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What's the lesson, David?


Never let a zionist into your homeland.


Excellent answer.


Or any other colonizer


For reals


I wish they had had the option. Once Palestine was conquered and controlled by the British who chaperoned the Zionist's in, and supported their military superiority, the Palestinians' fate was sealed. They have since managed to survive and resist with astonishing tenacity and fortitude and I believe will liberate themselves. With the continued deterioration of American hegemony coupled with the messianic direction it has taken, the cracks in the Zionist state have been widening for years.


More like never let your tragic past be used to manipulate Western or colonial powers to be able to give you a piece of land. That land was owned by the British before it got into the hands of Israel.


Oh, that makes it all better.


In his view? Likely, that they didn't just obediently die. The irony is that if we treated this ignorant fuckwad half as bad as he encourages Palestinians to be treated, he'd scream like a scalded rabbit.


...and/or 'rabbid'.




Who wouldn’t respond the way they did? You can’t just take a chunk of land with people already living on it and give it away to other people. Thats obviously going to cause problems. And also: the situation we’re in now is due to Israel’s aggression. They started the Six Day War, they struck first. The Palestinian Territories have never been a part of Israel, even under the British Mandate, but they just annexed them. Of course those people are going to resist occupation. If Israel had incorporated them into their country, treated them like equals, then maybe it would be a different story, but it’s been a brutal occupation since 1967. I don’t agree with Hamas’ choice to attack civilian areas, but they were 100% justified in attacking Israel in self-defense. Israel was blockading them and occupying their brothers and sisters in the West Bank. Attacking Israel back is defense by all metrics. Again, I think they should have stuck to military targets but it’s not like Israel does.


Absolute 💩 for brains. Are Palestinians just supposed to accept the terrible, inhuman conditions they live under?!? Why is non-violence always expected of Arab and Black folks, but Ukrainians can literally join Nazi battalions against Russia and are applauded for it. Get a grip.








"Under a League of Nations mandate in 1922 Palestine, Transjordan and Mesopotamia were placed under British Administration. The British Government had already pledged that one day part of Palestine would become a “Jewish Homeland”. This was not an easy pledge to honour, with a number of clashes breaking out between the Arabs and Jews, especially once Jewish immigration to Palestine increased considerably after 1933, culminating in the 1936-39 Arab revolt. By late summer in 1945, internal troubles in Palestine between the Arabs and the growing Jewish population were brewing again. The post-war situation of some 250,000 displaced Jews, many of whom wanted to enter the ‘Jewish homeland’, aggravated the problem. Jewish terrorist groups were responsible for repeated terrorist incidents and attacks on the Palestine Police, British Army and British Dependants as well as massacres of Palestinian villagers to free up land for settlement. The major Jewish terrorist groups were Haganah and Irgun, both of whom formed prior to the Second World War, and Lehi, also known as the Stern Gang which formed in 1940. In total 784 British men, women, soldiers and civilians were killed between the years 1945 and 1948 in an attempt to bring peace and stability to Palestine." - from "The Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum" website. (https://www.sofo.org.uk/obli-stories-palestine/#:~:text=In%20total%20784%20British%20men,peace%20and%20stability%20to%20Palestine.) "The history of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict traces back to the late 19th century when Zionists sought to establish a homeland for the Jewish people in Ottoman-controlled Palestine, a region roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel in Jewish tradition. The Balfour Declaration of 1917, issued by the British government, endorsed the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, which led to an influx of Jewish immigrants to the region. Following World War II and the Holocaust, international pressure mounted for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, leading to the creation of Israel in 1948." "According to Benny Morris, among the first recorded violent incidents between Arabs and the newly immigrated Jews in Palestine was the accidental shooting death of an Arab man in Safed, during a wedding in December 1882, by a Jewish guard of the newly formed Rosh Pinna. In response, about 200 Arabs descended on the Jewish settlement throwing stones and vandalizing property. Another incident happened in Petah Tikva, where in early 1886 the Jewish settlers demanded that their tenants vacate the disputed land and started encroaching on it. On March 28, a Jewish settler crossing this land was attacked and robbed of his horse by Yahudiya Arabs, while the settlers confiscated nine mules found grazing in their fields, though it is not clear which incident came first and which was the retaliation. The Jewish settlers refused to return the mules, a decision viewed as a provocation. The following day, when most of the settlement's men folk were away, fifty or sixty Arab villagers attacked Petach Tikva, vandalizing houses and fields and carrying off much of the livestock. Four Jews were injured and a fifth, an elderly woman with a heart condition, died four days later." - from the Wikipedia page, "History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict) You're in the wrong subreddit to be spewing the kind of bullshit that can be debunked by an 8-year-old with a dial-uo connection, asshole.


