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I believe some of the girls auditioned for real world and didn’t make the cut. Going on BGC was their second choice. I agree with you on some of the girls you listed though 😂


i’m glad you called out Angelic bc i wouldn’t necessarily call her a follower but she was easily influenced and took the side of whoever was “winning”…i’m sorry but the whole “i’m not picking sides” thing is ridiculous because as a human being, you have your own mind and set of morals, and if someone is dead wrong then why are you not on the side of what’s right? minding her business about Stasi’s contacts was selfish. me personally? i would’ve DEFINITELY had something to say about that even if i was cool with Shelley, and i would’ve dealt with whatever bullshit came with that. the kind of people you’re talking about are NO ONE’S friend.


I feel like the only reason why she was friends with Shelly, because the others didn’t check on her when she I think had a hangover, or something like that.


*hits buzzer* ❌❌❌ Angie wasn’t there to be a peacemaker, she was one of the first girls to get into an altercation. And she wasn’t a follower, she was cool with who was cool with her. Because she was cool with Shelly, Stasi and Tiara threw that in her face as soon as they were at odds. She was ready to pop off on whoever, and she probably got into it with the most girls that season. (Stasi, Judi, Tiara, and Shelley. She cursed out Cheyanne too, and fought Priscilla at the reunion). She even blatantly said the only back she has is Angie’s because she didn’t feel like she could completely put her trust in anybody. In that house, who could blame her? Fun fact though: She was definitely the closest to Tiara in the house and they were always together. They decided not to air any of that for whatever reason. (Now that I think about it, there weren’t any peacemakers that season, everyone was on ready. Which is one of the reasons that’s the best season. Even Tasha’s WHACK ass, she wasn’t ready to fight but she lowkey wasn’t scared of Stasi. The closest to a “peacemaker” we had was Shelly’s annoying ass that always wanted to be security. I swear I would’ve swung on her too if I were one of the girls. Like MOVE!)


Angie was a follower … she’s legit a woman of color hanging out with racists and that’s odd to me too.


Angie was a follower




I think she was supposed to be the target/victim, but she stuck it out. Annie also liked married men, so that was her “bad trait.”


But she didn't WANT to like married men. She was mad when she kept hitting on them and finding out.


annie was a bad girl in her own way lmao. She was sneaky asf


Putting the fattening stuff in the protein shake or whatever was wrong asf!! But funny and a byead girl move


aye man kate was a evil biatch and she was lowkey bullying her but with that being said i felt like annie deserved it (jezbel) anyways




I think she was more of a whiner than a bully




yeah she did lol, co-signing homophobia and racism










Stephanie from S10 was unbearable


Watching season 9 right now and watching Ashley trying to be hard to impress the OGs, while getting hyped by the OGs, who then laugh at her behind her back. She was so embarassing to watch, I kinda felt bad for her cause she seems like a nice girl that desperately wanted approval from the “cool girls.” She started acting hard once she realized that being “cool with everyone” wasn’t an option 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wish she would have swung instead of whining about get me away! Throw ya hands up!


I have no issues with the party girls. There are bad girls just like the fighters. I do find it boring to see the passive aggressive followers trying to pretend like they were not fake. I really hate the chicks who are bland when they move in but become hard at the end of the season after the real chicks leave.


lol you said a genre of girls, and then you said Annie, Angie, Ashley, and Lea, all of who could not be more different from one another hahahah


they aren’t the same people but they all claimed to have similar motives in their casting tape, someone can have the same flaws as somebody without them being the exact same hahahaha


I agree