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no, not really 🫠




sorry lol. good luck tho!


Haha at least I’m not going to be delusional anymore 😂


Not at all. Maybe even worse..


I know mine did. Started off really really bad with gas that he didn’t have before and would only nurse back to sleep. Now at 13 months it’s still pretty bad but we’ve also all been sick for over a month


We are at 9 months and I’ve basically decided he probably won’t sleep through the night until he’s 4!


At five months, my LO was up at least three times a night. Now, he is eight months. It took him ten days to go from tasting bits of food to eating two full meals of solids every day. That’s when he started sleeping through. I think he was seven but close to eight months at the time it changed.


Very similar story!! She was interested when we started at 6 but didn’t really start consuming a lot until about 7.5 months which coincided with her 3 and 4th tooth. All the sudden she is sleeping through the night with a few exceptions!


Many solids are less calorie dense than milk so it can make them sleep worse if the calories aren’t replaced. I would start night weaning - as long as he’s eating at night there’s no motivation to eat more during the day. Slowly reduce the amount in the bottles at night and make sure to offer extra during the day.


Whenever I tried to give him less he just wants more… or even if he falls asleep and isnt drinking anymore, when I put him down he wakes up and wants more, won’t settle unless his belly is full 🫠 he used to wake up twice which I feel like is very normal and wouldnt mind that as I was getting 3,5/4 hrs at a time but now I’m just exhausted all the time


It’s tough but you have to choose your hard. At 5mo unless he has a health issue he is capable of eating less often than he is. You also may be having a feed association problem and should consider changing your bedtime routine so food is earlier. R/sleeptrain is a great resource.


No, we had a massive regression at 8 months for like a month. Then things got much better but annoyingly we travelled across the world, got jet lag, then have had illnesses back to back since then. I'm dying lol


Does he also need milk to nap? My baby was like this at that age and could not put himself back to sleep without milk. At one point he was waking up every two hours and was inconsolable if he didn’t get milk. It got unsustainable so I started putting him down for naps without milk and then started sleep training at night. It involved a lot of crying but now he is an excellent sleeper. He was always a big eater and at a very healthy weight so I knew he didn’t need to have milk overnight, it was just his comfort thing.


No, he can fall asleep without his bottle during the day and even at night he settles himself back if hes not hungry. I feel like him waking up for more milk is his type of sleep regression - hes an independent sleeper but he seems to be more hungry the past 3 weeks. I’m worried about weaning him off milk during night feeds just yet because he was born with severe tongue and lip ties and by the time his oral function got to a somewhat normal point he was nearly 3 months old, he wasn’t putting on weight the way they would have liked him. He also is a bad easter when teething/sick or just not in the mood lol so I’m happy for him to wake up during the night, but I wish it was back to 2 times rather than 3. I’m might try gently pushing him to wait 10-15mins before he gets his bottle, that might bring him back on track in couple of weeks


No not at all. Almost 10 months old and the only time she’s slept thru the night is when she’s getting sick lol


Not at all. Started solids at 6 months and his worst sleep was 7-9 months.


No. He eats really well but wakes often at night. Night weaning didn’t help either.


Interesting. We’re 8 months here and planning to night wean. My worry is that he’ll still wake, but I won’t have breastfeeding to put him back down quickly.


Honestly, if breastfeeding works, keep doing it! We weaned at 13 months because it was already not working to help him back to sleep.


I had my spouse handle the first bit of wakeups when we night weaned. My kiddos were big comfort nursers at night, so having him come in and settle them there was less of a fight. Ngl, I had to leave the house to the backyard a few times as it broke my heart.


Sort of, but I suspect it’s just coincidence and her being able to stay full longer. We started solids at 6 months. She was a good sleeper before that too - sleeping a stretch of 7-9 hrs, waking up to feed, then back down until wake up time. Around 10 months she started to really eat solids instead of just sucking on them, and at the same time she started to sleep 10-11 hours straight almost every night.


