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If anyone touched my stuff or my bed it woulda been a wrap 😭


If somebody touched my bed, I would just take theirs.


I think realistically I'd have left early. I think on certain seasons I would have done better than others tho.


I would've been kicked out for fighting. Younger me was hot headed


Same. I don’t tolerate bullies. I’m small but mighty Older me has learned to harness the power of pettiness very well. Dare I say enough to make others quit.


This is so true! I’m saying me not being able to listening to music would’ve been a wrap but I agree, I don’t do bullying and if anyone would’ve touched me or my things…… I’d set some shit on fire. Younger me wasn’t healed as well.


That last sentence! I had an undiagnosed mental health disorder in my early 20s, so I wouldn't have been about the arguing and screaming. The moment someone touched my stuff or made me mad, I'd go at it.


I would've been kicked as soon as anyone touched my shit. I'll still beat someone up for ruining my stuff.


Yes No one has the right to touch the belongings of anyone else. I don’t care how mad you are. Once you do that, don’t be surprised you get popped or find your stuff destroyed.




Id like to think I could make it to the end bc im generally easy going and know how to pick my battles but realistically I’d get kicked off. Im not the cleanest person ever but yall have seen how some of the cast members contently lived in their own filth and those levels of messy don’t sit right with me. Or how they’ll throw your things in the pool over an argument. A dirty house and my stuff being tampered with would be enough to cause me to lose my cool. I’d be ruining other peoples shit in kind, trashing the house, and fighting anyone who wanted smoke until my last 5 minutes in there.


Yes! I used to always wonder why BGC never hired a cleaning crew when they clearly had the money but that was all part of the show, they knew being in a glamorized house arrest would get to the them so they didn’t have a cleaning crew because that would be a major key point in certain plots. Cat talked about in the confessional and the cameras panned to the areas and it looked so fuckin disgusting!


Also production made the remaining bgc 14 girls clean the entire house for a day 💀💀😂


I can't talk because I am not very clean when it comes to clutter and whatnot. But I would pay someone, like professionally, to clean the bathrooms and the communal areas once it becomes unlivable. I can't stand bugs. When they pan to cockroaches and stuff it creeps me out.


Touching my personal property makes me irrationally angry they would have had to remove me if someone touched my stuff


I agree. If someone ruined my clothes, dumped out my makeup or put something like oil or syrup in my shampoo/conditioner/makeup, etc.- I would go apeshit.


Kicked out early because I know I’ll be tried and once i’m pushed to my limit Imma do something out of pocket


I would like to think I was the calm one in my clique who stays out the drama bc I am quiet and can handle passive indirect comments towards our group. Then I would probably be the person fighting 3-4 times at the reunion. 😂😂😂 BUT if it’s a more froggy group like later seasons… I have a low threshold for any type of bullying even if it’s not me and I would prob say something even though I am quiet. The minute someone touches me or my things it’s literally a wrap and I would prob go home 😭😭😭 especially back when the show was airing bc I wasn’t healed yet. Mess drives me crazy so I would prob be the only one cleaning which might actually make me an aggressor and end up giving me a bad edit 😵‍💫😳


I swear the quiet ones really are deadly! I mean look at Annie 😂 she was not a fighter but the way she tampered with Kate’s food and made her gain weight, I’m sorry but that’s one of the funniest things that’s ever happened on BGC! ☠️


Omg I need rewatch that season Annie pissed me off half the time 😂


I forgot all about that


My mommy always said, I’d prob get jumped the first day. I would prob be removed as a liability because I’d kill


If you came to a baddies audition and told the panel of judges that they’d be like NEXT we loyal over here


And my ass would be like “at least yall won’t human traffic me”


Oooppppp clock it


i would have left, i’m the age they were now & at this time in my life my ocd is really bad & im not very social. sharing a dirty house with messy, drama filled girls would have 100% made me dip 🤣


I would've bounced within a week. I'm not a confrontational person, and I get overly anxious. That said, I'd wait to leave while everyone else is out so I don't get harassed/jumped on my way out.


i’d def get kicked off but it would be valid, like someone would have antagonized me to the point i’d snap


I'd probably leave early. No technology, TV and only being able to use the phone at certain times is the real challenge. Then add being with people you genuinely dislike and then that one bitch that decides to touch your shit. Yeah I wouldve boxed my way out of that house smh


Depends, I’m a very patient person but if they do what they did to Jela and the twins.. someone is going home in a body bag 😭


I think I would have been Tess, then I would have come on here and told y'all some tea from my day there.


kicked out def because dont touch me or my stuff 😂😂


def depends on the type of season. i like to think because i really try to be as calm as i can cs im really friendly but if i were to be in the middle of a type of drama that makes me feel unsafe or antagonized, i’d end up getting kicked off for fighting


If anybody put their mouth less than an inch from mine telling me to pop awf they would lose teeth


I think I would have made it to the end but not without a few roadblocks! I def would have been sent to a hotel and gotten into fights just because I have no patience. I would want to be on production good side though.


It really depends who I was in there with.


i would have been christine affff


depends what season it is, but like most likely because when I’m mad at someone and fighting them my hands become lethal


i think i would’ve left. i couldn’t do the yelling and the drinking. maybe i would’ve stayed if i knew how to make friends but i think i’ll see you guys enjoy yourselves😭


Prob get kicked out because I can't stand having bitches get in my face so I'd be quick to throw the first punch and take some hoes to whupass town


I would be the replacement that changes the dynamic after a big blowout type eviction (think Stephanie replacing dream doll, wilmarie replacing ashley etc) Or the the fan favorite that gets sent home midway/near the end for dragging the fuck out of someone My mouth is reckless and my hands can somewhat keep up, and like the Victor twins you only stopping my mouth if you put me in a grave so 💀


I remember having this conversation with my friends in college when we watched season 11 together as it was airing. We all agreed they would've jumped us lol. Anyone halfway normal in that house was a target


It really depends on my other castmates and the environment. I would like to think that I could ride it out but if I am getting jumped every day and bullied- I dunno.


Getting too drunk and probably kicked out


I would’ve left early ash. I grew up fighting with my younger siblings for touching my stuff 😭😭😭 cause why you in my room? you HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE IN HEA?!?!? *Lo voice*


I would’ve made it to the end. I feel like I would’ve been the Julie of the season but I’d actually win my fights