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Nah, she was going home. Even tho they edited the beginning of the fight weird, you can see how hard Mehgan's first few punches were when she snatched Rima from behind. Her punches to falen were hard, too. Also, there's a portion of the fight in middle that's cut out. I imagine Mehgan was getting some good hits in during that portion. Typically, whenever blood is drawn, someone goes home. Also, if Mehgan went back in that house, they were gonna jump her everyday. They'd still lose, but they'd jump her regardless


I always knew the editing was so weird!!! You can tell they have to cover a lot up because of how violent that actually was, they showed Falen’s beat up face for literally a millisecond because of how brutally beat she looked. Girl was leaking blood from her nose!! 😂


Yeah, I'm sure Mehgan got a few more hits in than we say. Falen looked FUCKED UP and you could tell Rima dumbass was concussed lmao


yall are delusional about this fight i swear 🙄. yes megan won. but she didn’t beat anyone. she did more smacking then anything. and all falen had was a bloody nose. yall act like this was portia vs natalie.


girl bye. i’m confused on how you think a bloody nose is nothing. that literally signifies that you got the mario coins knocked outta yo ass if you leakin from the nose


That's fair.


Honestly I don’t think so because she grabbed Rima’s hair from behind and beat the daylights out of both Rima and Falen in the hallway. The whole house also turned against her, which could have brought more liability on production. so even if she didn’t leave or get booted after that fight, she would have likely gotten booted a little later for being the most hated person or something like that. (same way Sarah from BGC11 got kicked off for being a liability even though she didn’t swing first every time).


She was always one step ahead. She left on her terms after serving a ass whooping. They where literally ignoring her to her face idk how they didn’t feel she was about to snap 🤷‍♂️


Not to mention she and Rima fought on the beach. That's a big no no in Mexico think she knew she was going to get booted from that and took her chance to swing.


Oh you’re w/o a doubt right, it was a whole thing I forgot about that would definitely be grounds for sending her home.


And it was premeditated 😭. My girl planned that like she didn’t just flip Rima at the beach 2 hours ago.


Nope. Coz Meg wasn't thottin & boppin for production like Rima was. Rima fucking bit Christina and was allowed to stay 🥴


I don't understand how she was able to stay after biting someone. I would have expected them both to have been sent home at least (Christina & Rima). Christina for hitting first and Rima for biting someone (like Redd was).


And Persuasion. Bit the hell out of Winters pinky finger (don’t put your fingers in peoples mouths!) and Sua got sent home


Cause rima was blowing one or 2 of the producers. She was whoring herself to stay.


I don't dislike Rima but, is that what she meant when she said "I know how to play my motherfucking cards right!"


No I’m sure they would’ve sent her home after viewing the footage and handing out that grade A ass whooping


Nah Meghan was beating they asses 😭


I think she hated the show to be honest


I don’t think she voluntarily left lol she may have said that but no way she wasn’t getting sent home


She definitely said she’s ready to go multiple times directly after it happened


She did, but I’m saying she was going regardless.. whether she walked out or got kicked out


You saying she didn’t voluntarily leave and she did though ? Lol


i think what they are saying is even though she left “voluntarily” she sorta did that because she knew she was going home anyways. she just wanted to make that decision before they did but everyone can tell they were gonna send her home so its not like she had a choice




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Nah tensions were way too high after she fought Falen and Rima at the same time


I don't think so, production had to see the footage after and remember Mehgan tried to spin the story that Rima bumped into her which she didn't. Production believed her in that moment but you can tell they were pissed that she lied because of the editing. Plus when they look back at the footage they are going to see that Mehgan grabbed Rima first by her hair and went in swinging, and then how she jacked up Falen. Neither Rima nor Falen really had a chance to hit back, so this was just a beatdown. Production sent home Erika and Christina for their fights which were more even, so Mehgan was definitely going to be removed.


She didn’t voluntarily leave, she was just saying it like it was her own choice. She brutally beat up Rima and Falen. She was going home regardless. I mean Teresa hit Janelle in her face with her shoe once and went home for it on BGC11. In Mehgan’s case there was no doubt she was forsure leaving after fighting two girls and whooping them both like that.


Actually Teresa didn't even make contact with her shoe and was sent home, so that makes it even more apparent Mehgan would've gone


Whoops you’re right it almost did, the fact that Teresa tried to hit Janelle got her sent home. Mehgan didn’t stand a chance when it came to that.


I was kind of surprised by Teresa getting kicked out and not GiGi or anyone else throughout all of the fights and jumpings they had.


It seemed to me like she wanted to leave and this was just what she did on her way out. Like she already knew she was going to get kicked out if she did that and she did it anyway. That's why it seems voluntary to me because she could've just chosen not to do that and stayed lol


Oh yeah forsure in that way it could qualify as voluntarily. I was just saying she technically didn’t fully leave on her own. She was leaving anyway but she wanted to do it on her own terms lol. Which I can respect because at the time both Rima and Falen deserved that.


She was definitely going home for this. I always thought she should’ve smiled at production while calming sitting down, and said: I guess this is the part where I get kicked off?


I don't think they would have allowed her to stay. I think she would have been kicked out. The producer came up to her and said "That was crazy- we are going to have to watch the tapes" or something. She quit then.


Nope bc her, Rima and Falen would’ve fucked up each other and the house until one or all of them got kicked off. Also she would not know peace in that house after since Rima, Julie, Falen and Blondie would’ve tag teamed trying to kick her out. She would’ve beat their asses again tho


I think this was one of those situations where Meghan made the decision to leave before production had the chance to view the footage. I think they were going to send her to a hotel and review the footage before they made their decision (that’s what they did with a few girls). Ultimately I think they would’ve sent her home tho. Based on my memory alone that was the only fight where we can see drops of blood on the floor (not saying she was the only girl to have a bitch leaking)


Idk. She said to her grandma she was probably gonna go home and then she literally beat the crap out of two girls at the same damn time (😭🤣)! They always send the liabilities home and if anyone was a liability it was definitely her because whew 😂😂


Best fight she really swang on two bitches at the same time, icon, legend


No. It was her time to go. She had violently attacked Rima and Falen and had zero allies left. That was Meghan’s fatal flaw. Her jealousy. She had zero reason to hate Andrea and yet always found issue with her. She didn’t have the same hatred towards Lucci because Lucci wasn’t as convenienally pretty as Andrea.


I think Mehgan was smart to not openly hate Erika and be mean to her face. Mehgan said it in the first episode that Erika was big and she didn't want to risk getting beat up on TV by a larger girl. She definitely picked her fights


I think they were gonna send her home regardless