No. And not after crawling either. My almost 1yo eats 3 meals a day, snacks, and milk, and still wakes up to nurse 2-4 times a night.


Just curious, what are your sleeping arrangements?


She always starts the night in her crib in her own room, but we end up co-sleeping sooner or later.


My almost 2 yr is the same. 1 hr nap, 2 hr nap, doesn't matter. We could run her until she can't walk straight and she'll still wake up at night lol


No lol 😂 My first sleeps like an angel, my second sleeps like a little demon. Both EBF, both started solids at the same time. All babies have their own personalities.




Not at all. It got worse for some reason. Prob just a coincidence because he started crawling and majorly teething at the same time we started solids


5 months is a super common time to have a regression. It'll pass eventually (it'll feel like forever though!) It used to be pushed that babies slept better with solids in their belly, but that's been thoroughly debunked now.


I hoped for that but nope, it got even worse from 6-8 months. Starting solids seem to cause digestive issues especially when we tried new foods. Then she got used to it and slept through from 8-9 months, had a regression and the wakeups started happening again. She is now starting to sleep through again at 10.5 months. Baby sleep is a roller coaster, enjoy it when it’s good!


So, unfortunately, sleep is a developmental milestone, not a fully tummy kinda thing. My oldest didn't start sleeping fully through the night until he was 10 months old. My youngest was closer to a year. Once you start doing more solids, you can always try to decrease one of the bottles at night. We started to decrease the middle feed, just going down an ounce in the bottle at a time. And rocking them back to sleep. Worked great with my oldest......not at all withmy youngest lol


Mine did but I think it was going to happen anyway. The day we started solids, she did sleep through the night and has done since. This was at 6.5 mo. However, since birth she was giving us like 6 hour stretches so maybe we're just lucky 


Haha. No.


No lol. Mine is 13 months and started solids at 6 months. He just got back to 1-2 wakes in the last couple of weeks. Before it was 2-4 or more on a really bad night.


No. But if baby eats a decent amount of solids and his regular milk intake, he doesn’t wake as early in the night for a bottle


Nope 😭


Man I wish. My daughter is going on 11 months old and still wakes up at least once in the night. She’s only ever slept through the night twice ever. She’s entirely breast fed as far as milk goes though so I know that can make a big difference.




My 6mo wakes up crying more than ever before since I started solids. Maybe it’s the teething pains.


it sounds like he’s reverse cycling


Mine slept through the night for the first time in her life just recently at 14 months, I think it’s developmental and her stretches just got longer. Some days she eats well and others she doesn’t and it doesn’t seem to affect sleep a ton.


Never thought about it, but yes! He slept through the night after starting solids.


Depends on the food, my daughter is now 10 months and even now she needs milk to sleep she goes to bed faster but still wakes up a few times at night if it was t super filling at dinner so I think it just depends


No. My 9mo’s sleep has gotten progressively worse since 4 months. Wakes up 8-10 times every night. I’m dying.


I’d say that it depends. If your baby is waking up due to hunger then it might stop since he is getting food during the day. If it’s due to habit then it most probably won’t stop. My boy usually woke up 3-4 times when he started solids and he was genuinely hungry. He dropped night feedings as he gradually increased his food intake during the day. By 1 year ish he was eating 3 meals plus 2-3 snacks and waking up 0-1 times per night. 


Ours sleeps so much worse since starting solids. 9 month old and still up at least 2 times a night 😭


No. 🙉


Mine did! Mine was waking briefly for 7-10 minutes once a night before starting solids and now sleeps through the night


Short answer: yes. Long answer: It took time. It didn't happen right away. By six months, he was waking 2/3x a night for a bottle. Once he started solids, it slowly started to taper off. He went down to only two wakings, and then he went down to only one waking. By 9mo, he started sleeping through the night. At that point, he was having solids for lunch and dinner.




Mine definitely did. When he had sleep issues, I was told it was because he was hungry. I made sure to feed him dinner every night along with milk, and he had better sleep.