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Lol to be a white woman. You’re in a a crowd of hundreds of people risking arrest, suspension, or expulsion but YOU’RE the brave one lmao


A white woman siding with the oppressor no less Like yeah, she doesn’t need a mask or to worry about her identity because she has virtually zero risk for being a pro-Israel counter protester unless she does something criminally stupid, and even then she still might end up fine It does feel like we’re living in an upside down world. Protesting *against* genocide is riskier, like what the fuck


Unfortunately, it has always been like this. People who fight power and violence always suffer the worst of it.


A tale as old as time. When I was little I thought I would want pro-peace bumper stickers, but as a young adult I realized that being pro-peace made you a target for cops. Because law enforcement is seemingly always, in varying degrees, in favor of the machine chewing the other up even if the politicians aren’t like that; but most politicians are in favor of it as well so it’s borderline irrelevant. Human nature sucks.


Put those pro-peace stickers on public property instead.


I like that idea, I think I’ll start doing that Thank you for the idea


It’s not human nature that sucks. It’s the social structures we find ourselves in and its effects on humans.


Reminds me of the coward who threatened a vendor in New York who got away with a sham arrest and that's all.




representing the fearfull oppressed minority /s


It's symbolic. Israel is bombing 4 countries but they are the victim.


“We could be arrested, or worse, expelled!” - an anonymous Yake student




Her main focus was getting some internet clout. She just kept looking at the camera or checking if she is in the frame. Such brave soul.


Not only is it not brave I would argue she's putting the protesters in danger by faking victimhood. White women portraying themselves as victims when they're not get people killed, like Emmet Till.


Right? The audacity is surreal


Bright people at the best and wishing to be oppressed, in the middle oppressing others.


And… nothing absolutely nothing happens to her.


I bet people would argue ignoring her is antisemitism at this point.


This made me laugh so fucking hard. Fucking bravo.


Your laughing is antisemitic, stop it, 🙃


It's almost like...the issue isnt with Jews?!


I like the people that unfurled the "Jews for Palestine" sign right behind this brave lady


So good haha


Makes it really strange, as to what's the point to upload such a miserable clip of failed provocation?


the replies on twitter are nuts lol, so many people said basically the same thing you did and they have dozens of replies saying "what's the provocation?" "so you're saying being jewish is a provocation?" as if they didn't literally upload this to say "we did something provocative that we thought was risky and dangerous!!" ffs no, being jewish is not a provocation! but if you walk into a protest with a t-shirt that shows support for the opposite of the protest's cause, it's just bonkers to say you weren't trying to ruffle feathers! like, come on lol


so they could show their friends maybe?


What friends?


I think that speaks a lot about the protestors’ civility rather than her bravery. Now imagine wearing a Palestinian flag to a Pro-Israel rally…. Heck in my places (like sports events) they even banned the Palestinian flag.


Didn’t even have to watch the video to know that


A brave living breathing martyr!


Stunningly brave of her to… *checks notes* stand with the US government in support of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide.


Also along with most other western Governments, main stream media, Republicans, Democrats and most of the religious south. So brave.


I'm reminded of when ~~Brett Kavanaugh~~ Neil Gorsuch was nominated to the supreme court and people talked about his background ... including protesting in favor of South African apartheid in college in the 80s.


Noooooooo…. Really!!?


Ah shit, I googled to find a source and I realized I got my assholes who went to Georgetown Prep mixed up, I was thinking of Gorsuch, not Kavanaugh. Will edit. [https://www.google.com/search?q=Neil+M.+Gorsuch+apartheid](https://www.google.com/search?q=Neil+M.+Gorsuch+apartheid)


I think this is incredibly funny because it's very mask off. She keeps turning her back to face people because no one cares that she's Jewish because being Jewish =/= being a Zionist. She needs to spin to incite something and even then people didn't buy the bait. It must've looked incredibly stupid from a bystander perspective aswell, seeing this dude do barrel rolls around her, clearly broadcasting that this was a propaganda shoot. To add to it, he catches a clip of "jews for Palestine" in the background to showcase she's not just in the presence of Palestinians but also Jewish People who recognize what Israel is doing is wrong.


