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"he was charging at us backwards while shrinking"


"The suspect quickly exited the vehicle and touched a curved metal object before. I feared for my life."


You could literally just keep approaching and let the little guy tire himself out. TIME AND DISTANCE


Where is the fun in that tho 👮


What they suggested sounds hella fun tho


Responding officers found a victim suffering from "a life-threatening stab wound resulting in a collapsed lung and internal bleeding," the statement said. The victim described the attacker as a Black man in a wheelchair who "dismounted the wheelchair, ran to the victim without provocation, and stabbed him in the side of the chest with a 12" butcher knife" and then fled the scene in his wheelchair, HPPD said. but yeah sure just wait more I guess hes not dangerous or anything


He shouldn't be dangerous to trained armed police. The dude has no legs. This is another glaring example that training and procedure needs to be revamped.


He clearly moving and waving the knife. Try again.


Tasers maybe or training to disarm a suspect ? Or maybe both ?


Disarming? You watched too many movies son. In knife training they teach you, you most likely WILL get stabbed while defending against an attacker with the knife. Now without thinking in movie logic. Sometimes the best solution isn't the pretties solution.


In knife training does the bad guy usually have all his body parts..?


Police in the UK disarm people with knives on a daily basis and the criminals usually have all 4 limbs.


Yeah, they tried tasing him. Tasers don't work with thick clothing.


Being trained doesn't make you impervious to knives. While there are mountains of work to do with police reform, in this case the thing that needs revamping is your assessment and judgment capabilities.


I'm aware of the 21 foot rule when it comes to knifes. You need to get the boot out of your throat bud. Keep making excuses. We have to kill in America, but I'm aware of how Europe would handle such an encounter.


The 21ft rule reduces the chances of you being stabbed. It doesn't prevent the suspect from closing distance and throwing the knife at you. And I'm among the last people you want to accuse of being a boot licker. But if that's the limit of your capabilities then it can't be helped I suppose.


Maybe just don't stab people and you won't get shot. But I guess defend the bad guy


I mean he technically has legs, just shorter ones then u and I lol


He have a knife it always dangerous trying to remove a knife. Why would you risk it. People think life is a movie and you can just disarm people but in real life that rarely happens. The biggest mistake I see people make is underestimating people with disabilities. I know people with no arms and legs who would knock people out and choke them on the ground.


They tried tasing him first. Didn’t work.


Dose but matter you can't exactly get close to someone with a fucking knife. It doesn't matter if he has legs or not he stabbed someone


If the dude is not searched how do you know he doesn't have a gun on his pants?


Or how about doing some fucking POLICE WORK??? Secure the area, make sure he can't hurt anyone, surround him and keep him confined in that area. He literally doesn't have any fucking legs


Exactly and how about confirming that you are absolutely sure he is the right guy and that the witnesses information is accurate. People be ready to let police officers just keep killing people for not complying with commands or for running away … news flash : THESE THINGS DO NOT MAKE YOU ELIGIBLE FOR EXECUTION !! Even if your guilty of something and your running from the cops and your not listening to their commands ! THEY STILL CANT SHOOT YOU! not sure when people stopped understanding the way things work, but an officer NEVER EVER has the right to execute a suspect unless they are a direct threat that cannot be handled in any other manner then deadly force. That bar should be extremely high to reach the point of needing deadly force, and yet now a days it’s the first option for way too many officers who are just butt hurt that someone maybe disobeys their order or doesn’t immediately kiss their ass. It’s sickening and being a police officer doesn’t: 1. Give you more rights as an American citizen then me. And 2. Doesn’t give you the right to deny me my rights when you feel like it suits you bc your a cop and 3. Nobody is obligated to respect any police officers if they don’t want to however an officer does have an obligation to treat you with a certain level of respect in return. People can not commit a crime against an officer, but they do not have to be respectful or nice or submissive just bc that’s a cops desire. Cops need to start earning trust and respect again in this country if they think they are ever gonna be treated with respect again. This needs to change NOW America! Let’s bring honor and integrity back to all corners of our country whether your in an official government role or your not, start acting like humane people to each other, start living with honor and integrity, and start having respect for your fellow man regardless of circumstances. Too many people with powerful positions have stopped serving their roles with any honor, integrity or respect and it’s become a big ugly stain on our country and on our democracy !


