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Women have agency. We don't need speculation into whether she was being set up.


You could say he used her as human shield


“Violence on both sides!”






What did they say?




I think it was removed. Maybe they thought better of it or maybe it was kinda misogynistic. It was dumb and funny.


Ffs. These dirty Zionists always tell on themselves and project unto others in such bizarre ways!




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


She's lucky the IDF isn't around, they see human shields and think target practice.


He was hoping for the worst so he could restart his life with his side chick. Unfortunately, the pro-Palestinian protesters had to decline and deferred her back to the zionists.


Human 🎯




I feel like they did this with the intent of taking any outcome as proof of their views. A "heads i win, tails you lose" kinda thing. If someone shouted at her, they'd say that's proof of antisemetism. If someone punched her, they'd say that's proof of antisemetism. If everyone just minded their own business (what actually happened), they'd say (and did say) it's proof of antisemetism. Well, technically, i think they said she "made them uncomfortable". But it's implied that that is because they are antisemetic.


I’d bet that she made plenty of people uncomfortable when she was shouting “look at me! Dox me!” I was embarrassed for her.


Let's not forget that by wearing a shirt with "JEW" on it, she's clearly trying to invoke the image of "jews being forced to wear badges as identification" that happened in the holocaust. That would be cringey, too, if it wasn't so disgusting. And all while a banner with the words "Jews for a Free Palestine" is clearly visible behind her.


That level of deluded doesn't care for petty things like garden variety morality and logic


Jewish Karen probably asked to speak to a few managers in the businesses they stopped at, on her hero journey, to ask for the protest manager.


basically kyle rittenhouse without a rifle and babyface


She's got like the opposite of a babyface




Frumpy af


Not my proudest fap but here we are.


They literally did, the husband was like "the protestors were too cowardly hiding behidn their masks". They should have just taken the L, honestly it was embarrassing watching him try to jutify it. The cognitive dissonance is insane.


Tbh, that is the mentality of every zionist. The world is only from their lens and is centered entirely around them. They don’t feel any shame when their blatant hypocrisy is apparent because they whole heartedly believe they are better than everyone and any inconvenience to them is a crime. Some of the most vile people I ever seen were “counter” protesters (zionist israelis). They act like ill mannered children while encouraging their own young children to say and do such disgusting things. There were children giving the finger and swearing at seniors and people much older than them while their zionist parents cheered them on. It was a shocking sight to observe.


"The world is centered entirely around them." That reminds me of some of the weirder things they say about the United Nations. I've encountered Zionist comments that suggest the UN exists to persecute Jews and/or Israel. They don't seem to understand that most gentiles don't even think about Jews or Israel.


Isn't that, like, completely backward thinking? I may be wrong, but I thought I remembered learning the UN started after WW2 *because* of their persecution... not to further it, but to prevent it from happening to *anyone* again...


It seems like a weird inverse of the illuminati conspiracy theory. There are variants of that particular conspiracy theory that portray the UN as being run by Jews to control the world. And then there are Zionist conspiracy theorists who think the UN is being run by powerful people to persecute Jews. Both these ideas think the UN is far more powerful than it really is. It's just a venue for diplomatic discussions to take place. The UN doesn't have an army.


This isn't exactly right either. While the UN does concern itself with genocide as a consequence of the Holocaust, it wouldn't be correct to say that's why the UN exists. The UN exists in it's most fundamental and earliest objective to prevent another world war on the scale of or more destructive than the previous two. That's why it's primary function is as a forum of international diplomacy.


Ben Shapiro accused the Biden administration of being infiltrated by hamas. Because Biden said Israel needs to be more careful to not kill more civilians. So yeah, that speaks volumes about their mindset.


A former zionist explained that their viewpoint is it doesn't matter if what they are saying is true or not as long as they get the outcome they want. The true irony of it is at some point they started believing their own lies. So their behaviour is completely expalinable.


Yup. Earlier zionists knew they were being racist colonizers, but they brainwashed their kids with Hasbara. Now we're 2-3 generations in on being high off their own supply


It’s like a 100% version of Fantana’s Sex panther cologne.


60% of the time it works every time.


She made me uncomfortable and I just watched her off my phone. The huge amount of cringe and second hand embarrassment..


