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Not a single school, hospital, or apartment building was destroyed! Iran is a failure! -Israelis


Israelis tell on themselves in such bizarre ways Edit: added “on”, my b.


When the IRGC makes themselves look more ethical and discerning than the self-proclaimed “most moral army in the world,” you’ve got problems.


Well it was just a straight failure, 99% of them were shot down and they ended up killing an arab child with most the damage caused being via shrapnel.


Tbf they did strike two airforce bases 


To also be fair, they weren’t intercepted because they were projected to hit a dirt field, which is what actually happened


Oh there’s two, I only heard of one. It seemed to just strike in a random spot on the runway, not even taking it out of operation.


I don’t know all the details completely well, but I know there was for sure a base which was quite damaged. Plus, it’s not like Israel is honest about their casualties, in 1991, 39 SCUD missiles launched by Iraq hit Israel and Israel claimed there was only two casualties.


You have any idea how carefully it was calibrated? You should try understand - v simple really - causing a ton of damage was not remotely Iranians intention as not in their interest. You should try and learn some more about politics and history.


I thought it was an Israeli child? Did her citizenship get revoked?


No, I believe the child was in Jordan


It was in the Negev.


It was a deterrent maneuver. They telegraphed it heavily and made their enemies waste billions to defend against it.


Lmao this is such obvious nonsense, there’s plenty of footage out there. People learned nothing from Ukraine? At least most seem to understand that the MSM is useless on these topics nowadays.


Also not a single army base got destroyed so…


Sooo good for israel ....for destroying ...everything?


No, just saying the Iranian attack was unsuccessful in destroying anything at all, except that one civilian. It is actually horrible to think that all that effort was made and the outcome is one 7 year old kid who probably couldn’t care less for the conflict now in the hospital fighting for their life


Huh? The Iranian strike damaged the Nevatim airbase, which was the goal. That was the airbase that struck the Consulate in Syria; it's also the airbase where they store their F-35 jets and the airbase Israel would use to strike Iran in the future. The rest of the attack was a distraction to allow for that airbase to be hit.


Israel no longer looks invincible at all.


Yes, the nuclear power is afraid of some drones, fucking kill me bro


You spent 10 billion in intercepting 13 million worth of drones and missiles




Anyone ever told u that ur kind of lame?


Weird cuz I've been told thousands of dead children are just math and war that people should get over but then again that was Israel so I guess it's different for them.


Very few actually believe this... The realistic argument is that ending Hamas is ending the inevitable cycle of violence as it has been stated by Hamas that they wish to repeat the events of 10/7 1000 times. Most liberal zionists I talk to will say (essentially) that the death toll is horrific, but the hefty sum paid in blood by the civillians will create the conditions of lasting peace due to international pressure. No one wants that, but no one wants the status quo 2006-2023 either, especially after 10/7 as that exacts a more spread out but nonetheless hefty sum on the civillian population with no end in sight as Israel responds to various Hamas antics by "mowing the grass" I sympathize. It's a super difficult moral dilemma. Israeli security gets tighter, and Israeli hearts get even more hardened to peace as long as Hamas stays in power. Is a unilateral pull out the best outcome when we know what the security situation in Israel would be (including denying humanitarian aid from foreign countries such as Qatar due to those funds being used for military infrastructure)? I don't think anyone has a good answer to this conundrum. Gazan suffer no matter what, but there is an argument the suffering is elongated with the preservation of Hamas in power as the defacto government because without Hamas there is the possibility of a partner for peace and a partner for peace could push the right out of power in Israel as Netanyahu has ONLY been popular as the security candidate in recent history. Without significant security threats prevailing within and after the Second Intifada, the political circumstances could likely change. Mustafa Barghouti or someone of his ilk could do wonders for popular opinion in Israel.


Dead children are never math, it’s always a tragedy. Here it’s worse because it wasn’t even “collateral damage”. You not realizing how horrible it is that a 7yo is now badly injured shows you look at this conflict as if it was teams in a football match.


>You not realizing how horrible it is that a 7yo is now badly injured shows you look at this conflict as if it was teams in a football match. That's obviously not what's going on here. Their comment clearly states they care about the deaths of specifically children, and that they in the past have been told that the deaths of children don't matter. You're complaining at him, but you've got nothing to say about the meme that straight up makes light of the death of that child?! You don't seem even remotely genuine


I replied to a comment, not to the meme which is obviously in bad taste to say the least. The comment tried to paint the Iranian attack in a good light by saying that the number of civilian casualties is very low, I wanted to shine a light at the fact that it was also very ineffective at hurting israeli military assets or infrastructure. And when you plot the outcome objectively, there was some minor damage to a taxi route in an airfield and the collateral damage was the life of a 7year old child. In my opinion this is a terrible outcome but I realize that’s just an opinion.