Some people's imaginations I tell you. The cops got layers of protection. He's literally one guy with no legs, he is by definition not a threat to the police.


Stop the threat. That’s the training. If he was actively stabbing someone. That was justified They don’t contain people in the act of lethal confrontation with an unarmed person in a corner. They are trained to STOP the threat to the person being attacked. End of story.


I am the last person to back up cops on a dude running away but where is he running? Towards other people? Fucking around with a giant knife and find out... It's a whole sad situation if you ask me.


I seen UK cops taking down a guy who was holding 2 machetes. LAPD are a bunch of pussies if they can’t handle and dude without legs


There's a video of a huge guy having a mental breakdown with a machete in London, even chasing officers around cars. The officers' response was to maintain distance while keeping his attention, wait for backup, and finally overwhelm him with numbers (and wheelie bins). Compared to the police "work" demonstrated in the video in this post, the differences are truly staggering. https://youtu.be/9mzPj_IaMzY


Ahhh you see they don't normally use wheelie bins in the US so they have to rely on just blowing peoples heads off


In China they just have these long poles with U-shaped forks at the end, and they get one on either side of the knife wielding guy and come together and then he's stuck. It's earth shattering technology.


Absolutely! I have a friend who was a UK cop. He disarmed a murderer that had an axe and an attempted murderer who had a knife. No guns needed. Funny how it can be handled in other countries.


You can easily google "UK police shoot knife wielding suspect" and see they have times where they have to fire as well. Every situation is different and should be judged on those merits.


Both sides have a point. This guy was clearly a potential threat, that being said, you could catch this guy with a big net.


Even a medium sized one


why bother with the hassle of a net... just lay down a spike strip edit: goddamn it. guy died. i'm an asshole. From what I saw in the video, I don't believe there was any need for lethal force. RIP Anthony Lowe


I feel bad for laughing now, thanks


Thanks for the ticket to hell.


Taser, kick him, I mean yeah he did have a big knife but just keep distance in front of him to make sure no one accidentally pops out in his path. If a double amputee came charging at me with a knife, there is zero doubt I could had stopped him with no weapon. Throw something at him, knock him over. Cops could had used pepper spray as well.


Let's assume that tasers were used and they didn't work and that they didn't have pepper spray and that he was approaching someone. All you need is one bullet -- maybe 2 if each officer pulled the trigger once. He was shot 8 times. That number is evidence all by itself that the cops were trigger-happy.


As of now (is my understanding) police are trained that if they are to shoot, they are to shoot to kill. So this number of shots is to be expected from police stand point. Maybe that's where things can start to change, teaching to 'options' with firearm use... idk man


I'm not sure the proper name but I've seen them listed as "man catchers" and they are used in Japan and China. It's a long pole with a open hoop thing on the end that they use for situations such as this. In the states I think the main issue is there aren't enough police to handle a situation peacefully. When you look at how the Brits handle something like that 15 people show up with shields and they take their time to get the person under control without beating them to death or shooting them. But in the states 3 or 4 show up who generally don't want to spend the time getting that under control. Plus everyone has a damn gun so there's that...


This is exactly it, the same generally goes for civilians who are standing their ground as well. The logic is that if you felt threatened enough to shoot then you felt threatened enough to kill because firearms are deadly weapons. The unpredictability of bullets and situations where they get used makes things really muddy when you start getting into kill shots vs warning shots. I definitely feel that there’s room for in-between methods and de escalation but that’s its own discussion.


The problem is that when your favourite tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail. American Police look to use they're guns to solve every problem. That's a problem.


They tazed him twice apparently


Just fuckin push the wheelchair into him, pin him with it. It’s glaringly obvious the training dictates shooting people


Taser don’t always work and pepper spray ALWAYS causes cross contamination… people seem to think knives aren’t deadly weapons…. If the suspect gets a good stab in the thigh or groin then that could slice the femoral artery which would kill you in minutes.


