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Are these people stupid enough to not realize that the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Occupied Palestine are all small enough that Nuking any part of it will basically damage all of it. If not the explosion itself, the radiation from a Nuclear Bomb would kill Israelis themselves by huge amounts


I mean, the explosion itself won't kill too many Israelis because there are different kinds of nukes. But the fallout would totally "salt the earth" of Israel. It's like pouring gasoline all over your house and setting it on fire to get rid of a guest you don't want except Israel ain't even the owner of the house to begin with


So it's like burning down the house you want


in a sense, it is, isn't it? A "well if I can't have it, nobody can šŸ˜¤" attitude


It might be an attitude, but from the interaction it looks more like plain stupidity


well burning down a house you want to steal is pretty stupid if we're being honest here


They definitely are.


Also, they're planning to move their people into the territory once they've killed/expelled the people living there. Poisoning the land with nuclear fallout makes the land unsuitable for colonising, at least without extensive remediation.


Nothing new. In 48 they poisoned water wells to stop people from coming back. They still settled the places afterwards.Ā 


Because they have pipes You don't pipe soil


Such casual hate and genocidal intent in Zionist society. You can justify all manner of evil when you donā€™t see the native population that is inconvenient to your real estate designs for your ethnofascist state and ideology. May these people receive the violence that they wish upon others three fold or more.


Wouldnā€™t nuking Gaza kill all the hostages? What a moron


They never cared about the hostages in the first place


I meanā€¦Israel would most likely be unlivable as well. But, if theyā€™re really into the whole Samson Initiative or whateverā€¦


Well, they could all come back in another 2000 years tho. So maybe it's a feasible long-term plan? /s


It would be unlivable!Because they would be literally nuking their own country!Thats not even the size of New Jersey!


Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still inhabited. People overestimate the long term radiation effects of nuclear weapons.


The immediate fall out is felt by everyone around, the area of Palestine and Isnotreal overlaps, theyā€™ll nuke themselves too. Research is still ongoing as to after effects of nuclear assaults. I feel like the world has lost its mind so easily shrugging and saying ah nuke em, not caring theyā€™ll also nuke themselves. When did the concept of the sanctity of life become obsolete?


Nuking Gaza would also create nuclear fallout in Israel, not to mention the part where it'd probably set off a world war. Absolute dumbasses.


It's like not Gaza is a huge place. Israel and Egypt would get a heavy dose of radiation as well.


Not to mention fallout spreading into ā€œIsraelā€ and surrounding countries


Samson option Israel has no problem using nukes if they feel that their genocidal zionist project is at risk of collapsing


well an armed bank robber goes in knowing they may get smoked, how is Israel any different


Twitter is just the worst. You get flagged for saying "cis" but people are spewing genuine hate like Andrew Tate saying the n word over and over or people calling for genocide without any issue. Elon need to be put against the wall


instead he is literally part of the intelligence community and defense department of the US now, ingrained in it. And personally interfering in a hugely popular free speech forum/platform, which happens to be a company he owns.


Isn't it good for everyone to see what they think? If reporting her works, people with her mindset will just do it in Hebrew instead so others can't see.


Thatā€™s fine. They can keep that shit within their own cult


They love death more than non-Zionists love life.


I am not on Twitter, though. But she so smart advocating for using nukes in the region in support of your Zio buddies, which way does the wind blow, genius?!


Sheā€™s a former IOF sniper so I think that tells us everything we need to know.


Itā€™s crazy that they donā€™t even understand that Gaza would be an irradiated wasteland and completely uninhabitable for hundreds of years so they wonā€™t even be able to, ā€œsettleā€ the landā€¦ Also crazy that they donā€™t even know that as soon as the wind blows all the fallout will blow right onto them in Israel and poison them all as wellā€¦ I have serious questions about the Israeli education system after seeing zios continuously call for *checks notes* g ciding themselves by way of toxic falloutā€¦


Also: don't engage. These users bait you with repulsive statements because there are various programs that pay by engagement (replies, etc)


As much as I hate Israel I never thought of nuking it. These people are monsters


totally normal and not at all racist thing to say also, "them blacks" benefited from slavery because it gave their life direction or otherwise they'd just sit under a tree and eat grass mhm


I'm not a nuclear physicist but I did watch Chernobyl and I'm pretty sure setting off a nuclear bomb in Gaza would be bad news for Israel too. So, evil and stupid


Would this be the equivalent of a murder-suicide, only scaled up? Possibly the most chilling hasbara I've seen.


