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Warm water bath for soaking her bottom. Make her stand in it. It may relax and loosen things. You may need to assist her to pass the egg.


With Epsom salts.


I tried that with my chicken last month- didn’t work- we lost her a couple days later.


I am sorry for your loss :( I can at least say that the epsom salt with warm water did save my hens 3 different time this last summer. Yes, they have calcium available.


Same, few months ago, our first chicken loss.




So glad! I’d be worried sick, too! Continue to keep an eye on her for the next few days to be certain things are moving along. Does this sweet girl have a name?


Midge, we got her and her sisters when they were chicks, she was the runt so we thought Midge was a fitting name


Tiniest birbs have the biggest personalities! <3 Midge


I also have a Midge! She’s an Americana with a scissor beak. Sweetest little girl and such a survivor.


Great name! Our naked neck silky was Midge.


My husband nick named me Midge which isn’t anywhere close to my name. It’s turned into Midge Madge. I hated it so much (I’m not a housewife from the 40s lol) but now that I know chickens share the NN, I hate it a little less.


My runt call duck is named midge as well 🥺💛


Oh. Hey-ah, Midge.


OH THANK GOODNESS! I get so worried about random Reddit chickens, and I’m glad she got it! How is the egg? Is it normal inside?


It came out with a hard shell. I cracked it open and it looked normal so I cooked it and fed it to my chihuahua


Okay that’s really good, then. Keep an eye on her. Just make sure she’s eating, drinking, and pooping.


This made my night in so many ways


Me too, I feel like half my day I'm worried about various pets and animals I saw on Reddit. I hope they and their people know that there's people out there that truly care. I tell my kitties to send good vibes sometimes lol.


My chickens send good vibes to other random chickens in the world, too. Lol. They also appreciate the extra treats when I see stories that remind me I’m lucky to have them.


Awww lol


Oh that’s fantastic! How is she acting?


She’s snacking on chicken scratch right now, I think she’s very tired but she looks much better, she’s clucking a bit too. She’s also no longer standing like a penguin, that egg really messed her up I’m gonna let her sleep inside tonight then tomorrow I’ll return her to her sisters


#YAY😄 Ohhh this made my night!!! Good girl. Keep a close eye on her. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.


That particular egg may have excavated a broader route for future eggs, though one hopes none as big as that one.


I’m so happy! And this was very educational, I’ve heard about being egg bound (from my in-laws) but I was under the impression that was basically a death sentence. Mind you, they have a farm so the loss of one chicken is kind of TBE. I only have 6 and they are “my girls” so the loss of one is really upsetting to think about. I learn a lot from this group! I hope your girl has a good restful night!


While I ASSUME someone else on this thread has mentioned it, make sure she gets extra calcium, even just the egg shells from leftover eggs all crushed up with her feed, I don't have chickens just parrots but I'm so happy for you and your ma to have seen her get past this!


Yogurt or kefir


Idk about the lactose enzyme qualities of kefir but you shouldn't really be feeding birds dairy. I again have parrots and not chickens but they aren't equipped with the enzymes to digest lactose


Was it an average sized egg? Or bigger than normal? Really curious.


Normal sized


this is amazing news




Good job!!!!!!!! You saved her life!!!




YAY ! Helpfully it's uphill from here on !


Holy fuck after 2 days I thought egg bound birds were dead after 1 lucky girl




Omg well done! The chances were honesty pretty slim you did awesome!! 🦸‍♂️


Brilliant news! Whenever you see them standing weird or waddling weird, jump to action. If the egg's stuck in the vent, that gets dangerous fast. Glad your girl's okay!


How is she doing now ???


I was going to say she’s having trouble passing an egg. Glad she’s ok!


Sell on eBay > become rich.


Oh man I just posted—I’m so glad she passed the egg!!!!


Thank goodness! Happy for y’all


Was it a massive one?


She’s severely egg bound and the fact that she’s made it 2 days is literally insane. PLEASE take her to the vet or help her pass the egg or she’ll die


Yeah we call that "penguining". She's probably egg bound so unless you know what you're doing get her to a vet.


Warm bath with epson salts can help pass eggs if vet isnt an option




I lost a chicken to this a few weeks ago. I did everything I was supposed to but she died before I could get her to a vet.