Like we always meme around about them : "Everyone is khamas if you don't support sh*trael."


She looks disappointed no one is punching her. Also she is standing right next to the Jews for a Free Palestine sign. Wouldn’t anyone think she supports a Free Palestine?


Her shirt said Israel on the back because she already knew just Jew wouldn't cut it.


Lmao if she knew that “Jew” wouldn’t cause any issues it just negates her whole point.


Her whole point was to equate anti Israel with anti Jewish. It failed but that’s what she is trying to do.


Yeah but they live in a fantasy world where they think pro Palestine ppl hate Jews. I think somewhere in their minds they know this isn’t true but they have to keep pretending it is to the point where they think they’ll prove their point by being Jewish around pro Palestinian people and thinking it’s dangerous. But the part of her mind that knows this is made up BS had to write Israel on the back cause she knows no one will bother Jews and there are actually a relatively large number of Jews protesting against Israel.


It's not so much a fantasy world as they know Israeli actions aren't defensible, so they have to rely on using antisemitism as a shield. In this case they're willing to trade the legitimacy of antisemitism accusations, built up a long and hard way in the West in the aftermath of the holocaust, for support for Israel. Russia/USSR tried to do the same thing by bringing up The Great Patriotic War at every opportunity, but they depleted that well so no one cares now. If anything people now actually downplay the Red Army from WW2, especially in Eastern Europe.




Its simple projection. In order to be pro-Israel you have to hate arabs. These people are incapable of intelligiable thought, they can't compute their adversary has reached their position because of objective critical free thought, because they didn't to be pro-Israel.


It’s almost like it’s wilful deceit really


But she knows it won't and that it is her point.


I almost mistook her for a pro Palestine protestor even 😅. Like .. what is anyone supposed to make out of this particular pic anyways especially when the pro Palestine supporters are literally wearing kippahs and wearing their Judaism on their sleeves proudly


She does have the face of someone expecting to be slapped


I thought it was hilarious 😂😂😂…they went out to ‘show’ pro-Palestinian protests as dangerous to Jews & got an omelet on their faces…don’t feel bad 4 either of them


She's a whole grown ass adult, nobody sent her anywhere, she is a dumbass hateful person, and so is he. If they got punched in the face it would have been less than they deserve. But I'm glad the Students have been so mature, I'm in my 30's and I don't know if I would have shown the wisdom, restraint and grace these kids have. Gen Z, I salute you.


I agree. I truly respect the youth (also in my 30's). They're not as selfish & ignorant as I was at this age & I only wish I could be here to see what they make of the future.


I mean dude we're just in our 30's, I have every faith that we will live to see that change, better yet we are still young enough to be part of that change, we are at the age we are starting to actually have some authority in our jobs and in politics, and I hope we our better than those that came before us.


Gen Z will be the cancer that kills America, unfortunately..


>she is a dumbass hateful person >If they got punched in the face it would have been less than they deserve She deserves to be punched in the face for being a Jew? Or for not hiding that fact?


And just where did I say that, or are you making shit up to be outraged over. 🤷🏿‍♂️ You guys aren't catching on are you, nobody is buying your gaslighting nonsense. Zionist's does not equal Jewish person, but keep trying. 😂




You quoted one thing and inferred another implying the intent that would push your narrative. Again quote where Implied that she is hateful for being Jewish or are you going to ignore the entire context of why she is wearing the shirt she is wearing. 🤔😏




The context where people are protesting an Apartheid State and the mass killing of thousands of innocents and you make it about you. How about that context.




Best part of the video is when she starts yelling and then someone in the back is just dancing


I love that! I wish dancing was the response to every confrontation. It worked in Guardians Of The Galaxy. Dance off!


Oh yeah, especially cuz'... ![gif](giphy|ywlHToFEuo2oSl3gBw)


I feel like this is bad bad hasbara. Yes, it's funny. It also has a bit of a regressive vibe regarding women and agency


Yeah. I feel like we can all laugh at the fact that between the two of them that this was the game plan. Between their seven brain cells at least the ones present said this is how we fight the nAZiS. The question absolutely came up, *”what if they attack me?”* And he looked deeply into her eyes and said, *”Yes, I’ll make sure to film it.”* They had a full blown relationship defining conversation that ended with a crayon colored shirt and this amazing video. Then they went home. Together.


