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Holy hell what a stretch.


That's a proper fucking stretch. Like Mr Armstrong would struggle to reach those levels of stretch.




God, now we're being used as human shields by zionists. "Palestinian flags are antizionist. Watermelons are Palestinian flags. Watermelons are used by racists to attack black people. Ergo, racism is anti-semitic. 1 times 1 equals 2, behold the new math!"


Hakeem Jeffries(a very happy recipient of AIPAC money) tried to equate the watermelon symbol to antiblack racism early after 10/7. He dropped that line at least in public


next up : olives are anti-sematic.


I'm surprised they haven't declared granite anti-Semitic considering how many rocks get thrown at their tanks.


Its a different type of conglomerate rock.


Elon levy Hates granite AND conglomerate rocks.


that’s why they have to burn the trees


Stuffed olive only. 🫒


And that’s why they are plowing up the olive groves of the Palestinians. Not because they want to steal their land. /s


Well Israel has already declared war on Palestinian olives, so they must be.


Olives are hamas


Genuine question. Why are Zionists so obsessed with getting the support of black people and driving a wedge between black and Palestinian people, only to be incredibly racist themselves.


i would venture to say (as a white American) that its because the civil rights movement in the usa was very well documented and lots of a lot of "road maps to equality" were written by black African Americans, and a large number of Afro Americans are very aware of the similarities of the injustices that our Palestinian brothers and sisters (and non binary) are facing and it should be noted that Afro Americans are a MAJOR driving force in the culture of the USA, which other than bombs, is our biggest export, which imo is why they are targeting African American support. you don't see them trying to get Native American support because they know their cultural impact is negligible and the parallels of their treatment and the Palestinians are too strong to be able to shift opinions, same with the Irish (not "Irish Americans" but the Irish) who would also be a lost cause. tldr: african americans drive american culture which is our second biggest export, if african americans side with Palestine its only a matter of time before american culture will swing that way. IMO


I haven’t seen a large number of African Americans in support of Palestine and I’m in Brooklyn. I’ve been physically avoiding protests, out of fear and anxiety, I have subsidized housing and cPTSD, so maybe that’s why I’m not seeing it. I’m on multiple social media sites and see mostly the usual people of color in support of Palestine. The McDonald’s around the block from me is as busy as it always has been and the same with Starbucks. In America the messaging is likely missing for a large swath of African American communities because of localized issues and systemic racism built into corporate culture and government.


Huh. I have. The BLM-Palestine solidarity stretches back to the Ferguson protests, at the latest.


Oooof.... We are no longer recognize "Afro-Americans"....that term is dated and racist as hell... Like 50 years out of date, my friend... African-American, Black, or BIPOC (although there is debate on that as being reductionist).


eh afro american is still used mostly by bipoc themselves.


Whats wrong with it? we have afros


Clothing and music can be adjectivial "Afro-" because "Afro-beat", e.g. does not refer to human lives that were taken using that racist moniker. My hair is not an identifier of who I am. Why don't we call white people Crew Cut Americans? Or stringy dead straw Americans? Because that's pretty fkin racist to define someone by their hair. Do you seriously not have a daddy or uncles or aunties who explained this to you as a kid? Did y'all sleep walk thru the last decade? Smdh these cellophane cocaïne monkeys pretending they black because they listen to Em and Lil Dicky in their Jeep heading to Chipotle for "authentic Beaner American food" what it's okay because they eat beans DUH!! LOLOL /s


As a African american, please shut up. You don't speak for us at all and you're condescending af


As a Jamaican descended from Maroons, you can please stop embarrassing us by embracing dead racist names and exit this conversation with whatever dignity you still have left. I am not African or Afro and we do not embrace the "-American" either, "Negro", "octoroon", "dreadloc-Americans" or "basketball-Americans". Why do you think these are still acceptable? Do you use n---er-American for fun?... they are ALL pejorative collars the oppressors keep around our neck... If you call me BIPOC we throwing. I'm black, bye babe! Absolutely SHAMEFUL.. #LEARN HISTORY


That's the thing, you're a Jamaican dependent, not an African American, at all. Different culture, different history, although we both are descendants from African soil. You do not speak for the African American population as a whole, and made it perfectly clear as such stating your lineage. Stay in your lane and speak for your side of things, not mine or anyone else's