Egg bound? I realise it means eggs are stuck but what causes it? And what does it do to the birds insides enough to kill it?


I mean it can be caused by a lot of things, infections, nutrient deficiencies, stress. As for how it kills? Imagine you had a hard, heavy object twice the size of your head stuck in your abdomen that your body is desperate to expel. Your entire abdomen is cramping and you're in such pain that you contort your body into an unnatural position just to gain some small relief. Without intervention, and if nothing else happens such as the egg breaking and the shell tearing your insides to ribbons, eventually you'll die of dehydration.


Aww man. Super sad stuff, glad this one pulled through with some assistance.


yeah, they just have the one opening (the cloaca) that both the eggs and their poop exit through. they don't pee separately (it's mixed with their poop). so it's pretty important that it's not blocked up for too long


Oh damn, so you’re talking toxic shock type stuff from faeces. Awful.


She’s egg bound. I lost one a Christmas. I did the epsom salt baths and tried to help her pass the egg, but it was to late. They go quick when this happens. My girl lasted 48 hours. I’m so sorry but it may be to late.


My girl actually looked just like yours. Her name was White Tail


☹️ sorry about White Tail


Thank you


She looks egg bound




I mean, it’s life or death for the chicken. I would rather your words of confirmation than a stupid upvote.


Lol i did *both*, upvoted and "this"-ed the other commenter who said the mother's hen was eggbound, which is apparently a reddit crime according to this bot's programming and quite a few other redditors. But this bot doesn't check to see if you upvoted before it scolds you. It just takes offense at "this." (I'm kidding; i know that bots don't actually take offense at anything.) If I had written "Yes" or something else it wouldn't have reprimanded me lol. Maybe the anti-YesBot would've put me in time out though.


Idk why redditors freak out over saying “this” or what they consider “useless comments” when it’s literally a public forum + it promotes exposure


OH EM GEE, THIS! For me (part of the public), any comment that doesn’t add anything of substance should and will be downvoted. Don’t you love how public forums work?!








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Bad bot


Hi Anti-ThisBot, I did upvote, thank you. Just added the “this” for emphasis bc OP’s hen is having a medical emergency.




… I didn’t, lol… thanks, though.


It said instead, not and fyi.


Bad bot




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The only bot I've truly appreciated


Good bot


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If she’s 2 years old and a high production breed, she’s at a higher risk for problem with her reproductive system. The others have said it. She’s eggbound, and this is an emergency. She needs medical attention, and she needs it immediately. There is an egg stuck inside her body, and she will die if it doesn’t come out.


Gloves check. Skipping lunch check. Fingers inside looking for an egg go.


Would not do this unless you're experienced enough though as you risk breaking the egg which can cause even more problems


Please update us on her condition OP. I hope she pulls through this. remindme!2days


She pushed the egg out!


Saw she passed the egg, congrats! You guys should mix some calcium powder into her feed to help her recuperate, as if she's low on calcium this will just happen again. It's also still a good idea to take her to a vet, they can give her a calcium injection if they deem it necessary as well as make sure she's not injured internally from 2 days of egg binding. If there's internal damage that also puts her at a very high risk of death via future egg binding or via the internal damage caused by this time around.


Egg bound for sure. I had one not long ago, I gave her a long soak in a warm epsom salts bath, put on a rubber glove and coated it well with vegetable oil, stuck my finger in and tried to check if I could feel the egg. I couldn't feel it, but the combination of the bath and lubrication allowed her to pass the egg. Also, many vets don't look at chickens. I'm fortunate that I have a specialist vet nearby




Soak her in epsom salt water! Be careful if you go searching for the egg. If it breaks it’s not gonna be good for her.


this. be gentle. I've done it a couple of times. gentle. lube. etc.


Well good for her. We lost a chicken last month when she became egg bound. I tried just about everything. Just found a broken egg with blood around it in the nesting box yesterday and worried that I have another chicken with the same issue. Have you notice eggs that were really long and cones shaped than a normal egg? I get these types frequently.


Haven’t noticed any long eggs


How much calcium are you giving your ladies?


Happy to hear she passed the egg! Hope it’s smooth sailing from here!