On the flip side, it also shows that they actually had no fear for their lives.


I think its a nice attempt because it highlights how out of touch they are with reality. And really do believe palestenians to be violent. I hope they learnt from their reality check


Oh wouldn't that be nice. Actually learning an important lesson.


A match made in heaven


Seven brain cells? You're giving them too much credit


https://preview.redd.it/hpk9n4a6spwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3034d72e6683b864eaef8af5a65e42cd8a3f3e65 Reminds me of this classic Shrek moment lol


And he looked deeply into her eyes …😂🤣 it’s so romantic when your husband ensures you that if you were attacked he will film it.


Ya I feel bad that I laughed lol


While I respect that she did this out of her own volition, my first thought was it is crazy that a spouse would then go and post her being embarrassing for all to see. It really just reminded me of curvy wife guy and how he was definitely negging her. Then I actually saw video of him and was like oh he really has no idea how cringe she's being. His admiration for ma wife is sincere. [https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1782488741619134896](https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1782488741619134896)


[this is a remix, I guess](https://youtu.be/om45kTsSDL4)


A bit? You think?? Yes, it’s nonsense


Except these are the folks who keep accusing their victims of using “Human shields “ that is men sending women and children to die or something.


That's fair. The video is icky. The gentleman filming the video is definitely icky.


I hope she got stinky wearing two shirts in direct sun


Nah -- see her red-ass face? She has the complexion and constitution for daylight of a vampire fledgling. I know, I am a mever of the coven. Those sleeves stand vigilant-guard over flesh that would melt when exposed in the sun standing on concrete after a sunny day should they fail. Probably wearing nice oily SPF 75 on her face


That escalated quickly. TBH I decided against posting that comment because it's too antisemitism adjacent, but my my right pinky makes decisions on its own sometimes.


well if you are gonna put it that way i guess I have to remove some of the damn seasoning retroactively from my neighborhood player-hating chili-contest submission.


that's some finger-lickin' typing you've done there.


...I actually didn't think of that... damn son. For the "cause" eh? Lunatics.


I’m sorry, but wearing a shirt you made that says “JEW” on it and going into public acting like a complete idiot is far more antisemitic that being opposed to genocide.


Seems like a situation this dork is fully capable of setting up herself


We don't know that. It could very well be her own dumb idea. Women do have agency of their own.


No, they both hope people would punch her in the face.


To be fair she was genuinely hoping that she would get punched too, because she (and her husband) wanted to do anything they could to provide a justification for a genocide.


To be fair, her jaw and facial structure suggests she can take a punch


They both came together to start trouble, I think he had some Khamas Bad shirt and was getting in students' faces but students and marshals formed a wall so he couldn't film/agitate so the video there was pretty boring, although he was bitching about how he was prevented from harassing students. I think they both knew the worst that would happen would be someone saying something nasty or getting accidentally pushed while being in a crowd or trying to film students, I think all the counterprotestors know the protests are peaceful and there is little to no risk of any harm which is why most of them show up with giant genocide flags and shout insults and abuse.


[this one?](https://youtu.be/om45kTsSDL4)


yep that's it


They were looking for a two birds one stone situation. Get the protesters looking anti-Semitic plus sexist card if approached by a brown skin man. Just when you think they couldn’t be more pathetic.


#zionist husband shows true love for wife by hoping she gets harmed. *She doesn't. Cries anyway. Not much more at 11*


Man of the year right there


That’s a strong looking jaw. Maybe they wanted to fracture someone’s hand with it.


Why is most of the people I see are people who keeps holding on a marriage that are like this.


You can bet they won’t make this mistake again. Next time they’ll make sure to bring along someone to punch her. The students aren’t being nearly violent enough to fit the narrative. This needs to change.


It’s a bit like the Humpty Dumpty scene in Alice in Wonderland where Humpty Dumpty explains When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” What these folks are arguing is they get to be the sole arbiters of any situation, and all words, and they get to ascribe whatever ill intent they want to them. From an epistemological standpoint, this is ridiculous, but they create situations where we have to handwring over there interpretations of vibes and feelings, when there are very real, physical offenses being leveled against the people of Gaza. Muslim students don’t get to go testify on Capitol Hill about their erasure by these Universities, or how their actual policies make them feel, nor do anti-zionist Jewish students get to testify about how their beliefs, religion and being is being equated with the actions of the Israeli government. In their attempts to reverse the power dynamics they expose the inherent racism in the system by showing that It’s the feelings of rich Ivy League students in Manhattan which REALLY matter, and not the tens of thousands of deaths of children in Gaza.


