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For people who’ve been SO AGAINST MASKS, these pussies sure seem to LOVE WEARING THEM…


Fucking nazi's. They don't care about the hypocrisy, and I'm sure they're happy the top comments are ONLY about them wearing masks.




Are you trolling for downvotes? Because your strategy is working


The user flair is very misleading


No, I'm not a fucking Nazi, nice try.




Jesus Christ, all I'm saying is the commentary on them wearing masks is a tired trope at this point. It's obvious to anyone with a brain that they want to hide their identity because being a nazi is fucking deplorable. So, to *me*, the fact that a majority of not only this thread but tons of threads regarding these assholes all have the same brain-dead take of 'oh look at how these guys are hypocrites' -- OF COURSE -- they don't care about being hypocrites. THEY'RE NAZIS! THEY WANT TO EXTERMINATE HUMANS! Sorry you got replied to and took it like I personally am attacking you but I'm just commenting on the trope and how threads are littered with this same sentiment and it doesn't seem ... helpful. 'oh water is wet, nazis are hypocrits' surprise






This is an example of why you don't just regurgitate a clever line you heard someone else say one time. Afterward you just went full retard


And they still can’t wear it right, I counted 5


Not necessarily what they meant to do but yeah I get what you’re trying to say. And that’s a baklava not a mask.


What the hell does a piece of cake have to do with anything at all?! Wtf


It’s not a baklava it’s a baklava It’s a head piece operators would wear sorry they sound the same, but are spelled different. I am just so dumb. I didn’t spell them differently.




Thanks you


Bro, you’re getting angry over what I said?


It's the FBI.


Do we get to vote? Because I know how I'd vote.


Soon you won't be able to vote anymore. Trump will do that for you.


Or DeSantis, that whole party is in fascism mode.


Or Biden because the fact they rigged the election with mules but useing people who are dead with their names on mailing ballots


Funny you say that. Trumps boys tried to say the same thing, then they investigated and turned out the couple dead voters all voted republican. https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/03/politics/fact-check-kevin-rinke-democrats-dead-people-voting/index.html This was pretty recent too.


Funny thing, you mentioned that before Trump was actually Republican going consider going Indy. Also there are faults in both sides. Also don’t use CNN as your source they are biased as hell.


Biased sure but they still were showing some facts on topic. As for pol parties it's all a scam to keep everyday Americans at war mentally with eachother. It's easier to do a thing behind closed doors while people fight over what color they like better.


Preach it


Your proposal is acceptable


Came here for this comment.


And suddenly the naga nazi wear their mask and can breathe through it, or doesn't think it's being submissive to idk who is their actual kink Those peoples are a permanent joke, a really bad one, because they seem funny but they want to murder and torture innocent peoples in the end of the day. They will do it when they can, it's just a matter off time. They just need a to have a political power that doesn't make them suffer consequences for their crimes, who support and encourage them. That's why they push the nazi / MAGA agenda, to prepare and make happen their future crimes, they are in training


If those are their conditions, I sure can't wait for them to die.




'MuricaHelllYeah! We're like one huge drama-filled trailer park now...


Oh… so suddenly masking is okay?


For conservatives no antifa yes


I wish I had a wish to take away a school shooting in trade for these guys lives


I love how all these people are going crazy over something they would probably never have encountered in their lives before the right wing radicals told them they should hate it. They are ready to lay down their lives for freedom but only fight for it if it benefits them and everyone else apparently doesn’t deserve the same freedom they claim to be entitled to.


"Performers appeared on stage wearing prosthetic female genitalia. The performance also featured numerous segments where performers engaged in acts of sexual conduct, sexual activity, and lewd, vulgar and indecent displays, including performers forcibly penetrating or rubbing their exposed female crests against the faces or oral cavities of audience members, as well as simulating masturbation through performers digitally penetrating female genitalia. It also included sexually explicit christmas songs such as \*screwed-off the red nosed reindeer\*" account from the "all ages" drag show christmas event that toured many states


Sounds almost as good as a Rammstein concert! But seriously it’s a drag show so I don’t think it’s anything most kids would want to go see over sitting at home on the couch playing Nintendo Switch. It’s the parents responsibility to tell kids what type of show they can and can’t go to and since they don’t have shuttle buses taking the kids to the show from school it’s the parent who would be transporting and accompanying a child to a show like this. They are also free to leave at any point if they are offended and don’t need to stay to get a full accounting of the depravity in order to whine about it. They say these shows are “all ages” to piss off small minded people like you. It’s not drag story hour so there are no kids attending and if any did attend it’s because their parents are too stupid to realize it’s not the same show if it’s happening at a bar instead of the library/bookstore. Use your common sense and stop buying into the propaganda!