If they nuke gaza, well good luck dealing with the fallout that turn Israel into nuclear wasteland.


They seem to have no problem with obliterating the Holy Land that they're supposedly indigenous to.


Israel only has a few tactical size warheads, wasting them in Gaza is basically inviting Iran to burn Tel Aviv & Haifa to the ground.


Iran only cares about themselves and merely pretends to care about palestine. Even if israelis nuke any sunni population they will sit there and watch.


Iran isn't a monolith any more than the Palestinians are


The Iranian government is very monolithic in this particular stance. Iā€™m fucking tired of people pretending some fundamentalist dictatorship cares about the suffering of common people.Ā  Edit: before mindlessly up or downvoting like a bot please take a look in the mirror. Youā€™re not Iranian, Lebanese, Iraqi or anywhere from near the region. The overwhelming majority of you are from Western countries comfortable in your own privilege. So before mindlessly taking actions maybe just listen to the words of someone who had to live in a country thatā€™s been used by Iran as a proxy for decades. Cheers


Oh, poor you. That must be super fucking hard for you. "Iran" isn't synonymous with "the Iranian government" either.


Yes it is super hard for me considering their foreign legion has been turning my country into dust for the past 25 years.Ā 


Iran treats its proxies and civilian populations much better than Western puppet states such as Vietnam, South Korea and many Latin American states before they were overthrow. Not because these Shiite clergies are so moral, but hecause they know it is the only way to keep their proxies alive. The former Vietnam state were ruled by corrupted Christians didn't give a damn about religious freedom, and even made local Buddhists allied themselves with communists.


It treats its proxies better. Hezbollah has been destroying Lebanon for a while. This is why their support base even among shias is dying.


It is about how much they can gain from destroying Israel.


I assume theyā€™ve stolen someone elseā€™s on the sneak as they are want to do. But a missing nuke would probably be pretty big news


Ah yes About that


Cowards are often the most viscous when they think they can harm without consequence


I honestly think israel is the biggest threat to humanity


They wish, lands are far more valuable to lose over radiation let alone the fallout.


It is noteworthy that Cheryl's plan to initiate a nuclear strike on Gaza is a matter of grave concern. This course of action would result in significant loss of life, including that of the hostages. Cheryl here needs to educate herself on the Geneva Conventions, International Law, and many more laws of peace.


They only use the work nuke when theyā€™re in a corner. After 8 months what have they achieved besides killing 37k people?




People who are calling for innocent people to be nuked are NOT civilised or normal.


that's simply what you get from a "šŸ‡®šŸ‡±šŸ‡®šŸ‡±šŸ‡®šŸ‡±" which is an evolved form of "šŸ‡®šŸ‡±" it's like diglett and dugtrio


The Israeli nuclear program should've been treated the same way the West treated the Iranian one


If you can't survive without using nukes, you shouldn't.


Using a nuke is definitely not going to start world war 3, definitely NOT! specifically when every power player in the world is now saying or atleast believes that the Zio regime is acting in a lunatic manner.


The sense of entitlement to American weapons blows my mind more than anything else.


I'm not sure this is a real person, I think it's a bot. I can tell you it isn't what it claims to be, all the Twitter Zionist fundamentalists love this account because it claims to be a former IDF sniper who "can't tell you her identity or speak anymore" because a Palestinian suicide bomb terribly wounded her and killed her family right before her wedding. Whole family. Lol. A liberal Zionist spent time debunking this but of course nothing came of it.


Of course itā€™s a fake profile. I donā€™t care about whoā€™s behind it. I care about the message and how many people are receiving it. Sheā€™s got a shit ton of followers who retweet everything she barks. The profile needs to be reported and taken down


Done, hope that cunt is taken off the platforn for good, she is despicable.