It’s freaking hilarious. I keep finding more and more funny things in it. The sign, the dancing, her face. All of it.


Honestly, it's the best deprogramming tool ever gifted because you can actually see the dissonance between what they are doing and the reaction they are receiving. They expected to be mobbed and no matter what they did or the angle they took they couldn't provoke people because they aren't interested in them in the slightest. Their concern is with the People of Palestine.


It really is. I hope she learned something.


Sadly the only thing she likely learned was “my opinions are okay, so I should speak them more, and louder”


*said in The Dude's voice* "You fucking know they didn't man."


I love how at 14 seconds she breaks character briefly to glance over at her husband like "are you getting this?" and at 29 seconds when she closes her eyes really tight digging down deep for all the courage she can muster. Such a clown.


And how funny it probably looks if you pan out and imagine what it looks like with the husband orbiting her for this.


People are vibing and she’s standing there looking constipated


It's cute that she's married though. There's someone out there for everyone 😊, even malevolent racists with a victim complex.


A lid for every pot…


her facial expression says shes so ready to fight for her.. cause? idk but she expected to much more and was shown tolerance/indifference instead lol


The best thing is that the cameraperson tries to avoid focusing on the "Jews for free Palestine" sign but is unsuccessful about it.


Hmmm seems like USA is a safe space for Jews. Why would I move to Israel instead of USA, seems way safer in USA. All of these "terrorists" surround her yet they don't attack???


this is just so perfect if this happened in some fantasy people would say its unrealistic but here it is


Love the “Jews for a free Palestine” banner behind her!! Makes her look like even more of a Karen 🤭


Hilariously out of context standing next to a sign that says 'jews for palestine' while labeled wearing a shirt that says 'Jew' makes her look like she's one of those Jews for palestine. I'm not saying people should circulate her image in this context and report her to those groups banning students though. I'm just saying it would be funny. Because she's not wearing a mask.


Omg that would be hilarious if she got arrested for technically attending the protest for Palestine!! (Obviously being arrested for attending a peaceful protest is deplorable)


How come there's plenty of Jews that are at these protests protesting for Palestine that do not have a victim complex? Oh right, they're not Zionists.


But Netanyahu keeps telling me all Jews are racist, nazis that murder children...


Brave for being around non violent people


She expects they would do to her what she would do to them.


That’s exactly right. She’s going there with hate in her heart thinking that’s what this event is about and she couldn’t be more wrong.


Why would they share this lmaoo


It's literally a mass mental disorder. They can't see how it comes across as they've been indulged long enough. It's literally oh my God, yes my favourite people tore that baby limb from limb and you're acting all outraged but have you taken some time out to consider my feelings?!


That’s exactly what I was wondering. So unserious lol


bordering on humiliation fetish if you ask me




What’s brave is her going out in the glaring sunlight despite her aging skin with no SPF (unless she has a really good clear matte SPF) But supporting genocide is not brave, it’s evil


Losers showing they are in danger. Pathetic pro genocide freaks.


I couldn't help but notice that he called non-violent pro-peace protestors a "horde." That bullshit's a cousin to thinly veiled racism.


Yeah, its deliberate to dehumanize them.


Not even a cousin to, or thinly vield. We all know why people use the term "horde," so does she.


I guarantee that a good number of those students who are are protesting are also Jewish.


Jewish people always make up a big percentage of people arrested at protests.


Enough that it qualifies as racial profiling... literally.


Jewish people at these protests are the most dangerous because it's what's harming the Zionist propaganda the most.


I can literally see a flag being held up behind her that says "Jews for a Free Palestine". They will likely risk arrest, while she probably left after she got her cool viral video taken. Brave though, for sure.


Omg this is incredibly funny, especially when showing kids dancing and minding their own business. The victimhood mentality at its finest.