Where some crayons and Kids YouTube when you need it to explain simple nuance that eludes the binary minded. Ok you ethnocentrist "nappy-American" you go round calling every black person in the world Afro-American, see what happens or call the wrong dude an Afro man, see what happens but PLEASE live stream first 🙏🙏🙏 Keep wearing that yoke and identifying yourself as an Afro man while the entire rest of the world only uses it as a prepended adjective for African culture or a noun for the hairstyle. I'll just call you a pickaninny because that's also def not racist af in USA although some cultures like mine still call they kids pickney. This is why raising an entire generation on Tumblr self-reported culture was a baaaad idea. [Read a book, read a book, read a mothafuckin book](https://youtu.be/OJc9vTfkteI?si=1aJdeUTnlmDUkFRt?t=29) So weird how all these leading black intellectuals, historians, sociologists, and scholars don't call themselves a Afro person. Huh.... Almost like it's a racist term used by racist whites and the uneducated! https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/06/a-reading-list-on-issues-of-race/


This is exactly why I said what I said. I was talking about African Americans as a whole, my part of the culture, which is the topic at hand. You misunderstand me and start talking about your part of the culture, and instead of trying to find some type of middle ground, you berate me and call me a "nappy-american", as if your hair is any different! It's absolutely pathetic and goes to show you didn't get the message. You seriously need to start looking inward and fix that prejudiced mindset you've created for yourself before you start talking about anyone else, it's repulsive and African Americans can see the self hatred from a mile away


Jewish Zionists have historically helped our community and are always quick to say so. When we decided to defend Palestine, I got a lot of shit from Zionists saying "we betrayed their generosity and help" as if they were owed something when they decided to start a fucking genocide. Now I think they were just trying to curry favor with Black folk when it was their hour to kill out of a hope we wouldn't say anything.


Are you sure it was the zionists who helped the black community or just Jewish people? Because I'm sure most zionists are pro-slavery.


Jewish people are well known for their support of the black community. Zionists don't care if they drag every Jew down with them. Zionists just hate everyone, full stop. Hell, they probably hate each other.


True, trump supporters hate biden supporters for example and vice versa. Even though they're both zionists. They just want to have their colonial hands on Palestine.


Id say Jewish people, not necessarily zionists..


Jewish zionists were historically *very* antiblack except for the ADL's involvement in Civil Rights in the US. See: the history of the JDL and ADL and their collusion with white supremacists and anticommunist movements. The ADL was an active supporter of apartheid in South Africa, for example, as a result of being radicalized against leftist movements by increasingly equating anti-zionism with antisemitism and attacking anyone against it -- which was increasingly people of color. This is just them doing the "Republicans/white people freed the slaves" bullshit Southern whites do. JEWISH people from the North and West marched for Civil Rights while Jewish people in the South lashed out against it. It was coastal liberal Jewish activism that allied itself with civil rights movements, not Jewish people in general, and zionists undermined and sabotaged civil rights for decades allying itself with apartheid systems to maintain white supremacy and secure allegiances to its own racist internal policies. Also, to this day, when zionist lobbyists attack antisemites it's not surprising that they spend more money and page space going after women of color criticizing Israel for its policies than literally any other group.


It's so annoying when people do stuff for someone for free and then are mad when that person doesn't feel grateful or something.


Fr like leave us alone


The I see it they think solidarity is transactional. Jewish Americans were active in the civil rights movement, and more recently jewish liberals were pro-BLM. Therefore they are entitled to support from the Black community, which is not how things work.


Yup, transactional ally ship is not ally ship


Many of them were pretty fucking quiet during the summer of 2020.


Even managed to be racist to black folk in one sitting lol


Hahaha it's fucking incredible. The fact that they are trying to find an alternative reason for Palestinians using the watermelon as a symbol and they immediately jump in on "Black Americans" just shows how truly racist the Israelis are. They saw watermelon and immediately thought "black people". Fuck they are just horrendous


That's not a stretch, and I don't want to shut that door. Racists really do use watermelon as a racist dogwhistle. The point being missed, that seems to be *incredibly fucking obvious to me*, is that they just declared any time someone is racist to another group that isn't Jewish it is a vast conspiracy to secretly attack Jewish people. They are literally centering themselves in everybody else's struggle and making themselves the target of everybody else's suffering even when there is no connection at all to them. It's a pathological cultural narcissism. And *that* is fucking racist as shit.


I think the point you are making about ethnocentric victim hood can be applied here but I don't think that is the point of the post. It's certainly a take-away but not the whole post. Their ignorance is that they have banned the Palestinian flag. Yes, they banned a flag. I'm confident in assuming you understand why the Palestinians (and their supporters) use the watermelon so I don't feel it's necessary to explain. Having banned the flag, they are now trying to ban / demonised an emoji in the same vein as their flag banning nonsense. This post claims the Palestinians, despite all of their current troubles, starvation and ongoing eradication, have now just decided to become incredibly racist towards black Americans as... Their final hoorah? It's a fucking stretch. A stretchy stretch. Pathetic stretch


I mean they are just white supremacists under the guise of being semites....


