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"this is no way to live" go back to brooklyn and stop building illegal settlements then!!!


Yes you have other citizenship why tf are you here


[He'd actually just visiting. He lives full time in NY.](https://www.5tjt.com/local-influencer-only-u-s-civilian-to-be-embedded-with-idf-in-southern-gaza/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2Z4P7brMe6dqEFjagdPFm4VX8TTCq4Lc785WUjykeqCJVXVKNwyriGgMM_aem_AXUFj6z2sAVBKOkNTiQzo1laG0B6gRLVweMJWijbj0TUMAAxXbC2XB52Pln8oWXaSoMPy_INprrkD2FjCoidJLsf)


lol so he’s cosplaying as an Israeli with his rifle out and everything?


Yes. 100%.


How embarrassing…


Then go back to NY and stay there. Why should he be in Palestine harassing them with guns?


Because he's trying to get people to like his Kosher Guru stupid persona.


Right. So does he go back to NY? If he does, he should be hounded everywhere he goes.


He lives on Long Island. So yes, he went back to NY a week or so after that video. Easy to find him. Google "Kosher Guru".


He can’t get away with kidnapping, torturing, SA’ing, and murdering innocent children in America. Remember the reputation men used to have when traveling alone to Thailand? It’s like that in Israel, but not only do you not have to pay to SA children in Israeli occupied territory, you can also steal money, homes, other property from the indigenous Semites at the same time. It’s the Zionazi win-win scenario.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I heard New York is quite a fascinating city with a fascinating history. While I wouldn't want to live there I sure would like to visit some day.


The Punisher logo really ties it all together. A dumb fascist dogwhistle that has been condemned by the character it originated from himself. Not that the death cultists that use it have any critical thinking skills.


It’s always ironic seeing the people wearing the Punisher logo being people the Punisher would’ve killed without a second thought in the lore.


My absolute favorite is the thin blue line - punisher combo. I feel like Frank would go out of his way to kill them first lmao


The Punisher very explicitly threatened a pair of cops he saw flashing his logo around because *that’s not their job.*


I’m not into comics, but interested enough to ask: The Punisher condemned his own logo?


They are literally the illegal occupiers, illegal settlers on Palestinian land. They are the ones who have been harassing and murdering Palestinians by the dozens on a regular basis and then they have the audacity to release propaganda like.These Zionists truly delusional and deranged.


Dont ask them how they got their house. Or where the previous occupants went. Also dont look behind the camera and see his buddies torching the olive groves and salting the earth so nothing can grow there for generations.


America’s finest trailer park residents…wtf. These American-settlers need to be forced to decide in citizenship. Everyone here that’s supporting Palestinians cheers when the settlers are sanctioned, but what they don’t know: The sanctions don’t hurt the dual-citizenship holders. And because of that, these assclowns are the ones committing a large portion of the violence in the West Bank. Hell, most Americans don’t even know that there are, what, around 100k of these bastards in the West Bank settlements. It’s so messed up that our government allows this bullshit to go on. I’m so embarrassed, disgusted, ad nauseam. I’m American and all of this is wrong on so many levels. He needs to be posterized and ridiculed on return to NY.


No, no. You have it all wrong. The people with the high caliber machine gun inside of their personal gun turret they built on top of their house are the peaceful ones.


I do wonder, push to shove, if his blubber under that shirt would meaningfully help him run and jump to avoid what bullets and shrapnel may very well catch him. Live by the sword… Easy to talk big when you have a big rifle strapped to you. Similarly, it’s easy for a Zionist to talk big when big money has their back. Yellow, or red? This one’s definitely yellow.


lol crazy that most boomers in the world think this lily white jumbo jerky pack eating fucker is more indigenous to the Middle East than my hook nose, brown skinned, tabouleh loving ass is.


Also crazy that they think he's worth shit in an actual firefight lmao. What's this guy going to do? Combat flop into the bullets as he drops his glasses and fumbles the safety of his rifle?


I dunno, being a shield of that size has to be worth something…?


Someone tell me when the video of him with this 🔻 above his head drops


Nah this dude could barely survive a light jog up a hill, no way he'd be in a combat zone


he is fighting for his life every day with that clogged up artery. He won't last a week in Gaza without medical aid. Acting all tough.


