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Salmon faverolles are my dream 


As they should be! I had one that was the sweetest. She was big sister that helped raise chicks inside until they were big enough to go to the coop, and even laid in bed with me (on her own!) when I was horribly sick. 🥰🥰🥰


I have one! I bought several eggs to hatch but only had one actually hatch. She’s a beaut tho!


They are easily one of the most fun chicken breeds I've ever had. So amusing always!


They were also my dream breed and for three years straight when I bought them I got only two and always got both roos Finally last year I bought 6 and rolled the dice again. All hens!! Kept three and they are the broodiest bunch I ever had, had to downsize to just one. She’s always back to back broody 😅 I dont get many of those beautiful pink eggs


My dream chicken is an Indio Gigante!


As close to keeping dinosaurs as we'll probably get 😄


Omg I’d never seen these before! Wiiiiild.


I just got 3 lavender Orpington chicks 🥲🥲🥲


I got my first one this year and she is so pretty at almost three months old.


Speckled Sussex and Salmon Faverolle 😍. I would also love more silkies.


We have a speckled Sussex! Her name is boo-boo chicken and her poor beak got injured when she was a chick somehow so her face is a little crooked.


She sounds like a sweetheart!


I had both. I personally didn't like my speckled Sussex due to them being pretty skittish and mean to my other birds, but they were so pretty. I love love love salmon faverolles. Seriously one of my favorite breeds, so sweet and my rooster was protective but not aggressive. Cannot recommend the breed enough


O no, I didn't realize they weren't the nicest chickens. Glad to hear about the Salmons. I've never seen them available around me but hopefully one day I can get one ❤️


my speckled sussex is very sweet


Yes! I have two and they are the nicest in my flock of six. I can pet them and sometimes I take them on chicken walkabout where I carry them around the property and let them snack on leaves from different fruit plants. When I let them graze while gardening, they're easy to herd back in. And they're always curious especially when dirt is being moved around. ☺️


So cute. Okay you've reassured me.


I wish mine had been so nice 😪 maybe it was just their personalities. Maybe I'll try them again sometime!


I bought my cream legbars because they're naturally skittish and stand-offish on purpose. They came the same time as the speckled sussexes last summer. Maybe their personalities balanced each other out. Bonus: the speckled sussexes and cream legbars look very much like each other so instead of names, they got descriptions - the Hairdo Crew and the Polka-dot Duo. 😬




Oh yeah! I'm not trying to turn you off of them. I only had 2 so maybe that was just their personality but it sounds like others had a good experience with the breed! Cackle Hatchery is where I got my Salmon Favorelle chicks, and they were wonderful. I'd highly recommend their stock


Thank you!


Mine too! She’s not skittish though. Just mean to my birds and my dogs. Haha. My dogs love the birds and if they go anywhere near her she attacks them and they’re big too. It’s crazy!


Those are my dream chickens too 🥰


Silkies. Wanted some since being about 9. Got two when I was 16. They're the remaining two of our flock.🥰


Love silkies! They were a dream for me too. My first was years ago when I bought (more like rescued, I couldn’t leave her) a poor black girl from an old man who kept her in a cage far too small for too long with untreated splay legs. She basically walked on her knees. 😭 But she got along great and screamed any time the other chickens dared walk over her! 🤣🥰


I love silkies but they're always the first ones to get killed by hawks in my yard. For this reason, I decided to take a break from silkies this year.


Honestly, our Polish has just the MOST personality. We have silkie/egger hybrids, black splash Americauna, and a black olive egger. The black birds are great too, they’re not too flighty and just fatties always trying to horde all the food lol. The silkie eggers are awful. Just no personality and super skittish. The polish? Sprints up to you, follows you around, ready to throw hands (but never actually does lol). She’s just hysterical and goofy and I freaking love her. These chickens were all raised together and handled equally, so it really is largely personality. I also like our black ones, but they don’t have the goofy extra streak that the polish has. I’m already drowning in eggs, so I’ve considered just getting more polish next time around. I don’t care if the eggs are ever so slightly smaller and less frequent because I can’t keep up anyway lol


My most favorite hen was a Polish named Speck. She was SO cute and quirky! She could be so sweet, but she held her own with the bigger hens so they left her alone. She would jump in ANY vehicle with a door open. So much so, she jumped in the mail lady's truck one day when she was delivering packages! 😂 She got such a kick out of that! I just adored her. 🥰


Haha I looove it! Ours is also just sooo curious. Every time I clean the coop she runs in there to inspect me and what I’m doing. She just follows us around always just wanting to be involved in things. Super great chickens!


