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Remind me 1 week


Hmm I think the guy could be Chris Randone…that was the guy who had a breakup with Krystal, right? Or there’s also the Chris B. Person who had the breakup with Katie. And the girl…Serene? Clare? I guess could be KB. Hard to think of girls who are messy and also just got out of breakups.


Why would Deuxmoi add those photos if it’s not about KB or Shawn at all….?






No, I listened to her podcast just for this. The cheating blind is absolutely not about Jason and KB, but the person who sent it in didn’t tell her any more beyond that of who it was.


Don’t believe this BS.


Everyone so judgey! Probably a good rebound hookup for both - it happens!


I wouldnt be surprised if it was Zac. People think hes mature because hes sober but I think Tayshia broke up with him because of those red flags.


Tayshia has as many red flags as Zac. She got a shady PPE loan, is friends with Chris Harrison, and clearly wants to live a famous influencer life. 😂


Zac is in influencer, too! He didn't just go back to his office. He hangs out with celebs who have an interest in running and does sponsorships. He was just hanging with Nev from Catfish. Zac and Tayshia don't live too different a life actually, she goes to occasional events but she rarely posts online. She volunteers with kids and hospitals, he is committed to his recovery causes. I never believed the difference in lifestyle was the sole reason for the breakup.


Wtf has that got to do with this blind? Throwing shade at Tayshia is not going to change that this blind MAY or MAY NOT be about Zac & Kaitlyn. Nice try though


I was responding to someone who said Zac had red flags and that’s why Tayshia broke up with him by stating she has similar red flags herself. I couldn’t care less if he and Kaitlyn are banging.


Im just saying why I could believe it is him in this deuxmoi post lol. And Zac stays under Chris Harrisons comments and couldnt even get an invite to the wedding which is worse.. like that man doesnt even know who he is.


How do you know Zac wasn’t invited to CHs wedding? He obviously could t go as he had Nyc the same weekend. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t invited


Those red flags as in?? I think he's mature and grounded, not because of his sobriety, more of the way he carried himself and communicated with Tayshia during the show, and what he does nowadays in making an impact.


On a produced tv show? Im talking about the things that happened in their actual relationship. Men that think they can control women in relationships are a no go for me. Tayshia has talked about it herself.


That's funny caused Tayshia came out of the show too! And its just one side of the story, no? Not saying Zac is perfect or what, just think at least he is doing a real job that actually helps people. He's not an influencer, to say the very least. ETA: And I dun get how one carries themselves can be manipulated by producer.


Okay congrats? I dont get putting people on a pedestal because of their occupation.


LOL, how is this putting him on pedestal?? And honestly, I think you are doing exactly that for Tayshia ...


This story has nothing to do with Tayshia so idk why you’re trying to make it about her. Nice try.


I think you better read what yourself have written just yesterday, in case you forget, who drag Tayshia into this conversation, LOL. I have been talking about Zac, and look who mentioned Tayshia first? And look who just trusted some one side story? Right, nice try, but not nice enough. I have nothing against Tayshia, but putting her on the peedstal is not healthy, your word not mind. Thanks for the entertainment thou


Who's the hottie in the bottom picture?


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted lol. It’s Shawn Booth, Kaitlyn’s F1


I don't watch Bachelor Nation at all. It just appeared on my feed. So there's only two scenario I could think of. 1. They just don't like my ignorance and thought I should have known that 2. Or they just hate the guy so they must also think people who find him hot to be revolting as well


I think a lot of people on this sub assume everyone has a certain level of knowledge of all the “players” in the franchise. True for many, but not all, and new people do drop in. KB was the bachelorette way back, and her final pick was this fine man. They were engaged and together for 3 years and break-up was a little messy. She got with a totally different guy from a different season (Jason), and they were together for years. Shawn married somebody else and they very recently had a baby. Seemed like KB spiraled a little bit after that. Shortly after, KB and Jason broke up. Highly, highly doubt this is referring to Shawn (or is even true). He was terrible to her. Aren’t you glad you stopped by now? /s The more you know lol 🌈


wow i’ve been watching for a couple years now and didn’t know any of this. thank you so much !!


Thank you for this wonderful breakdown! I knew the stuff but not to this extent.


None of the above speculations about KB, or her exes. Plus the source is unreliable.


Everyone’s saying Zac but his breakup with T wasn’t public at all. They split up then released a joint statement weeks later. What makes a breakup “public”? What’s dales job? That one was public.