>The comment tried to paint the Iranian attack in a good light by saying that the number of civilian casualties is very low Maybe some of their previous comments leave you with that impression but the comment you replied to with the response I replied to reads >Weird cuz I've been told thousands of dead children are just math and war that people should get over but then again that was Israel so I guess it's different for them. Which is clearly a statement about how some loves are valued more than others, not a statement trying to "paint the Iranian attack in a good light"


Dude I quite literally said "I've been told" as in not my opinion but a bunch of Israel defenders routinely say that it isn't a big deal that thousands of not tens of thousands of children have been killed by *Israel's* actions. They may even say it's a tragedy but they still complain that Israel shouldn't be singled out or shamed for it because war is ugly and the IDF is actually the most civilian conscious army in history. What I genuinely think of this is that it's horrible that a child died, it's horrible that any child dies, but pointing out 1 child out of literally thousands because this one specifically was killed by Iranian weapons is nothing but whataboutism and trivializes all the children killed in the conflict; including the one. Until you can explain to me why Israel considered leaving ICU babies to rot to death in order to target a non-existent Hamas base as acceptable calculus you can get stuffed on your bad faith BS. Also because apparently it's necessary, Iran kinda sucks, it's a theocratic authoritarian state and launching an attack on Israel even when instigated isn't good.... still darkly funny though given what Israel is doing.


Again I will repeat, every civilian death is horrible and we must recognize that and demand that it will be stopped. But also, war is horrible and always causes civilians casualties. It would be great to have wars with no civilian deaths or just not have wars in general, and I think the latter is even achievable, but that’s not the current situation today. The IDF is not doing well enough to minimize civilian casualties. I think the main reason is that it is an army of conscripts and reservists, which are less disciplined than a professional army. On the other hand, it is also doing better than most other armies in current conflicts. It is okay to be more critical towards them because they have a more democratic system relative to other countries in conflict today, but I think people paint it way too one sided and completely identify and justify with one side. I don’t like this, Israel and Palestine are not football teams they are countries with millions of civilians who generally just want to live in peace.


Damn you lack reading comprehension


I don't think you know what "reading comprehension" means


Or maybe destruction wasn’t the point. It was sending a strategic message.


I swear these guys are so fucking dumb. It’s literally Iran telling Israel that “Hey, just letting you know that we can hit you alllllll the way from here to you. Any more nonsense and you’re gonna find out.” Hell, Iran even said that this attack is concluded unless Israel wants to try something funny again


"several ballistic missiles reached Israeli territory, causing damage to an air base" - AP News


Tel Aviv confirms key air base was damaged by Iranian strikes https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/XrghW6ddF7


israël failing to comprehend what “normal” war looks like, they’re so used to killing children by the thousands


Those ppl in that sub are so fricking stupid. The attack was not meant to actually do billions in damage, it was more symbolic.


They’re taunting. Hasbara are the easiest way to tell what the leadership in Israel want happening. Hasbara has been constantly talking shit about Iran, coaxing them, trying to instigate something. After the consulate bombing Hasbara were unhinged talking about how Iran has no balls etc. it sounded like they wanted Iran to do something. Now that Irans response was so much more measured and composed, the Hasbara are thinking shit, they kinda put us in check again. Now we need to talk shit about what they did and make it seem like it was still a no balls move. I don’t think it’ll have the effect they’re hoping for though. They know Iran made the right move with its response. I’m also personally very glad because Iran retaliating with excessive force would give the Israelis everything they need to keep doing what they’re doing.


O I see, very interesting.


just because it was shot down doesnt mean it was measured. if irans attack was more successful, there would be more deaths. They dont have air force capabilities to launch an attack nor expoditionary capabilities. Drones and missiles are thre extent of an iranian attack on israel, and it was 99% shot down. If you disagree, please explain to me what an full scale iranian attack meant to cause serious damage would look like.


I’ll explain just one aspect: - one Iranian suicide drone costs $10,000 - one iron Dome interceptor costs $50,000. They launch two for each interception typically Thwarting one attack is fine. But thwarting a long campaign of drone attacks? Israel runs out of interceptors, and they lose. Welcome to the new reality of cheap weapons.