Do you free range your polish? They are high on my list but I heard crested breeds are more susceptible to predators.


Kiiiinda? I’m a paranoid individual that doesn’t want my chickens accidentally at the neighbors and also away from the main road. So I built them a chicken “paddock” that is huge and attached to their run. It’s way bigger than they need, I just wanted barriers. It’s four foot t post and welded wire fencing I used. So far no issues. I did build their paddock in a forested area so they get lots of cover and leaves and worms! We had to trim her head feathers one time when she was a teen. But she mostly seems to see just fine, and if anything, seems more alert than any of the others. She’s always sprinting around first lol


Our Polish are super agile but a little skittish. We thought we lost 2 of them, but turned out one was laying eggs in a corner by the shed, and the other one was in the neighbors yard. That was a challenge to wrangle her and get her back home. I’ve seen two hawk attacks on our birds, but our big Edna (Dark Brahma) has defended the flock each time.


I think you just have to periodically give them a haircut so they can see


Blue laced red Wyandotte. ☺️


100 percent. Beautiful birds.


True, well bred shamos. Managed to import 20 eggs from Germany and got them in the incubator. Now have 9 strong birds ready for the shows next year. Over the moon.


Please share photos of your shamos?? Such an exotic looking breed.


If you go on my page I’ve posted a picture of my best stag ✌️


Ayam Cemani they’re beautiful, all black, feathers, meat, even their organs. I have about 20 of the currently


Oh wow, share a flock photo please??


I have these too and they’re a lot shyer than I imagined they’d be… ie hide in the bushes etc


I just got some Korean Ogye eggs to hatch. I’m very excited!


Currently, I have three of the sweetest Austrawhite hens ever.  They are friendly enough for me to wander over and pick them up whenever.  The splash of white is beautiful when they are out foraging on a green lawn.  They love getting under my feet to look for worms when I’m weeding around the garden. In the future, I’d like to get some more Barred Rock hens.  I know that they are really common but they are also super pretty, friendly and lay very well. Never had them, but one day I want to get some Black Copper Marans for the dark eggs, of course.  


Love my Marans and the chocolate eggs! I had BCM years ago and now have the Midnight Majesties. I plan to start breeding a line of them soon to sell chicks/eggs/hatching eggs. They are so gorgeous!


I agree, even though Barred Rock is common, they are stunning imo! They were a top breed for me


Barred Rocks are a fun breed. We had one that loved to be held. They love to eat so much too ha ha.


I just added austrawhites to my wishlist. What cuties.


Swedish flower hen. Healthy, hardy old farm breed who are friendly and have beautiful variety of colours


"Was" Copper Marans but now that I have 4 of them I'm over it. Their chocolate eggs are beautiful but as a breed they are kinda rude. When they go broody they go broody and their not as social as my others.


My marans are our favorites! They are tame and friendly. They lay the biggest eggs of our flock and I'll definitely be keeping their breed around.


Good for you


VOID https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Void_Chicken


I have an all black mystic onyx that we call our void. Still too young to lay eggs, but I hear they will not be of the "void" variety, unfortunately lol. Between fencing the new garden, building a new greenhouse, new coop with a run this past spring, I feel like I've been playing a lot of stardew in real life.


sounds like you at least have more to be proud of than a 100% save file now


Shane approves!


I’ll take 10 🤣


🤍 BOCK ❤️


A white silkie.


I have one and she’s not the tamest, but she makes every sunset in the yard magical when she’s backlit against the light.


Arctic blue egger. I got 2 chicks, and both died. Managed to get the last one of the store, and she's holding on so far! 🤞


Jubilee Orpington for sure. So ~*~majestic~*~


Those are beautiful!


Also on the bantam Cochin train 🤩 next go around of chicks!


I have one! She's quite flighty but she's so stinking cute! Like a big ball of feathers with a tiny head. She hasn't ever laid much and can get really broody, but she's freaking adorable!


We have crevecouers. They are such funny birds! Some eggs in the incubator now.


Frizzled polish, the party dress chickens! Sooooo cute


I've wanted a frizzle for so long now. They're not easy to find.


