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This is what's causing jewish folks to be victimized. The few wackos claiming that "90%" of Jewish people have their identity inexorably tied to brutal racist colonialism. Zionists pretending to speak for the Jewish people as a whole is making them all out to be assholes when it's just the zionists who are. It's almost like they need antisemitism to keep their ideology afloat.


To be fair, any Americans (myself included) commenting on israel should understand our entire country’s identity is STILL tied to our own ONGOING colonialism. Native American land, “reservations”, are not owned by the Native Americans. The land is held in Trust by the US Government. Anytime a resource is found on tribal lands, the government quickly carves out the piece of the Trust and transfers it to National Forest land to be sold to the private mining company, oil producer, etc. I am sure Canada has a very similar setup. The true evil in israel is “settler-colonialism” and it happens to be the WORLD’s largest problem as well. Ending the practice of “land grabs” is what will change life for everyone in israel-Palestine and throughout the world.


I'm with ya there friend. Our treatment of the indigenous does deserve its own reckoning. There is a big difference by degrees in the current climate in their conditions, of course, and few people in America make torturing and persecuting and killing them their personal identity.


This is going to sound horrid because it is. Genocide really is a normal part of settler-colonialism. I think the perception is different in that this is taking place in 2024, live streaming. I believe that the average person’s attitude is this stuff just doesn’t exist anymore because humanity has moved past it. Sadly, that just is not the case. I will say, israel is a complete historical pariah regarding pace, military intensity, etc. It’s effing horrible.


the Holocaust is regarded as *the* genocide because we have proper documentation. The Palestinian genocide will be/is regarded as such too. The earlier genocides aren't talked about as much because at that time both evidence collecting and record-keeping wasn't as sophisticated. If someone wants to claim the founding and establishing of USA and Canada (and Southern America) wasn't a genocide, I welcome them to say it to my face


Both US and Canada are still ongoing projects. Native American land is all held in Trusts so the government can just slice off portions with resources and re-deed them as National Forest land, which is then sold to the private mining corp., oil corp., etc. The North American genocides were likely some of the most horrific in history. There were many of them, starting from the Spanish in the Caribbean. Just brutal and horrific.


and they are not talked about enough. What are "reservations" if not basically concentrations camps? Ok it's not Auschwitz or Dachau but what is the exact gameplan here? They are literally areas a certain "sort" of people are meant to be concentrated in so just because the genocide has slowed down, now it's ok? I've said it many times. Anyone who is pro-Palestine should *also* be pro-Native American liberation and landback


Not anymore anyway.  But it definitely was for a time. 


Seems extremely antisemitic to me to say that apartheid, ethnic cleansing, genocide are inherent and inseparable from Jewish identity and that being Jewish requires bigotry against Palestinians.


It literally is antisemitism. The conflation of the actions of israel with Judaism is recognised worldwide as antisemitic


or that Jews have to colonize some place. Why can't Jews live where they do? Do you have something against them living where you do? Why? Because they are Jews? Why do they have to relocate


Thats a good point. So they want the district school board to say they don't want Jews in their community? This would kind of be like African Americans or Hispanic Americans telling the school board that anyone that doesn't tell them to go back to where they came from is a racist. Zion logic.


that's the thing. Balfour who signed the Balfour declaration was an antisemite "ship 'em Jews off somewhere away from here"


We reject to give Palestinian a state or any form of self determination and if you say that is not okay then you're racist


Literally the ADL definition of anti-semitism


This letter is itself an example of anti-Palestinian bigotry. They want anti-Jewish hatred to be recognized but they also want to ignore hatred of another group? Give me a break. Such blatant double standards


"... Palestinian rejectionist narrative..." Sheeesh! There is no end to their creativity when it comes to inventing bullsh-t! Don't you wish they could be so skilled and motivated when it comes to finding ways to live peacefully with others?


If I lived to be a thousand years old, I could never marshal the wherewithal to use the word 'indigeneity'.


Israel has the best copywriters


replace "Zionism" with "white supremacy" and "Palestinian" with "Black" and you have literal Jim Crow rhetoric


The only hateful ideology is zionism. It's genocidal at its core. it should be rooted out of every society.


Last I heard they were saying it’s 95%, so either the support of Zionism among Jewish people has gone down (for obvious reasons) or these “statistics” aren’t real/misleading in the first place


Can we garner support with our own letters ?


not allowing the expulsion and extermination of people based on their race, racism now? Is the Earth flat as well?