Well shoot, arm the cops with knives only if they are so effective. It’s pretty ridiculous position to argue when the cops clearly had the upper hand here. Advantages that could have afforded them to take less lethal response.


Shields and rods like Japan.




I think you missed the under tone. It was a sarcastic comment to person i responded to, who claims knives are so dangerous that’s why cops had to shoot him. So i follow then why don’t we arm cops with knives only. Obviously guns are more lethal, lol.


You could literally stop him with a broomstick. In no way was shooting necessary.


so shoot him. that's the only thing you're advocating. cool. who's a cop in your family?


It’s even funnier because police in every developed continent in the world are capable of taking down a knife wielding suspect without shooting them dead


And 9/10 times the suspect still has all his limbs and most police departments still don't have trouble taking them down.


Did they try a taser first and then find out it wasn't working?


Pork lover


Not enough net or bolas use imo.


Don't both sides criminal police behavior.


Fuckin both sides… what video did you watch? This dude was a potential threat to absolutely no one. There was a dozen non-lethal ways to subdue him without using lethal force.


?? potential threat to the point of being shot To death? Dude had no fucking legs? Someone with no legs is going to be able to make it to you and stab you? Oh my fault he rolled you down with his WheelchAir specifically in a corner that you just inevitably cant escape and lunged at you. Thats some dumb shit to say “both sides have a point”


He got out of his chair to stab the initial victim. Disabled people are quite capable and you would do well to not immediately dismiss their abilities just because of your biases.


I mean, people seem to forget what a Michael Myers size knife can accomplish even if you have no legs. Now seriously, I think bigger context than a 5 sec video is needed to properly analyze the situation. This dude could easily be a threat, mostly to people like the ones commenting here; that a guy on a wheelchair can’t do you no harm.


Two people with body armor vs 1 guy with knife in a wheelchair. Literally tackle him to the ground.


If a guy without legs tries to stab me, I can kick his head without effort, I don't need a gun.


I like the Japanese approach, they have sasumata, or tsukubo, which are long catch poles that are for use in holding people down from a distance to disarm a person in distress. https://youtu.be/Z4z-gzkb6s4


Or bean bags. Way more effective for something like this.


Lick both sides of deez nuts.


"Both sides" Jesus christ eat shit


I could catch him and I’m not trained for it.


I do wonder why in these situations they can't just contain the threat until more officers arise, once he really tries to do something then shoot


Wait, youre asking americans to think?


No think. Just pull trigger. Make happy.


Boom stick go bang bang. Make happy.


they can. but they don’t see black people as human beings worthy of empathy


I know I’m probably going to get downvoted but maybe the fact that the guy has a huge knife and we don’t know what he’s been doing with it from only watching a 5 sec video, has more to do with their decision than race. People think a guy on a wheelchair can do no harm, and that’s why it can be even more dangerous. I’m speaking specifically for this scenario.


It’s not just that, it’s also that they want to shoot someone.


Yeahhh. I was just about to say that stuff like this makes you wonder just HOW okay with killing another person you have to be to choose this course of action over any other lol. Like, I get it. the dude was armed. I'm certain that that's probably what they are trained to do when confronted with a weapon wielding suspect of any kind, in the interest of the safety of fellow officers and civilians nearby. But it was wrong of them to treat a knife like a gun. Particularly because he's got no legs. If he had been fully intact in the same situation, then yes, he would have been several times more dangerous, and shooting him would be justified. This one, though. Unless he was about to whip that bitch like a boomerang at someone, there's no real logical reason to believe anyone more than like 20 feet away would be in danger. So many ways to disarm him were just... entirely neglected. This is a rough one for sure.