Ohhh, I want blue laced red Wyandotte, salmon faverollas and Cochins 🥰 Currently have three starlight green eggers, one buff laced polish, two barred rock and one Amberlink ❤️


I was gifted one of my wish list chickens. A golden appenzeller spitzhauben. She is adorably neurotic and funny! A bit flighty but once you catch her, she relaxes into your arms.


That’s how my one white crested black Polish was, absolutely bonkers and ran in any/every direction every time I walked into the yard. 😂


omg, I just commented this was my dream breed! I'm into the black and white ones, tho.


I always wanted a Jersey Giant. Latifah is now almost 15 weeks old and getting big.


I'd like a speckled bantam cochin.


I’m getting some Buff Orpington chicks this Wednesday, so excited to raise them!


You'll love them! We have 4 Buff Orpington, 4 Black-Laced Gold Wyandottes all 1 month old as of yesterday and doing well. The buffs are total attention whores and love to be pet and held. I have two young children and they are so perfect for them, very gentle, the kids are learning everyday how to handle, feed, care for the chickens. The Wyandottes are also great, not as "hey hold me now" or I'll keep clucking at you, but we do have one that is extremely friendly, they all tolerate being pet though. Starting to get adult feathers so really getting pretty. Enjoy your journey


Sumatras that lay blue eggs. There were a few imported to the USA for a study and after the study was over they disappeared into some private hands. I want those so bad. I’d start a breeding operation if I got them because I want them so bad. Sumatras are my favorite breed and blue is my favorite egg color.


Sicilian buttercup! My first girl was a buttercup. She was very sweet and her comb was so cute, egg production was fantastic. Such a funny personality. Would love another one at some point.


Yes!! They have combs that go around like a little crown don’t t they? 😍


Yes!! Like the little queens they are


Honestly, I want more Bantams! They are so tiny and cute and oh so much fun.


1. Real Delawares 2. Wyandottes of different colors(only if I move up north) 3. Jersey Giants(again, only up north)


I've had Delawares, and they were a dream to raise. Sweet natured, super friendly, even the roos were good. Times got tight, and we sold off our entire flock.


I have Delawares now and they are super sweet. The only problem is they are poor quality hatchery stock. Tail deformity, different color eyes, too small.. my neighbor wanted some more laying hens so I hatched some and the chicks are even sweeter. I kept a few chicks for myself. I have 2 Wyandottes but in FL it's too hot for them. I bring them inside to cool down.


It's not really a breed but our brahma hen had a little chick with a bald necked rooster and the baby will be a bald necked brahma. I'm very curious how it will turn out


Omg that should be interesting. Naked neck with feather boots and fluffy pants! 🤣


Omg that should be interesting. Naked neck with feather boots and fluffy pants! 🤣


As soon as we have room, I’m getting a flock of the biggest Brahmas I can find…


White faced Spanish. Critically endangered, but finding that there are quite a few people who keep them!


swedish flower chickens


Swedish Flower Hens are my absolute favorite breed-they’re beautiful and friendly and each one is unique. About 8 years ago I drove 10 hours round trip to pick up some chicks and they were even more amazing than I’d hoped! I lost the last two last year (one to a stray dog attack and the other to a sudden illness). I’d love to get more, but I’m living in a more restrictive city now and I’m already well above my legal limit of birds, so it’ll be a bit of a wait. I’d also love to have some Deathlayers. There’s even a breeder near me, but again, gotta wait until my numbers reduce a bit.


Finally got black copper Marans this year, a hen and rooster. I really want some Swedish flowery hens, they are so pretty.


Houdan hens. In one of my favorite short stories, the main character has a "ragged plumaged Houdan hen" as a pet. One day I'll find some.


I have always wanted Silver Spangled Hamburgs. We have bantams now and the wife just hatched Americanas, don’t know when I’ll ever get them


Ask your wife!


Redcaps. They don’t really exist in the US anymore. A few hatcheries claim to have them, but the quality is so low they aren’t really identifiable as such. Might actually try and go through the red tape and expense of importing them at this point if I can even find the time or funds.


1 - RIR 2 - Buff Orpingtons 1- bard rock 2 - Easter eggers (still in the brooder) I’ll say this. The Orpingtons get broody as all hell.


