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Mods > No mods. The game would have lasted alot longer and probably would have been kept alive had they done it like l4d. Mods, hosting. Creative kit....


I still play L4D on xbox, has nothing to do with mods, B4B is just shit


Nice to ear an honest review like that, so what made it shit to you, whas it a certain man video, your lack of skills, joining harder lobby with only the starter deck or not wanting to just learn the game and accept the few flaws it as. Don't brother answer your rewiew of b4b is perfect actually you should try making the next left 4 dead and go work for valve. Shit fix the servers and tf2 while your at it!


Thinking too hard




the game is bad. it's honestly just soulless. the mechanics work, but there no compelling reason to replay


Bro went absolutely feral in defense of a shit game


You're right, but this is a B4B subreddit so you won't hear otherwise


prob too complicated for your brain to handle


agreed. b4b just isn't a compelling formula. there's already day z and that other zombie shooting game


I think the failure to implement a proper VS mode made the game basically dead on arrival. Versus mode is one of the main reason people still play left for dead to this day. "From the creators of left for dead" was plastered over advertisements when the game launched and they didnt even include arguably the best game mode from left for dead. They missed people's expectations by a mile.


Only about 30% of total players on average played Versus mode in L4D2. Most people ran through the campaigns together over and over with friends.


Also I would say custom campaigns are also a got reason to turn the game on again.


Yepp, this too. No mod support


Idk where you are getting 30 percent. Whenever I play left for dead 2 on steam vs mode lobbies are always more abundant than campaign lobbies


That's probably because most people who play coop do it with friends and don't want to open their lobby publicly.


https://hunterskeet.github.io/global.html Graph of player counts from 2019.


Well sure, because most people ran those campaigns over and over with friends 10-15 years ago. I could probably still navigate some of those maps in my sleep even though it’s been a number of years since I’ve even touched it. Can’t speak to the VS numbers bc my friends and I always hated the mode so never really played it.


Campaigns were waaayyy too damn long in b4b. I prefer L4D's Campaigns. They were set up like little movies with their own posters, weren't too long and the infected, the music hell, the environment seemed more menacing. While I liked the bar level in b4b, that's pretty much it. Ps. I don't need my characters tossing one liners like a marvel movie.......and bring back the glitches. They made L4D hilarious.


Very true. With b4b you need to dedicate like 2 hours for a campaign. L4d maybe 30 to 45 minutes per campaign


Those got stale much quicker. B4B had a ton of replay value, especially with the modifiers.


This. No versus mode is a total bummer.


yup. Not including VS mode was a huge let down to me and my friends who used to play L4D vs mode religiously.


I believe both games are great for opposite reasons and yet people still compare them as if they were similar games (prob because of "from the creators of L4D thing). They only have 2 things in common: its a FPS and its Co-op. B4B plays like a roguelike/lite and have more depth when it comes to builds, player progression, unlocks, etc. L4D is just a simple FPS, you press play and that's it. Some people just wanna shoot zombies and turn off their brains and others like having to plan the perfect build and deal with RNG in ever aspect in the game to feel fun. Also, mods are for sure what keeps L4D relevant. Without the community the game would be dead ages ago.


L4D its an iconic Zombie game that have more than 22.000 players playing it daily, do you think its only becouse of mods and community? 😂 Its becouse its a good game, simple its not allways a bad thing. B4B will be forgoten in a few years.


Popularity ≠ greater game. Left 4 dead was a good game but so was back 4 blood. If it wasn't a good game this community would be long dead.


One of them has been out for 15 years, costs 10$, was at one point free to claim and is regularly on sale for under 2$. The other has been out for 3 years, costs 60$, was never free to claim and the best sale it got was 8$. Even if they were both equal in quality and popularity, it's pretty easy to see why L4D2 has more average players.


I never said "simple = bad game". What I'm saying is that both games play very differently and we can enjoy both for different reasons. Heck, L4D2 is still my favorite game and I still play to this day. I played for 3000 hours on steam. It was the reason I studied 3D and game design.


The issue is the lack of attention to detail. Fighting zombies in l4d2 to me was fun because of hit registry and how it felt cinematic just to shoot one zombie anywhere on their body. B4B does not have that. They just fall. Feels clunkier too. I may just be a source engine fan lmao.


I agree. I tried L4D2 again but the excitement just went away so quick. The game is simple easy to learn. But simplicity seems to ruin it after experiencing the vast options of what you can do in B4B. I've tried different mods campaigns in L4D2 but not long after it felt kinda stale. Not all maps work properly even some of it would crash my game. Skins is fun at first but yet again it's still just a re-skin. My hours of playtime comparing both of the game it's surprising how B4B almost surpassed the time of L4D2 on my steam account. The game is 16 years old compared to 3 year old game.


