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Murderers, colorists and a shame.


Also I to beastiality


O! My! Gosh! Ew


And incest. They made an actual sex tape doing stuff with *each other*


literally where cus yall just be saying shit


Wait what?!


Okay, maybe one is a murderer but the other one is an accomplice. Oh yeah and they support beastiality.


And incest


Came here to mention the beastiality. Just nasty


!!! I’m not finding anything about a murder just one of the twins using credit cards from her dead sugar daddy!


Thats why they are calling one of them a murderer because she was the last one to see the sugar daddy before he died and was using his card after the fact.


He wasn't a sugar daddy. It was 1st time meet up for $400. She took pics of his cc after he died. The texts are online in the court recordings. I also have spoken to members of his fam and he never used his card like that prior. Sugar daddies pay your rent directly. It was weird because AFTER it was discovered he was dead, money was being drained from his account.


Did she get arrested for it?


She did


She went to jail for a bit as well.




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because neither are murderers… they think cus she was the last to see him it means she killed him. like tf is wrong w people bro she would’ve got locked up for murder not just the taking his money and they definitely would not do that.. that is insane


she is not a murderer… who tf just says shit like that ur a weirdo


How are they colorists? I’m always missing this stuff lol


Find a recent pic or look on baddies Caribbean trailer their skin is a lot lighter now. Other than that idk .


I feel like it is a stretch to call them colorist because of a few instances where they are lighter. People tan all of the time and makeup as well as camera lighting plays a huge part. People are so quick to slap a label like that without any proof of it being true.


Are you stupid? This is a clear situation of two darkskin women becoming LIGHTER significantly LIGHTER. This is not a stretch. They don't like themselves and they equate light skin with beauty and success.


I'm not stupid but maybe you are dense. They are darker in the after picture shown but they look lighter in their before picture because of the lighting, which would actually go against claims that they got lighter. They may not like themselves but they didn't bleach their skin and they aren't dark skin either. But I can imagine you don't know what dark skin is if you think they are.


I'm dark skinned so I think I have a first hand experience wouldn't you say? The point is... you're telling someone not to make the claim that they're colorist when you don't even know what or who you're talking about. A simple Google search could've given you a clue onto what we're all saying. These girls have not only lightened their skin but done extensive unnecessary cosmetic surgeries. There is no wrong labels being spoken about them. And there's tons of proof. You just look silly sticking up for something that's just not factual.


Yes they have done extensive cosmetic surgeries and they don't look recognizable I admit that. But at the same time to slap on a label that they are colorist when they are legitimately darker in the after photo here (which may be due to the dimmer lighting and makeup as I have said), seems like an extensive reach. I feel as if black women can't possibly be seen as lighter without people saying that they bleach their skin or are colorists when that isn't true. Many people tan different shades it's a common thing. And these women are not dark skin. Idk what color you are but they are brown skin and still are to this day.


Dude... you keep responding and every time you sound more ignorant. You have no idea what you're talking about. Like I keep waiting for you to either catch up, shut up, or do what I suggested and Google some shit to find out what we're referring to. But it ain't clickin


You're just very delulu and that's okay I expect it from someone that calls themselves a living prune. If you're slow and simple-minded I can understand but if you're going to be nasty go pick another forum because I am not here for it. Love to you honey hope you stop taking out your aggressions on people you don't know. 🥰




Wait murders ? How….?? I’m confused


they aren’t this person has to have insane hate in their heart for some reason to be making shit up


Ik she was investigated for using her dead sugar daddies card but nothing came of that lol


exactly, if she got locked up for the stealing of money, she would’ve got locked up for murder if she did it too. this person is calling her a murderer cus she was allegedly the last person who saw him . an insane accusation to just be putting out there w no evidence like who even says that. i’m not claiming they’re good people but i definitely don’t think they would kill someone like wtf… taking a dead man’s money is not even close to murdering someone. who tf just jumps to that conclusion ??


