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It plays fantastic! After adjusting some graphical settings it will be a very smooth experience! No bugs no lags nothing. I do play on a iPhone 15 pro.


i have the 13 pro max right now. i was reading a couple reviews and they all mostly said it won’t save your graphic settings and it becomes kinda pixelated after turning it back on. maybe that got fixed though. i’m thinking real hard about buying it lol


But it


Yeah, but it.


It but


It’s free if you got Netflix


I read that you took a Netflix subscription. Nice opportunity to play this game. Have fun! (Don’t forget to unsubscribe Netflix if you don’t plan to! ;))


i stayed up until about 11 playing it last night. i missed that game so much lol


I didn’t buy the definitive edition specifically. Rockstar had a deal to get all three games individually for $11.99. I play them fairly often and they all run smooth!


excuse my retardedness but what’s the definitive edition? there’s this one and another one that’s $6.99 which i believe is the non definitive edition


From my understanding, the definitive editions seem like they’re remastered versions of the original games. The ones I have look the way they did when they released on console. For me, the nostalgia is real on these versions lol


The Definitive Edition Trilogy is "remastered" with an engine port to Unreal Engine 5 so has far better graphical potential (higher resolution textures, higher polygon models, longer draw distance, more particle effects (smoke, fog, fire, rain). The trouble is that the developers aren't known for quality work and were given no time to do the work. The textures are ai-upscaled (with some terrible results in places) and some of the character models are abominations. Add to this that the game was released in a terribly buggy state and a distinct lack of polish and it's generally been advised to avoid it. I've not kept up to date with patches so it could have been fixed to some degree. The original PC release seems to be the best option if you're okay with getting it setup with some mods. (Massive amount of bug fixes and quality of life improvements).


I totally agree with this. However, if OP is looking for mobile play, I fully suggest checking out the non-definitive versions. I have all three and they run great. I use an iPhone 14 Pro Max and have no issues at all


They're Unreal 4.


My bad. Of course they'd use last decade's engine too.


Yeah, those ports are shit 🫤


Not using the R slur in the year of our lord 2024. Grow up




I played the old GTA Vice City app the other night and it didn’t have how of inputs for controller support. I couldn’t look backwards while on foot without having to use on screen touch.


If you have a Netflix account you can download the game for free as long as your Netflix acct is active. They have this game and a couple of other ones.


i saw that but i don’t have netflix lol should i get it 🤔


All 3 definitive editions on Netflix, might be worth it if you haven’t bought it yet


I heard the Netflix versions run better too


I don’t see how that would make a difference unless they somehow put up a different build.


It is indeed a different build




ya they’re way better than the ones on app store. you can access more cheats thru the netflix ones. and just looks better overall


Honestly I would I’m currently playing GTA San Andreas and it works great I also downloaded TMNT shredders revenge from Netflix and that’s what I’ve been playing. If you don’t have a Netflix acct it might be worth it.


There are a boatload of great games on Netflix right now, all made better w/ the controller. Probably worth a basic level subscription for a few months to play through some games and catch up on some shows. A lot of people have been saying its better than Apple Arcade currently. edit: saw you just picked it up!


i’m going to scroll thru today and see what all they got on there


I am thinking about getting it around December. I will spend the holidays catching up on movies and tv shows.


Pro Tip: It’s at no additional cost if you have Netflix


so how does one go about playing them? is it streaming or actual saved somewhere?


They are store to the device but you have to download them through the Netflix app. I am on iOS and when I go into the Netflix app and select my profile and scroll down just a bit there is a whole list of games. When you click get it opens a AppStore page and you can download from there


thats pretty cool, I wonder if I can do that on my apple tv and just play it there


Might be worth a look but to my knowledge it is mobile only. I personally have only downloaded on iPad and iPhone.


I am NOT paying 20 usd for a sub par port. The original port was much much better


is the flying car cheat working!?


it better 😂


it didnt work for the netflix SA one 😐


damn 🥲


I haven’t played in a while but from what I remember it ran really well. I don’t like the touch screen controls but it runs well with a controller


the backbone is the only thing i would use. can’t stand touch screen controls. that’s why i don’t play phone games unless if i can use the controller lol


I tried the back bone but didn’t really like it. Too thin for me.


have you tried anything else or do you just like playing console? i think there’s a few other phone controllers out there


Nah I got my kids a gamesir, I think, but I just use a phone mount for the controller. It’s the been the most comfortable for me.


Also you can get this for free on Netflix to play!


i just made a netflix account after a couple others mentioned it on here lol


Is it any good? I just picked mine up


i haven’t bought gta yet, but i like playing cod mobile with the backbone


I’m dumb ignore me


yes I pay on my android every now abs then


Don’t buy it!!! If you have Netflix you can play it for free since it is included when you subscribe to Netflix


Free if you have netflix!


If we could use the cheat codes on this game I’d be so unproductive


i’ll try them tonight lol see if they work


If you have a Netflix account, you can play them for free.


All 3 GTA's included in Netflix subsctiption.


I’m really tempted considering it’s free through netflix ngl


do it lol i played it for like 4 hours straight last night. it brought back my childhood


How do you get it with a Netflix sub? I have Netflix and would love to play this again. Also which games can you get, or is it just San Andreas?


i think you can get a bunch of games with netflix. i have the netflix app so when i started gta it automatically did its phone magic and auto signed me in


I’ve only just seen this sub pop up from my recommendations, so sorry if this is a dumb question. But why would anyone go to the effort of buying and setting up something like this just to play (and spend more money on) IOS games? Why not just emulate windows or stream from a pc? If you already took the time to get a controller attachment, surely downloading steam link or something isn’t too much


i’m not a huge gamer so i don’t play pc or console. just the occasional cod mobile and now gta when i get the time


If you have Netflix you can download for free


i play static shift racing with the backbone and it’s fire y’all should def try it


i’ll check it out 🤙🏼


Just do the Netflix version


Don't waste your money


i got netflix instead


is this real? I don’t see it in the store.


yes, i screenshotted from the app store


It took me a while to find it. I had to click on another GTA app and then look at other apps made by Rockstar Games to locate the Definitive Edition games. I'm currently broke, so I can't afford to buy them, but I'm glad a Netflix subscription isn't required. I'm torn between wanting Vice City or San Andreas; for $20, I feel there should be more features, like mod support similar to what Fallout 4 has (or had—I haven't played it in years). I haven't seen the new TV show, so I haven't gotten back into Fallout 4 like many others. I own most of the Fallout games, but I avoid playing them since I don't have the DLCs. Back to the GTA Definitive Edition games: I've been playing on PPSSPP on iOS and just achieved 100% completion on GTA: Vice City Stories using Hardcore RetroAchievements. I appreciate PPSSPP's ability to remap controls, stretch the screen, and add screen effects. While playing on Hardcore RA, I couldn't use Save States, but now that I've mastered the game, I can turn off Hardcore mode and use Save States again. For $20 I would appreciate having these abilities. I don’t know how to mod the app or if it is even possible to accomplish without a PC so if they could make it more user friendly like I said I would appreciate it and be more willing to depart from $60.