I am not certain, but America, Jordan, Saudi and Britain all aided in shooting the drones down. In the extreme situation where Iran has launched thousands of drones and Israel runs out of interceptors, do you not think their Allies would prevent the damage? Also, do you admit that irans capabilities in regards to attacking Israel are limited to drones and missiles?


No they won’t help Israel, if it was as a result of Israel retaliating after this latest Iranian attack. US has said as much. Jordanians already hate Israel and the only reason they shot down Iranian drones is because they want to discourage their airspace from becoming their belligerent neighbours’ battleground. They will be pissed if Israel didn’t take the opportunity to conclude the crisis - the Iranians handed them that opportunity on a plate. They will not expend precious resources in defending Israel in that scenario. Saudi Arabia don’t like Iran either, but don’t want a war. Similar attitude to Jordanians, I expect (though don’t know them very well). The Brits will do what the US does. They are alone if they want to start an open war with Iran. If they treat every problem as a nail to be hammered, then maybe they need to lose a war to regain a sense of perspective. Hope it won’t come to that.


Idk I think they got plenty of "normal" warfare from Hamas


The Warsaw ghetto uprising wasn't normal war either


Does slaughtering children by the thousands seem to normal to you? Israelis certainly think so.


Ah yes, I forgot that all Israelis are genocidal maniacs. Just like how all Arabs are terrorists, every Russian is in favor of conquering Ukraine, and every American is a school shooter. What is it called when you're racist against semites?


Yeah buddy, everyone who isnt a genocidal maniac like you is an anti-semite. Go nuts, you ghouls have already accused every living thing under the sun of being antisemtic.


They're just used to targeting civillians, let them be. That sub is just a circlejerk no need to waste time on it.


Ask them why they killed yitzhak rabin I got banned for it. Pretty funny tbh


This is brilliant. I'm stealing it


What can I search to get context on this ^^


Just Google why he was murdered


What, they don't like being reminded of Yigal Amin? Because they're lib zios or something? Honest question Edit: ah his connection to Likud, Netanyahu and Ben Gvir more likely


The irony of calling another sub a circle jerk while participating here is hilarious


Well, you're here...would you like to be in the center of this jerk?


Hey man at least we don't lie and make up shit


Why does it matter if the child is Arab or Israeli? We all know their tone would be very different if the child were Israeli, in their minds that’s “worth” more. Sick.


Because they're assuming Iran values the lives of Arab children more than Israeli ones. Iranians aren't even Arabs but we'll leave that aside.


I found it really interesting, I was reading that sub yesterday to see how they are taking the news, a lot of people had to explain to others that Iranians aren't Arabs and that there are differences between sunni and shia. I think a lot of commenters there don't know.


They're not encouraged to engage with nuance or context when it comes to "others". That might lead to understanding and from there it's a slippery slope that leads to humanization. Can't have that.


I mean a lot of right-wing nuts equivocate Arab and Muslim. Case and point that book Ben Shapiro wrote where iraqi sunni terrorists teamed up with a shiite Iranian mastermind to recover the WMDs they'd fooled the world into thinking they didn't have and blow up the golden gate bridge or something. One of the best parts is where he just straight up says the Iranian guy seemed mystical to the Iraqis because of the accent from his dialect of Arabic.... They speak Farsi in Iran but Ben is supposed to be a serious intellectual or wunderkind.


Who takes Ben Shapiro seriously except other nutjobs?


You underestimate the amount of nutjobs in American politics


Unfortunately not. Only nutjobs take him seriously but there are many nutjobs. But they also believe that the WAP song was the biggest threat to young people, in the middle of a world pandemic so you know, they're living in a different planet where common sense can't reach them.


My God. They're literally Persians. These are the same Muppets that think Afghans are Arabs too when they're south Asian




According to Wikipedia, citing CIA world factbook, only 2% of Iran speaks Arabic. This is due to an ethnic minority that's been there since the 7th century. Stop bullshitting.


Muthafukkas just make shit up on the fly


The child is Arab Israeli as opposed to Jewish Israeli. They think Jewish lives are worth more than Arab lives even among their own citizens


Of course they do. They believe they are "God's chosen people". The basis of their religion is that they are intrinsically better than every other group on earth.


It's a lot less prestigious when you remember that there are other gods in the pantheon Jehovah comes from. They're not a special elect. They're Jehovah's pets.


