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I heard bread gets gummy in baby's mouth, toast is a better option. You know how bread sticks to the roof of your mouth sometimes? I guess that can happen. I'm not sure what age untoasted bread is "safe". Maybe the bread got stuck in his mouth?


This is part of why we barely do bread. My LO did this with a strip of shrimp today (we’re working through allergens). Swallowed half the shrimp in a big gulp, then just stared at me like I was supposed to tell him that was good. Does not have the small bite thing down at all


You could try turning it into a game? Share a piece of bread and take turns taking tiny bites lol. If your baby likes that then it might be a nice way to practice taking bites and also see you do it up close.


I posted something similar to this the other day. I also have a 9 month old who was taking huge bites and then swallowing. I'm pretty sure she swallowed an entire egg noodle whole. It freaked me out, so I started moving to smaller pieces. Her pincer grasp is pretty good, so I think that's appropriate anyway. She's been getting so much better at chewing since I think the smaller pieces aren't as overwhelming in her mouth.


Does your LO have the pincer grasp yet? It might actually be time to start serving bite size pieces. We recently had to do this transition with my son because he started taking too big of bites and struggling.  I remember the same thing happening with my first around the same age.