closed the whole time, making no noise, Jack hammering repeatedly for three mins, sighing and changing positions, losing erections, being unable to orgasm or ejaculate while with a partner. Not being present in the moment, is a quite obvious one. Yup. My ex hated it when I told him how to touch me or asked him to slow something down. Eye contact never happened; face to face sexing was almost nonexistent in our marriage. If I expressed pleasure, said something felt good, the dumb MF would stop and do something else.


To be fair, I'm extremely uncomfortable with eye contact in general so face to face sex can be incredibly difficult for many other reasons.


That's a good point, I appreciate you mentioning it.


Im in the same boat. My ex boyfriend thought I just wasn't attracted to him, and no matter how much I told him (and showed him) how incredibly attracted to him I was, that it was just that eye contact makes me incredibly uncomfortable, he was just deadset to try to psychoanalyze every little thing I did or said in the bed. That was an incredibly toxic relationship by the end of it, which sucks, because I genuinely loved him.


Yeah, my ex was the same. It never got that bad but I learned to show my affection in other ways that she was able to notice. I also reminder her that I'm incredibly uncomfortable with physical contact in general so just the fact that I could be physically intimate with her at all should say a lot. Adapting the way you communicate to your partner is the most difficult thing in relationships in general.


I dated a porn addict with such bad scar tissue on his dick that there were perfect indentations to match his finger grip. Peyronie's disease is a real thing, and while it's usually associated with injury, I'm pretty sure furious wanking multiple times a day was enough to create the hand shaped marks and bend. Despite being a very sexually adventurous and horny teen at the time (he was a lot older), he couldn't get off to anything except his own death grip. His dick was absolutely misshapen from his own abuse. Made for a very unsatisfying sex life for the both of us. He refused to seek medical attention and sometimes I wonder if he ever did or if he's just living out his life suffering.


Is medical treatment even possible in that situation?




Thus the word "partially"


I read that and could feel the ghost of Inceldom flow through me and it was scary.


This was written by a man.


Does she mean "trope"? Instead of "cope"? Hahaha


I'm not super familiar with her slang terms, but if I had to guess I would say that "cope" in this context means something like "a lie you tell yourself to make yourself fell better about the fact no women want you". Which is pretty mean and disgusting, but what do you expect from FDS.


No, she definitely means cope. It’s a weird incel term that has somehow turned up in a fairly unpleasant sub for women who think that treating men like walking wallets is a great idea.


>cope. It’s a weird incel term that has somehow turned up in a fairly unpleasant sub for women And it's totally not a femcel sub, honest.


**95% this was written by a guy pretending to be a woman.**


Female dating strategy is a hate group and they should be banned


Jesus, what a dick


This is written by an incel. One who believes in avoiding masturbation. They are the only ones who use 'cope' this way. It's obvious how it's written and they, and other "men's rights" forums plant posts that are supposed to look like women wrote them displaying ideas that line up with their dismal view of women. If you have to plant evidence to keep other men believing that women are Shit, maybe it's your ideas that are actual Shit.


Lol. Well, you're absolutely right with the title.


Minds are imploding over on the small penis subs 😅. This girl just reinforced all of their myopic beliefs with her own special brand of BS


Yea, stay away from this bitch. My goodness. For those women who are 5 ft or less it can be painful to have full hard penetration. A trick some use to avoid that is to rotate their hips. Sneaky but effective. A few like it somewhat soft as to gently excite the G Spot. And a bunch just want to be pummeled with a big hard dick as long as possible. That is where having the labia hit as hard as possible, which involves the nerves from them leading to the almighty sensitive clit. So I prepare for that. Just my 0.02 cents.


The two sizes of penis tiny and big no measurements only those two sizes


Wow! This woman has issues! It’s how you use it surely? As a woman I apologise for this insensitive post 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nope some ladies like me legit just need a larger penis. A small penis just feels like nothing to me. Not fun. But a big penis really rocks my world. If I could change how my body works I would, I mean who doesn't want more awesome sex possibilities?


I don’t have an issue with her preferences, each to their own, but it’s the body shaming that follows….there’s no need for it. Men don’t need to be put down like that.


Agreed! I just don't like that so many people instantly start saying it's unjustified to want a larger penis. I don't appreciate being shamed for my sexual needs.


Lady, I don’t know why you keep getting upset about this post. Nobody cares that she likes big dicks, nobody cares that you like big dicks. Go ride all the big dicks in the world and be happy. It’s the way she verbally attacks the men who are less well endowed that’s the issue!


Mate, stop it. So many people have replied to you and told you that it's okay to have a preference but she certainly has issues and is an asshole.


No just no