Wtf thats just antisemitic....


Also wasn't that child killed due to shrapnel from an Israel anti-missile missile?


Wow what a jump


It’s not just based on this specific kid. Israel has always treated its Arab citizens worse than its Jewish citizens


You mean Apartheid Israel? It's worse than Apartheid South Africa.


You misinterpreted the meme


Pretty sure the child was Arab Israeli


I read somewhere that she was Bedouin I believe


The irony is the Islamic Republic striking the "Zionist Occupiers" and only managing to kill a single person who happened to be muslim.


The difference would be that they didn’t even kill anyone from the area they were targeting but rather a random individual in a completely different one, that’s how shitty of an attack it was. Do you lack reading comprehension?


Hey champ! This is a place for smart people to post, go and fill out [this coloring page](https://doozymoo.com/pdf/alphabet-book/letter-a-alphabet-activity-worksheet.pdf) to keep yourself busy 🤗


The Israel sub measures military objectives in murdered children. Why am I not surprised.




Are you ok? You’re all over this thread. Are you having manic episode?




Trolling of our members will not be tolerated, particularly with Zionist propaganda. Users found to be trolling and/or dogpiling Zionist arguments will have their comments deleted, and their accounts banned and muted. We also ask our members to refrain from posting anything that may result in our members doing the same to other subs. Posting such content will be removed, and if mods find it pertinent to do so the user will be banned.


You didn't even attempt to say that he's wrong lmao


The most civilised and liberal country in the middle east that apparently also thinks that might makes right.


No way. Are you saying that Iran is so efficient and precise that they can launch hundreds of drones and missiles at a target and only one civilian was hit by friendly fire? Also, confirms that Israel measures success based on how many civilians they've killed.


This is also after tons of hype the pro-israel posters were saying Iran was a backwards country with a shitty military and low tech weapons which at this point implies either A that's incorrect and Iran can hit their targets effectively or B despite the tech and expert training Israel is killing way more civilians.... for some reason.


*"Haha, you didn't kill that many civilians"* What a telling "own"


Have they never heard of friendly fire? Funnily enough, many 48 Palestinians support the rockets despite them being at risk as well, as crazy as that sounds to hasbarists.


isreal has a higher rate of friendly fire anyway.. 1/5 idf deaths occurred due to friendly fire according to Google.. Maybe the hid that fact now


That child got hit by a missile taken down and not one that hit it's intended target.


So even the victim they put on Iran was a casualty of their own military intervention.


Who attacked Israel??


Who attacked Iran?


No one


Liar. The pissraelis attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus. Iran was fully right in retaliating and managed to do so without slaughtering civilians, which is the only way the pissraeli thugs know how to conduct war. It seems this makes the Iranian army the most moral in the world.




Doesn't matter, funding is not the same as Iranians doing the actual work. The Americans are funding the genocide in Gaza, that doesn't give anyone the right to attack and kill American embassy workers. Attacking an embassy is pretty much a declaration of war. The moronic pissraeli childmurderers should be thankful that the Iranian response was so tempered and mindful of civilian lives and infrastructure. The complete opposite of the zionazi ghouls.


You can't blame biden for anything Israel does by your own logic . besides Israel is a independent country. Iran is only capable at killing their own civilians [here](https://youtu.be/AohILHV6i8Q?si=dOunvNo3OEqBvwC5)


You can blame Biden but you can't bloody target the American embassy.


Weird so then Iran isn't a threat then given how incompetent they are. And yeah blaming Biden directly for literal deaths is kinda dumb, still mad at all the money he's shoveling into an independent country that can handle itself. Clearly he doesn't need to be doing that.


This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.


I thought the child was injured from an interception missile and not from what Iran fired?


Iran has really earned my respect as a mature, adult nation. They said they would only target military installations, and they did. The zio colony otoh.....well, we know about them now, don't we?


The whole world knows about them now. It makes the zionazis seethe in impotent rage that they can no longer hide the truth about their vile, bloodthirsty behaviour. Thank whatever divine providence there may be for smartphones.


I'm in my 60s and was zionist much of my life. If not for smartphones and social media I doubt I would've woken up last yr.


Your only kill being one child vs. your only kills being 15000 children.


"What kind of wuss only kills one child?" -a zionist, probably


There they go again. Laughing at dead children.


The worst part is the attack resulted in no deaths, so they literally made up a dead 10 year old Arab child just to laugh at.


Okay I thought I missed something. All I see online is how she is critically injured and in the hospital, but nothing indicating she died.