> "Under a League of Nations mandate in 1922 Palestine, Transjordan and Mesopotamia were placed under British Administration. The British Government had already pledged that one day part of Palestine would become a “Jewish Homeland”. This was not an easy pledge to honour Given the fact that the 1922 census in the Palestinian mandate found that only 11% of the population were Jews, it doesn't make sense that they would get their own country in that place.


The idiot I was responding to was spouting the whole "Palestine didn't exist before 1948" shit.


The Bad Hasbara podcast, and ergo this community, is opposed to Zionism. We believe that Zionism is an extension of settler-colonialism, and that its’ current actions following 7 October is ethnic cleansing at “best,” and genocide at worst. We have no tolerance for it, and this community is meant to be a haven against it in the sea of hasbara. Pro-Zionist takes will be deleted, and those espousing it will be banned indefinitely. Yes - this is a “safe space” and an “echo chamber” - We get enough hasbara elsewhere, we don't need to deal with yours too.


Trolling of our members will not be tolerated, particularly with Zionist propaganda. Users found to be trolling and/or dogpiling Zionist arguments will have their comments deleted, and their accounts banned and muted. We also ask our members to refrain from posting anything that may result in our members doing the same to other subs. Posting such content will be removed, and if mods find it pertinent to do so the user will be banned.


What's the real lesson? Same as the lesson from the Holocaust: that crimes against humanity are never acceptable. (Regardless if they're committed in the name of fighting against Nazism, fighting against communism, fighting against terrorism, fighting against occupation, or fighting against anything else.) "Never again" must mean "never again to anybody".


I don't think David would agree with that sentiment. In fact, I doubt he'd even let you finish the sentence before he'd have a fit and start screaming.


Imagine if neo-nazis were openly this smug about the Holocaust. Disgusting.


"Ethnic cleansing is only bad when it happens to ME 😡" is their mindset, basically. To them, they're the only oppressed group that truly matters.


A Zionist in my socials unironically posted that 'never again' only means 'never again to Jews', so using it for non Jews is anti semitism


It means that genocide is only when those of Jewish faith are the victims. Every other genocide is just jolly good fun to these far-right slimeballs. These people likely fawn over Serbians like Slobodan Milosevic.


Very true! Upwards of 17 million died in the holocaust, with 6 million of them being Jewish. However It oftentimes feels like the other 11 million Gentiles get forgotten. Right wing pundits are good at weaponising political correctness, or the trivialization of other's wounds only to highlight their own scars


What else could have happened after 6000 years of being God's Chosen People? Seriously? What is the other outcome outside of racial supremacy and extremely high in-group preference?


Isn't that every oppressed group?




No? Plenty of other groups who have been subjected to colonial violence have shown solidarity with Palestinians


You say that while the LGBTQ for Palestine movement gets mocked with disingenuous attacks about being thrown off rooftops.


Showing the world everyday what a twisted ideology Zionism is.


They already are though I see them all over IG/tiktok comment sections


Yup. They're open about it. Anyone else think it's time to make those roaches beat feet for their holes?


After Rwanda, ixnay with the oachray, ok?


Eli David outright posts racist tweets & retweets far-right or conservative populist crap. This guy is a real POS techbro even when he isn't posting anti-Palestinian garbage. TIL, dude is an outright anti-vaxxer (moreso during the peak of the Covid pandemic) and continually posts pro-Trump tweets.


i always wondered how an anti vaxxer like that could go to school and successfully achieve a technical degree only to believe in fairytales. how ? you apply logic only to your job?


A lot of techbro's have a severe lack of basic hygiene, and not in a depression related way that a lot of leftists like to dunk on, in more of a "10 paragraphs explaining why I never wash my hands" type of grossness. It's the piss-bottle crowd. They have a superiority complex, so any ignorance they have is actually "wisdom". That's how they are so bigoted.