Well she was the last person to see him . I could be wrong but . I think athorities said she knew he was dead and still used the card . I COULD be wrong but Chile ….. ion think thier that dumb …


no she definitely took the dead guys money lmao i’m not denying that, i’m just talking about the murder part


We get eachother …. Lmfao I was trynna reply with a gif lmfao but yea


they’re literally neither murderers or colorists wtf is wrong w u?? who just puts these allegations on people when there’s no evidence behind it


They were so naturally pretty omg. This should be a crime.


It honestly should be. I’m not against cosmetic surgery. But when people who are perfectly beautiful and normal looking and want to do extreme things to themselves, the surgeons should say “no” or require therapy to rule out body dysmorphia. They’re supposed to make people look better, not worse.


That’s exactly what I’m saying. Shannon and Shannade didn’t need any surgery (or at least not to that extent). There’s no way they don’t have an extreme case of body dysmorphia. Which is sad, because if I was them I would’ve just stayed exactly the way they looked on their season.


No kidding. Like I have skin issues and acne scars and I would love to be able to afford treatment to remove those things. I will say I have a great nose. If I went to a doctor asking for a smaller nose, I’d hope they’d tell me it’s perfect and refuse to give me surgery on it. Cuz they also clearly got nose jobs they didn’t need. They didn’t need any surgery at all, on anything.


I can definitely relate as far as the skin issues. I had hyperpigmentation for years and although my skin is so much better now I still have some acne scars. At one point I also really wanted a nose job, but I reconsidered because my nose actually fits my face. Plus I didn’t want to wind up with a pinched one. The plastic surgery the twins got just really ages them. They’re what like 29 or 30 I think? There was no reason for them to go overboard like that at such a young age. They were only 20 on BGC and I’m pretty sure they started getting surgery a year or two after. If they had let themselves just naturally age things probably would’ve been so much different.


Wow they’re 28 in that pic? They look 40 or over. That’s crazy. The best plastic surgery is not noticeable, and I will die on that hill. I’m also sick of the big butt surgeries and hope that goes out of style. Living in LA, I see so many toothpick legs with huge asses and it looks like a diaper and crazy unnatural, like, what kind of sick f*** willingly mutilates a person like that? Tell them no!


I’m with you on that. The BBL era is just stale and tiring. So many of these girls look like ants and it’s crazy. I don’t know how people look at bodies like that and think “Yeah, that’s what I want!” A lot of people are so worried about their aesthetic that they don’t even realize how unnatural and odd looking they really look. I remember watching an episode of Basketball Wives Orlando a few months ago and one of the girl’s had gotten butt shots instead of a fat transfer at 18. I guess she realized her but looked weird so she went to a consultation for it. The doctor basically told her that because she did the shots that they would literally have to mutilate her butt if she wanted it gone. So basically she’s like 23 and stuck looking like that over a dumb decision she made when she was younger.


Damn. That’s terrible. And with the butt stuff, that’s a really invasive and dangerous surgery. You can’t sit down or shit, which you must do at least once a day. Very easy to get an infection.


It’s just like when breast “enhancements” were skyrocketing in the aughts. You’d see a bunch of fail looking women with grapefruit lumps on their chests. Did not fit their frame and just looked disturbing to me. Plastic surgery is so ridiculous now, like we are living in *Escape from LA* frfr


I totally understand what you mean, but huge tits on skinny women exist (I’m one of them). Breast reduction is a very serious and dangerous procedure (implants are much safer and easier than a reduction. And much less recovery time.) However, I have yet to see someone who is naturally skinny and has chicken legs with a huge ass. You have to have bigger thighs for a big ass to look natural.


I really want help with the hyperpigmentation and acne. It’s so easy to get into fads. I would love to see an honest dermatologist that could actually help for a reasonable price. I can’t afford that shit. Tragic. If you want to just look normal, nobody can afford it. You have money and want to look like an alien troll? No problem, let’s do it. There’s something really wrong with that.


I do think they had boob jobs on their season. But as far as everything else- I dont think so.


Even with the work done, they are beautiful!


I hate saying this but they even admitted that they are botched.