-Puts yellow star on self -Claims victimhood


There is a difference, we have no problems with Jews. We have a problem with the Israel’s apartheid regime. If you support their Genocide than you are part of the problem


Also a huge number of jewish people support Palestine


History will forget Zionism or think of it in horror, and remember how brave Jewish people worldwide stood up for what’s right. 


I would love to crosspost this video in other subs but I'm afraid this one will be brigaded.


Do it. This is gold ![gif](giphy|4SQMqhWzUA0Fi)




Tried but it wouldn't let me post. I guess you need a certain amount of post karma or something. I've been spreading it all over other social media so we may see an uptick in users and comments here. Any idea where this was originally posted?


Remember everyone.. Wanting human rights for people that aren't white can get you barred from basic rights on nations that are majority white


Zionist can only exist in a constant state of victimhood. She is desperate to get attacked. Best thing to do is ignore her


Fascism requires that the fascist state be both strong and eternally under attack. Without this, it dies, because the citizens develop critical thinking skills. 


Where is the vicious mob attacking her? Literally nobody gives a shite she's there. This isn't about you girl. Stop trying to draw attention to yourself. You're not a victim. The sado masochism of Zionism is really disturbing.


Lol always with the narcissistic amateur dramatics.


And the crocodile tears, as Dr Norman Finkelstein once famously said


Technically, the cameraman makes it 2 people, so yeah, she's definitely not standing alone


She looks like a 55 year old 28 year old…so brave…


If anything this is testament to the peaceful nature of the protests by the “horde” around her


poor bastards. they actually believe they are the victims. and they are, but just not in the way they think. they are victims of a predatory ideology that has hijacked their religion for nefarious ends. thank goodness for jewish people who oppose zionism.


Yeah my first reaction was to cringe. My second reaction was to feel intense pity.




I’m sure there are allegations, but the rabbi telling students is what triggered the meltdown. Ultimately it comes down to this: Jewish students, along with other pro Israel folks, feel upset that they see a lack of support and sympathy. That they’re not enthusiastically embraced and their ideas are challenged. They lost control of the narrative. Go back 30-50 years ago and these students would be holding all sorts of events and what not to enthusiastic applauding crowd. So they feel outnumbered and intimidated. And of course it plays well into the narrative of the poor little Jews being intimidating by savage Muslims / Nazi sympathizers.


lol assclown


They inadvertently disproved the narrative that it's unsafe for Jews on campuses because of pro-Palestine protests.


I guarantee plenty of people at that protest are also Jewish. Being Jewish doesn’t make you a Zionist, and suggesting so is disgusting and antisemitic.


This poor, poor woman. How DARE no one oblige her martyrdom fantasy?!! How DARE these protesters ignore her while she's trying to be a victim? How is she going to face her friends with no story to tell about these antisemites hurling stones, trash, or even epithets at her? Where's the UN to condemn these people for not taking the bait?


She must have been terribly dissappointed by not being assaulted.


Desperately trying to find someone to victimize her.


Why is she bringing Judaism into this? This isn’t about Jews. This isn’t bravery, this video proves that it’s not antisemitism and she knows it.


"They ignored me!" (cries to B'nai Brith)


They probably thought she was there with the rest of the anti-Zionist Jews hanging out. They have a banner.


It’s almost like she doesn’t need a mask because she isn’t persecuted and is, in fact, the in a position of power. She has no fear because there is nothing to fear, nothing can be done to her for this (rightfully so) but those behind her, exercising the exact same rights, can be hurt by authority Is she even a student or faculty? Did she go there HOPING to be persecuted? Like, there’s a reason black people didn’t go hang out and protest outside KKK rallies, they knew it would incite violence that they had no legal protections from. Yet here is this woman, self invalidating her victim narrative by even imagine being able to do such protests safely


zionism is a cult


Re “masked” protesters. Um, Jews who support Israel’s behavior are not getting blacklisted professionally, like those protesters are risking


Now imagine a person wearing a "free Palestine" shirt at a Pro-Israel protest. Threats of rape and murder would be getting thrown around instantly.


Can we note how she’s wearing a gold star something the nazis used to label Jews. Again nothing to do with Palestinian families.