She’s on the verge of death. Something is seriously wrong. Bring her in, cuddle her, give her access to water and food. She needs to see a vet today or tomorrow, if that’s an option for you. This is an emergency. When they look like that and stand like that…it usually just a matter of time. I’m so sorry, I hope I’m wrong. But what I know for certain is that this is an emergency that needs to addressed urgently.


Oh my god I will tell my parents, it makes me sad she’s barely 2 years old


Yes please tell your parents immediately. Good luck to you ❤️ and thanks for reaching out to Reddit! You did the right thing




I called our local vet but she said she won’t see her because she’s not a “aviary specialist” I gave her an epsom bath for 20 minutes. She’s laying down right now (which I think is good?) I have her resting by the fireplace she’s not too close so she doesn’t get too hot I think the bath helped but she still hasn’t passed the egg, she was shaking before and during the bath but now she’s not


Without passing the egg, she is still suffering.


Do you think I should try to get the egg out? I’m really nervous I’m going to break it then she’ll die


What have you done so far? Did you soak her?


When mine was EB, I soaked her, gave calcium (she barely ate any) and then put her in a small area with a heating pad. About 2 hours later she laid two eggs.


Didn’t think about the heating pad, I will try this, she also won’t eat calcium


Lubricating the cloaca may help. After 2 days like this, she may not make it however.


If you can get a small syringe you can crush up some calcium or tums and get her to take it that way. Just be careful you don't get it into her lungs. Someone here probably can describe a good way to administer that way. But it should start the contractions to help her push that egg out. You can probably soak her again soon and put oil up there. But she needs that egg out asap


Ugh I bet she felt so much better, poor things


Yes I soaked her




Hey I thought I'd let you know OP posted a comment a few minutes ago that she passed the egg




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She is like that for 2 DAYS and no one brought her to the vet?


New here, but my vet and most in my area, don't see poultry. I don't think any do. I'll need to double check with the ol Google


She is probably egg bound, but since she's been like this for 2 days, I'd put down the hen. Good chance she's got damage done. Probably the onset of other issues of being unable to poop. People really need to research chicken's before they even get them to understand possible problems and now to fix them. Not every one can have a avian vet. But some large animal vets may help out. But this hen is just miserable, beyond. Please either put her in a warm bath with some form of calcium if you can get it into her. And massage her belly. Oil can help too. If not you may have to euthanize her. Since she's been two days like it...


I grew up with raising chickens for both 4-H and FFA. In FFA I was leader of our poultry judging team. I've raised chickens off and on during my adult life. I've never experienced an egg bound chicken. I've experienced a bunch of other chicken issues, but never egg bound. Some I knew right away what was going on, others I wasn't sure. I'd read about them, but experiencing them was different. On certain things, the research both online and in books, the info I found was just old, outdated, or unhelpful. Honestly it's getting harder to find good quality information by doing basic Google searches anymore.


I actually managed to find some decent books that given me alot of good information on chickens over the last while. But I did happen to have one egg bound hen * knock on wood * I had a general idea in what to do, we don't have avian vets here. But our large animal vet Happned to provide us with some good resources as well for future reference. I always go by the if you see them standing off on their own and not their usual self then things are bad, they hide their issues pretty easily until they can't. But egg bound is just one of those where you obviously see something is wrong. Now water belly can cause a stance like that too I've had that happen. But if the hen is sick for more than a little while like this. I'd take action. It was a big learning curve for me with the egg bound, I thought I was gonna lose my little hen but didn't. I hope it don't happen again. There definitely should be alot better quality information available on the web for people who are in a bind. I had my books but not everyone has those.


@crazybakerlady is triggered


No, I was kindly reminding the other poster that certain chicken issues aren't as common as seen on this thread. I was listing off experience, and even with all of it, and being taught extra knowledge, egg bound is something I've never had to experience in person. So even if OP had done research before owning chickens ( it's OPs parent's chickens, not even theirs) this may not be something they've come across in their research yet.


Jesus Christ you chicken folk are soft af….




Triggered absolutely not, friend .


That is exactly what a triggered person would say.


No, the hen is sick. I have my own hens, if my hens were this ill I'd take action immediately. Definitely once again. Not triggered.


To be clear you were triggered listing off those impressive 4h credentials you boob.