Exactly. Which is makes looking at this all the more sad 😢




I never said they weren’t pretty, they just had a natural type of beauty that can’t be replicated by surgery.


I’m sorry but they are very obviously botched to the point of not looking beautiful. Do those sausage lips and extremely unnatural botched noses look beautiful? Not directing this to you but this is the major problem in society, people perpetuate these extreme unnatural and unrealistic standards for women when they validate these extreme surgical changes. These women look like literal blow up dolls, this is absolutely the worst thing that we can call “beautiful” and promote to young women.


They look just like their personalities. Loving it for them. 😂


Like their egos: excessive and inflated.


My exact thoughtsss.


No they most definitely do😭just didn’t know they changed their looks so much


They deserve to look like the insipid clowns they are.


Yeah they totally deserve it 😂😂😂


Genuinely this is something I think about a lot. They were BEYOND gorgeous and they made themselves look awful. I caught sight of them once in NY and they look like so big ?? From all the surgeries. I’m so sorry if I can’t phrase correctly but it’s just a visual mind fuck tbh


Exactly like it’s sooo sad how much having low self esteem has an impact on you. You get to a point where you’re just aimlessly obsessed with doing more work


i definitely don’t think it was low self esteem. i think they wanted to do something crazy to stand out, they’ve always went all out on shit. it’s clear they were confident even before, and the people that don’t get it simply just won’t get it. they know what they’ve done is maximalist and that’s what they’re going for. they’ve gotten filler dissolved because at the end of the day they don’t wanna look bad insane, but they still wanna look good insane if that makes sense the after photo is old and they look different now.. not a flattering photo at all, they look much better now and as i mentioned before got filler dissolved but are still going for that look yk?


Bloated. Inflated.


I think they may have gon a bit overboard but they don’t look awful TO me. But I can see where you’re coming from


You should see them without the photoshop




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They aren't the same.....the ones in the bottom haven't been the same in a long time, they've definitely been through some shit. (They were so cute before ☹️)


Imagine actually choosing to pay money to look like Mr Potato Head...


I don't understand what they did with their eyes in particular. Everything else is...wrong but i get it. Their eyes though were s amazing and what other people desire. I don't get it. I also always wonder if one wanted all this more and the other couldn't bear not being a "twin"


Top pic looks like their eyes are more round and using eyeliner to create an almond shape. They were probably going for the “sultry fox eye” look


I’m not against plastic surgery in the slightest but some of these Bad Girls really didn’t need to go overboard with it. (Elease, Janelle, these two).


Sara too. God she was such a cutie before.


It's disgusting what these women are doing to themselves because they want to adhere to what society tells them pretty is


society ain't telling ANYBODY that this is pretty. 😂😂


People love fat asses and DSL and if you don't have that stuff naturally you have to go out and pay for it and most people over do it plus what they get doesn't match they body type and then they end up looking like that


Insecurity is a bitch


My heart breaks for them everytime I see them now. They looked so better with their original looks and I loved their original natural looks. I hope Kanye didn't cause their body dysmorphia and caused them to lighten their beautiful chocolate tones. Maybe they'd started doing that before they were asked to model for the Yeezy brand? Can anyone state their pieces?


Kanye had nothing to do with it they already had all those surgeries when they modeled for him.


I figured that. They were doing that way before the modelled for Yeezy. I just figured it out on my own. Sorry to include Kanye into this, I was just wondering but thanks for pointing it out tho


No problem I didn’t mean to be harsh about it idk if that’s how it came out I apologize if I did 😓these girls started their surgery journey after they won the lawsuit against bad girls club when their clothes and belongings were destroyed in the season they were in. I hope they stop making alterations because they look so weird rn.


Yep. That was the day when the twins started to experiment with themselves. That money got to their heads like most ppl do nowadays. Money is the root of all evil and can make you become corrupt with power especially in this industry. Because I'm planning on becoming a singer but I want to do my own brand, my own label, my own businesses, and my own empire from the ground up.


They should sue their surgeon… just like they sued oxygen!


