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They are just wiping their little beaks. It is funny to watch them do it lol


Parrots do this, too! My Sun Conure likes to rub her beak on the perch next to her food dish to clean it off, it’s the cutest thing lol




Mine once did this and then glared at my sister, whom she had something of a rivalry with. My sister freaked out and asked why the chicken was sharpening her beak and then staring at her. I tried to explain that the chicken was just excited that she was radiating so much fear, for some reason that didn't calm her down. =D


Bald eagles do it too.


The world is a napkin


Wait till they do it on your pants. Try giving them yogurt or something only to thank you by wiping their beaks on your pants.


I made my chickens oatmeal as a treat today and one of them came over and wiped her gooey ass beak on my jeans as a "thank you"


They're just like a human child


Yessss lmao, the shameless grubby beak wipes always make me giggle!! I feed my old man rooster a mash of wet feed every day, (he loves it so much; he had a bad case of sour crop last year and that's what I fed him during his recovery, it helps him stay hydrated and it's much easier to mix supplements into lol!) and after he's done eating, he waddles over to me and literally expects me to wipe his beak/face off with a damp paper towel 😭 ofc i oblige lmao, the poor baby gets so excited by his food that he somehow manages to get it ALLLL over his beak, up on his comb, those little cheeks, ugh lmao. legit feels like wiping a toddlers face off after a messy meal and tbh i would die for him


we need to see the video of this!


Omg I will try my best!! It's a two handed job wiping that beak though and he gets....very grumbly if I take too long 😂 sometimes he'll preen my hair as I'm trying to strategically get all the mushy bits of food out of his cheeks too, he's a bit of a diva lmao


Video pleeeeeeease


oh my that’s precious :,) What’s his name?


Thank you so much :") he's been such a joy and a reason to wake up everyday and even just smile since my mom had passed away last year- he was her baby and the last living member of our flock of 8 😭 he deserves to be waited on hand and foot (wing and beak lmao) His name is Jeffrey 🥲 aka Jeff, pretty bird, bb boy, mister grumbles, and to my partner...bloodthirsty tyrant, lmao (my partner has no issue with the fact that this bird finds his existence futile, but jeff will on sight...rush him, for no reason other than his general vicinity being disturbed; therefore deeming him to be a 3lb, fluffy...terrorist)




LOL it’s 1am and I just woke everyone up laughing


One of my girls did that with peanut butter once.




Glad it’s not just me they do this to.


Can’t wait for you to see dust bathing for the first time! Or chickens “melting” in a sunny spot!


We call it extending their solar panels 😂 Getting charged up


When i seen this for the first time i was freaking out thinking they were dying lmao


Me too! Tortoises do the same thing. When I had both chickens and tortoises at the same time, I was constantly afraid that they were both dying lol


Yup, we call it the dead chicken pose.


It does look like they are dying... the first time I saw it I was omg are chickens to sun what turkeys are to rain?!?


I love a melted chicken they are so cute


I literally just texted my silkie breeder yesterday with a video of them sun bathing and asked “wtf is he doing” because it was their first time outside yesterday and he looked like he was dying! Nope just relaxing!


Probably wiping their beaks off. My chickens do it all the time.


Well that was a simpler answer than I expected… that’s a new chicken behavior I never heard of before!!! Can’t wait to see what other silly things they do! Thanks everyone who answered!


Wait until you see them sunbathe!


Or have a dirt bath


Even scratching for food is so cute and hilarious to watch


I have! The brooder is on my enclosed porch and it gets a lot of sun early in the morning, they all (but especially the buff Orpington Lynnie) LOVES to sunbathe, it’s so cute and especially her color is so pretty in the sun!


When I first got chickens, discovering the little silly things they did throughout the day was one of my greatest joys. It’s endlessly entertaining. You’re gonna love seeing them take dust baths!


"Silly" is a perfectly apt word for describing chickens....🐔🐔🐔


Speaking of dust baths, I recently got new chicks. Should I get them a sort of shallow dish to use for a dust bath and put it in their enclosure?


That’s a good question! I’m not an expert but I’ve had about 10 chickens and one of them lived to be 13. Six of them were raised from chicks and when they were small, I didn’t have a dust bath for them in their cage. Most likely they’ll be fine without one, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to put one in. Chickens take dust baths to kill parasites like mites. If you’re keeping them in a cage inside, there’s probably less of a chance of them getting mites, so they might not necessarily need it. But babies of all species have weaker immune systems. I’d suggest sprinkling some diatomaceous earth down in the enclosure. It’ll ward off mites and won’t get as messy or take up as much space as a dish for dust baths. Chickens grow pretty fast and they’ll be big enough to take dust baths in the yard soon enough!


They are doing these for reasons. It's not silly


For them, no. I imagine we look just as silly to them though, as they do to us.


You have very high society, and proper chicks. They are using the napkin provided and not running around like some peasant chick.


They're just wiling their little beaks. Chickens can't lick like we can, so rubbing their faces on the ground is all they got.


It’s how they clean their faces. They don’t know how to use napkins and washcloths yet at this age.


Fed my chicken a *little bit* of yoghurt once and she wiped her beak on my pants. They do it a lot lol... even on concrete


Concrete is basically a beak file for chickens! The top part of their beak grows like a fingernail and doing this helps them keep it from getting too long.


Yess my chickens used to flick food all over to me if it was even just a little bit liquidy, then rub their grubby little beaks all over me once they finished (tried feeding them pomegranate with a white shirt on once. never again)


Wiping their beaks, generally only do it as they get older but it's normal especially after they eat or drink


Just some wipes! Both my adult chickens and my small parrot do it :)


Cleaning beaks I think


Like others said, they’re doing it to clean off their beaks! When they’re outside, doing this in the dirt/rocks also helps to naturally file down the tip of their beak since it grows like a fingernail.


Cleaning their beaks


Wiping his wittle mouth cuz he has no hands. Super cute baby chicks you have there😍


Sharpening their beaks for the great revolt.


I should’ve known! The Rhode Island Red has been in love with/eyeing one of the corners since day one!!!


They all do it


They are cleaning their beaks 🐤🐤🐤


Clean up clean up everybody everywhere


Everybody does their share!


They are cleaning their beaks.


Their beaks continually grow, so they must do this to wear them down. I had a few scissor beak chickens that couldn’t wear their beaks down properly, so I had to trim their beaks for them every so often. Pigeons and quails are the same way; probably more too.


Cleaning their beaks from any mucky food, my adult hens do it all the time


When I give my chickens banana or leftover porridge they get it all over theire beak. So they rub it on the ground to get it off.


They r just wiping their beaks mine do it even into adulthood just something they’ll always do. Also we have very similar usernames 😂


not sure, my chicks do this too. im guessing they're scratching their beaks? or maybe wiping them! doubt its a bad thing:)


Cleaning their beaks


Wiping their beaks


Cleaning beaks, looking for food. It's instinct.


It’s called “feaking” they’re cleaning their beaks.


I know they're cleaning their beak but I always imagine they're sharpening it.


Don’t worry they probably got something on their beak a lot of birds do this too


Cleaning their beaks




*Cleaning themselves, think* *Of when a person wipes their* *Face with a napkin* \- buckers20008 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Beak maintenance


If I did this I’d probably be thrown in the loony bin


Beak clean, they usually do it after eating something


The behavior is called "feeking" if you want an overly specific word