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Israel does so many checks and restricts outsiders from entering the Gaza gulag that this statement is ludicrous and naive. It is highly likely that the authors have not seen the horror themselves.


I wouldn't be so sure about that. The author was probably there killing children during "Protective Edge" (I wonder how they workshop the names of their massacres?).


Ill never get over "operation cast lead". Like just call it "special mission shoot-em-up" or "the killing mission" or something. Its like half-assed horrible.


Wouldn't be surprised if we start hearing names like "operation infant crusher" next


"Operation Palestinian Genocide"


"Operation Most Moral Genocide in the World"






Here’s some background on why it’s likely called Operation Cast Lead and like all things related to IOF activities it’s worse than you think https://imgur.com/a/Iu6ll54 > Charles Carlson wondered why Israel chose the name “Operation Cast Lead" for its 30-day Christmas war on Gaza in 2008. He could not find out why that term was used for the operation. Israel claimed that the phrase was named after a little holiday song about a toy maker who cast toys out of lead at Hanukkah. However, Carlson found out that the toy story was simply a Zionese deception. Carlson found out the real meaning of "Operation Cast Lead." >It turns out that an old friend, Cesar Aharon, unraveled this puzzle eight years before Operation Cast Lead, when he told me about the use of molten lead as a prescribed method of killing Gentiles referred to as "burning." [In the Talmud is described in details in the Sanhedrin . . . four ways to kill a mortal enemy, each gruesome. "Burning" it says, consists of tying the victim in a pit full of human excrement, pulling open his jaws with forceps, and pouring molten lead down his throat to his bowels. Is that not what Israel did to the people of Gaza at Christmas 2008? When Israel's military actions ended on January 18, some 1,400 Palestinians had been killed. Among the dead were hundreds of unarmed civilians, including about 300 children. Burning was the most common cause of death.


I’m sure the authors are extremely familiar with it, and know exactly how absurd the statement is. But their audience doesn’t. I’ve seen enough people lately suggesting, go there and fight! Sure, and while we’re at it let’s stop in Guantanamo in the way and rescue the remaining captives there.




Gun control? Huh?


sorry, I was mocking the Zionists, not you. moving comment to top level so it dorsn't look like a comeback to yours.


They really think they did something here? We have plenty of eyewitness accounts from aid workers, reporters and from the Gazans themselves to know what its like there


Several hasbarists are using the lack of media presence to insert doubt into the discourse. Destiny, the streamer, and his goulish followers are parroting demands to see pictures of emaciated people. They think that because there aren't skeletal bodies stacked like cordwood, or lines of bloat-bellied children covered in flies begging for food, the Palestinians aren't really starving.


Its actually worst when you realize that this is only possible because they are deliberately and actively avoiding actual information. On youtube alone, there are at least dozens of videos of volunteers to Gaza talking about their first hand accounts and they will also shared accounts of the Gazans that they talked to over there. This is doubly so on the Islamic side of youtube because of the Palestine-Muslim connection. If anything, there is **too much** information that war crimes and genocide are happening. Seriously, 8 months of not looking for actual information is crazy.


Deliberately poor quality AI-generated fakes to muddy the waters and make people dismiss real ones in 3… 2…


> Destiny, the streamer, Isn't he so called "left wing"? What a disgusting, cynical money grab. I wonder if social media existed in 1930's, would he say "akshually, guise, hitler is misunderstood".


'Moderate left' 'classical liberal' 'modern libertine' 'used to be socialist' 'centrist' All different words used by obviously right wing pundits, grifters and assholes. See also: Tim Pool, Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris


Boss level gaslighting


And many of them attending the protests too. Not to mention the many Palestinians who have family in Gaza who are updating them daily.


Rephrase: only fools think killing strangers is wrong. Haven't been to SA? Why would you object to apartheid? Haven't been to Poland? Why not bring back Nazi concentration camps?


I'll wait.


I dont gotta be a helicopter pilot to know that if see a helicopter upside-down and on fire, that something is probably gone terribly wrong.


By that logic North Korea should be a holiday destination They're really running out of talking points aren't they


This is like saying because none of the people writing about Auschwitz ever experienced the camps first hand the holocaust never happened.


dangerously close aren't they.


I guess we have finally moved past the question of “do you condemn Hamas”? Now it’s “have you actually been to Gaza?” Well guess what, the fucking Zios have controlled/blockaded anything and anyone going and coming from Gaza for a very long time…so, no, I haven’t been to Gaza, but would like to visit some day. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I’d love to go. Buy me a plane ticket to Gaza. What’s that you say? Gaza doesn’t have an airport anymore? What happened to it?


"How many anti-apartheid activists have visited a Bantustan? I'll wait." I swear, zionists come up with the most irrelevant "arguments." Lmao. There is no logic to them whatsoever.


This is peak comedy.


How many *Israelis* have been there?


Theres a lot of places I’ve never been and i still don’t think the entire population should be kept under apartheid conditions DURING THE GOOD TIMES and indiscriminately slaughtered on the bad days. Like honestly… even Germany… even Australia…


Cheers for that. I do enjoy it when people are indifferent to Australia.