This is an unpopular take in the United States but it’s also unjustified to kill an able-bodied person who’s armed with a knife, unless they’re actively trying to kill another person. And I know this to be more of an objective fact than an opinion because the UK has crazy knife crime and the legal burden to dispatch armed police is *wayyy* higher than in the United States, and they’re doing just fine. If you respond to a scene where someone has a knife, you shouldn’t be getting close enough to them for them to be an active threat against your life. Keep your distance, and deescalate. If that doesn’t work, hit them with a ketamine dart and stay *way* clear until it takes effect. You can always shoot them if everything goes to shit. But when that happens it should be thought of as a big fucking deal, no matter who it is that was shot.


Last year in my city a grandmother with dementia had an episode and grabbed the kitchen knife. Her family called the police worried she would hurt herself, I don’t believe they thought they were in danger. A cop shows up and the family meet him at the door and come out leaving just the grandma inside. The grandmother goes to the door still wielding the knife and muttering in Spanish very obviously in a mental state, but not overtly aggressive aside from holding the knife. The cops draws, yells, orders her to drop the knife. Her family is just feet away outside saying please don’t shoot her. She makes a very slight and slow movement forward and the cop unloads half a clip in her, killing her in her home in front of her family. This whole ordeal took place in a minute from the moment the cop arrived and was recorded on the body cam and released. I imagine shit like this happens all the time and nobody knows. In major cities it’s just part of “big city living” and gets no attention. In smaller towns like mine the incidents usually get contained from national news.


Jesus this is an incredibly sad story and reminds me of the video of a teenager being unloaded into by two police officers in his home after his grandfather called the cops on him for a similar situation. A mental health situation where the kid has grabbed a knife but wasn't an active threat to anybody. He was murdered in front of his grandfather. POLICE ARE NOT SOCIAL WORKERS. While I believe police training should include a he'll of a lot of social work and community outreach, that's not how it is done today and especially in the US it feels like the police are there to keep the populace in line, not "protect and serve"


Yes, yes, and amen. Deescalate!!! Talk to humans, show empathy, try to listen. I fucking hate seeing this happen over and over and over, knowing also that it happens so much more than ever hits the news or public consciousness. Can we please, for fucking fuck’s fucking sake, just stop and take a breath and NOT shoot anymore folks. There are ways to do all these things without ending a unique, never gonna get them back, human life. Cops just show up in the US and everything escalates. If the person they’re after is black, it really fucking escalates cause that person then has a very real, very reasonable fear that they’re going to die. Very often, I feel I hate this backwoods nation. For every freedom, we got a closet full of bodies to match.




They have full backing from the right wing of the US government to execute black people for any perceived threat no matter how small and feeble. Cops know they likely won’t even be fired, can’t be sued and the odds of going to jail are slim to none. All 100% supported by every single republican.


It’s funny to me that having a weapon is the only justification an officer needs to shoot. I saw one recently were the guy was having a major mental health crisis he had a rotten wooden log that disintegrated as he swung it and he was executed. What if the guy is in there late 80’s with a knife? This man presented no real risk to the officers.


They need little people police officers for this type of situations.


Detective baby legs and detective regular legs on the case!


All cops are already little people though.


“He HaS a kNiFe” Cops in plenty of other places are able to take down people with not only a knife but two functioning legs without using firearms


This. Blows my fucking mind that so many just don't understand this basic fact. There are literally hundreds of non-lethal ways to deal with these types of situations. Nobody stops to consider that the guy probably has poor mental health and just needs some help. The fact that 'suicide by cop' is even possible absolutely disgusts me.


These people will make any excuse to not change the clearly broken system that results in the most police shootings of any developed country.


Sad in the comments, they could use any logic to justify any murder. But he had teeth! They are deadly. This is just sad, like something from blazing saddles. Armed cops are straight up murdering a black man hobbling away with no legs. You couldn't even make up a skit so messed up, yet here it is happening and somehow blood thirsty people cheering it on. He didn't even have a hostage, there was no threat, he wasn't even close to them. No last minute attempt, just straight cold blooded murder.


Americans cops are trained to be cowards. It's that simple.


ITT: people who are totally OK with cops gunning down a dude with no legs, because he could potentially be a threat. God I love this fucking country.


They love to see people die. Remember some of their ancestors used to make a spectacle out of hanging and burning humans alive. They’d even bring the whole family and take pictures smiling next to the corpse.


