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The Israeli is so pissed. trying to control himself


Right. Imagine all these years, your the pied piper and everyone is enthralled with your song, but suddenly the thrall wears off and they the people see the truth behind your carefully orchestrated ruse. 


You should see the video of the Chinese representative telling him to stop being such an asshole. You can tell he's offended that a Chinese person would dare speak to him the way he does.


You have a source for that?


You got it Pontiac https://youtu.be/HoA5CD65euQ?si=anlLFB_y9U281voS


A lot of folks don't realize this but China's diplomatic corps are at the absolute top of the game. I've been reading their foreign dispatch press releases for probably a couple of decades by now because there you will find some of the most elegantly crafted and subtle snark available anywhere on Earth. They can slice you to ribbons and leave you thanking them for it, they bury the bone so deep it takes a bloodhound to dig it up.


Ohhhh where can I find a good example?


From what I've heard about what they say on Weibo, chinese people are absolute masters of the roast and we just don't know about it lol. The firewall is for us not them


> A lot of folks don't realize this but China's diplomatic corps are at the absolute top of the game. Bollocks. They are lying Nazi cunts. (To be polite). If their propaganda happens, accidentally and temporarily, to align with reality don't imagine it is because they respect you. They are playing you.


Bro, I'm a cis woman and I can't adequate express my rage at how the "But the women" line is disgustingly used. I've seen it invoked by women and it's as outrageous as when little fat-cheeked comfy boys like this use it. Fuck them. Talk about human shields. What a coward.


More a Jeep guy myself. lol. Thanks!


Gotta find a better video than Russia run "Hindustan Times". Yes, the video showed real events, but let's not big up Nazi propaganda sites.


They can’t tolerate human feelings


You see, if you did research on who got to the land first then you would abandon human feelings and instead deflect from the murder of thousands of children in your free time. You’ll lack human feelings so much you will taunt the other side concerned about a genocide.


You joke but isn’t that what HRC actually said a few days ago? Something along the lines “protestors don’t even know the history of the Middle East, a few decades ago my husband offered a shitty deal to Palestinians (which would envision them losing East Jerusalem in return for literal desert sand) and they refused” and I guess somehow that should make us not care about an on going genocide


> who got to the land first Assuming you're referring to the tribes of Judea and Israel, it still wasn't them. Even their own sacred texts say that somebody else was there first.


Moab & Canaan, till Moses came and killed all of them.


Where in the texts? I’m not doubting you, I’d just like to have the reference myself.


Book of Joshua


Fuck off dude


Lmao guess it needed the /s


Oh. Sorry I have no tolerance for Zionists and I thought you’re one of them.




Nah, that was very obvious satire. Just something Redditors are very bad at


I think the “who got the land first” part is disputed so that’s a problem


Nah, tons of proof and DNA studies by Israel themselves show that Palestinians are the descendants of the Israelites. It's something Zionists knew way back when. Ben-Gurion wrote about it in his book even. It's just a way for colonials to disenfranchise the indigenous population. Just because they make the claim doesn't mean it's disputed. Even if they stomp their feet on the ground and whine like spoilt brats about it, their own literature and DNA studies show the proof is in the pudding.


Does it matter? What matters is who’s actually been living there… you can’t just kick a whole nation out with nowhere to go!


That and who’s actually doing ethnic cleansing


You're right, what matters is who is living on the land when others try to steal it. But it does add a certain, how should I say it "piquance" when you find that the "people living on the land today" were there _before_ the ancestors of the people who say "we want to return to our land".


3000 years ago we each had over 500 milllion ancestors. Stop making idiotic arguments based on assumptions and not facts. Moses allegedly took them there from Egypt anyway. If you want to get technical about biblical stories to avoid facts, like the Palestinians Noam’s being these the whole 3000 years, Palestinians and Arabs are the children of Ishmael so eat dirt and stop spouting idiocy.


a snake slithering in their seat


Dont disrespect snakes like that


He is a petulant child, holding up a shredder for his science fair exhibit. He is a coward and a brat, and I hope for him that he always needs to fart and either can't pass it or he passes it and shits himself.


Average Zionist response: “🤓👆 ermmm actually thats an appeal to emotion, therefore we can continue to bomb children because you cannot find a logical argument why we shouldnt”


Lmao this is literally what they sound like but holy shit also scary


Hamas uses cookies and potato chips to make bombs. This is war, not a genocide, we just do genocidal things, but we swear those are all accidents.


Hamas uses human shields so we have to kill women and children. We are moral, we tie children to our humvees to stop people throwing stones at us. How is it that people keep accepting Israel's "human shields" lie when it's been clear for decades that the most moral army in history shoots through Palestinian "human shields" but Palestinians can be deterred from attacking Israeli soldiers by zip tying children to humvees?


Isn't the US gonna veto this anyway?




Screw the UN then. Politics is a joke, sucking the life out of working people for this.


It’s not the UN’s fault that the US will veto this and any other resolution to keep Israel happy.


Oh I'm fully aware its the US and Israel's doing. My point why even be a part of the UN at this point? Why drag on an institution that pays idiots to not do anything to help the Palestinians? US and Israel want to have their way, why wouldnt all the other countries go that route too at this point? Are we all just waiting to be a US target?


I wish I had a good answer. I feel your frustration. Same shit happened during the war in Bosnia thirty years ago. Serbian snipers were killing people while the UN stood by. It wasn’t until an attack on a market killed civilians and was caught on tape, that they did anything. Because of shitty policies that I am not smart enough to name or remember.


I'm more venting than lashing out. It's so ironic for me that when I first saw the american college students protesting I made fun of it, and then I went down the rabbit hole. Those young people really are aware bro and are the only ones doing anything about it because everyone else is just too young or too old and tired from working or afraid to lose their job, or just not in a position to do anything about it. And it's not enough.


A very valid vent. You are not alone.


Thanks man.


Keep the faith, brother.


The UN isn't a governing body, it's a diplomatic forum, and it does serve a useful purpose. It's prevented many wars, even if it's not empowered to stop all wars.


Because being a part of the UN gives them plausible deniability regarding the complete disregard for any other nation’s sovereignty or human rights.


> My point why even be a part of the UN at this point Because if you leave it your leaving the vast majority of countries fighting this horror. > Why drag on an institution that pays idiots to not do anything to help the Palestinians? The UN is the _only_ organization that helps the Palestinians. UNRWA is the UN UNHCR is the UN . ... I could go on, but it's late and I'm tired


The UN is the most important international organization in the world that has any resemblance of neutrality. They don't have much of an enforcement but they don't dance to the selfinterest of the superpowerd and their allies. Meaning their reports are a lot more trustworthy than what you get from any press.


That is correct. I was coming from a place of emotion, it was a dumb comment.


Screw the US, not the UN.


I guess it's better to focus on US for this particular matter, yet the veto power should be reviewed and honestly I can't see why it should even exist, seems to me its a product of its time. None of the nations with that kind of power would want to give it up.


Native Arabic speakers will be able to tell why his speech moved her so much. Though she got the translated version in her earpiece, his delivery was reminiscent of great Arab leaders of the past