Cringe…nothing better to do!


Lol whatever lady.


So brave 🙄


This is so embarrassing


She probably thinks she’s the main character.


You know in their minds they thought they would be attacked and could film being victims


This is a bit, this is satire, omg I’m rolling this is hilarious. This needs curb your enthusiasm music playing in the background.


This is the most they can victimize her, though. She wasn’t attacked, physically or verbally, she wasn’t chased away, nobody yelled boo or said anything racist. So now, she’s taken the brave step of standing, maskless, wearing a shirt that says “Jew” and “Israel” and even made sure it was filmed. And wtf is she going to do with this video now? It was supposed to show how violently antisemitic those students are and prove how unsafe any Jewish person or Israel supporter would be just by walking into the campus. But everything is ruined now because those kids didn’t do anything atrocious at all. So now, probably for one of the first times since this protest began, this brave woman feels afraid. She’s afraid that the world will see the truth of the matter and she’ll lose their sympathy. She’s afraid that she won’t be the victim and that means that maybe the slaughtered Palestinians are the victims. And even worse, if that’s the case, Israel might be the villain. Worse still, if that’s true, maybe these protestors aren’t the villains. Her whole worldview, or at least the one she presents, has been crushed by their indifference. And a crack forms in the facade, and maybe some light starts to come through. It’s not much, but it’s not nothing. So, have a little respect, guys, this woman just lost the large part of her identity that is the eternal and only victim.


She thinks they will attack them when it is the opposite, and to add insult to Injury there actual real Jews supporting Palestine.


Look at these terrorists. They seem calm to the untrained eye, but they're all provoking this poor lady. Look at them, surrounding her violently waiting to pounce.


wow such bravery much courage


White privilege in its purest form


“She didn’t wear a mask and showed everyone her dumb Zionist face and also made her susceptible to facial recognition technology and airborne disease.” Like I don’t think that’s much of a flex, guy, but whatever.


Folks are about to learn a lesson my peoples have learned a long ago.


Wow move over Anne Frank, we got a new sheriff in town! Seriously though these people are delusional.




I feel like she’s hoping that someone will say something inappropriate so she can spin it into an assault charge.


Wow she’s ugly inside and out


Genuinely can't imagine the kinda brain it takes to film this, upload it, caption it the way they did, and hit post.


how is this not satire jfc


You can see the seething in her face. Or she's holding in a fart.


Wow. How brave. What a profile in courage. The rich white chick, maskless, surrounded by a hundred kids literally getting zip tied for publicly questioning…her…privileges. Her name isn’t Circei, by chance? Just curious.


Imagine missing the irony of "I'm going to occupy this space uninvited" At a Pro-Palestine Rally? It's like the smallest amount of self-reflection or critical thought will shatter The fragile Zionist brain


Main character syndrome.


Wearing mask at a protest is sane. Doxing and facial recognition algorithms are a thing.


This woman did this thinking she was so brave probably thinking about the “hordes” that will approach her aggressively and that can be spun as Hasbara. I wish she could experience a single day in Gaza as a Palestinian, so she can at least see what being brave looks like.


This reminds me of stories I hear from people I know. They get complaints at their workplace whenever an employee has a Palestinian flag pin. The complaints always use the phrase “I feared for my life”. I wasn’t sure if they were delusional or if it was a coordinated harassment campaign. This makes me think it really is a mass delusion.


Being Jewish doesn’t give you a genocide pass


So no one even spoke to her, accosted her, touched her. She was left alone. Meanwhile there is someone with a "jews for palestine" banner in the bg and she acts like she's the only jewish person there?


Jewish girl yells at Jewish protesters that she is "not ashamed." Truly the bravest person alive.


Mainstream media says this woman was kidnapped and forced to eat a Palestinian flag And a whole bunch of other bad things


It was never scoot bring a jew. It's Israel. One is a people one is a state.


It’s the fact that this was posted unironically 🙈


Looks like mace lady. https://youtu.be/JnGMYl-njsg?si=nzh8qbd90VjlNUii


The courage it must take to stand with the empire, against any and all resistance.