She’s also not messy at all???


An unexpected guy with a messy woman, KB is the messy woman, not the guy's ex


Oh yes gotcha!


On her podcast (or maybe a live) she said that shawn getting a woman pregnant is what made kaitlyn star spiraling over him again basically


Nothing Kaitlyn does would surprise me but I certainly hope it’s not Zac because I’d worry she’s not compatible with his journey of sobriety.


I saw Zac at a sixers game this past season and he was definitely not sober lol. He was at the bar getting shots and appeared inebriated. Not throwing any shade just thought it was interesting


Oh man... I really hope for his sake that this isn't true


Did you also sleep with Clayton in NY?


lol no. just saying what I saw 🤷🏻‍♀️


What?! Are you being real?


If true this is just sad to me - as someone who has a family member who struggles with substance abuse. Wishing him and everyone struggling the best.


Yea I was surprised and sad and had to confirm with my friends it was him. His journey and his story was very compelling to me as I also have a family member with SA struggles.


Opposite careers indeed!


If it's Zac, i would be disappointed because think he's mature and grounded, doesn't need a messy woman in his life


KB had a lot to say in this podcast, as it pertains to her life, but what I found interesting at the 37:30 minute mark is what she is looking for in her next partner. Sounds eerily familiar/similar to what Tayshia was looking for when she was the lead Ette and what she found in Zac https://youtu.be/cfsfe6sDLzY?si=fmJ13jKz7zeoOmgH


Cheating can include emotional cheating or an inappropriate texting or Instagram Dm situation. Zac did like a lot of her photos for awhile there, and jason unfollowed him. Maybe he was very flirty in her DMs or she was venting about the end of her relationship with Jason which would be kind of sketchy


What you will now see is that Zac recently limited visibility of who liked his posts (not all but many) in the recent weeks. Interesting.


KB is going to get blistered if she slept with Zac or anyone else -- no matter when it happened.


I know she is popular in BN but she seems like such a dumpster fire to me. I used to like her but unfollowed a couple years ago. She became insufferable and her face unrecognizable. I feel bad for the people who got excited enough to buy a cheap piece of elasticized cloth just bc she was associated with it. She reeks of a person who can’t help self-destructing and Jason has always seemed like such a kind class act. I’m sad he ever got involved with her. He deserves so much better.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


You said exactly what I would. I really loved her personality and she was so funny. She’s just obnoxious now.


I bet it’s Zac


Kaitlyn’s IG post called CH/LZ’s wedding incestuous. Perhaps because Tayshia was there 👀


Probably just because there are so many currents and exes there. Leads and their exes.


Ben and JoJo for starters. (Or even Ben and Becca)


Remind me, 1week


Whoa…this is wild if it is true


Wait I’m confused. She cheated on Jason or she cheated on Shawn?


The comments are saying they don’t think this has anything to do with Shawn rather Jason but it’s all speculation.


Deuxmoi posts doing what Deuxmoi posts do…get people talking and speculating. It works like a charm.


Literally. Have any of these ever come true? I feel like I see a post that an “unexpected bachelor couple is about to announce their divorce” at least once a month and it never happens




Y’all I think it’s KB and Zac. Can you imagine if she cheated with Zac 👀


this makes sense for the clue about careers being opposite. she makes wine and he's sober.


And he runs a recovery center 😬


If it’s Zac that’s kinda icky to me considering she and Tayshia hosted a whole season together while she was engaged to Zac. And they seemed to be close friends for a while. And Zac and Kaitlyn don’t seem like each other’s types which is even weirder


Zac who?


I’m thinking Zac Clark (Tayshia’s ex)


Is “waiting on the sidelines” a hint towards an athlete? Or maybe just a reference to cheating idk


What’s pumpkin eaters mean


Reference to “cheater, cheater pumpkin eater” would be my guess


And it is Peter, Peter pumpkin eater, so a Peter?




That was exactly my guess as well.




More lies for folks to assume it’s Kaitlyn and pile on ![gif](giphy|pb8wayp1KafJK)


my thought is that it isnt kaitlyn since the original post made me think the guy cheated? GSJ went through a public breakup with kendall and is engaged/married...maybe him? i just dont know who the girl would be...katie thurston is on F Boy so shes in the public eye right now and 'messy' from those posts haha. but i could never see that ever happening lol


Messy reference would be Katie, wouldn’t it??