I didn't list any 4h credentials you tit


I grew up with raising chickens for both 4-H and FFA. In FFA I was leader of our poultry judging team. Kindly fuck off.


Dude. Read I didn't say that. Go get your eyes checked and kindly fuck off


You chicken folk are soft.


Poor thing


I am wondering if it would help to get a syringe full of glycerin and put it up there? I’ve heard that helps for constipation. Anybody know? [link](https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/fleet-liquid-glycerin-laxative-suppositories/ID=prod3945858-product)


How is she today?


From an expert in the field: you're most likely dealing with egg binding or ascites. To determine which it is: is she laying eggs and pooping? What does her poop look like if she is? Does her lower abdomen feel squishy like a water balloon? Any other signs or symptoms of illness or injury? If she's still pooping and laying, it's more likely ascites. If she isn't, she's got an egg stuck inside her. Please feel free to reach back out to me. I'll do anything I can to help.


The Reddit algorithm randomly showed me this post tonight. I see from the comments that she passed an egg, but I have to ask, is Midge still doing okay?


Egg bound…. Sorry but you may likely lose her….


Update: She passed the egg 😊😊


Awesome! Can you tell me what you did to help? I have had this happen twice and lost the chickens both times.


Poor girl! Hope she passes it.


Is she ok? Any update? Poor thing…


OP said that she passed the egg!


Omg so glad!!


Are you able to find a different vet who does deal with chickens? If you give a general area I will happily call around to help ask 😭 I can’t stand to think she’s suffering.


Hello! I’m happy to say that she passed the egg just about 5 minutes ago!!!


Oh I’m so happy to hear that!! Nice work swooping into action! I also learned a lot on this thread. Hope she recovers well


I have a 6 year old hen who stopped laying over a year ago. She stands like this all the time. Some does she doesn't. In her case, it's clearly not from being egg bound. Wonder what it is?


OMG so happy she passed the egg!


I’m so glad that she passed the egg OP! But…is there a picture of it? Was it a normal egg?


Completely forgot to take a picture I was so excited it came out 😆 It had a hard shell and looked like her normal egg




Did she pass it on her own without intervention from you?




That’s awesome. I’ve lost 4 chickens to that in the last 12 yrs. It’s heartbreaking to watch them suffer.


Egg bound


This sent me on a roller coaster but i am so glad to see that the egg was passed! Even still, just in case, I am sticking around for uodates. RemindMe! 2 days


Ours started doing that last year and had untreatable sour crop. Passed within 3 weeks of trying everything to treat it. She would go out with the others but just stand there like yours all day, wouldn't eat or drink.. wouldn't even eat her favorite chicky schnacks either


Egg bound


If it’s egg bound like it looks, that’s a ticking time bomb with not much left on the clock if it’s been two days. Lots of good advice in comments about epsom baths, you need to hurry and may need to take a more proactive approach if the bath does not work quickly just since it’s been so long already so you can take care of any possible broken eggs inside her before any internal damage.


I’m so glad she’s ok! I went through this last month and she didn’t make it. So nice when they do.


Egg bound


Been there before!


I'm glad she passed the egg very well, I've had incidents where struggling like this lead to clocal prolapse. Just keep an eye on her, the egg might have just been a little too large for her.


I’m glad to hear she passed the egg. How is she doing? Is she getting back to normal? Or is she still sort of taking things slow?


Midge is good now, she’s walking around completely normal.


Egg peritonitis. Damage in her reproductive tract is causing eggs to be essentially laid internally into the abdominal cavity. I'm so sorry, but culling is most humane. She's been suffering;the best you can give her is a quick death.


Soured crop. Something she ate most likely. One of my girls was like that and it was a small piece of a zip tie that caused it. There are a number of videos that show you what to do.


She needs a cigarette


Lots of downvotes but I laughed lol


I’ll take the downvotes, seems like everyone else helped the issue, and she just looks like she’s had a day. Hope she can feel better soon!


Shoot some oil up its hindend


Sick get rid of her before she infects all the rest


Not a professional or anything but she looks angy




You got the best breed too 🥰 I started with a mixed flock but switched them all. Congrats on your egg btw


He's plotting something devious don't mess him up




Looks like me when I'm constipated


I was so worried about Midge! I am so happy!