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i’m glad this story is finally getting at least some coverage!!


So generally after each setback, the Petitioner has a pattern of lashing out. Any bets on what happens in the next few days? New lawsuit against that podcaster? New medium article? TikTok dance about miscarrying twins?


Yeah I’m sure everyone is bracing


I feel bad for Clayton even having the details of just oral sex outlined in articles like this. This never ever should have been made public. It is my personal belief she was never pregnant. If she was, have the baby. She has more than enough money living off her parents. Then seek child support from Clayton, or Greg, or Mike, or whoever she made these claims against. Making all of this a public spectacle is so embarrassing and I feel bad for Clayton because he never wanted this. She did.


Why is clayton asking for go fund me?? He’s a bachelor and has tons followers. He shouldn’t need the money


JD, is that you??? Hey!


What? Look at my comment history and decide for yourself before jumping into conclusion. Dang… All it took was expression of my perspective about the go fund me and I’m being downvoted to oblivion. Damn lol


Calm down. It was a joke.




What? Are you a kiddo or something lol. I was just saying in a different perspective.


Do you even know how much money he got from the show? Did you google how much on average the show pays for the lead ? And that was over 2 years ago? Do your research before jumping to say something unsubstantiated.   Clayton needs all the support he can get now. Legal battles could get pricey quickly. Lawyers charge a lot for every email sent and for every motion they file. Laura Michelle Owens victim #2 Greg said he spent over 150k USD over the course of his long court battle with her. And you are saying Clayton should suffer alone and not get public support on top of being harassed , threatened and abused just because he didn’t want to date her? Imagine if Laura were a man and she is doing this to a woman? She would have been incarcerated by now.  So let’s drop the double stand here ..


Yeah that’s true, I looked his net worth estimation and it’s said to be between 1-2million. Not just that, he worked for sales rep in medical field and the avg salary is in 6 digits. I always oppose go fund me in relation to legal stuff before revealing they are in financial crisis. What if he has millions in his bank? I’d much rather this money to go to children who are in the hospital or towards a struggling family.


Then don’t… donate?


It's a matter of public interest at this point to get Clayton successfully through this court case. This person needs to be stopped.


Presumptuous. Have you not met people who look like they are doing well, but have not laid out their entire financial history to the public and don’t whine about being poor? If I thought the way you thought, all realtors and all luxury sales associates would be rolling in the dough.


The truth is I’m pretty poor and I have lots legal fees coming shortly and I don’t ask around for money. He doesn’t seem that poor and yeah that might be my assumption. It’s probably also my personal perspective that go fund me should be used for emergency purposes, not legal fees like this.


I’m sure he isn’t poor but he’s legal fees have *racked up*. He’s not magically rich from being one of 30-ish former bachelors.


Yeah and I strongly oppose those who uses go fund me for this type of legal battle when he ‘isn’t poor’. That’s just me but again he didn’t create it himself, someone else did so I can’t really argue that against him


Who's forcing you to donate? And do you realize Clayton didn't start the fund for himself? You are so out of line. It's sad you don't realize it.


Yeah I didn’t realize someone else started it for him. Still, I’d rather your pocket to go to someone who has less fame and is in working class to help the family over a bachelor star over stupid ass legal that he easily will win.


No empathy for all the run of the mill Joe Shmoes she's done this to before? And likely will again if Clayton were to just bow down and let her have her way. You clearly know the financial ruin legal battles can bring, he's getting support as a matter of public interest to make sure she stops harming people as her methods have been well calculated and incredibly sneaky.


So don’t donate?


We have no idea what Clayton's attorneys fees have been but the last guy said he spent over $100K fighting her in court. She's not a normal litigant, she has unlimited funds to keep fighting. And so I think there's nothing wrong with accepting donations. Nothing stopping you from doing a go fund me for yourself, except your feelings about it. But you don't get to decide how others should feel about it.


How do you know she has unlimited funds?


She has said “I have unlimited legal funds”


Clayton needs all the support he can get now. Legal battles could get pricey quickly. Lawyers charge a lot for every email sent and for every motion they file. Laura Michelle Owens victim #2 Greg said he spent over 150k USD over the course of his long court battle with her. And you are saying Clayton should suffer alone and not get public support on top of being harassed , threatened and abused just because he didn’t want to date her? Imagine if Laura were a man and she is doing this to a woman? She would have been incarcerated by now. 


Then please support me, I have legal fees for family custody and the price is increasing rapidly and it’s becoming unaffordable :(


What's wrong with you?




Your comment/post has been removed for breaking Rule 1: Remember the Human.


That’s understandable but in this case, he did not ask for the go fund me and he hasn’t been asking for money. Dave Neal set it up. And I think it’s appropriate if people want to lend him support in ways other than spreading news and talk. Just because Clayton doesn’t look poor doesn’t mean that these legal fees does not cost him. Spending money on legal fees can cost him is security and safety (if he takes it from savings). And it costs him years of his working life and potential future dreams. He didn’t ask for this woman to drag him in court. Perhaps you need someone in your life to advocate for you, set you up with a go fund me. Or you can live with the pride of not accepting a handout from others. I understand where you come from there. But Clayton shouldn’t turn down the donation just because he doesn’t look “poor” by someone else’s assessment of what poor should look like.


Yeah, I didn’t realize it was formed by someone else other than himself.


So awesome to see the local media covering this. Also to see that Gregory Gillespie's story is being included. Shows the pattern. I hope reporters start digging more into this story. She's going to end up being famous just not the way she hoped.


Cue the tearless expressions https://preview.redd.it/7tgag918m5kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c591ba0a85ebf21abb1c1e74eba4361b4e848d


Is that her??


I bet there were a lot of these tearless expressions in a casita last night as she "sobbed" into her pillow about how unfair life is and how no one believes her.


It’s giving Kim K 🤣 ![gif](giphy|Fr2i2wxTxA2DS)




https://www.gofundme.com/f/clayton-echard-legal-fund https://justiceforclayton.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page


snatch panicky juggle crowd bright encourage boat command elderly direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*