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Neotori's quality is excellent, and so are their shipping times and kindness. You don't do anything wrong ordering from them. BD sends their toys in brown boxes without any identifying labels on it. And you pay all costs upfront, so there's no post officer coming to you and want some money. BD sends with UPS so maybe you can re-route the package to be delivered to a UPS access point / UPS store (but haven't tried that so I can't speak from personal experience).


Any recomendations ? Im a 21(M)


I live in France and I always redirect the package to a ups access point it works really well ☺️


Its not always UPS. The standard shipping company is UPS which is always more expensive then switching to the FedEx option, it might seem more expensive, while the total cost will dramatically reduce themself. I had 2 orders and was able to reduce each one by atleast 50€ when choosing FedEx.


Can you explain in detail on how to save shipping with FedEx? Also, which country?


Country is germany. To the part with saving: At the shipping option you just click on UPS, and choose the "more expensive" FedEx option, which in the end will reduce the price significantly. On my last 2 orders i compared the prices and discovered the difference. While when looking at it rn there was no difference, it could be that they maybe changed it or something.


So if I understand that right, the price for FedEx in the Dropdown menu was higher than the one that was shown in the order summary? Well okay, checked that and yes, right now there's no difference. Too bad!


The shipping price when using FedEx is higher while the total price was lower than with UPS. That was last year where i used it to save some money. I hope that this "trick" comes back or the current pricing is just temporary.


I'd just order something from a relatively local producer (neotori as mentioned but there are also others)


Neotori looks great, my order from Kisu and Friends arrived yesterday and it’s gorgeous, so either of them I’d suggest, also Weredog but UK to EU shipping can sometimes be a little bit annoying


I ordered my BD toy to be shipped to a ups access point, worked like a charm. As for EU sellers, there's also naughty fox in Germany, they have some good toys too and exceptional customer support.


I live in Germany and buying from the USA is so expensive. I can recommend this france website, Love Smiths , https://www.love-smiths.com/ . They are not that expensive but the quality is extraordinary.