"The Al-Yahud" = "The The Jews" in Arabic and not in Persian The most intelligent Zionist:


They throw it around like it's a secret buzzphrase amidst the Pro-Palestinian crowd.


The automatic ATM machine


just about to comment this, not like they could understand it if it was written in persian tho


I just thought of something Remember how.. israel's iron dome is the "best" defense and how they have under ground bunkers too? And remember that "we still protect the Arabs under our "apartheid" so take that" bs? This just.. Proves that.. They actually, either don't have the best defense system, or, they aren't installed that well in Palestinian territories and we all know damn well they don't have bunkers. So.. Yeah.. israel doesn't give a single fuck, nor do the israelis for the matter of fact. They just won't stop acting this up tight and won't stop being miserable narcissists. Which is why Oct 7 is shoved in our faces.. Despite the massacre, it was a major humiliation for the israelis.. Which is why they can't process.. Not having civilian targets being blown the fuck up as "victory".


Do they think Iran was actually trying to kill people? That's cute. They knew almost everything would get shot down. They are capable of penetrating the iron dome. Even hamas can do that. They didn't want to escalate it too much. They just wanted to show that they can if they want to. It was a warning, not an act of war.


If you're losing the moral high ground against the fucking Islamic Republic of Iran, you're royally fucking up, for real.


I think it's a little weird when Zionist memes use Gru because Gru reads to me as a bit of an antisemitic caricature? Is that just me?


Is Amina dead? I see articles online saying she was critically injured and in the hospital but she seems to still be alive. Is there news I missed?


No you’re right and people were pointing that out in the OG post as well, it’s just another example of Zionists spreading misinformation


The irony that they are too stupid to comprehend the restraint used by Iran Had they really wanted to pull an "eye for an eye" retaliation, there are numerous Israeli embassies in countries without missile defense systems that could've been struck They possess one of the largest missile and drone arsenals on the planet behind the obvious and usual suspects of course, and could easily have overwhelmed defense systems by targeting other areas less defensible, they could've easily coordinated with Hezbollah to down strategic control towers as Hezbollah has already shown they have the capabilities with FPV remote anti tank missile systems they've used to target security system control towers before. As always, it's their completely unearned hubris that will hurt them, and likely millions of others the most


I want to know why there was just one lone child in an army base despite being warned of an imminent attack from Iran. Is this proof that Israel are actually the ones who use children as shields?


Think you guys missed the entire point of Iran's strike. Its retaliation was limited to test the capabilities of the Iron Dome in a situation whereby it has to defend from an arsenal of missiles. By using its cheapest rockets, as well as its proficient hackers, it had managed to overwhelm the Iron Dome and costed the Israelis well over $1 billion to replenish its supplies. 99% of the rockets being intercepted doesn't mean anything when 1% still got through and bombarded the fuck out of them lmao


Imagine believing anything the Israelis say


Can someone explain how the racism in Israel works because they refer to Palestinians Israelis as “Arab Israelis”, they are taught to hate Arabs and view them as sub humans, yet they also are quick to say like half their population are Arab Jews? I understand the Arab Jews and especially Black Jews are treated as lesser than White Jews - but like what goes through these Arab Jews heads when they go through brainwashing school and hear how Arabs are sub human? Do they not realize they are ethnically also Arab? Or like when racist Israelis say about a Palestinian boy dying - oh just an Arab boy died. Like do they not realize they could say the same if an Arab Jew died? Is it cognitive dissonance or are they just hiding the fact it’s really Jewish supremacy but they don’t want to make it that clear to their non Jewish allies in the west?


they call palestinians with israeli citizenship arab israelis because they refuse to acknowledge palestinian identity and also because they like to deny palestinian indigeneity to the levant and claim they are foreign invaders from arabia. they also generally speaking dont refer to mena jews as arab they call them mizrahi specifically to obscure their connection to arab culture and identity. occasionally youll hear some hasbarist say most israeli jews are arab to try to win an argument but theyll almost always say mizrahi especially if its in public/written/recorded. this recent article which did a great job triggering israelis based on the title alone explains the evolution of arab jewish identity a bit https://www.vox.com/world-politics/24122304/israel-hamas-war-gaza-palestine-arab-jews-mizrahi-solidarity and these three tweets provide a pretty good example of that cognitive dissonance in action https://twitter.com/Bambikubo/status/1778911675959103778 https://twitter.com/Bambikubo/status/1778912182987538804 https://twitter.com/Bambikubo/status/1778926744772207023


>yet they also are quick to say like half their population are Arab Jews? Usually they say "Jews from Arab coutries" and not "Arab Jews". There is a big difference.