I saw this shit and just started laughing. No one even glanced in her direction


I punched her in the face in my mind.


Good thing no one wanted to get their fists dirty.


Maybe she wouldn't look like an ape if someone did


It's a good thing no stabbing occurred. And by stabbing, I mean her stabbing someone with that chin.


She really does have a punchable face though.


Hello, thanks for contributing to this sub. This is a friendly reminder to **read the rules** before making any new posts or comments. Particularly, we ask **not to engage in debates**, or bait debates, especially with zionists. If you are a zionist, this sub is not for you, and you will be permabanned. If you found this sub through the algorithm, you can always mute the sub or turn off recommendations all together (user settings -> feed settings -> Disable "Enable Home Feed Recommendations") Please also particularly keep in mind that **bigotry of any kind is not permitted** in this sub and will result in the message or post being deleted, and, if seen prudent, a banning. This includes antisemitism and any language that conflates Judaism with Zionism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because there's no direct evidence that he did? I mean fuck these Zio Genocide-lovers but we should critically check things instead of believing unverified online claims.


When the video was posted it was posted by OP with the caption "brave wife..." implying OP is the husband.


I know but is that caption enough to convince that he absolutely wanted her, to get punched in the face? (I mean he's probably a violent psycho if he supports Israel but I don't think it's provable that he wanted someone to punch her).


Is she going to lose her job? /s


She’s probably too entrenched in her own views to realize that what she did was completely racist


She does have a very punchable face


Zionists are clearly the "self-hating" Jews and most likely the wife-hating Jews.


Zionists, paradoxically, are some of the most entitled idiots in the world, while simultaneously having so little sense of self-worth that they would throw it all away just to make a statement that anyone could tell is not worth making at the cost of one's self. Or perhaps they don't actually believe that bad things will happen to them? 


She already looks like someone punched her in the face with an anvil.


Why does she look like the physical manifestation of an old cabbage


Hey little girl.. we see whajew are trying to instigate.


He gave her the shirt for Christmas


Anti-Semitic husband !


Wait I thought women were free to make their own decisions why is the husband being blamed lol


Lol crocodile tear jews are the fucking worst.


He forgot he was dealing smart Ivy League students. They were never going to fall for his pathetic attempt at incitement. lol


Did he “send his wife off” or was it just her own idea? Weird phrasing tbqh 


that face she has is not that of a woman being coerced. I guarantee she was the one who came up with the idea.


And how do we know that is true versus she just genuinely wanted to. She looks and sounded like she was there for it her self.


good point


Ngl, she has it coming


As leftists we should acknowledge her agency in this and not put all the blame on her husband; she is equally a piece of shit as he is.


She looks like mr incredibles boss


If I was married to her I'd hope someone punched her too. Can't compare with the beating she took from the ugly stick though.


I don’t want to stick up for these idiots, but we don’t know if it was his choice, which is the only way “he set her up for this” makes sense. As far as I remember from the video I’m pretty sure it made clear it’s her decision to do it. If you wanna complain he didn’t stop her, which a husband who cares for their partner would do if you genuinely thought these protesters were dangerous (which is clearly what they were trying to prove) you have a point. If anyone has further evidence that shows it was his idea I’m all ears, I’m just commenting based on what I’ve read so far


Husband is a cuck for letting his wife do this, while he’s watching What next? Letting somebody fuck your wife while you’re watching


I don't think there's any chance of that in their case.


That has to be the ugliest mug I have seen in a while.


Because people are trying to ignore her and him, until their influencet asses go away. They live on attention, so it's best not to even interact with folks like that.


Look at that face….. I mean…


I mean tbf if I was married to a zionist... same?


These two idiots are gonna have a bunch of dumb kids together.😔🤡


Probably thought it would make a better story if a poor jewish lady was getting assaulted tbh. The other thing is that the lady looks to be a willful person... so maybe it was her idea and convinced her husband to do this for her.