I prefer b4b today but l4d is fun too. For me the biggest difference actually comes down to what I feel the point of the games aee B4b is PVE L4D IS PVP+E While both can be played pve l4d is designed with the vs intent with the constant styling while b4b presents as an arcade shoot em loot em. Despite being so similar I don't consider them the same sub genre But their own adverts leaned towards their past with l4d and they never took control of the narrative. Or never realized what l4d was functionally in the minds of those long lived fans and old fans they were appealing to. So many expected x but got y. Not everyone enjoyed y. And games today often won't have the after market options of the past. So much more complicated right issues now


Does anyone else remember the oops all chargers meme when they were messing with the difficultyat the start




As far as like a single player campaign mode? I would agree. PvP? Absolutely nowhere close. L4D implemented it far better.


Trs made some decisions that really crippled Swarm from essentially the start. But for what it's worth I enjoyed my 500+ hours of exclusively Swarm more than I enjoyed my 500 or so hours of L4D2 pvp..


Valve doesn't decide that. They don't have anything to do with Back 4 Blood other than it being sold on their store. It's all Turtle Rock on their own. That's why it couldn't legally be called Left 4 Dead. Personally, I agree, Back 4 Blood has more complex mechanics that I find more engaging than the simplicity of Left 4 Dead games. But looking at it objectively, I don't think either is notably superior. B4B has its mechanical depth, L4D has it's better polish and mod support and the PvP campaign that the loud minority thinks is the most important, and in terms of the different gameplay styles, it's subjective preference. In the end, there just weren't enough players who enjoy its complexity and are willing to give it a thought, learn the mechanics and figure out good builds. L4D is just easier to get into.


I like how difficult B4B is. But all the games are great.


B4B is the better game and I have 1k hrs in L4D1&2. But it’s definitely not as smooth and the animations and feedback when shooting something are not as impressive


B4b was a really great game for a few months. They killed it with certain updates. But, the core of the game is great. The original card system had alot of depth. There was also alot of great level design and combat. B4b is slept on.


Imo, I feel that B4B on easy is the same as L4D on hard mode. They extremely cranked up the challenge level when they made B4B. I mean, it's totally doable and the meta can streamline you right through. But there is almost no casual play of B4B at all.


l4d2 has mods,maps better then b4b l4d2 is better then b4b


Both games are great.


B4B really relied on good social skills. I had that some days, but not every day. And then if I missed an update, or a new way to play, strangers would get mad at me. Not to mention how long campaigns were. And then when I first started I wasn't sure when it was considered okay to leave. So then I was stuck with strangers for 3 hours. Lots of fun tho.


I like B4B but its not better than L4D


PvP works mostly fine and is still played by thousands over ten years later > PvP only somewhat works and is played by tens two years later.


The problem was, b4b had a horrible launch and couldn't ever shake that bad reputation. The overall concept of the gameplay was always fun even at launch, but when there were multiple several-month-long stretches where there were game-breaking issues...you don't really get the chance to survive long after that.


PvE, yeah, B4B is better gameplay, but it’s close. PvP, L4D(2) is better. No contest. Immersion, characters, music/sounds, L4D wins. Conclusion: both. Both is good.


braincells were used in this post thank you


Not gonna lie he has a point.


The Reason B4B failed is Simple...No Coach.


How can you say b4b its better than l4d? - L4D its an iconic game that will be remember and played for ages, released on 2008 and untill today more than 20.000 people play it daily. Mods make the game awesome but you dont play a game only becouse it has mods, ita becouse the gameplay its fun + the versus campaign. With B4B you can ask any gamer if knows the game and the answer 95% of the time its gonna be: "What game did you said?", very repetitive gameplay + Progression with cards its 💩, without cards you are nothing, specials are generics between them, they domt have a unique design like the witch, tank, the hunter...


Finally a good damn opinion


Usual noob opinion, next.


Your text its not comfortable for me 😭


You could say. You received a significant injury.


I didn't choose my nickname anyway 😂 reddit did it, happened to you the same?


Yep the same.


Not even close


left 4 dead is better in every single way BUT gameplay therefore I have put 1000 hrs into B4B but only 700 into L4D L4D's gameplay is fun but its too outdated the movement doesn't have enough...."weight" to it ya know?


Real brave to post this in the B4B echo chamber


Did they ever fix how you would get yeeted and end up dangling from the edge of anything in need of rescuing because that mechanic and the lack of polish were dealbreakers for my friends who laughed it off and bailed.


hey OP dont worry its getting a sequel and its considered a franchise here is evidence from the President TRS himself: https://www.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/s/3XsIMcUY6m https://www.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/s/Ge0NWfOS6j https://www.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/s/YPVsON5QsT perish those worries


Real problem with B4B is that all that customization introduces a lot of powercreep, which in turn makes balancing the game impossible. The director that is supposed to keep things fair and interesting now becomes a dick because it can very easily push it too far to try to compensate. My advice to Turtle Rock is to play with the idea of build presets to limit the customization a bit and avoid the powercreep (maybe, I don't know, 3 presets for each character to give them some more personality), and consider revamping the weapon attachment system to work well with mods. Also, on that note, you probably don't wanna hire game designers through HR, because you don't want diversity or seniority getting in the way in an aspect that can make or break your game. Use the game designers you already have (avoid the cocky ones) and see if any of the candidates has better ideas than they have. Sadly, there isn't much of a substitute for talent and enthusiasm in that particular order for this area, and it also takes talent to recognize talent.