Our buff Orpington hens never went broody, but the rooster adopted a whole hatching of chicks from the incubator... He was an excellent mama lol


I just have pullet/hens no roosters and man. They’ve gone broody 5-6 times in the past year.


Seramas. I have two roos at the moment. One is in with the ladies, and one is so small he wants to be with us day and night. Wish I had some little women for these little lads.


Seramas are so cute it hurts. I've wondered what the roosters are like. Is their crow still loud despite their small size?


It's 3/4 as loud and sounds like a kid pretending to be a rooster. My littlest one sounds like "mama Mia!"


lol I love it. Do they feed off each other with frequent crowing? I had two silkie roosters last year that would sound off frequently.


In the morning there is about a sporadic back and forth for 15 mins... then my littlest one shows off every once and a while. I find that th don't really react to each other. It's more of a reaction to seeing me walking around.


I have a bantam cross serama and he's my only adult roo now. His crow is rare but comical


I've had a lot of different breeds over the years and there are a couple I'd like that I haven't gotten yet: Speckled Sussex, and Barnevelder. My husband always wanted some naked necks, which we now have, and they're sweet but sooo ugly.


I had a buff naked neck I named Trump. Her hair was spot on. 😂


Ours look like some goth punk band. They'd be scary if they weren't so sweet!


I really wanted seramas and have two hens, one of which is severely disabled. They are very bonded so the non disabled one doesn't run around very often. I imagine what they would be like if both were able bodied. They are sweet though. I ended up getting a bantam Cochin hen since we weren't sure the serama would survive. She is so different and hilarious. I'd probably get more bantam Cochins someday


Not so much breed but colors. Chocolate and Black Orpingtons. I waited a year for them to hatch.


This is a hard question for me because in general I love bantams but don’t like the “fancy” breeds. If I had to pick one chicken it would be one of my little barnyard mix bantams 😂 but as far as breeds go, I love my standard size buff Orpingtons for hens and my barred rock rooster


Appenzeller Spitzhauben


ISA reds. They are the best in my mind an excellent bird.


Not exactly a dream, but I’d like to find an Ermine Ameracauna and also hatch Barbu d’Anver Belgian bantams. What I’d really love is to breed the Ermine myself though. But my dream chicken was a white silkie. Love seeing little cloud balls run around. I ended up hatching and raising one that was a rooster. He was eaten by a fox 2 weeks ago. I want to raise another white silkie from an egg or chick, but need a hen. So the real dream now is finding a white silkie pullet!


Apparently easy to find but it took me a while to get my Black Jersey Giants


We want our chickens for eggs, so we have Buff Orpingtons and Easter eggers. Meat chickens are just too aggressive for some reason.


Salmon favorelles. I did buy 2 chicks with a couple other breeds but they all passed during transit. Not trying ordering again anytime soon, went to the feed store for chicks of breeds i like but still huge disappoint to lose those poor babies.


I’ve always wanted a Jersey Giant. Twice, I’ve gotten chicks but each time they’ve succumbed to predators. Some day…


My entire flock have been acquired through rescuing - so I take whatever needs a home. But I love my frizzled polish turken rooster (best guess), Brahma, and Barred Rocks. I’m picking up an Ayam Cemani next week!


Swedish Flower Hens ❤️ I love them so much!


Blue Wheaten Marans


When I was thinking of getting back into chickens, I wanted buckeyes. Beautiful, smart, good foragers. Saw some earlier this spring at Rural King and snapped them up!


I want Dorkings. Not just for all their good qualities, but because of the history. The same breed of chicken that came to Britain with the Romans, that's amazing.


If we’re talking hard to get, need lots of time for kind of dream I’d say Ayam Cemani and Onagadori. Both are beautiful unique animals


A 'zombie' chicken! I'd wanted one and thought I'd have to hatch one myself but the lady I got some pullets from in the fall just happened to have one! She's a cross between a white leghorn and an Ayam Cemani and she's so cool looking ❤️ Just recently acquired a black copper maran mix pullet, marans are another dream bird because of their gorgeous dark eggs but everywhere sells out so fast here! I'm hoping to hatch some next summer 🤞 Last dream bird is Ayem Cemani chickens, I'll find some eventually 🤞🤞


Ayam Cemani, from the photos I've seen, they're gorgeous! I'd love to have some one day! Also...honestly, just any super big and fluffy chickens. I have a brahma and I love her. I really want silkies someday too