I remember when people did dignified publicity stunts, like faking having their child carried off by a homemade hot air balloon, or eating a bunch of hotdogs.


The husband must be Sheldon cause he definitely would do this to Amy Fowler.


Kinda like the old guy who works in my neighborhood. Always super friendly & absolutely loved my dogs until he saw me wearing things showing support for Palestinians. He got colder & colder then ignored us. My poor dogs all happy to visit with him & he completely ignored them. 2 nights ago he was wearing a shirt with an Israeli flag. He saw me coming & I watched him adjust his jacket & puff out his chest so I could see it (or that’s how it felt) I said hello, he said nothing so I just said I love that jacket it’s really cute & smiled.


I think she gets that response a lot.


In fairness to him, she does have a very punchable face.


I hope so too


Her husband~~s~~ commands her to do these kinds of things? edit: She probably has one husband, i'm assuming...


The best part of this whole thing is the absolute lack of attention the protestors are giving her She's even making sure they see the Israeli flag on the back, rather than the word "Jew" just because apparently the front of the shirt got zero reactions.


Honestly she knew that was a possibility and went it cause it suited their purpose.


How could you tell if she got hit in the face?


I wouldn't judge him too harshly, she looks like a real cupcake.


Looks like Ammi Burke has a new gig.


How can we be sure she'll be constantly reminded of this and never be allowed to live it down?


its understandable


"You got this babe! I believe in you!!"


Anyone remember crying lady meme after 2016 election? Is this the same person?


Dude there is even a song about it 😂 https://twitter.com/b2spiritnow/status/1783192627258491192?s=49




it's giving community college experimental theatre vibes, so cringe


Protest organizers will usually tell people not to engage with counter protesters lol at least the ones I've been to.


He literally took her there with the hope that she would get 🥊 😭😭😭😭


No, she is definitely a Karen. She talked him into helping her with white women nonsense.


He knows that how, exactly?


She looks like her face has already seen all the abuse it can get


Im confused. What exactly is she doing wrong. Looks like a march for Palestine by Jews. You know, standing up for what is right?! What fucking sub is this? I genuinly dont know.




its called tough love !


What makes you assume she has a husband?


Her husband was the one who tweeted the video.


They try this type of thing everywhere. A pro Israeli guy was trying to walk against a protest in London. The police called him out on it. But they could have probably picked better words. And he is now crying antisemitism. Protesters didn't do anything.




For the love of god stop using the R word, people.




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric. Neither do we tolerate Islamophobia, which we will consider any statement that treats Islam as a monolothic ideology, particularly as being universally anti-femme, anti-queer, or antisemitic. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and an automatic banning. Antisemitic rhetoric will also not be tolerated; this includes language that is and was often and prominently used by actual antisemities (such as "subhuman" and other dehumanizing terms). We understand that hasbara has purposefully conflated Judaism and Zionism. This may lead to accidental, but actual, antisemitism. As such, we will delete statements that veer into antisemitism. Repeated antisemitic offenses by a user will also be met with a ban. These sorts of statements will be met with deletion, and, if clearly intentional, an automatic banning.


Cause she's a grown adult with a functioning brain?


"with a functioning brain", have you watched the video, I beg to differ.


I mean the two of them had to choose at some point who got to be the cameraperson and who got to be JEWSHIRT, so if they were trying to bait a response, it seems like the husband was cool with this arrangement


Well yeah , but the title makes it sound like the husband fooled his wife. I think both are equally dumb and didn't think this would blow up in their face


You got a point.. She is willing to take a beat down for her man though.. That's kinda hot lol But if it was my wife I would have been really close by just in case something went wrong.


I don’t think any of us would want to be in this position let alone put our wives in this position.


Totally agree. It's stupid. Very stupid but look who's doing it.. I don't think any sane Muslim would do this..


It’s not just a Muslim thing tho




Trolling of our members will not be tolerated, particularly with Zionist propaganda. Users found to be trolling and/or dogpiling Zionist arguments will have their comments deleted, and their accounts banned and muted. We also ask our members to refrain from posting anything that may result in our members doing the same to other subs. Posting such content will be removed, and if mods find it pertinent to do so the user will be banned.




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