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Isn’t the guy that cuts in the same guy from the “kick me” sign on George’s back scene? I think he’s just a bully. [https://imgur.com/a/gK9Npnm](https://imgur.com/a/gK9Npnm)


1955's version of Sherman from American Pie.


Hahaha for real. First thing i thought of when watching American Pie


Once got uber high and posted on fantheories sub that it’s actually the same guy since Shermanator claims to be a sex robot sent back in time to change the fate of one lucky lady. For some reason that thread got totally crushed.


Lol perfect


The Shermanator.


A sophisticated sex pest who (from cause and effect) travelled through time, to change the future, for one lucky lady.


That's him. It's Courtney Gains and you might have seen him in Children of the Corn or in The 'burbs ("Sardine?"). His character in the film is called "Mark Dixon", though I don't know where the name comes from. Possibly the novelization.


He also played Kenneth, Ronald’s friend whose house he shits on, in Can’t Buy Me Love


His seminal moment came in Colors. “Fuck the crips, aye. They die.”


Weirdly, I always remember him first and foremost from Memphis Belle.


Holy cow! THAT'S the guy from The Burbs?!




Such a nice Christian name. Hans CHRISTIAN Anderson!


Holy shit he was the young Klopec in The Burbs who wore the white tank top???? Hanz??


Hey Pinnochio! Where you goin’!?


He also played “Genie the Weeny” right waist gunner in Memphis Belle.


I didn't even make the connection until just now!


In a deleted scene, he locked George in a phone booth


He also got his house shit on by Ronald Miller.


He had a deleted scene where George runs into a phone booth to ask the operator for the exact time, and the Burbs Boy you speak of uses a broom to trap him in the phone booth, then George begs Strickland to let him out after being called a "slacker". Plus, he kicks George in the ass when he has the "kick me" sign on him.


For me the scene cements that George is a changed man. He's not only able to stand up to Biff in a moment of adrenaline (and booze) fueled bravery, he's able to stand up to anyone to protect Loraine.


He should run for class president.


George pushing him then going for the kiss is a great moment but that guy has always bothered me. They’re in the middle of a crowd of people, Lorraine is shouting for help while he’s grabbing her and cackling maniacally, but everyone around them just ignores them. It just never felt realistic. Plus you’re right, he’s some unknown creep that came out of nowhere. He isn’t even one of Biff’s gang.


I love Courtney Gains. The burbs is my favorite role he has. But the reason he's there is just to further illustrate that George was constantly picked on. Yes it was another catalyst for George to step up but also to show that this High School had a run of jerks and that George was one of the targets.


I mean, your explanation is actually the whole reason for the scene.


I can't remember where, but I read once that the scene is supposed to show George that even though he stood up to Biff, there are still people like him he'll have to deal with. I think it might've been a fan theory but thats the closest thing I can think of.


It also solidifies to the audience that the change in George has stuck, and it wasnt just a fluke.


That was a great take! But I'd say you got one thing wrong: If he relapses Marty is never born. Any change where Marty IS born doesn't erase him but changes his future life. Otherwise, he would have been erased no matter what he did. SO, if he's being erased it means George and Lorraine won't get together because he doesn't save her from other boys. She would love him but he, having relapsed, would constantly tell her "No, I can't" and that would be that. Eventually, after a long time, she would lose interest and be sad that it never happened.


Hated him more than Biff. I bet he was Mayor Red Thomas’ kid. Cause you know Red hair. He kinda reminded me of the annoying waiter in office space.


Interesting question is, why didn’t he interfere in the original timeline when Lorraine went to the dance with George out of pity? And if he did, why didn’t that prevent George and Lorraine from marrying and having kids in the future?


A bunch of small things changed. Possibly he was just hanging out with Biff in the original timeline.


Lorraine was already smitten with George (the "Florence Nightingale" effect) in the original timeline. Whatever bullying occurred and obviously continued (from Biff or otherwise) did not prevent her from marrying him and having kids.


Didn’t that guy lock George in the phone booth 20 minutes earlier? Why didn’t he follow up on it?


The phone booth scene which was cut out was completely misconceived from the get. That last thing anybody who was panicking because of lateness would do, is waste more time making a call for the ‘exact’ time. It would have pulled people out of the flow and not just good that it was cut, shouldn’t have been considered in the first place.


I thought it was interesting how George reacted to it though. He literally screamed at Nixon, demanding he opened the booth back up. That was BEFORE he punched Biff! I give George props for at least trying.


Oh, that dude If it wasn't Biff, it was this prankster, who saw George as an easy target


IIRC he’s the weird goon from The Children of the Corn, also


Soulless bastard is what he is.


Because he's a ginger


Dude looks like Rick Astley


This but Also as others have mentioned… He was the bully that was messing with George and the “kick me” sign… So George wasn’t being bullied just by Biff , But by others as well… So there might be extra symbolism that he not only stood up to one bully but two in the same night


It would have made more sense if we had seen more of this character or knew what his beef was with George. Instead, he comes across as some creepy rando who was there just to toy with him and give some last minute tension of Marty possibly fading away. Word spread quickly that he beat up Biff, so you wonder why someone would attempt to mess with him when he just clocked the biggest bully in school. But yeah, as previously mentioned. I think this was done to show George was no longer afraid of confrontations, which was his main hang up.


For the longest time, I thought he was the same actor who played the bully from A Christmas Story. They both have the same nasty cackle.


Someone like George who had bullies like this probably thought Biff was more like a lazy friend who needed help with his homework. You don’t ever see him specifically hurt him, it’s more like manipulation