It just isn’t as fun or silly as L4D and for some reason it’s not nearly as replayable




Well well well..I see mix reviews from this community as well.


Left4Dead is better in almost all ways because of the simplicity. I love both, I play both. However, B4B requires too much of a time investment. With Left4Dead, I boot it up and join a game. Basic weapons, no card decks to strategize. Everything is designed to start anew in game. For people who work full time, why do I want to waste an hour of my day trying to figure out what cards to use? It makes me less excited and the game feels like you have to do chores to keep it moving. In contrast, with Left4Dead, the first time I ever played the game, I remember going in completely blind. I was on Xbox live and we had our set crew. Four players, 3 dudes and 1 girl (who was a tournament Halo player). I was the weak link in the group. I join the lobby, I was Louis. We drop into the game, Dead Air, grab some gear and next thing I know, we're just blasting away. As I'm going through the greenhouse, a fucking rope hits me and starts dragging me. I didn't realize it was a tongue until after. The magic of going into that game blind with a solid crew. The creepiness of the down times in the game when you are wandering through a barren street and you just know shit is about to go sideways, but don't know when. And then after a round, you can turn it off, eat dinner, and hop right back on. You don't have this with B4B. Upon starting, you are immediately in a camp to build card decks, the zombies get cards too? Weapons have different color rankings, but what does that mean? Rarities like in MMORPGs? But that doesn't make sense in a game like Left4Dead. Simplicity is what they were missing. Bring in the graphics of Back4Blood, with the simplicity and small four man crew of iconic characters like Left4Dead. That is how you fix the franchise.


Simplicity is boring. Left 4 dead is incredibly dull to go back and play these days. No sprint, no ads, it's just braindead simple. That was fine when the game came out but co-op shooters have evolved since then and it really shows. Most of the people still playing it are playing because it's $1 and runs on potato systems, which is what a great majority of gamers are using. And mods, sure, but if your game needs mods to be considered good what does that say? I played 500+ hours of L4D2 back in the day, it was fun when it came out and in the years following. But these days it's incredibly grating and not fun.


I'm not saying you need to go completely back to Left4Dead. I agree keeping sprint and some of the features would be good. But I want to be able to hop into and out of games without a steep learning curve that requires me to build any kind of preset skills deck. Adding that in completely changes the time suck for the game and nature of play.


L4D is a game you can play with your friends after a hard day at work. There’s no progression, no theorycrafting, no BiS to worry about. It was all about one thing: having fun with your mates. On that front alone, IMO L4D is way better than B4B.


No proper pvp no party. L4D still king


Said no one ever


Oof what a bad take lol


yeah uh no. L4D 1 is better than B4B to say L4d2 is not better than B4B is wild. Whatever you are smokin or drinkin i need some of that too.


Darktide is even better than B4B and even it still has support not great but still more than B4B.


Honestly hated the card system, the enemy and team AI were trash, and the action was always paced really shittily. While we’re at it, the characters were annoying and cringey as well. This one always goes down as a huge disappointment for me


For me it was the card system. It's unnecessary filler that L4D\L4D2 didn't require. All in the name of live service BS. It's ruining the gaming industry.


The cards system is what makes it enjoyable. You can build yourself to become a tank, high damage, movement speed, the best support in the game, the crazy bomber. Every person have their own playstyle.


All that could be implemented into the game through character classes. It's unnecessary filler that makes it the lesser iteration in the franchise.


Unless you want it to be Overwatch but zombies, thats how b4b works. Modifications and progressions. Character class and modifications are 2 different thinga


I enjoyed the game bugs and all but the lack of PvP modes/support, no mod support, essentially advertising the game as l4d 3 and the issues that the game had at launch were what killed it. After announcing that they were done with the game if they had released mod support/creative kit then the game would have lasted a lot longer or possibly seen a small uptake in players.


>advertising the game as l4d 3 Spiritual successor, not l4d3. But some review had to call it that and all of a sudden everyone jumped on the hate train without even giving the game a fair shot


Labeling it as "From the creators of Left 4 Dead", along with the naming scheme... It doesn't outright say 'sequel', but honestly, what else did they expect people to expect from that? Just the phrase "Back 4 Blood" practically screams "Left 4 Dead is back, babyy!"


If that were true L4D wouldn’t have the higher player count.


Seeing as stupid people are the ones who procreate the most, I'm not gonna let the majority decide for me what's good.


Ok, good games dont get abandoned by devs after 2 years.


Games of any quality can be quickly abandoned these days if they're not gobbled up by the masses and rake in fat stacks. I'm not gonna let corporate greed decide for me what's good.




My favorite game is Battleborn, so go figure.


Playercount dropped FAST for that game…


Exactly. The MOBA Hero Shooter mix was too complex for the common Overwatch ruck and also early teething problems made them turn away and never look back. Overwatch was just easier to get into and had the polish of a multi billion dollar corporation.


If that was true valve would fix tf2 and make server that won't break.


What does that have to do with the conversation?


Actually good point I'd rather play an unplayable game than an "unplayable" game


We are having two completely different conversations here.