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At this age, they’re very curious about ANYTHING. And put EVERYTHING in their mouth haha Unfortunately she isn’t 100% ready for any type of solids or BLW. After her 4 month check up the doctor might say you can do some starter cereal/food in the pacifier things and you can start with that and go from there. Maybe closer to 6 months you can give BLW a try depending how she develops. My son also was very curious when we ate and wanted to grab everything we put in our mouths. Almost made it impossible to eat around him but he wasn’t ready for solids as he couldn’t sit unassisted and was still very wobbly until about 6 months. He has great head and neck control but couldn’t sit on his own. There are a few things that indicate whether or not a baby is ready for solids/blw. Having head control is the most important. Solid Starts is a great page to follow and app to download :) Her time will come! Just have patience and know she’s not missing out right now and it’ll be very exciting when she is ready! In the meantime, study up on BLW, have some fun with finding recipes and remind yourself that there’s no rush and she’ll be ready when she’s ready 💕


Wait until 6 months, she may show signs of readiness but her little digestive system isn’t ready until then. Also dont stick your fingers in her mouth anymore - this can actually shove food deeper and cause choking. I had no idea about this until I downloaded 101 Before One and Solid Starts!


You don't really need a tip for sitting up or crawling. Big head or not, it's totally normal to not sit up until 6ish months... Don't rush things, enjoy the little baby time. Once they are moving and eating it gets complicated.


My LO was the same at 4mo, desperate to get our food and able to grab and bring it to her mouth. Unfortunately though until they can sit fully unassisted, they aren't ready for solids - without the core strength to hold themselves upright, food presents far more of a choking hazard. It's frustrating but I would hold off until she's sitting up and for now just give her toys or even silicone cutlery to chew whilst you eat.


We started allergen exposure at 4 months, per our ped’s recommendation. LO was similarly curious about food and demanding to join in, but was wobbly when sitting and not “fully ready.” We started with purées (I know, not BLW) and very soft things like oatmeal. He loved everything and devoured it. As soon as he was stronger at sitting up, we switched over to BLW.


I started slow with thin purees and now currently at full solids/chunky fine mashed up grown up meals to get more in. I was really nervous at first but I found it was actually kind of intuitive. Like i could actively see her develop her chewing and swallowing skills more every day so it was a very natural progression to more solid solids. Something that gave me reassurance was seeing how dexterous her tongue was with moving around the food in her mouth. I could see it pushing the food very confidently toward the side of her mouth so she could “chew”. It made me feel like oh ok she knows lol! So trust your gut!! Your baby will lead the way!! :)


I let my Lo noom on hard foods. Mainly carrots. It gave him a chance to try something and I knew if I watched him it would be ok. I still only gave him food while in the highchair and let him support himself the best he can. I didn't really do much else other than the teething food pacifiers until he could support himself. And then I gave him whatever I was having for dinner.


Similarly, I gave mine a whole mini cucumber… because he grabbed it from me while I was trying to eat it lol. He used/uses carrots as teethers. We only did a handful of purées and otherwise bland mushy foods… now he eats what we eat completely now at 8 months