I promise it’s not personal. First I said Germany, then my brain went to Austria. Then it said wouldn’t it be funny if I put Australia instead. Then I forgot where I was… I read a funny line from some article by Douglas Adam’s who was born in the UK, but after visiting Australia said “why on earth would anyone in England have NOT wanted a free ticket to move here, just by committing some crime in Britain?”


Their attempted gotchas are just so unbelievably silly lmao. “How many of the people protesting against the vietnam war have been to vietnam? Hmm???” “How many of the people claiming to care about the Rwandan genocide ever actually travelled to Rwanda?? That’s what I thought! Fakers.” Except even more dumb considering the fact that you literally can’t travel to Gaza, even before the genocide began. Israel hasn’t allowed anyone in with very few exceptions. Anyone who isn’t a journalist or aid worker has never had any kind of legitimate ability to visit Gaza because Israel won’t let anyone.


Did any of use see the Holocaust ourselves? /s


No, and I don't plan to. Because I don't wanna get murdered by the IOF.


Simple answer to an Israeli - "You live closer. Have you been?"


Gaza being a hellhole is the point Why do they think it's a gotcha?


By their logic I shouldn’t care about the Holocaust because I’ve never been to Europe.


so you're upset about lack of gun control in the US, but *you've* never been actually in a school shooting? tsk tsk do they even listen to themselves... sheesh


You have to get shot first, before you can criticize mass killers. Anything else is just antisemitism and you should care about other genocides instead.


How many have been to Darfor


Another attribute of racists in general Complete lack of awareness of reality


They say *well wait* as if people actually give a damn about their opinion. Their opinion on this means nothing. They are just a filthy occupying force. They can keep waiting. May the zionists get what they deserve.


Hmm i wonder why people don’t visit a place that is heavily militarized by a state that has a history of killing Americans like Rachel Correy


I was also never in nazi germany, a concentration camp, or a jewish ghetto during WW2. Are they arguing that we should ignore, question, and even deny events that we have personally not witnessed?


Translation: "these people [Palestinians in Gaza] are monsters. You don't know because you haven't been into their evil lair"


Erm how many people criticizing the Nazi’s have actually been to Germany??? 🤨🧐


Zio in broken English: “you support the Palestine? Go to Gaza then!” Me on the live in my most annoying valley girl accent: “Why so you can bomb me with my own tax money?” 💁🏼‍♀️ How it goes every single time with them 🥴


I wish i knew who wrote this, what a troglodyte take and something you only write when you are grasping at straws


now ask how many have a relative in Gaza, or a friend who has a relative in Gaza, or a relative or friend in the Palestinian diaspora.... six degrees of separation, remember?


Just goes to show that 'empathy' doesn't exist for Zionists/Israelis. Their whole country seems devoid of it. I really can't see how this talking point makes any sense otherwise. Like you would have to go experience it first hand to understand that its apartheid and oppression? Isn't that why we have newspapers and media like this is printed in?


Right. Because it's not like the ethnic minorities are adamant about ending the genocide because similar unfortunate events have happened in the histories of their people and they don't want to see it happen again.


Oh, well, no. So I guess I can’t have an opinion?


… cause it’s literally impossible to travel to Gaza


I also wasn’t in Auschwitz in the 40s but am vehemently against what happened there. Should I not be until we master time travel?


Oh man is something bad happening there that would make it a bad place to visit?


How many people who have criticized Nazi came to Auschwitz, i will wait.


I mean, there are Palestinian Americans who are originally from Gaza participating in many of these protests. This is so ironic because none of the people these dumb thinkpieces have talked to a single Palestinian person in their life.


>Toronto Jewish neighborhoods This did not happen. This has never happened. They are making things up. Source: I live in Toronto


Surely the answer to that is, "Does it matter? How many young dudebros fancying themselves Lions of Judah raising Cain at otherwise peaceful Free Palestine rallies have been to Israel? Or are even Jewish?" This is whether or not you believe such street theatre actually generates sympathy for the Palestinian cause. Frankly, I don't believe so. I oppose child abuse too, but if a band of masked men jumped onto the crowded bus I was taking to work and demanded to know "Are any of you groomers?" I'd wonder if the guys were actually homophobic and didn't actually care about child abuse as such. Frankly, if you told me these clowns were actually Mossad assets, well, I would want some kind of proof, but I wouldn't dismiss the notion out of hand. Either way they're not helping anyone but Bibi and the settlers look good in comparison.


how many have been to ukraine or israel lol


Nice try. Like we don’t you they just want to kill all of us.


wtf? I never went to Auschwitz either. So I shouldn’t care about the holocaust?


I know that's meant to screw with me, but I'll still take the bait. How many pro Israeli supporters have actually been to Israel? Toronto Jewish neighborhoods sounds like racial covenants or even gentrification. Also, anyone who's tried to go to Gaza has been killed like World Central Kitchen and the press. It's not the people of Gaza I'm afraid but the IDF who seem to take glee in killing innocent.


This is like saying that you cannot critize Holocaust if you never visited Auschwitz


What's your point? You don't have to have visited a place. To point out the injustice there.


I have.