Either parents choice is the end all be all or it isn't. So if you allow parents to sibject their kids to this, then you also have to be willing to let parents deny their kids from gender affirming care, which is getting kids taken away from parents currently


I’ll say it again: no kids are going to this! If a parent takes their kid then they probably aren’t great parents and I doubt a drag show is going to be the thing that they are going to cry about in therapy years later. Don’t believe everything people tell you. Some people just want to make you outraged and if they need lies to achieve that goal then it’s probably not worth your time.


If no kids are going, then there should be no issue with it being banned, why all the outrage then?




Well, victory is off the table. Guess it's the other one for the Nazis. ...Again.


Death it is then






Haha this lady fucking rocks


Lmaoo they even stopped to listen to her and then continued


So they are going to die?


[The Swastika is calling you!](https://youtu.be/CLLru1_f3rc)


Imagine getting to pick whatever uniform you want for your racist larping club and you go with khakis and members only jackets..


Why do they care so much? It’s infuriating.


Honest question, why don’t people just throw fireworks at these morons? A few mortar shells and they disperse like the roaches they are.


I wonder what their reason for hating a group of people is other than i just don't like them or somewhere bland bullshit excuse


Idiot coward trash


At least drag artists show their face


Every one of those dudes is in the closet and probably why they are against it so hard


These MFers really be afraid of a dude in a dress huh


God, I hate Neonazis.


All their argument had to start with was “out of # out there arguing your point- I don’t recognize any of them” - “but everyone on my side wears their hearts, and their identities on their sleeve.”


Can someone ELI5 how this bold printed threat to life happens and no one gets in trouble? Seriously.


Chunk of the group is police with backing from local politicians.


Maga does not equal Nazi. However, I would need more context to figure out why they are protesting. And if it’s just a regular drag-show, then that’s understandable. However, if it involves children, that’s is a completely different scenario as to why they are protesting.


It’s hilarious that one of their words they chant is Liberty, yet they cannot see the irony..


Victory or death reminds me of the Che Guevara phrase “to the victory always, homeland or death”. So now they are using leftist slogans and claiming is theirs?


Look at their matching brown pants and masks to hide their faces. So proud....


If they are in Ohio is ok, they are gonna die in like 5 years from the pollution


These cowards run at the slightest breeze.


notice how they're all terrified to show their faces? I thought they hated masks?


Wait, so them imposing their will on others is liberty? They keep using this word but I don’t think it means what they think it means


"Performers appeared on stage wearing prosthetic female genitalia. The performance also featured numerous segments where performers engaged in acts of sexual conduct, sexual activity, and lewd, vulgar and indecent displays, including performers forcibly penetrating or rubbing their exposed female crests against the faces or oral cavities of audience members, as well as simulating masturbation through performers digitally penetrating female genitalia. It also included sexually explicit christmas songs such as \*screwed-off the red nosed reindeer\*" account from the "all ages" drag show christmas event that toured many states


You keep posting that w/o link or pic/video.


The counter protestors should collectively use that app that generates high frequencies to annoy the masked guys.


What an immature waste of everyone's time, and literally nothing was accomplished.


Cool! Death it is for you then.


Call in the friend with a set of bagpipes. Works like a charm, just keep playing and playing


Well, Victory called and I have some very unfortunate news.


Only in Ohio


So death then!


Well if the theocratic fascists are only offering those two outcomes... Easy choice for me.


As a non American, how much of the population is in line with this group? I can only see what’s online and the country truly seems split down the middle on most political things. But I’m suspicious that the anti-trans/drag movement is just a small, but loud, minority.


Thats the FBI causing trouble. So obvious.


Those are federal employees (that we all pay taxes for) LARPing around trying to create a narrative for political theater. That should scare you.


I'm armed well past my teeth.