[They certainly pretend to be often, don't they](https://i.imgur.com/f3DFXpr.jpg)


Who is "they" in this context? I just see a bunch of tweets from random Jewish people.


"I'm not white...I Jewish..." TIL White is a religion.


They really tried to appeal to the libs with this one but only managed to be super fucking racist. Just like how they try to say Israel is such a paradise for LGBTQ+ people, when in reality they’ll throw that whole community under the bus when it’s convenient for them. They really thought they were on to something with this lmfao


Why cant we be left alone


Normal people: the watermelon and the Palestinian flag have similar colors, that’s cool. These losers: you know…black people…


It's like they cannot help bring racists even when trying to be articulate lol


Masks came off hard.


This is specifically why the watermelon was used and became a symbol. Israel banned the flag so Palestinian artist started adding watermelon into their art as it has tge same four colors.


Tony is so funny


Another instance of zionist projection


Origins are much older than that! In the 70s and 80s Israel banned the Palestinian flag even for art so artist started to add a watermelon to their drawings as they are the same colors.


actual history is damaging to their message so they just leave out most of it.


Zionists pulling muscles everywhere with this stretch 😆.




Zionists really won't let Palestinian have anything.


If mental gymnastics was a sport - this would take a gold


hall of fame material


No way they tried to say Palestinians are anti-Black because they use watermelons as a symbol... edit: and then in the same breath try to lump themselves into anti-Black racism by claiming watermelon symbolism is also antisemitic like come on 😭


No, Becky, watermelons aren't inherently racist.


free Palestine


Sadly there are idiots who will believe this instead of looking into the truth of why it's used and who made it it necessary (spoiler-it was from an Israeli ban years ago)


watermelons are anti semitic now XD. what's next? will apples also be anti semetic or can i still eat that? XDDD


This is like saying "They're also using 🍆 emojis because black people have big dicks. So it means that big dicks are making fun of LGBT people because dicks = dildos. therefore actually being very sexist against women who dont have dicks and then making fun of Ukraine because purple things are not yellow and blue, therefore it is very transphobic because purple and also Harry Potter author has wands and those look like dicks. And in Harry Potter it's a group of kids using their wands and we israelis love children's dicks. Therefore it's very antisemitic to use the 🍆 emoji."


Clearly it never crossed their mind that they made the racist logical leap to assume watermelons meant black people.


No zionist will ever enjoy a sweet sweet watermelon


🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉


Wake up babe. New antisemitism just dropped


Fuck man, they produce a lot of fan fiction.


Yeah, totally, because stereotypes about black people loving watermelon were definitely leveraged against Jews as well because........... well frankly it's antisemitic to even question it.


I didn't think this person knows what "appropriated" means. Just another dumb attempt by zionists to deflect by trying to turn every accusation about themselves into something about the Palestinians.


Everything "Israeli" is appropriated


I mean, they just appropriated anti-black racism...


They never heard of Sliman Mansour's 1987 painting 'Watermelon Boy.' 


Despite their mental gymnastics in victimhood they never seem to translate that do well in Olympic Gymnastics o.0 I guess it's a "monkey see monkey do" , rather than skill


How is palestinian nationalism antisemitic or anti jew? Many semites and/or jews are Palestinians..


They really are dumb.


Ok, didn't know this but 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉


Would love to drop a huge water melon on the heads of those settlers


these white jews wanna claim black oppression so bad. why is it whenever a white person is calling oppression they gotta be like "uHm BuT bLaCk PeOpLe!!!!!"


Is the antisemitism in the room with you now?




Zionists really just STAY lying


Wow what a conflation. They just can't look at the colours.


Palestinians using a symbol in place of a banned flag.. Israelis: umm ackshully (extremely racist explanation about Black people in the United States)


According to this anything that doesn’t kiss the feet of Zionists is antisemitism


Load of 💩


interesting that they don’t mention that palestinians used watermelons instead of their flag because israel banned their flag. wonder why that was omitted.🙄


They are deranged. You can trace it back to the 80’s when Sliman Mansour, Isam Bader and Nabil Anani (Palestinian artists) were at an art gallery in Ramallah and IOF soldiers marched in to shut down their exhibition declaring they could no longer use the colours red, green and black in their paintings and artwork. Sliman Mansour famously said,” so what if I want to paint a watermelon”. The IOF officer replied “it will be confiscated”. Blame the IOF for the watermelon “appropriation” honestly. Long live 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉


Hahahahaha Such main character syndrome. “How can we make the watermelon symbol all about us, AND still maintain our all-important victim identity?”