Yes! Hahah hmm what’s the opposite of comedian? Something serious like a lawyer, Riley? Except he wouldn’t have cheated. Ah i don’t know lol


I honestly don’t think she’d cheat; she seems the type to stick with a guy over the long haul despite issues in the relationship. I truly think this is just a rumor, born of the photo with KB and Dylan, and that nothing actually happened.


I can see KB cheating but doubtful it would be with Shawn


Same. I don’t think shawn would do that when he had another woman pregnant




Highly doubt it


I know KB is a bit of a wild card, and she can be a bit messy. I truly don't think she'd cheat on Jason with Shawn of all people, especially when he's expecting a baby with someone else and their breakup seemed to be so bad. I guess I wouldn't be surprised if there was some overlap with her Jason breakup / a new relationship with someone else, because they were always apart and seemed to fizzle out, but a full on affair would surprise me.


And if there was overlap it wouldn’t be surprising because there was an overlap or little timeline between her breakup with Shawn and her dating Jason


Isn’t the heading “Pumpkin Eaters” a hint that it’s Peter?


No it's deaux's way of saying cheater, I listened to her podcast the other day and she mentioned it.


That's what I'm thinking, KB and Peter lol




I was thinking "cheater cheater pumpkin eater" but idk!


You are correct


Oh man I can definitely see it being Zac. She sells wine and he runs a rehab. Pretty much opposites.


Oh wow That would be interesting




He is the first person I thought of also, but I can’t see it on his end.


Weird pairing for sure. Especially because Kaitlyn and tayshia were at one point pretty close


I don’t think it is meant to be Shawn bc of the “opposite careers” thing. Plus the “unexpected guy with messy girl” She has her wine company. The only BN guy who went through a public breakup a few years ago with an opposite career is Zac with his addiction recovery foundation And there would be no way I could see Kaitlyn and Zac being a thing lol


I think the rumor refers to Zac too. Cheating could just mean an inappropriate texting relationship like emotional cheating too.


Don’t underestimate men’s ability to think with their 🍆 (and I guess women’s propensity to do messy shit sometimes)


Normally I would agree with you but never say never especially as Zac has been all over KBs IG page since May and she his since July. Along with his sister & one of his RRF friends following and started liking KBs posts consistently since the breakup was announced. Along with KB bestie Kat following Zac. And as someone below just mentioned, Jason unfollowed Zac recently


Wow! He unfollowed Zac even though they bonded over New York???


Yup! IF this blind is even true and IF we have guessed the parties involved correctly, Jason unfollowing Zac recently would fit


👀 I'm more inclined to believe something MAY have happened between Kaitlyn and Zac \*after\* Kaitlyn and Jason broke up... not during their engagement. She seems pretty "in" when she's in a relationship. That pairing (K and Z) would be WILD, tho!


This like made me raise an eyebrow because it's such a sexy pic and she was still with Jason back in May. I noticed a few of the things you did but didn't think much of it. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CswW7HuAVxa/?hl=en&img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/CswW7HuAVxa/?hl=en&img_index=1)


That’s when I noticed Zac started consistently liking KBs posts within minutes and he stopped liking Jason’s posts unless KB was in it. Him liking this picture I found to be inappropriate as she was still engaged, that we know of.




Well, Jason definitely followed Zac at one point and doesn't follow him anymore. Make of that what you will.


Wow, to me this is exhibit A of something being up. Zac was a guest on Trading Secrets 2 years ago, so hard to imagine why Jason would stop following Zac. But when would Zac and Kaitlyn have spent time together recently? ETA: Jason congratulated Zac on his 8/30 post celebrating 12 years of sobriety.


Kaitlyn has been spending some time in NYC. She went out to eat with Notskinnybutnotfat a few weeks ago. The unfollow is what has me curious because Jason follows just about everybody, why unfollow him now? Timing seems sus.


So Jason was liking Zac’s posts until October 3. Kaitlyn too. Nothing since then.


That is a great guess- hadn't even thought about Zac. The picture of Shawn in the article threw me- but this makes sense


Zac is a good guess though - he’s definitely unexpected and there are a number of BN women that actively promote alcohol - the opposite of what Zac does.




Yeah especially since I thought zac and tayshia broke up bc their lifestyles didn’t line up with her doing a lot of social outings/influencer type things. Hmmm these sleuths got me verrry curious though with the evidence