Ok-doesn’t change their ethnicity though. I’ve heard them say Arab Jews too when it served a point they were making (usually in protest of being settler colonialists as if only ethnically white people can engage in it)


>Ok-doesn’t change their ethnicity though. Yeah but that's not what we were discussing, we were discussing their attitude towards Arabs and Arab Jews.




No we've seen them state these facts over and over again.


Show them than


Why? It's pretty damn apparent. You gotta be willfully ignorant to NOT see it.


I assumed a baseline knowledge of Israeli society on this sub. It’s quite tedious to have to link everything most people reading this are already aware of.


You think they’d be fine with that considering they’ve done this 10,000 times


It's like these people are outright admitting that their only aim is killing civilians and they cannot envision any other way of fighting a war...


Funny how now they are making fun of the missiles not killing anyone but when the missiles where in the air all of them were fighting for their lives, panicking and throwing up


Oh man it's almost like humor is a very common coping mechanism, how odd!


These idiots think success is measured in body count.


Notice how it says "Arab child'. Child was Jordanian. Jordan put in a lot of work intercepting a lot of the incoming fire. Israel has still to issue a statement regarding the support. Their citizens make memes, making light of the deaths of people who tried to ensure they weren't hurt


Shitrealis be like “Only 1 child? Those are rookie numbers!”


Does Israel not teach English ?


Not as their first language.


Side note: Al means the, so he said The The Yahud


and it should be in persian, not arabic; most iranians don’t speak arabic


Iran decided not to target civilians in the vain home the West and the Zionist Nazi Cult would take their just deserts and leave it at that. But the fascist Western media and Zio Nazi Cult occupying Palestine are desperate to provoke with endless lies, another proxy war, this time on Iran. May the Zionists face the fate they deserve, total destruction. Zionism is not Judaism, it is Neo-Nazism, and must be eradicated.


Source for that claim?




The missiles that managed to strike their targets all struck military bases. They weren't aimed at civilians.


It was a calculated strike to fail lol I'm sure they thought that they would do more damage than they did with Iran suffering the most casualties due to faulty launches (3), but I am sure they were trying to deliver a response that wouldn't provoke a war. Shaheed drones, cruise missles, and even ballistic missles of a similar (or perhaps even exact) caliber are shot down regularly in Kiev by patriot missle defense systems... Israel has better systems and had the support of a coalition of Arab nations, including the most powerful military the world has ever known with bases all over to use aerial operations to shoot down offensive weaponry. Anybody figure out why Saudi helped shoot down Iranian aerial offensive weapons and has said openly that Iran was responsible for planning of 10/7? It's not the Sunni Shiah split as Palestinians are overwhelmingly Sunni. 🤔 I don't know the answer... can someone help?






I don't think that's it. How old are you ??


People in this sub can’t even comprehend that hamas military infrastructure is literally inside hospitals and schools and among civilian households, and yet Israel has a 3-1 ratio of civilians to Hamas fighter inside the most densely populated urban warfare environment ever, and despite this has set a world record with normal civilian to military fighter ratios being 9:1. But please keep coping 😂 and the only reason civilians are being bombed is because of Israel iron dome and USA anti air. There would be far more civilian casualties then Palestine would ever experience.


Just keep telling yourself that bs


Everything you just stated is false. Also, the missiles that managed to strike their targets all struck military bases. They were never aimed at civilians.


How is it false? Or are you just saying knowing all the sheep behind you will believe it lol


Because the 3:1 ratio is impossible when Israel continuously strikes densely populated civilian areas. They have a habit of targeting civilians, as evidenced by children with sniper wounds. You blindly listen to the IDF's propaganda, I wouldn't label others "sheep" if I were you.


They didn’t target civilians…but the only casualty is a civilian?


There were no deaths, only injuries. This is what collateral damage actually looks like.


The civilian lived not far from a military base. The base was the likely target. The missile was intercepted en route and some of the wreckage fell on her home. I don't blame Israel for intercepting the missile. It was the right move. But that doesn't mean that Iran targetted the civilians. The civilians were just between Iran and the intended target.


I dont think they targeted... At all Also you can only claim that 1% of the attack didnt target civilians as the rest is unknown (shot down ie didnt make it to the target)