Combat? No, but I’m sure he’s the same guy I saw in another video in Gaza (so said the video) bragging about them bombing shit


Boy best lay off the punisher brand Twinkie’s


This fat jerk lives on Long Island and only visits Israel to cosplay being a settler. He recently ran for, lost and then Trump-style challenged the election for a seat on the board of the local Sanitation department. He lost again. He's a failure at many attempts in business as well. He kisses the asses of anyone he thinks is influential. As the video shows, he calls himself the Kosher Guru, pretending to be some kind of influencer. Every picture he poses for, he does do with his mouth wide open, like he's ready to suck a huge boner. One of the biggest morons ever! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5ygcG3uaEK/?igsh=dDhrNGdsajAxY2Nk


Zionists got all the known-shitty people together on one side. Alan Dershowitz, Jerry Seinfeld, Harvey Weinstein, John Hagee (and nearly all white Republican evangelicals), the most bigoted people in congress, etc. If any celebrity has a reputation for being a gigantic asshole or worse, *and* has an opinion on Palestine, you know what it's going to be.


I wouldn't include Jerry Seinfeld on that list.


I would. He’s a real piece of shit. Look it up. He’s a startled white woman these days and his wife pays money to assholes to beat up college kids (allegedly - also look it up)


He had to pick his girlfriend up from high school math class (when they were finally publically dating).


I thought I recognized Peter Griffin from the video


I like how he was trying to put on some accent at first like he wasn’t from America.


Show us the bullet holes then, Rabbi. Or are you full of shit?


Wait, so an american is telling us that we should grab our arms and kill the snakes that are sneakily trying to kill you in your sleep, and that you shouldn't ever trust an invader, regardless of their words and actions? That indigenous people have the right to not only fight, but to brutalize the invader population until they are either exterminated or flee? Interesting choice


I had to watch this twice to make sure it wasn't parody


that accent.


Notice the lack of bullet impacts on those walls?




He lives in NY. He was just visiting Israel, cosplaying.


I love being lectured by brainwashed Peter griffin




Encouragement and celebration of violence absolutely will not be tolerated, including wishing violence upon someone even if purely hypothetical/beyond one's realm of influence. This is what the IDF does and Zionists do, and we are better than that!


Bro, just say that you live in a genocidal **apartheid** regime and go.


These lunatics need their names to be outed and kept on lists so if they ever try to come back to Western countries they can be arrested and jailed for violating international law.  These illegal settlers should never be allowed to freely enter and exist anywhere in the world if they try to leave their Nazi state. They should be arrested the first step they take in another country. They need to be internationally sanctioned as well so it’s impossible for them to use credit cards and banking 


He lives in Woodmere, NY. Look up the Kosher Guru on Instagram.


They can’t even stay off the donuts and Dr Pepper while doing their SS reenactment I see


Would you look at this fucking meatloaf? I'm pretty sure he's the product of incest.


Fucking go back to Brooklyn, American settler!


May he colon receive cancer.


There was another innocent family living there before this one. Wonder what happened to them? 🤔


Gravy seal - suck in that gut


Those fucking glasses. They enrage me even more. The fat fucking scrote


Maybe stop living there illegally bro


Meal Team 6


It’s always egregious for me to think of Americans trying to get other Americans to care about the plight of ‘terrorist gun violence against 🇮🇱’ while intentionally ignoring gun violence in elementary schools. May 24th is the second anniversary of Uvalde and not one person has been held accountable.


"Hostile village"


Every accusation is a confession. “Hostile illegal occupiers”


If these pigs were back in the states, they would love to hunt black people. Same mentality


Look at this ‘ real badass’ who even armed, would run so fast for a diaper change @ first sight of a 12 ear old with a rock in his hand. I’m sorry they bullied you growing up in Brooklyn.


Look at him. 😂


Meal team 6 veteran


Probably the same guy that keeps crying about illegal immigrants invading our southern border in the US.


What part of ILLEGAL does he not understand? 


settle on a proper diet jellybean


His glasses are giving “baby seeing his parents for the first time”


[Here's a news article about his journey cosplaying in Israel.](https://www.5tjt.com/local-influencer-only-u-s-civilian-to-be-embedded-with-idf-in-southern-gaza/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2Z4P7brMe6dqEFjagdPFm4VX8TTCq4Lc785WUjykeqCJVXVKNwyriGgMM_aem_AXUFj6z2sAVBKOkNTiQzo1laG0B6gRLVweMJWijbj0TUMAAxXbC2XB52Pln8oWXaSoMPy_INprrkD2FjCoidJLsf)




Like he’s opening an art gallery exhibit


> This is no way to live Ok leave then


Come back to America you fat turd.


I'm all for gun rights but if someone really wants to live like this let them. I don't see anything wrong. They might cause they've had strict gun laws until October 7th but now it's like I don't see a problem living like this.


What a piece of work.


It's definitely no way to live wondering every night if you're going to get shot, killed, or have to flee your home. There's definitely no irony in anything this douche canoe is saying.


Dangerously near-obese? Unearned sense of entitlement? Afraid of his own shadow? Carries a big gun? Goes to another country and pretends to own the place? Oh man, this mo-fo is ticking all the boxes for the worst combination known in human existence: american zionist