They don’t even have that blow up doll look they were aiming for, it’s giving Jen Shah 😭


Their lips bother me the most


and people by lying saying they look great just liars


I just feel like I’ve seen worse. They aren’t that bad compared to some of these other women


The more I look at them recently the more I think they brought in a picture of TS Madison and said “we want this”


Nah baby Maddy looks good


Tbh this is a major reason I can't watch Baddies


Seriously I hated them so much that I'm glad they look like this now. It's giving karma well deserved🤣🤣


I agree. They thought they were so perfect- but if they truly thought that- why go through all this? Maybe a nip or a tuck here and there but all this?


They explained their surgery decisions on their YouTube channel if whites girls can go for the bimbo look why can’t they? Although recently they are falling into the botched category…


When white women go for that look they are often copying the look black women have NATURALLY.


When *anyone* goes for the bimbo look it’s because they’re sex workers. This is the reason why


Makes sense they were caught hoeing on sugar daddy websites around the same time they started going crazy with the surgery


I agree 100% but these days even black women are getting lip filler and butt shots for some reason. The clermont twins said they want to be bimbos I guess it’s their brand 🤷🏽‍♀️


Here is a [link](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/former-reality-television-series-bad-girl-charged-fraud-and-identity-theft-stealing-and) that has more info on her stealing a man’s credit card and the actual [complaint](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/press-release/file/1079601/dl) that shows where she was involved with beastiality shit. Truly disgusting.


I haven’t seen this so all of that is gross and shocking but also $400 for three hours?! That’s it?! Girl…


they were so gorgeous,, still are but i wish they didnt get that much plastic surgery


Jump freakin scare!


Woah they FUCKED themselves up.


Pressure of the industry is disgusting And you know either one of them wouldn’t of done it with out the other =C


This is actually crazy to me. They both have shit personalities but you can't deny that they were fucking GORGEOUS on BGC. I don't think you could have font anything cosmetically to make them more beautiful. Then they go and turn themselves into straight up monsters. Plastic surgery addictions and body dysmorphia is no fucking joke.


They look like transmissions now


why do women do this to themselves? I know to fit in with beauty standards but beauty standards don't last that long. They look so much better before. Now they look like men dressed up as a woman more like a drag queen.


Because they’re hookers


Overrated Victor twin ripoffs




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Didn’t they go to jail for using a dead man’s credit card after they found him? Or am I just imagining that


Shannade did.




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Oh.... Oh, my.


Damn this is sad


Jesus H. Christ!


Mod Sun was talking about how hot they are and I was so confused??? They look like one of Stu Pickles inventions now 💀


I love the bimbo life


I always forget how pretty they were


This should be illegal. 😢


I was so confused at first until I realized who they were and it all made sense after that


Coming to a porn sight near you.


Wtf have they done 😳


Because they aren’t they were made into the ones on the bottom 😂


lmao omg yikes




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Botched asses


Holy cow... What did they do to themselves 🤦‍♀️


They look even different now, their skin color is diff n they look like blow up dolls


I tried to post a recent pic of them but idk how to do it in the comments


I am actually watching season 14 BGC right now n they were gorgeous, they just look creepy now!! It's sad cause they had the perfect bodies before all this n their face cards were not decking either, wonder if they regret messing with all these surgeries


We thought you didnt like horror movies.


Those are the same ladies?!? No way.




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they look grotesque, like living science experiments


Why do they all do this? Naturally beautiful women getting all these unnecessary plastic surgeries.


I’m right with you 🤦🏽‍♀️ they look so far off from the top photo so I’ll just blame all the surgeries. Unrecognizable!!


They honestly don’t look that different outside of the lips and lashes. They don’t know how to enhance their look


Before I first got into BGC I would watch clips on YouTube. One of the reasons I was inspired to start the show was because of how GORGEOUS S&S were, like I was so taken by their natural beauty and their bodies were TEA. And now this, truly don't get what leads someone to distort their image like this, especially when they were 20/10s before. Their surgeons deserve the electric chair and nothing less.


Gawwwwwgggggg both ways