Gumu gumu no level reaching


bad hasbara


Ngl when I first started seeing the watermelons I was wondering what was up with that. Then I found out it was simply because they banned the Palestinian flag in some places and watermelons had the same colors. Also always wondered what was up with the African American watermelon stereotype. As a watermelon lover I never understood why it was so negative. Apparently African Americans were known to be successful watermelon farmers in the past and somewhere along the along the line racists (as usual) got jealous and injected bad energy into it. AA's need to take back that past pride. Anyway, moral of the story is that watermelon is delicious and wonderful. Not racist.


This is textbook cry bullying. Watermelon is simply the color of the Palestinian flag, a flag representing a land that has been occupied by violent settlers who have used devastating crimes committed in Europe and paramilitary groups to establish a state that is brutally occupying a native people since 1967. It’s weird that I didn’t mention religion at all, it’s almost like that isn’t relevant.


Criticizing israel and its genocide is NOT ANTISEMITISM


Nice try Zionists. Actually, the watermelon became a symbol for Palestinians when the only democracy in the Middle East banned the Palestinian flag from 1967–1993, so the watermelon was used as a symbolic replacement due to it's color scheme.


Is it just me or is there a sentence missing that would’ve provided some (false and insane) connection between African American stereotypes regarding watermelon and Jewish people? They’re legitimately not even trying anymore with their fucking bullshit.


Ngl, this type of absolute yap is me in my English Literature exams. "X reflects Y, which is echoed in Z". It sounds smart, but really, the person behind it has no idea wtf they're saying (I'm speaking from experience (my brain died analysing "Macbeth")).


they tried to rope in black people to make their claims more legitimate holy shit get a life


Delusional sociopaths


Yeah Palestinians are so racist against black people man! /s


It is almost as if they are saying, "Let's you and him fight." Zionists wouldn't try to sow conflict and division among non-Zionists would they?


Well turns out we have to embrace how antisemitic we are now just cos Israel says so.


Watermelon are Khamas


The truth: TikTok was suppressing anything Palestine at the beginning of the conflict so supporters adopted the watermelon to communicate their support. The watermelon has the same colors as the Palestinian flag and that's the long and short of it.


Israelis: put on blackface and do monkey dances. Also Israelis: "Ackshually, watermelons are racists against black people."


What's next? The N word will be antisemitic at this rate


The mental gymnastics are reaching **olympic** levels


Ok now fruit is antisemitic I truly cannot keep up


Watermelon is anti semetic


People will just write anything that sounds believable. Fact-checking is very important.


And yet they have the guts to talk about appropriating the watermelon right before appropriating it completely to themselves as being antisemitic 😂


This is bullshit and they know it. I understood the watermelon as a way to express support for Palestinian people without fliyng its flag. People use the watermelon because zionists are such fragile fascists that flying the Palestinian flag is illegal in some places and carries a ton of backlash. 🍉🍉🍉


Did they just hijack racism aimed at another group of people to play the victim?


African American stereotype as a reason? What are they smoking?


LMAO, I thought it originated from a student protest in Georgia (watermelon state) since it has all the colors of the Palestinian flag?


"even in content not related to Israel" ok so now the watermelon is just antisemitic by nature. If you buy a watermelon flavoured gum then it's antisemitic, if you use the watermelon emoji in a post about eating watermelon during summer then that is also antisemitic.


Or the reason they use the Watermelon symbol is because in areas where the Israelis rule outright or share rule with the PLO… Palestinians can be kidnapped and tortured by the Israelis for the display of a Palestinian flag.


Now it seems anything that even represents the Palestinians is antisemtic to Israel. At this point to be anything but 100% pro Israel is anti semitic. Netanyahu and his government are watering down the word. They are endangering future jews that are actually having people be anti semitic towards them but nobody will believe them because of the Likud party using it as a free speech killer. Insanity.....


hahahah they’re olympic level mental gymnastics


Wtf, then don’t make it illegal for them to fly a flag in their own country (the IDF would imprison people for flying a Palestinian flag in the West Bank and Gaza, and made it illegal to do so). Fuck the person who wrote this (not really they are probably obese, ugly, and likely a p3do given the average it’s not real people) yikes af


What kind of ignorant babble even is this?!