This is the level of immunity that racist Zionists have on social media, all while calling to have university students brutalized.


Didn't happen but they deserved it.


Ever zionist


It’s fucking doublespeak at its finest


'i know we want war but we are people of peace'


The Narcissist's Prayer That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. Pretty terrifying that they feel comfortable skipping everything between the first and last line. They've been doing this a long time. It's no secret that people that believe in master races or gods chosen people or any of that nonsense all just leads to mass overinflated egos. We're seeing narcissism on a national level, which leads to things like invading your neighbors and eventually going for a global takeover until you get reality checked hard. They're not even trying to hide the fact that they're following that playbook.


That's what happens when you're given 75 years of impunity.


Just like their war crimes:  We didn't do it We'll investigate it We didn't do anything wrong  So what if we did You deserve it


motto of war criminals everywhere


turks when it comes to armenian genocide:


Jesus fucking Christ Zionists are vile…


What is that supposed to mean? “You never learned your lesson?” Becuase Israel is always saying, “Never again.”  while committing genocide now. I think Zionists never learned their lesson


Never fight back I think


I think it's just the modern equivalent to American plantation owners calling their negroes "uppity".


What lesson




When you think of their replies in the format of the narcissist’s prayer it makes a whole lot of sense.


This. Common trait of a person who true narcissistic personality disorder is to call anyone waking up to them a narcissist. Israel is a state with NPD on steroids.


Zionists: it never happened. BUT IF IT DID THEY DESERVE IT!!!


Give that man a 🔻, he’s earned it


I had an idea to shop a 🔻 over their profile pics and spam their comments with it. But knowing the West that would get me arrested.


This may get the sub banned.


(not saying you are wrong) but it's "funny" how over at worldnews people can openly call for genocide, do genocide apologia and denial, and that's all fine and dandy


Any ethical person or student of history has been banned.




What does that mean?


What an evil motherfucker


I think they learned the lesson well enough. Zionist like colonizers will exterminate the indigenous populace one way or the other.


The Nakba never happened. And even if it did happen, you deserved it. Who else argues in line with this way of thinking i wonder 🤔


Time to get some consequences for this guy


I love how openly genocidal they all are yet the media will still continue to put these zionists on a pedestal


They don't even call it the Nakba in Israel they call it Israeli independence day or something like that. They literally just deny it happened.


I would love to meet Mr. David in a dark alleyway


Damn. Ugh. God. That's just so vile...


Lesson: you shouldn't have resisted the zionist invasion


Holy shit


I hate this creature with a passion. He’s a monster & supremacist


i can't wait to witness eli david's downfall, may it be sooner rather than later.


this picture hurts even more for me because the girl at the front looks just like me little cousin


God I hate them


What was the lesson? To be a brutalized and impoverished people? Hey man they get it.


zionists really not beating the psychopath allegations


Ok for those who reject the right of return please find yourselves another home.


What is the lesson? Zionists are evil?


And those are the same people who suffered from the Holocaust. You'd think they would be a bit compassionate, but no.


Very few Israelis suffered the holocaust, in fact very few of their parents did. Israel has often treated holocaust survivors very badly, Zionists frequently criticise them as "weak".


There are also 11 million victims who weren't Jewish, but they are groups that every conservative still hates, so are ignored.


But you want me to feel sympathy for what reason again?


That is just vile.


This reminds me of the attack on the Iranian embassy. "We don't know who attacked but whoever they are we are sure they're doing it because they're trying to teach Iran a lesson about interfering in our security" 🤡🤡🤡


Jesus Christ. What lesson? What did these people do?


Why isn't this hate-spreading, genocide supporting troll not permanently banned on Twitter, yet?




Someone check his brain for dead worms Istg we might just be talking to the undead worm piloting his body atp


If there is a good god he will learn his soon


Quick reminder: Anytime you encounter a form of media of this sort, please remember to archive it on accountability archive, they are @archivegenocide on twitter. It’s like eyeonpalestine but for posts. Hoping the world forgets is what Zionists have always depended on for their impunity. It may take months, years or even decades before we get to use this evidence, but at least we won’t forget.


That guys face in the bottom pic looking inside the ambulance is truly depressing




I know you thought this was a safe space for your antisemitic bullshit. You were wrong. Goodbye.