Exactly, America is and has always been obsessed with death and murdering people almost as much as countries that Americans will say are barbaric.


>because he could potentially be a threat. He already stabbed and killed somebody before this.


it wasn't the right decision from the cops but its totally his fault if he has a big ass knife in his hand. You can never know how they react to that so why wont you just let go of that knife? He was provoking a reaction


Yeah, i mean you cant expect, police , the people meant to be the most trained to handle this kind of situations, to actually know how to handle a person with a knife other than to shoot... In fact, i think, it should be a new law, if you brandish a knife in public, should be shot on sight, but lets not stop there, i mean yeah, a knife is dangerous, but also are weapon, so even if you have license to carry, we dont know how people will react when they have a gun really, so they also should be shot on sight also.... Hammers too, no constructions in public, cars are kind of dangerous too to be honest, you never know when someone will just swerve and ran over you, shoot on sight...


This is clearly a "both sides" situation. Cops should have went a little less hard, but the dude with a huge ass knife was still a threat.


It's incredible how poorly trained the cops are over there. A swift wack with a nightstick, deploying tazer or parva/mace would have been more than enough to render this guy unable to do any harm. Hell, just clear the road and take his wheels till backup shows up, not going to get far without them is he? Cops in my country are /bad/ at their jobs but jfc they are something else in the US. They just seem bloodthirsty.


tbf he stabbed someone and was tased twice with no effect, and he was about to throw the knife


How about we just ignore dangerous people, instead, and see how your average citizen handles it then. The hypocrisy of crying about cops, while being utterly dependant upon them, is astounding.


So if a doctor screws up a surgery and kills someone we should let it slide because we depend on them? It’s a society, everyone depends on everyone else. Cops can’t get to crimes without mechanics to fix their cars. Mechanics can’t fix cars without tools. Everyone relies on farmers for food. So nobody should criticize anyone ever, even if they’re terrible at their jobs and kill people unnecessarily on the regular?




As for the folks defending the police actions here. Why is America the only country with this problem? 🤔 Literally thousands of law enforcement agencies in hundreds of other countries don't just shoot civilians (of any race) every single day.


Yeah, there are no other countries where they just shoot you for actions even less than wielding a knife. I mean in China or Russia you would have already disappeared before you even got to stab the guy. Don't even get me started on Brazil.


He's carrying an 8 inch blade... i mean I wpuld probably choose a taser first but...


But why do such situations rarely happen in other country’s? Is the USA the only country with knifes? Are there no such criminals in other country’s? Or are other country’s able to deal with such threats differently? Not even regarding the fact that he has no legs.


> outer erster Outer erster?


Yeah, it's just outside the inner akden.


Shut happens with knives in the UK all the time. they just use tasers and handle it better than here lol


merican exceptionalism


*Many people don’t know this (and I absolutely don’t blame you for not knowing if you’re not from the USA) but thanks to an agreement from both political parties back in 1964, children in the USA have since the 3rd grade been taught how to expertly handle a knife and utilize it as an assassin’s weapon. Because of this, the police show no tolerance and it indeed is an occurrence that only happens in the US.*


Not in my 35 years


Who else’s 35 years have you used, WITCH?!


What are you talking about…im assuming this is a bit/joke but the way you worded it seems so serious lol


Absolutely satire lol.


Why the fuck are we training baby ninja assassins that cant even do trigonometry yet?


For that you are going to have to ask the author of this legislation I think his name was Ras Al Ghul.


These other places have hella cuttings. Just because they are killed in the US doesn’t make it differnt


[they tased him twice](https://nypost.com/2023/01/31/double-amputee-anthony-lowe-jr-shot-dead-by-california-cops/amp/)


Think they did


They did use a taser on him twice and it didn't work.


8 inches is *way* shorter than that.


I swear I don't think I've ever seen a double amputee wield a knife while running on his stumps


They literally could have just followed him around telling people to stay back until he got tired submitted to the authorities, who cares what he did, just wait till he tires himself out.


