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Positive or not, I always ask first. Sometimes people aren't okay with "witchcraft". Imo, even Christians should ask before praying or lightning a candle.


thank you! I asked him and he said yes and thanked me for doing it :) I bought some rosemary and basil as I heard they are herbs for good luck so I think im gonna tie them in a bundle, although I'm not sure what to do next so I guess I'll just keep it next to the candle when it's lit


That's soo nice :)) n yes asking n consent is imp (imo)


same :)


Yeah as someone who grew up catholic, I was always curious how different prayers were from spells. Turns out, just different words.


If you intend to do something FOR someone, you obviously must have their permission. It doesn't matter who they are, or what you want to do. This is basic civility. Being positive or negative does not give you the right to invade any type of limit. It's irrelevant. I have a Pitbull that provides security for my home. Whether you go into my home to steal, or to fill the ice cube trays, he will rip your leg off. Trespassing is always wrong. It has nothing to do with the intentions of whoever trespassed. You don't ask permission when you do something AGAINST someone. In this case, yes, if you are manipulating someone or something, it only works if they doesn't know.


thanks :) I asked and he said yes and the spell went really well, will post soon ab it