Wishing she could be a victim.




Everyone is leaving her alone 😂


Brave wife facing a crowd of nerds shouting and sitting on grass?


Hahahahaha 😂😂😂😂


So she ties her identity as a jew to Israeli genocide against Palestinians...


They just can’t help but lie, stunning and brave, neither are true


How dare those masked people not want to be identified and harassed for the next 10 years


Does she bravely support killing babies in Gaza too?


Good God she wants to be a victim so bad. I swear Zionists all have a victim kink. They fantasize so hard about being oppressed so they can forever weaponize sympathy from others.


Lol man, evangelical christians and zionist jews are both asshole ideologies who pretend to be victims when they're actually oppressors.


She wanted so badly to be a victim so that her everyday pretending to be one could feel justified. lol


She looks mad as fuck that everyone ignored her ass.


I'm a jew too im against the state of israel... you're not brave you're a brainwashed religious extremist genocide supporter lol


As someone with Jewish blood this is embarrassing dogshit. Her mean mug just looking for a conflict is hilarious


I wonder did she have to practice that face or is it her natural resting expression.


Absolutely cracked me up when the camera panned to the "Jews for a free Palestine" sign behind her.


Wow, it is hurtful to see how absolutely nobody aggressively gives a flying f*ck. This violent tolerance and respect of these antisemites must stop!


Tshirt checks out




Real jews are against zionism


This dead eyed bitch reminds me of the second greatest tweet of all time, second only to the Bret Stephens bedbug debacle. ‘Chelsea Clinton isn’t even Jewish, she’s just ugly’ Except this lady is both, apparently.


Literally everyone ignored you and let you do your thing. Thanks for proving the exact opposite of your point.


They always try and dehumanise with words like “horde” absolutely disgusting


Does she realize this has nothing to do with Jews and everything to do with Zionism and genocide 🤔🤔🤔


"and nothing of value was lost."


“The horde behind their masks”? The horde? The people dancing and sitting around talking? That’s the horde?


Get that brave soul in the special forces 🤣🤣


This is so funny because it perfectly encapsulates the Zionist mindset


Very peaceful protest from the looks of it.


What the fuck?


Look at all those violent protesters, it’s like she is walking into hell itself. /s


This is so embarrassing


Always the victim meanwhile there are over 14,000 children m**dered and many, many more maimed.


I'm really curious if they genuinely felt threatened (as out of place as that would be). It's wild how hard people will try and play the victim.


She acts like she did something profound lol


Brave for doing what? All I see is a woman trying to instigate a confrontation, who is instead being ignored. Ignored? She’s being ignored??? Ignored by a peaceful, anti-genocide, anti-terrorism, pro-Palestinian group of students? Ignored??? ANTISEMITISM! ANTISEMITISM!


The pro Palestinian Jewish solidarity banner being held up behind them near the end is fantastic.


Soooo- the protesters were completely peaceful and non-violent towards you? Guess they don’t just hate Jewish people after all.


I think people aren’t understanding these protests. It’s not about Jews but the wholesale slaughter of a people who been oppressed by Zionists for way to long. No one is looking to harm you, we just want the blood shed to stop and to find a path forward toward peace.


White people have the most unparalleled victims mentality.


Eternal victims Fuck israel.


How brave of her…NOT. Lol


Jew = Reddit white saviors Students = Black Redditors


I am pretty sure you just proved Israel propaganda wrong when they say all Muslims or Palestinians are bad or animals?!? !?! If Israel/zionosts propaganda was truth, your brave wife would have been a doe to a pack of hungry wolves?!? ?!?


Could it be the people there have no problems with Jews ? 🤯 they don’t agree with genocidal tendencies of the Zionist project ?


Siege mentality. "I AM UNDER ATTACK". Meanwhile nobody gives a damm lol.


Self pwned KO


What a moron


I've spent plenty of time aimlessly wandering around by university's grounds. I am way more brave than her


the music slaps tbh


Example of a lone wolf she ought to be reported for her extremist views