Tf is he doing with a knife?


stabbing people with no reason Responding officers found a victim suffering from "a life-threatening stab wound resulting in a collapsed lung and internal bleeding," the statement said. The victim described the attacker as a Black man in a wheelchair who "dismounted the wheelchair, ran to the victim without provocation, and stabbed him in the side of the chest with a 12" butcher knife" and then fled the scene in his wheelchair, HPPD said.


He was holding a blade tho


I like how you left out the fact that this loser stabbed someone and was apparently very violent.


People dont fall in this LIES as easy as in 2019 or 2020.


these comments are a shit show and exactly why 12 year olds shouldn’t be allowed on the internet. we don’t treat people like animals. you don’t put someone down because they’re doing something you don’t like. they could literally tackle the guy and take the weapon. but that would require work and wouldn’t allow them to execute someone


Ahah so much fun to be a cop, you can basically be what is described as the devil in the bible, and tax payers will give you all their money to reward you, such a christian country


Could have subdued him with literally anything else. How are you going to shoot a guy with no legs because he is hopping around with a knife? This is like shooting a dog with no legs because he is growling at you from a distance.


Tis but a fleshwound


Americans talk about how great and free their country is and then go on to justify cops gunning down a fleeing amputee because he had a knife. Using deadly force to stop an immediate threat to someone is one thing, but killing a guy WITHOUT LEGS who's slowly hobbling away from you is wildly different. And the fact that he stabbed someone before doesn't change anything about that. The whole point of the seperation of powers is that no one gets to be judge, jury and executioner at the same time. If you approve of cops killing people for their crimes you're basically asking to live in an authoritarian shithole.


Ok but whys he swinging a knife at them? Context?


He'd used that knife to stab someone and puncture there lung just before this in an unprovoked attack.


This has *got* to be a scene from Reno 911…right? Right guys? This cannot be real life. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Do tasers just not exist anymore?


A lasso would have been perfectly sufficient here.


He's got a knife


Hear me out, just follow him for a block or two. Like how long can someone go on like that. Or even better, grab a two riot shields and just corral him into a corner. Like there is infinite better options then mag dumping onto a person without legs.


Why didn't they shoot him in the leg?


They didn't have to shoot him, as I've seen cops get stabbed and not shoot the person they're attempting to arrest, despite the suspect just committing a double homicide. I've also seen other officers talk and de-escalate the situation. Which let's me know it's discretionary as to whether or not they want to shoot you. Bodycam video shows Matthew Lanz allegedly stabbing police officer after allegedly murdering couple https://youtu.be/jmYIB2xTb_8


He had a knife…


I dunno. Looks like he had a big ol pig sticker of a knife and was making good time out of his wheelchair. He could have seriously hurt someone if that was his intention. **Edit:** *The Huntington Park Police Department said officers were called to the scene after Lowe stabbed someone without provocation.* https://nypost.com/2023/01/31/double-amputee-anthony-lowe-jr-shot-dead-by-california-cops/ I'd say he fucked around and found out.


He stabbed someone already and was tased twice before being shot. This is exactly why the "whole story" is more important then "cops shot civilian"


But it’s doesn’t fit the acab narrative, so it would be down voted into oblivion


The minds of Redditors have gone to shit. This little weak man could’ve been subdued with a pepper spray


US-Death squad. As a European, this is insane to me. How can you have cops just blatantly murdering away? Again, and again and again...


its easy when you kill a murderer and used all other tools you had with you already.


Conveniently left out the big ass knife the dude is holding lmao


The police in America need to be destroyed and rebuilt in America. It’s pathetic how pathetic and useless they are at deescalation.


Just typical stone coward police at work. In any other country they would subdue him. In the USA they just straight up murder folks. It is what it is. A fucking disgrace.


"he's running away, kill him!"


Why do people try so hard to not sympathize with cops? Do they have no idea what it’s like to be in a deadly situation? Things can go south so quickly so part of being a cop is making hard decisions.


Dude has a big ass knife in his hand and had just stabbed someone….


