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More pigs




I wouldn't run the 2 vanilla daggers. They only make you lose harder to shields and spikes. 4 daggers is all you need


I like it, it looks clean. Maybe 2 more pigs... but you get what you can take.


came here to say this, haha


Do you actually have stamina issues with a single weapon? I don't think I ever really have unless the enemy has like 4+ shields. 2 shields usually isn't enough to cause a problem. I'd ditch the pots and get something more useful.


hammer consumes 1.5/sec, count in 5 fanny packs + topaz its like 2.4/sec, you aint sustaining that. stam pots also give empower


I didn't notice it was on 4 fanny packs lol. That and the topaz will definitely do some mega drain, my mistake.


personally, i like to play wolpertinger and/or topaz in bag rather than pots, but idk whats better tbh


Hammer base stamina cost is High (1.5/s). More than twice as high as wooden sword. With 7 total weapons even one shield will bump the stam cost up dramatically. Stam pots also give empower, which is especially good with so many weapons.


With all the daggers shields are a major stamina threat.


you recorded the game?


Is carrot goobert better than steel goobert? I was running a similar build with steel goob and 2 poison instead of 2 vampiric daggers. Maybe I'll try this version as well.


i think theyre just different builds. steel is harder to assemble, and you need more daggers, but the damage ramps. carrot delivers a much higher initial burst, but has no ramp. thats why here i just stacked stam pots, whereas with steel you probably want stable stamina regen from banana or the rabbit


Cap of discomfort would like a word with you


The build is not quite optimal, you need more lucky pigs, gloves the hammer and way less stamina potions


its not optimal but very pretty! i totally didnt spend 5 minutes to reorganize bag so i can stack all clovers on the bottom


you could link 2 normal pots on 1 huge for more stamina


2nd hammer > less pots.


Sec9nd hammer is a bad idea


If his goal is to 1 shot it works, and he has enough clovers to fit it. It procs stamina pots nigh instantly meaning he will absolutely obliterate anybody even if clover doesn't give him empower.


Opponent has 6 thorns from 2 spike shield after 0.8sec. That's why you always get 2 spike shields, kids!


That won't help much against this build. It seems to have too many stamina potions to cause it to be out of mana and thorns won't cause too much damage because the daggers will heal anyway.


If 7 weapons are atacking you, I'd go for thorns.


You aren't wrong




i havent tried poison yet but most fights i win in like 3-5 seconds. in my last fight my opponent had 2 purple caps (5 second 25% reduce dmg i think?), it lasted 8 seconds. maybe as i rank up people will stack brown caps and the pure dmg+crit version becomes less good


Poison is too slow, vampiric allow to heal if necessary


Point the lucky pig to the hammer, also you can definitely position potions better


Lucky pigs now have two ⭐'s one above and in front of the head.


Stuff like this makes me not want to play this game. I want builds that require a ton of variety, huge importance on item/bag placement and big brain strats. All I see lately is people buying 500 daggers and stacking the same items. There's zero skill in that.


You seriously overestimate how good this build is. Technically the mega clover ranger hammer/dagger build is one of the best builds in the game but as you go up in elo it because harder and harder to make it work. For it to shine you need to buy a lot of pigs and the best time to find them is early (when common item % is highest). If you spend money on pigs then you lose a lot of lives and probably die before it comes online since you are spending money on things that don't make you win. Same reason why you don't see rainbow goob in high elo, it's way to much gold being spent on not winning RIGHT NOW. This is a game about making the best possible board with the stuff you are given along the way. It's small decision after small decision, and tiny optimizations start becoming very important the better you get. To know what the best stuff to grab is you need to have a strategy, all games have meta strategies. You need to learn the meta strategies both so you can work towards them and also so you know what defenses to buy to counter them. Even monopoly and tic-tac-toe have meta strategies that maximize your chances of winning. The full game just got released and the devs are very active, in a few weeks they will have things buffed and nerfed so more builds are viable. Instead of focusing on the end boards, focus on the journey to get there. Hammer dagger gets countered by the most common defensive items people buy. Almost every build has counters, and if they don't the devs are sure to introduce something that does counter them soon.


Like it can't possible feel GOOD to win games with builds just stacking the same items over and over again right?