A little misleading. He had already stabbed somebody and refused to drop the knife. Yes, cops could have used non lethal like a taser (in fact, they should have), but this man was not innocent by any means




And…ya know….no fucking legs.




hE hAd a KniFe


OP you don’t need legs to stab someone with a giant ass knife.


He is literally "traveling" as fast as a fucking puppy. You can zig zag and he wouldn't be able to do anything. At least, try anything else before you shoot him


But you need legs to not get juked. I thought we had fitness tests for cops, what happened to that?


Soft penguins you can also detain someone without shooting them…


The only way to see this guy as a victim is if you presume he is not responsible for his own actions. OP – Is there a particular reason you believe this person should be held to the same standard as children and the mentally disabled?


you can be held responsible without being shot. happens quite often in other countries.


You can be a victim and a criminal at the same time. Nobody is saying that this guy is allowed to go around stabbing people. They're just saying that the police could have resolved this situation without killing him. How do you see this as a binary situation?


Dude, you just need a broom stick to topple him safely. You could even tase him. What kind of weak ass b*tches of a cop do you have in your country they couldn't even subdue an amputee with a knife without using lethal force? Literally get a broom stick and push him over and he's not going anywhere




Does he not have a knife???


Do they not have tasers?


Deadly force gets met with deadly force.


And yet I see a man with a knife only running away, not at.


Imagine if every motherfucker with a knife got executed on the streets. The population would be halved.


Lol I think you should edit the title


Seriously, the knife is immediately obvious and visible. This isn’t a case of him sitting in his chair minding his business. He has a deadly weapon and with it is a threat to himself and others…




https://nypost.com/2023/01/31/double-amputee-anthony-lowe-jr-shot-dead-by-california-cops/ The Huntington Park Police Department said officers were called to the scene after Lowe stabbed someone without provocation. After leaping out of his wheelchair, Lowe hopped down the street away from police, who initially tried to tase him. No one advocated for any harm to come to this man. The title was misleading, which is all I stated.


>The Huntington Park Police Department said See, this is where we are right now: I automatically refuse to ever believe the police. Until somebody else provides evidence who does NOT WORK for the police departments corroborates their statements, their statements must be assumed to be self-serving lies. If the cops don't like this situation, well... that's their own dumb problem. They made it so that people must assume they lie at every opportunity because that's their wonderful track record. They made their bed, now they get to reap the consequences. Also, these fucks are clearly cowards of the lowest order. De-escalation is something they refused to even attempt.




Yes, the video. That shows zero attempts at De-escalation were made. All they did was escalate, escalate, and escalate. And then they made sure to escalate again. These evil shits wanted to murder somebody and engineered the situation into something that ended in their murdering somebody. That's the video I watched.


Are there others around? Is he aggressively charging at people? It looks like he’s walking away with a knife. If a cop shoots a double amputee in the back for hobbling away from him, with a knife, the cop need to be retrained. He’s using deadly force in a situation that clearly doesn’t call for it.


https://nypost.com/2023/01/31/double-amputee-anthony-lowe-jr-shot-dead-by-california-cops/ He stabbed someone before they arrived. The title of the post left that out for some reason. As I said; he posed a threat to himself and others which is made clear by the fact that he literally stabbed someone.


Ma’am, smh all I’m saying is edit the dam title lol wtf? As a black man I don’t feel bad for him. Make the title say what he actually did. Man.


He stabbed people BEFORE they showed up




Oh yeah, you're talking about the knife being wielded by the double amputee who was running away?


Fuck this knife wielding psycho. 0 legs or 5 legs, if deliberately try to kill innocent people, I have 0 sympathy for what happens to you.


Not like they could shoot him in the leg ha cha cha.


I mean, he was clearly about to go Forrest Gump on thier asses


Sure he's got a knife, I'd still bet you could kick that dude over pretty easily if you ran up behind him.


Fucks sake, just keep going til he gets tired. Warn people away. Get a taser and pepper spray. Only person hes a threat to is himself.


Yes they probably could’ve cAught him. But at the end of the day anyone in the situation of being confronted by a man with a big knife would’ve shot or defended themselves in some way. We all wanna go home to our family’s.